This Week in Mormons show

This Week in Mormons

Summary: This Week in Mormons is the leading podcast on Latter-day Saintnews and issues, peppered with a bit of absurdist comedy and snappy wit! Join our host and editor-in-chief, Geoff Openshaw, as he partners with engaging Latter-day Saint co-hosts from around the world to bring you the best in Latter-day Saint news and commentary. Follow the blog at Episodes typically published mid-week.

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 Episode #351 – The Mormon Mafia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:10

Former Relief Society General President Julie B. Beck offers a prayer at a Trump-Pence rally in Utah, and many across the interwebs are dismayed. But is this anything to be dismayed over? Is there too much intermingling with even former Church callings and religion? Or is it really just because this is about Trump? We have answers. Speaking of politics, all-around unpleasant ogre Lou Dobbs sent a Twitter tirade over to Evan McMullin, saying he was a product of the "Mormon Mafia." The Twittersphere responded in kind, and the results were wonderful. Also in politics, Elder D. Todd Christofferson messed up and donated to a friend's campaign for a local school board. General Authorities have been banned from making political contributions since 2011. Elder Christofferson owned up to the mistake and we can all move on. OR CAN WE? Lastly, LDS Daily wants to help you learn how to vote. Their five-step process will turn you into the most amazing, informed person ever. BYU formally adopts changes to its Title IX and Honor Code process, removing the former from association with the latter, and granting victims of sexual assault amnesty as far as perceived Honor Code violations go. This is huge news for BYU. The Church rebrands its stillborn "" website into "Mormon and Gay," a subdomain much more clearly part of, including interviews with gay Latter-day Saints. There's some terrific stuff here. And in assorted news: General Authorities and Officers release videos affirming their love for everyone; you can visit a swanky FamilySearch center in Layton; Jon Schmidt's daughter remains missing; the Church dubs a website an "online art exhibit; and more!

 Episode #350 – I Want it That Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:10

Jana Riess chimes in about the Church's purported failings when accommodating disabled persons, but especially in light of a friend's visit to a temple open house. Unfortunately, it seems to be a one-sided attempt at click bait more than anything. What are we to make of the Church's recent letter encouraging members to vote down initiatives on physician-assisted suicide and recreational marijuana? Is this a step too far? Is this past the "moral" test? Some are calling for the Church to lose its tax-exempt status for being so overtly involved in such things. There's some great discussion to be had here. In (very) quick political news, Mormon candidate Evan McMullin has now tied Donald J. Trump in Utah, according to a new poll. Utah was also dubbed a battleground state by CNN, something that doesn't happen very often. Remember when the Church was involved in continuing the so-called "Zion Curtain" in Utah? The "curtain" is the barrier between where alcohol resides and where patrons eat in a restaurant, intended to remove booze from view. Well in a new theater, there is now a "Zion Ceiling" to prevent folks above a lobby from seeing down into the nefarious world of liquor. In other news: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir announces its Christmas concert guest; the Fort Collins Colorado Temple is dedicated; the Mount Timpanogos Temple celebrates 20 years in operation with no fanfare whatsoever; BYU is set to raise tuition—again; the Mormon Channel hops on the Ted Talks bandwagon many years too late with "Hope Works"; the Church donates to Utah State University's Mormon studies program.

 Episode #349 – ANGRY POLITICS!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:47

Welp, it's been an interesting week on the politics front, and relevant to you, our Mormon audience, because of the Mormon fallout from Donald Trump's latest comments. Plus, Evan McMullin is now surging in the polls. Even Glenn Beck has sort of endorsed Hillary! Everything is topsy-turvy! While we're at it, you might see some LDS political memes featuring the "words" of prophets. Many of them are not true. Do your due diligence. Should apostles retire? Following a General Conference in which an aged President Monson barely spoke, as well as what some perceived as backwards remarks by members of the Twelve in the so-called "Mormon Leaks" videos, some (as in, Salt Lake Tribune writers) wonder whether we should allow emeritus status for the Twelve. What do you think? Interested in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Christmas concert? Tickets will no longer be as lottery! First come, first served. Get in there! KSL has a recap of what's happened since the Church's call to aid refugees six months ago. In wonderful, settling news, BYU is now back up to 2012 enrollment levels. In related news, the number of missionaries is down from its 2014 peak. There appears to be an inverse relationship here. Other news: President Uchtdorf does his own Facebook! The Hartford Connecticut Temple open house is underway! BYU police might be passing off police records to the Honor Code office! And so much more!

 Episode #348 – General Conference: Unboxed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:00

General Conference has come and gone, but we're not done with it. So per tradition, we set most of the weekly news aside and focus on the good news! We will dissect every General Conference talk and go over our insights and feelings. We love doing this show every six months and hope you'll spend some time with us. Also, you might have seen some "Mormon Leaks" videos. We have a few thoughts on those, too.

 Episode #347 – First Floor and Done | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:10

It's our pre-General Conference show! We have a recap of the Women's Session from last weekend and some thoughts on what we'll see this coming weekend. Also, temple announcement predictions. Please join us on Facebook and Twitter this coming weekend as we enjoy #ldsconf together. In other news, Mormons for Hillary is a bonafide thing now, and it has even roped in a few Republicans. We'll try not to dwell too long on the political, but since we recorded this post-debate, it's been on our mind. A blogger at By Common Consent argues that you actually want the Church to be a corporation, as many deride the "corporate" nature of the modern, correlated Church. Is a new Church-built office building in downtown Salt Lake City "sacred ground," according to Bishop Causse? Elder Holland formally denounces female genital mutilation, marking the first time a lifer General Authority has done so. Also, rapping missionaries. See the video below. Links: * Mormons for Hillary formalized * Elder Holland denounces female circumcision * You really do want a corporate church * New SLC building is sacred ground?

 Episode #346 – Don’t Go to Transnistria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:41

Peggy Fletcher Stack thinks future Mormon temples will have condominium towers built next to them because of the Philadelphia project. Is she correct? Current temple construction says no. What do you think? Odd couple John Dehlin and Patrick Mason start a Patheos blog wherein they shall debate the true tenets of Churchiness! Is this a good idea? Elder Bednar wanted some help writing a song. Paul Cardall answered the call. You won't believe what happens next! The Church releases a volume of the Joseph Smith Papers containing minutes from the mysterious rogue organization the Council of 50. Little is known of this secret society, and now we will expose it for what it truly is! (Dramatic, no?) Do you think you'll never leave the Church? Think again, says one blogger. You just might. We're all frail and mortal. Lots of other random news: Philadelphia Temple dedication; Cedar City Temple gets its Moroni; President Uchtdorf visits refugee camps and commend Europe for Europeness; David Archuleta volunteers to help Louisiana flood victims; Elder Rasband becomes the first apostle to visit Southern Virginia University; and more drama out of Timpview High School! Show links: * Will we see more temple/condo projects? * Council of 50 notes * Dehlin and Mason, LLC * Elder Bednar is a hit songwriter * Three Payson boys arrested for church vandalism spree, including the throwing of candy * Cedar City gets its Moroni * For some reason Dieter F. Uchtdorf loves Europe * You could leave the Church * David Archuleta is helpful * Elder Rasband visits SVU * More Timpview High School drama

 Episode #345 – The Last Descent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:52

Join us this week as we sit down with Redge Flake and Bryan Fugal of the upcoming film, The Last Descent, the tale of John Jones, who died in the fabled Nutty Putty caves. In other news, Elder Holland thinks we should be far more outraged over the treatment of refugees, specifically citing sexual violence against women. In a related move, a huge tranche of the Church's recent donations to refugee resettlement efforts air reserved specifically for the resettlement of refugees in the United States. Hey, the Church joined Snapchat! Woo hoo! In a new Pew study, less than 50% of Mormons now self-identify as Republicans. That's a huge drop from 2012. Why? Timpview High School almost bans cheerleader uniforms because of a complaint about modesty. *sigh* A YSA bishop takes a unique approach (that seems sensical) to helping doubters in his congregation. The key is not to be a moron, it turns out. Links: * Elder Holland wants us to be mad * $1.2 million dedicated to bring refugees to the US * Church joins Snapchat * Mormons ain't Republicans no more * Timpview High School and modesty * A YSA bishop's approach to those who don't "know" * Sitting in the space of not knowing * The Holy War is pointless * Zarahemla Times has some competition!

 Episode #344 – Nobody Likes an Ogler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:34

Elizabeth Smart directly challenges the way many members unfortunately talk about virtue (chewed gum, nails in fences, etc. etc.) We have a lively discussion about this and discuss areas for improvement. What would happen if we got rid of "compelled service" callings like home and visiting teaching? Would Church structure fall apart? Would we rise to the challenge and simply serve because we love? Do we need programs like this and if so, how can we make them work better? The Evan McMullin campaign hits an embarrassing snag in that a mysterious "Nathan" is Evan's pick for VP, even though he doesn't exist. It's more funny than troubling, but still funny. As we foresaw, this week the Church reassigned missionaries originally slated to serve in Russia thanks to Russia's controversial anti-terrorism law that curbs religious freedom. Do you know how to spot Mormons at Disneyland? LDS Living thinks they do, but Geoff knows the real tricks. Also, Moroni comes down from the Washington DC Temple for the first time, the Church donates $2 million more to refugee aid, President Uchtdorf rededicates the Freiberg Germany Temple, and Church email addresses for leadership are getting simplified. Notes: * Evan McMullin goofs on veepstakes per Politico, then McMullin responds to Politico * Church starts reassigning missionaries originally bound for Russia * Louisiana's governor loves Mormons! * Moroni comes crashing down * Church donates $2 million more for refugees * Elizabeth Smart challenges purity doctrine * What if we got rid of compelled service programs? * How to spot Mormons at Disneyland * The Freiberg Temple comes alive thanks to Dieter * Fixing LDS mail for leaders

 Episode #343 – French Kissing Is Baroque | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:44

Geoff returns! Thanks for your well wishes during recovery. It's good to be back. Should we be OK with the idea of "cultural Mormons"? Obviously, we need to accept and love everyone, but beyond that, is this a thing? Do we just live and let live without expecting anything of anyone? There's a great piece in The Atlantic about navigating Mormonism as a black woman. It's definitely worth your time and consideration. Should a Mormon-owned business be comfortable asking the ward for help when understaffed or facing economic trouble or is that a bridge too far? Great job, BYU! In celebration of the 19th straight year being named the most Stone Cold Sober university by Princeton Review, the Creamery is selling commemorative chocolate milk. Get yours today! Other stuff is in the links below. Enjoy! * Paraglider dies after crashing into Draper church building, and we laugh. We're jerks. * Trump's campaign CEO once mocked Mitt Romney's sons' missionary service, per McKay Coppins * Mormon Helping Hands gets busy in Louisiana * Attending church by phone in rural Alaska * Church announces 2017 schedule * Old LDSBC building renamed for President Monson * Missionaries gravely injured in Sierra Leone car accident * Mormons in Italy safe after Italian quake * Two more missionaries deported from Russia * Reopening of Idaho Falls Temple significantly delayed * Bishop tips for a funeral * Being an essentialism bishop * Should you get up early?

 Episode #342 – Hans Shot Last | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:38

Political science professor Hans Hassell of Cornell College sits down with us to continue our discussion on the wild and wonderful 2016 election system, how it relates to the Mormon perspective, and how on earth we are sitting in a world with Donald Trump as a viable presidential contender. Our recent guest Evan McMullin has been in the election for a few weeks, and a new poll was released last week showing him in fourth place in Utah, which is not first. Surprisingly, Trump remains well ahead in Utah despite all of the press coverage about a paucity of LDS support for Mr. Winner. Also, the Church is building a web page to help members learn how to discuss and defend religious freedom. This is the order of the day, folks! If you want a website about how to improve yourself as an individual and a leader, we recommend LeadingLDS, which is not done by the Church, but whoop dee do. Why are Mormons susceptible to get-rich-quick schemes? This is an issue that top Church leaders are aware of, and Elder Dallin H. Oaks speaks about the reasons behind it and offers some tips on how to avoid getting sucked in. Did you see the whole mess with former congressman and perennial mormon Tom Tancredo publishing a piece about how much Mormons are failing by not supporting Trump and how "Mormon leaders" are suppressing democracy? Even the Deseret News weighed in with a scathing editorial. Links: * Church develops religious freedom education page * So far, Evan McMullin is not winning Utah * Taysom Hill to start for BYU. WOO HOO! * Elder Oaks on get-rich-quick schemes * Tom Tancredo is an idiot; Deseret news says so, too * BYU (and 200 other schools) formally under investigation for how it handles sexual assault cases * More opposition to those Vermont utopia development plans, even the Church itself isn't into it  

 Episode #341 – Swipe Right for Evan McMullin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:25

Recently announced independent US presidential candidate Evan McMullin is with us to talk about his campaign, opposition to Donald Trump, experience in Congress, potentially marrying while in office, and being a Mormon through all of it. Plus, we shame him for his film preferences. Evan is a great sport and it was fun having him sit down with us for a few. And that's it, kids. No other news. This IS the news! Happy week!

 Episode #340 – Kingmakers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:51

Sorry for the late show this week. We've had reasons. And the next few weeks will be different. Listen in to find out more. Links below! * Evan McMullin is everything! * Hillary writes op-ed for Deseret News! * What about "yeah, but" discipleship?! * LGBT activities call for Big 12 to bar BYU! * A stake uses a contract for RMs to keep them on the straight and narrow, then stops! * Rio cab driver hands out copies of the Book of Mormon to passengers! * Jamesthemormon and David Archuleta make an anthem! * Why do Mormons love Pinterest?! * Taiwan gets a new Mormon Newsroom! * Church meetings are held every day in Hong Kong! * Olympians who became Mormons! * Find your mate in Scandinavia!

 Episode #339 – Unreliable Narrators | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:46

Big stories this week! Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson walks back remarks about Mormons allegedly wanting to use religious freedom as justification to shoot people. What he really meant was everyone else wanted to shoot Mormons. Who knows. Just don't vote for Trump. Utah's Planned Parenthood chapter backs off on its ill-devised plan to distribute "CTR" condoms. Oh yes! And they were going to be free at Sunstone. The real question is whether a certain former Ordain Women figurehead was behind the whole thing. As science evolves and the possibility of being able to "customize" our genes inches closer, should the Church have a stance on such things? Should we allow ourselves to be genetically modified or do we need to be "as God made us"? A Huffington Post writer tells her tale of rape, unwanted pregnancy, and the lack of support the Church reportedly gave her. It's sad stuff. Folks, be there for people who endure hardship and remember how much those negative experiences can snowball with other doubts into leaving the Church. Many of you are likely on or recently had the gospel doctrine lesson about Korihor. How do we reconcile Alma 30's disparate parts? Mormon goes way out of his way to talk about religious freedom among the Nephites, but Korihor is then bound and tried for expressing his religious views. Let's get into it. A study by a presenter at Sunstone talks about trends among doubters in the Church. The survey methodology isn't perfect, but the results are very interesting. Also, Al gets drunk. There are lots of other little snippets of brilliance this week, so check out the show links below and come commingle with us. Links: * Planned Parenthood chooses the wrong * Do we need a stance on genetically modified people? * The Church told her to repent after getting raped? * Gary Johnson has a bad week with Mormons * Korihor, religious freedom, and Mormon as an unreliable narrator * The Mormonberg defense * Findings about doubters * Provo baker wins Cupcake Wars * Could Utah go for Hillary? * Volunteers (missionaries) pulled from Turkey * Analyzing the architecture of the Philadelphia Temple * Bio on Darius Gray *

 Episode #338 – Smugly Taking the High Road | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:40

In the wake of the Republican National Convention and at the start of the Democratic National Convention, it's time for TWiM's political roundup, including LDS Democrats formally endorsing Hillary Clinton before the Wasserman Schultz fiasco, a Mormon praying to open one of the sessions of the convention even though the RNC got the Church's name wrong, Jeff Flake continues to be a voice of sanity in an insane world, and the Boston Globe apologizes to Mitt. Do pioneer trek reenactments get it wrong? Should we even do them? Did you know the Church has full-blown guidelines for them and even discourages certain activities, like organizing "raids" and sending the men off to join the Mormon Battalion even though that event happened ten years before the handcart pioneers took to the plains? There's some interesting stuff here. A developer intends to built Joseph Smith's utopia—complete with robots—even though locals don't seem to want it. Bloomberg has the entire story covered in the most over-described article we've read in years. This thing is a couple of paragraphs short of discussing the specific tone of a man's arm hair. It turns out the town around the Church's priesthood restoration and Book of Mormon translation site has not benefited much from tourism dollars. These people want buzz on par with what Palmyra gets, but they won't even buy one more fry cooker. Get it together, Pennsylvania. Other stuff: President Monson subpoenaed over Native American sex abuse case; President Uchtdorf visits refugees, pledges aid; noted biographer Frances Gibbons passes away; and the Church talks about Pokemon Go without ever naming it. Links: * LDS Democrats endorse Hillary Clinton * Jeff Flake is sane * I'm sorry, Mitt * Vermont's Mormon utopia * Francis Gibbons dies * Church discussed Pokemon Go * Pioneer Treks are goofy * Susquehanna history sites are not yielding a tourist boom * Monson subpoenaed

 Episode #337 – The Trailer of the Sea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:36

Should we incorporate applause into our church meetings, particularly after a musical number? There are surprisingly divided opinions on this. Let us take a journey down the rabbit hole. We have in-depth information on what being a missionary (or "volunteer") now means in Putin's Russia. Crazy stuff. Per usual nowadays, there's something of a TWiM political roundup, with Orrin Hatch threatening fellow Utah legislators, polls showing Utahns don't want Mormon leaders to endorse candidates, and an open letter to Trump about how Mormons' views on Islam have been shaped by our history. In a survey of questionable methodology, "researchers" find that Mormons are overwhelmingly uncomfortable with eternal polygamy. While the survey itself is iffy, this is an interesting subject that we don't often spend much time on. Should returned missionaries get discounts and perks when it comes to college options? And in lots of random news: Bryce Harper is engaged again, and to the same girl; Moroni tops the Meridian Idaho Temple; Mormons are not God's only children; fast for Turkey; Chicago gets a fancy, new meetinghouse; refugees have a float in the Days of '47 parade; a Mormon family lives on a boat; and Berliners love MoTab! Links: * Details on missionaries in Russia * Applause at Church! * Utahns don't want Mormon leaders to endorse politicians * Mormon women fear polygamy * Trump needs to Church history * Hatch tells UT delegation to get behind Trump * AdWeek covers Utah startup scene, Al disagrees * Fry sauce in Utah is everything * Refugees get Days of '47 float * Mormon family lives on a boat * Berlin loves MoTab * Elder Stevenson throws first pitch at Angels * Meridian Idaho Temple gets Moroni * Bryce Harper engaged * We aren't God's only people * Fast for Turkey *


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