Europe Calling show

Europe Calling

Summary: Award winning weekly podcast with Vince Tracy, Terry Whitehead and Neil Colbourne, Matt King, Mike Payne and Barbara Anne taking a weekly look at the news from Europe and the UK..

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 Boris Under the Cosh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Spain’s acting prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, trusts that the current political deadlock will be resolved without the need for a repeat general election. A Spanish dancer and choreographer died in the early hours of Sunday morning after being hit by an exploding flare during a live show in Las Berlanas, in Ávila province. Some mistakes may seem innocuous yet they can carry a high price. A young man from Spain on Tuesday involuntarily triggered a security alert at Munich airport after walking through the wrong door on his way to catch a Madrid flight, said federal police in Germany. Two planes from the Irish airline Ryanair were at risk of colliding during their respective flights close to Pamplona, northern Spain earlier this month. The ongoing battle between low-cost airline Ryanair and its staff is not just playing out around the negotiating table, but also on social networks via viral videos and photos. EL PAÍS spoke with public prosecutor Ana Villagómez about the shady underworld of the hashish trade in the south of Spain and what the justice system must do to stop itIt’s complicated. ... A: Very much so. It’s important to keep the organizations under siege to prevent them from having the capacity and the money to bribe an officer of the law. At the end of the day, I think these are isolated cases. In the UK .....David Gauke has claimed Boris Johnson wants to lose a crunch No Deal vote this week so the PM can launch a 'purge' of Tory Remainer rebels and turn the Conservatives into the Brexit Party ahead of a snap general election. Gavin Williamson has become the second Cabinet minister to suggest that the government will ignore any anti-No Deal law passed by MPs as he insisted sacking Tory rebels who side with Jeremy Corbyn on Brexit is the 'right decision'. Boris Johnson has vowed to withdraw the whip from any Conservative MP who tries to stop the UK leaving the EU on October 31. According to the minutes of the meeting, UK negotiators have been told that Ms Merkel’s remarks during the meeting that Mr Johnson had ‘30 days’ to sort out a new Brexit deal was ‘not fixed’.......... Drones targeting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria could be redeployed to the Gulf to help protect shipping from Iran. Navy chiefs have requested surveillance support to combat the threat from Iranian forces in the Strait of Hormuz. A woman raped by the 'Beast of Kavos', who preyed on holidaying British women, has spoken out in horror as the rapist is released45 years early and allowed to return to the holiday resort. ......, but has now been released back to the resort where he repeatedly pounced, just seven years later........ COMMENT-All female tourists should avoid the place as clearly there is a high chance you will become another victim. The world media has a responsibility to tell its female customers and the public of this man and keep telling it so the tourism numbers go down.

 Boris Leaps into Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Emmanuel Macronhas blasted 'extraordinarily rude' Brazil leader Jair Bolsonaro for insulting his wife and appearing to criticise her looks as their feud over the Amazon fires got personal today. It's quite unbelievable.“Barcelona has a problem and it can’t be covered up,” explains Josep Cid, coordinator of Criminology studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona(UAB). .......... A rucksack that had been perfectly adapted to the task and a strategically positioned cellphone were the tools that a 53-year-old Colombian man was using torecord images of the private parts of womenin Madrid, ............ The Vuelta a España cycling race continued on Sunday from Benidorm to Calpe with a 199.6km race that involved a lot of uphill racing. Colombian cyclist, Nairo Quintana, was part of a group of six cyclists that were racing towards the finish line in the last 10km ............. .Health chiefs are reviewing a service which gives transgender children drugs to pause puberty. The country’s top health organisation,NHS England, is investigating issues around hormone-blocking drugs prescribed to under-18s to ‘pause’ their adolescence and prevent changes to the body like breasts or facial hair.Children as young as 10 are being referred for hormone-blocking drugs, despite concerns they could cause emotional problems on the brain and body which are not yet known. .........unearthed almost 2,600 ancient coins that date back 1,000 years. Although the find is smaller than the famous Staffordshire Hoard, it is thought to be at least £1million more valuable. ......... Many of the coins are in mint condition and could be valued anywhere between £1,000 and £5,000 each. A social media-loving schoolgirl killed herself after spending hours in her bedroom trying to get likes on her posts.........

 Gran Canaria Suffering Fires | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The wildfire that broke out in Gran Canaria on Saturday has been “contained” but not suppressed, according to the regional leader of Spain’s Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres. Over 1,000 local residents have been evacuated and taken to shelters and municipal centers while emergency crews battle the blaze..........A 55-year-old man who had been working in the area with a welding machine has been arrested by the Civil Guard, who suspect that he accidentally started the fire in a property near Cruce de las Peñas. While many people may believe Spanish drivers are less disciplined behind the wheel than other European road users, this turns out to be just another urban myth. The reality is somewhat different – the Spanish it turns out are far from the worst drivers on the road, according to the annual survey carried out by the Spanish Royal Automobile Club (RACE) in collaboration with the Association of Drinks and Refreshments and with the support of Spain’s DGT traffic authority. …..... For eleven days now, the Spanish rescue vessel Open Arms has been waiting in international waters with over 100 migrants on board and nowhere to take them. Although the Italian island of Lampedusa is only 30 nautical miles away, the prospect of docking at the port is as distant as ever: Italy has refused the ship entry, as has Malta, and no other EU country has taken action. POLICE arrested a 19-year old Algerian for skippering an inflatable dinghy heading for the Spanish coast with 18 migrants on board. In the UK …......Philip Hammond has penned an explosive letter to Boris Johnson, signed by 20 of his Tory colleagues, in which he suggests the PM has 'set the bar so high that there is no realistic' chance of a new divorce agreement. ............................................................................................................................ The number of Britons in work has soared by more than a million since the Brexit vote – and women are leading the way. Despite Project Fear predictions of huge job losses......... meaning three in every four new workers was female. Longtime Europhile Michael Heseltine argued that the Prime Minister had no democratic mandate to take the UK out of the EU without a deal. insisted that for the government to go ahead with a No Deal Brexit would be the 'most grotesque act of national self harm committed in peacetime by a British government'. Boris Johnson said the criminal justice system must keep young people off 'the conveyor belt to crime' today as he unveiled a clampdown on serious criminals designed to keep them behind bars for longer. Downing Street's Brexit guru who has railed against the 'absurdit' of EU subsidies co-owns a farm which has received around £235,000 from the European Union, it has been revealed. Dominic Cummings, the Vote Leave campaign chief who is now Boris Johnson's chief adviser, owns the property in Durham with his parents and one other person. A bus driver has been suspended after refusing to drive a vehicle which celebrated gay pride. Passenger Rebecca Sears, 19, claimed a Konectbus driver at Norwich Bus Station insisted on swapping buses as the one he was in 'promoted homosexuality'.She said that the driver, who appeared to be in his 50s with grey hair, was referring to the vehicle's service number which featured the colours of the gay-pride rainbow flag........ The boss of the electricity network was given almost £500,000 to relocate just 96 miles to live in London. National Grid chief John Pettigrew, who was earning £4.6 million at the time, received the deal when he took over in 2016.

 Build a Bridge! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Spanish rescue ship Open Arms has called for a safe port to dock after rescuing more than 120 migrants at sea, including two children and nine-month-old twins. … months ago, the Spanish government banned the NGO Proactiva Open Arms from completing rescue missions in the central Mediterranean Sea, on the basis that the Open Armsship was not equipped to carry out long journeys. With the bitter taste of the Pamplona “wolfpack” case still in the air, fresh arrests have been made in a similar case in the town of Ertzaintza, Bilbao in Northern Spain. The Local Police of Ertzaintza arrested six men in connection with the multiple sexual assault of an 18-year-old girl in a municipal park of Etxebarria. THE viral video of a shop employee dumping a fridge over a ravine in the Los Filabres hills has landed the man with a court appearance and a possible prison sentence and hefty fine. The online video went viral last week of the man hurling A GERMAN tourist aged 19 was charged with attempting to drown a police officer in Palma de Mallorca. Police detained him after he was spotted at 5am in the morning, stealing items that other people had left at the water’s edge on the beach. A NEW series aired in the UK on Channel 5 has highlighted a change in the demographic that are frequenting Benidorm on holiday. The series followed older people that are shown drinking to excess and “growing old disgracefully”. In the UK.......The Conservatives are trying to get the Brexit Party to stand aside and let Them win ….........Farage et al say they have not delivered Brexit and don't trust them to do so after the antics of the Conservatives in Parliament............ A woman who claims she was conceived by child rape wants to use her own DNA to bring her father to justice in a 'victimless prosecution'. The complainant says mother was just 13 when a family friend raped in the 1970s. She said her birth is proof of a child rape and wants a DNA test carried out to use as evidence against her father. However, the police have said 'the law does not recognise her as a victim in these circumstances'. An 'aggressive' killer who murdered his pregnant daughter's husband is being hunted by police after escaping from a hospital's psychiatric ward. A building society boss has been jailed for stealing £180,000 and shamelessly raiding a dead customer's savings. Claire Free, 47, ordered her junior staff at Cardiff-based Principality Building Society to move funds into her personal account, claiming it was her bonus. A leading £13,650-a-year private school has been forced to pay a teacher £60,000 after he was forced to quit for reprimanding a pupil after she handed her work in late. Daniel Goodey had been pushed out of his job at the prestigious Dundee High when he refused to apologise to a girl who had been late handing in an assignment.

 Go Boris! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Spain’s second-largest bank, BBVA, has been placed under formal investigation by the country’s high court, the Audiencia Nacional, as part of a far-reaching spying probe known as the Villarejo case. The case is named after José Manuel Villarejo, a former police commissioner ............ Spain’s state railway company Renfe has canceled 1,152 train services (477 medium-distance, 230 high-speed AVE services and 445 freight trains) due to a four-day strike called by the CGT union for July 31, August 14, August 30 and September 1........... ........ Laura C. was grounded for wearing what Vueling workers considered to be inappropriate clothing – Laura C. described the outfit as a bodysuit, a one-piece form-fitting garment, but the airplane said it was a swimsuit and asked her to cover up. .......Under EU regulations, an airline does not have to compensate a passenger who has been refused on board if they had “reasonable motives” – either the passenger represented a security risk, did not have valid travel documents, or for health concerns. The second highest ranking officer of the Egyptian Embassy has been detained in Madrid for allegedly abusing his wife and daughter but his diplomatic immunity has protected him from any further legal action. A 45-YEAR-OLD man has been arrested in Valencia for setting fire to the apartment that his sister was staying in, as well as threatening to stab her.The incident occurred in the maritime district of Valencia at around 11pm July 25 when local police officers were alerted to a fire that was started on the fourth floor of an apartment block. In the UK....The British pound tumbled as investors feared a No Deal Brexit could sow chaos through the world economy and financial markets. Sterling fell to an intraday low of $1.2120 - its lowest level since March 2017 - as concerns about Prime Minister Boris Johnson's leadership continued. ....Boris Johnson has hinted he is open to working with Nigel Farage by calling the success of the Brexit Party 'an incentive' for the EU to reopen talks with the UK. Britain's new Prime Minister praised the Brexit Party for their efforts to attack the core of the EU on a visit to Scotland today. The Duchess of Sussex was holding baby Archie as he was wrapped in a £33 in an Erawan Cotton Dohar, a traditional Indian summer blanket, at a polo event earlier this month. The factory where it is made is in Bagru, a town about an hour away from the city of Jaipur in the western Indian state of Rajasthan. Workers there earn the equivalent of 37 pence per hour. A self-styled paedophile hunter who snared a child sex offender in an online sting operation that led to his conviction has now been put on trial himself -accused of holding the pervert prisoner. Shane Brannigan is alleged to have used excessive force when he made his citizen's arrest on paedophile Andrew Vaughan. A man claiming to be the 'Muslim Prince of Spain' who sent emails threatening to blow up Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding has been detained in hospital. Mohammed Jibra-Eel Saleh, 37, sent menacing messages claiming the Royal Family would 'all die' to the Ministry of Defence, government officials, and Prince Andrew, Harry's uncle, in May 2018 - adding the wedding at Windsor Castle 'would be a blast'.

 Boris has Landed at No10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

with the political heat still high as Pedro Sanchez seeks to form a Government....SEVENTEEN Spanish provinces have been put on orange and yellow alerts for this weekend as a heatwave is set to sweep Europe once again. The State Meteorological Agency says temperatures ranging between 38 and 40 degrees will strike many parts of Spain, although the coasts should miss the worst of the heat. ....Spain remains the world’s top exporter of olive oil, and 52% of domestic production is sold abroad. .....Paradoxically, Italy is the biggest buyer of Spanish oil: it has purchased 107,000 tons so far this year. Much of that is bottled and sold to third countries with labels suggesting an Italian origin for marketing purposes.............. ...Fifty years ago, a handful of technicians from Spain were recruited by NASA to assist the US astronauts on their historic mission. engineers, technicians, cooks, waiters, and documentary makers who witnessed history being made at an unlikely moment for Spain, which was still under the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. ...... A thug given an ASBO at 12 has avoided jail for beating up a man in a drunken rage - despite it being his 60th criminal offence..... nicknamed Chucky due to his resemblance to the voodoo doll in the Child's Play horror films when he was hauled before a judge at the age of 12.

 Brexit Howlers! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ursula von der Leyen has used a last-minute speech in the European Parliament to try to persuade a majority of MEPs to back her as Jean-Claude Juncker's replacement. She will be the first female president of the European Commission of MEPs support her at a secret ballot this afternoon. But she prompted howls of derision from Brexit Party MEPs as she said she was prepared to agree to further postpone the UK's departure from the EU. More businesses in Spain are starting to sell online due to growing demand. But how can small manufacturers benefit from the boom? Without any question, online shopping is convenient. It saves you from hurrying to a store after work, walking through different aisles and carrying your shopping bags home. Instead, you can sit on a sofa, look at the products on the website of your favourite store and with a few clicks, the goods are on its way to your home. During the last year, eCommerce in Spain was worth almost 28 billion Euro. Compared to 2017, that means an increase of 17 percent. Many counterfeit notes are now in circulation, particularly in Murcia and police warned business-owners to be particularly watchful when €10 and €20 notes are handed over in payment. THE final bull run at this year’s San Fermin festival in Pamplona saw three people gored this morning (July 14). In total eight people have been gored over the course of the eight runs. During the run six bulls run with a pack of steers to the bullring. They are destine d to be killed in bullfights. With crime rates on the rise in Barcelona, some residents are taking the initiative and resorting to techniques of the past, which are now being made more effective thanks to modern technology. In the UK while the leadership race drones on.............. Military chiefs are a ‘pack of white middle-aged men’ who run a force awash with sexism, racism and bullying, an explosive new report claims. The study, the most in-depth the armed forces has ever commissioned, says ‘an unacceptable level of inappropriate behaviour persists’ across the RAF, Army and Navy. The company behind Northern Rail has handed its boss a £256,000 pay rise – despite the train line causing disruption for thousands of passengers last year. Manfred Rudhart, chief executive of Northern Rail’s owner Arriva, saw his pay boosted from £1.08million to £1.34million last year. He now earns 51 times the amount of the average Arriva employee. Killer drivers are being sentenced to just over five years in jail on average – with many set to walk free after serving just half their term. In another indictment of ‘soft justice’ Britain, analysis of Ministry of Justice data shows the average sentence last year for causing death by dangerous driving was five years and three months – against almost nine years for manslaughter. Just over half of convicted drivers were sentenced to less than five years in jail. An American opera singer will perform a song thought to be an anthem of the gay rights movement at the Last Night Of The Proms. Jamie Barton, 37, from Georgia, U.S., is set to join the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus in September to close the musical event. The mezzo-soparano will sing Judy Garland's hit Somewhere Over The Rainbow and wear the same colours that are seen on biseuxal activists' flags at marches.

 Greenpeace, Rubbish and Glastonbury | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The largest grouping in Brussels, The UK Brexit Party, arrived at their first European Parliament session today and immediately kicked off a row by turning their backs as the EU anthem was played. This has been happening against a backdrop of the EU voting for key positions to be filled. The leaders of the EU 28 member states met last Tuesday to hammer out who should take over from Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, and Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, as well as a number of other roles. The Spanish economy has continued to surpass expectations for 2019, while outperforming the wider European economy. The Bank of Spain has responded to this strong performance by increasing its yearly growth forecast from 2.2% to 2.4%, a particularly impressive figure given that the overall European economy has a growth rate of 1.4%. The lack of a stable government in Madrid, more than two months after the April 28 general election, means that nobody is working on getting a national budget approved – the election was called early partly due to acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s inability to sell his blueprint to parliament. NEW guidelines have been submitted by the General Directorate of Traffic to increase the penalties imposed for distractions whilst driving. Actions such as sending or reading a Whatsapp message, talking on the phone, manipulating the touch screen in any way or car navigation, opening a soda bottle or even lighting a cigarette will all be punishable by a fine and 6 points deducted from your license. . MEMBERS of Madrid’s Greenpeace carried banners saying “Central Madrid works” and “no more cars” on the first day that fines are suspended in the low emission areas of Madrid. IN the UK Labour was plunged into a fresh anti-Semitism row today as a poll revealed heavy support for controversial MP Chris Williamson to be reinstated despite him saying the party was 'too apologetic' about anti-Jewish abuse. ....LOUISE ATKINSON writing about Glastonbury: It is utterly disgusting, but sadly typical. The sight of field after field,pictured left and right, covered in rubbish has become the inevitable fall-out of the summer festival culture as people (usually young people aged 17-24 let their hair down, party their socks off and then stagger back to their middle-class homes leaving environmental carnage behind. Whilst the Brazilian rainforests are being demolished at the rate of one football pitch per minute...The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have asked fans to consider their carbon footprint, just days after new figures show the Royal Household's emissions doubled last year. Parents should put their smartphones down and take every opportunity to talk to their children face to face, the Education Secretary ...........Damian Hinds believes keeping up with social media and work emails often prevents mums and dads from chatting to their offspring. Leapy Lee......I am completely aware that I am ‘also an immigrant.’ I am actually quite a proud immigrant. Many years ago, due to personal reasons, I left the UK and, after some years in the Middle East, moved to Spain where I have resided for the last 35 years. This country has been good to me. .......... Unfortunately the majority of aliens that are pouring into Europe at this time appear to have a different agenda altogether. I am fervently convinced that if our so called leaders don’t wake up soon it will all be too late. Sadly, I

 Spain still trying to form a Government.... | File Type: | Duration: Unknown

Spain’s far-right party, Vox, has made headlines after two party officials made sexist remarks in response to a court decision involving a high-profile gang rape case known as La Manada. Iria Suárez González, 35, was hired by Oxford Primary School for just under a year as a teaching assistant. However, unknown to the school, she was once one of Spain’s most notorious killers, after her and a friend murdered a teenage girl back in 2000. ....... She was arrested however the charges of fraud by false representation were dropped due to lack of evidence. In Spain, all crimes committed by minors are “spent” after 10 years once the criminal reaches 18. However in the UK there is no such law. Travel Supermarket has said that Summer holiday demand is down compared to last year, with some British holidaymakers showing reluctance to book until they know the outcome of Brexit. Others keen to avoid Europe altogether they say. The pricecomparison site claims this uncertainty, combined with a more competitive holiday market, is driving discounts across the board. The Madrid Medical Association (Icomem) has banned Spanish doctor Isabel Bellostas for 364 days for spreading “unsupported claims, against scientific evidence,on the origin and cause of the autism spectrum disorder,” health sources have told ELPAÍS. Jumping over bonfires at midnight is one of the many traditions of the Noche de San Juan fiesta (Saint John’s Eve). The festival closely coincides with midsummer celebrations held elsewhere in Europe and the world and also comes days after the Summer Solstice. San Juan evolved out of celebrations which traditionally took place the night before Saint John’s feast day. In the UK............People don't want to hear about that kind of thing!' Boris REFUSES to answer questions about 'plate-smashing, screaming row' with girlfriend Carrie as he is cheered by Tories at leadership hustings Protesters wearing red dresses stormed the plush black tie event as Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered a speech on the 'state of UK politics' and how Brexit could impact the UK economy. Mr Field, a married father of two, is heard on the videosaying: 'Can you get this person out?' and 'that way' as the woman responds 'I'm sorry, please' and 'It's a peaceful protest.' The hypocrisy of John Major laid bare Huge thanks to Patrick Nicholls who managed to unearth this statement from former Primer Minister John Major, who has intervened on behalf of the Remain side several times throughout this campaign. The television presenter Sir David Attenborough said that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources. He said the only way to save the planet from famine and species extinction is to limit human population growth.

 UK new Prime Minister | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

IT has only taken 137 years and €4.6 million but now Barcelona’s iconic (and as yet unfinished) Sagrada Familia basilica has finally been given planning permission...... Every year 50,000 people die in Spain from heart disease, although the figure in constantly lowering due to coronary stent surgery being available for all in autonomous communities.. RAFAEL NADAL not only took his 12th Roland Garros title on Sunday, but he also took the lead in the battle for the year-end No. 1 ATP Ranking from Novak Djokovi. …..... In the uk........The choosing of the new prospective next Tory MP is decided by Tory party members! Michael Gove.........drugs confession........Boris Johnson giving tax breaks to the rich ......Jeremy Hunt (May part2 ).......Andrea Leadsom warned last night that the rising tide of violent crime in Britain has left members of the public 'scared to go out after dark'. Free TV licences for the over 75s will now be means tested, with only those who receive Pension Credit eligible from 1 June 2020. The BBC has been accused of 'sanitising' terrorism under plans for an effective ban on journalists using the word 'terror'. A managing director who abused a 14-year-old schoolgirl after meeting her on a website has been jailed. Paedophile Gareth Hughes, from Stockport, was 36 when he told his victim he was 10 years younger when he met her on a website popular with teenagers.

 UK new Prime Minister | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

IT has only taken 137 years and €4.6 million but now Barcelona’s iconic (and as yet unfinished) Sagrada Familia basilica has finally been given planning permission...... Every year 50,000 people die in Spain from heart disease, although the figure in constantly lowering due to coronary stent surgery being available for all in autonomous communities.. RAFAEL NADAL not only took his 12th Roland Garros title on Sunday, but he also took the lead in the battle for the year-end No. 1 ATP Ranking from Novak Djokovi. …..... In the uk........The choosing of the new prospective next Tory MP is decided by Tory party members! Michael Gove.........drugs confession........Boris Johnson giving tax breaks to the rich ......Jeremy Hunt (May part2 ).......Andrea Leadsom warned last night that the rising tide of violent crime in Britain has left members of the public 'scared to go out after dark'. Free TV licences for the over 75s will now be means tested, with only those who receive Pension Credit eligible from 1 June 2020. The BBC has been accused of 'sanitising' terrorism under plans for an effective ban on journalists using the word 'terror'. A managing director who abused a 14-year-old schoolgirl after meeting her on a website has been jailed. Paedophile Gareth Hughes, from Stockport, was 36 when he told his victim he was 10 years younger when he met her on a website popular with teenagers.

 European Hot Air | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Spain is among Europe’s worst offenders when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. Between 1990 and 2017, these increased by 51.7 million tons, the highest rise in absolute terms in the entire EU. The police operation ahead of the Champion’s League was the biggest ever put in place for a sporting event in Spain. More than 4,700 officers were due to participate, mostly from the National Police, along with their colleagues from the Civil Guard, the Madrid municipal police, fire and ambulance crews, and volunteers from the Red Cross. Spanish prosecutors are investigating the circumstances surrounding the suicide of a woman after a sexually explicit video of her began circulating among her work colleagues. Chinese born Youtuber ReSet, real name Kenghua R, has been given his punishment for being at the centre of a video controversy this week after posting a video of feeding a homeless man a rancid filled with toothpaste on the streets of his home town of Barcelona. Two vans containing over 3,000kg of marijuana has been intercepted as it entered the port of La Bajadilla, Marbella. ..............The criminals were thought to be an organised group from Cueta. In the UK....Donald Trump landed on Monday …..Charles and Camilla escorted the US leader and the First Lady the short distance to the palace's west terrace where the Queen was waiting. Seven boats were stopped in the Channel by the Border Force and the RNLI and brought into Dover, Kent, while an eighth – carrying eight men – made it to Winchelsea beach in East Sussex. A transgender killer who asked to be moved to an all-female jail has been caught romping with another female. Two five-years old girls enjoying a trip to the beach on Britain's warmest weekend so far were blown half a mile out to sea on an inflatable swan, triggering a lifeboat rescue operation.

 Intriguing European Elections | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Terry Whitehead joins Vince to discuss how SPAIN’S left-leaning Partido Socialista PSOE) won 20 European Parliament seats and made gains in towns, cities and regions while the Brexit Party topped Britain’s ballot. .Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s PSOE will have six more Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) bringing its total to 20.The conservative Partido Popular (PP) lost four of its seats, leaving it with 12 MEPs. The centrist Ciudadanos picked up a seat to reach seven MEPs, while the leftist Podemos lost five MEPs and now has 11 seats.The far-right Vox will enter the European Parliament for the first time after winning three seats. Meanwhile in Britain, results released yesterday showed the pro-leave Brexit Party won 31.6 per cent of the vote, picking up 29 European Parliament seats. The pro-Remain Liberal Democrats won an extra 15 seats giving it 16 MEPs, up from one before the vote.Labour lost 10 seats and now has 10 MEPs. The Conservatives lost 15 seats leaving them with four MEPs and he Green Party won four more seats than in the last European Parliament election in 2014 and now has a total of seven MEPs. .THE Catholic Church in Spain has announced that it contributed €1.38 billion to the Spanish economy in 2016 following a recent study undertaken by the Conferencia Episcopal Española. With some 23,000 parishes within the country it employs large numbersof men and women who are tax payers and also supports those in need through Caritas and other charitable operations. AFTER China closed the doors to the importation of waste material, it has been diverted to other parts of Asia and recently Malaysia seized large volumes of illegal plastic waste sent from Spain.According to Greenpeace, in 2018, Researchers working on The Jeremy Kyle Show have been accused of smoking cannabis with guests and giving them alcohol for 'medicinal purposes' in a bombshell documentary. British children are at risk of a rickets epidemic as they spend more time indoors playing on smartphones and tablets, an expert has warned. Steve Jones, a leading geneticist, said the condition – common in Victorian times – was coming back 'at some speed' as youngsters spent less time in the sun.. Car theft victims are getting a payout from insurers every eight minutes, according to alarming new data released today. Around £108 million – or £1.2 million a day – was paid out in claims in the first three months of the year.

 Europe Elections this week! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Spanish exclave city of Ceuta in North Africa is unlike the cities in the Spanish peninsula. In Ceuta, many locals say hello to each other with the Arabic greeting Salaam Alaikum, and the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha is a public holiday. Preliminary data offered by Spain’s Attorney General’s Office show a 10% rise in just one year in convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These convictions grew to 56,173 in 2018, compared with 51,085 in 2017....... ........parents in Valladolid have been jailed for 10 years and one day for abusing their three-month-old baby in August 2017. The couple received their sentencing after prosecutors initially requested 14 years each for crimes of sexual abuse and using the child to make pornographic material. .A BRITISH woman found guilty of committing benefit fraud while living in Spain has been told she must pay back the £88,000 (€100,520) she owes ata rate of just £7.65 (€8.74) a week.......The rate of payment, which was agreed by the Department of Work and Pensions, and HMRC, will take the woman more than 958 years to settle her debt................... IN ALFÀZ DE PI, last week a 61-year-old Spanish man, who walked on crutches, sadly drowned after he apparently was attempting to rescue his two dogs, which had fallen into an irrigation pond. The UK is geared up for the elections in Europe and Nigel Farage seems under attack from the establishment..... .A cyber security expert has predicted a surge in hackers stealing people’s personal information and bank details through coee machines and smart TVs in their homes.Vince Steckler, chief executive of security giant Avast................ A GP who could face the sack for asking a Muslim patient to remove her face veil says she took it off 'willingly' before her husband launched a complaint claiming the doctor had been 'rude'. ................ Labour MP Jess Phillips was involved in a furious row with Muslim protestors outside a school in Birmingham today amid ongoing protests about LGBT education. Police were called to Anderton Park Primary School in the Sparkbrook area of the city last night after pro-LGBT campaigners and members of the Muslim community clashed outside.

 Elections in Europe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guy Verhofstadt insisted unanimity rules currently in place in the European Union hinder the decision-making powers of European institutions on matters such as migration. Mr Verhofstatd, who is running to take over as European Commissioner from Jean-Claude Juncker when the top Eurocrat retires in November, claimed member states could not be expected to agree unanimously on controversial issues and would need to apply majority rules. The Pope was seen proudly holding a pin reading “Let’s open our harbours” during a meeting focused on welcoming migrants and people in need. Spain wants to avoid being involuntarily dragged into any kind of conflict with Iran. As such, acting Defense Minister Margarita Robles has ordered the Spanish frigate the Méndez Núñez, with 215 sailors on board, to be temporarily removed from the combat group headed by the USS Abraham Lincoln, given the rising tensions between Washington and Tehran. A government decree that went into effect on May 12 forces companies of all sizes to keep records of when employees start and end their working day. The goal is to clamp down on unpaid overtime, and failure to comply carries administrative penalties ranging from €626 to €6,250. Growing numbers of pensioners in Spain who are struggling to make ends meet are putting their properties on the market at lower prices, on the condition they may continue to live there until they die...... The wife of a convicted fraudster has sparked fury after a photo of her on holiday was posted online with the caption: ‘Who says crime doesn’t pay?’ In the UK....Mr Farage clashed with the BBC host when he was asked about a statement he made ten years ago over wanting to privatise the NHS. At the question, the Brexiteer responded: "This is absolutely ludicrous................ BBC Breakfast correspondent Nina Warhurst was in Ulverston at a playground factory which had brought in extra goods in anticipation of Brexit. ........ She said: “Lots of people will say ‘oh the Remoaners said the economy will collapse’. It hasn’t happened, we’re doing fine. we’re seeing growth. Do we need to start worrying about Brexit?” Lynne Owens, Director General of the National Crime Agency, demands ministers invest billions as serious and organised crime kills more people than terrorism, natural disasters and war combined. The Jeremy Kyle Show was permanently cancelled by ITV today following the death of a guest just a week after he appeared on the programme. ITV chief Carolyn McCall admitted it was 'the right time for the show to end' ........Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman called the incident 'deeply concerning', while MPs on an influential Commons committee will discuss the case ....


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