Prime Time Radio - AARP show

Prime Time Radio - AARP

Summary: Prime Time Radio is a one-hour weekly interview program that focuses on the wide-ranging interests and concerns of Americans 40 and older. The program is heard on radio stations across the country.

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  • Artist: AARP
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 Depression and Anxiety in Later Life / How to Retire the Cheapskate Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Millions of Americans suffer from anxiety, depression, or both. Whether anxiety or depression is due to lifestyle choices, stress, or physical health issues, these mental disorders are especially common in later life. However, these disorders are an avoidable part of aging. In “Depression and Anxiety in Later Life,” Drs. Mark D. Miller and Charles F. Reynolds III, both geriatric psychiatrists, show how to minimize the effects of depression and anxiety by teaching sufferers how to better adapt to changing circumstances or when to get medical help. Part B: Most retirement planning and lifestyle books focus on investing, “magic numbers,” or how to get the senior shopping discounts. America’s favorite cheapskate, and AARP expert, makes the compelling case that you can have a joyous, worry-free retirement by merely spending smart, reusing some common household items, and focusing on what you truly want out of retirement

 The Patriarch / How to Be a Friend to a Sick Friend | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Joseph P. Kennedy, the founder of the political dynasty, survived turbulent times as he ensured his family would be one of the wealthiest, most powerful families in the 20th century. Although he came from a locally political family, Joseph Kennedy wanted more money and more power. With unlimited access to the JFK Presidential library papers, historian David Nasaw paints a contrastingly definitive picture of the compulsively ambitious businessman and loving father in his biography of Joseph P. Kennedy, “The Patriarch.” Part B: When a loved one diagnosed with a terminally ill disease it can be difficult to know what to say to them and how to act. Letty Cottin Pogrebin learned a lot about how she wanted people to act toward her while she was suffering with breast cancer. In her book, “How to be a Friend to a Friend Who’s Sick,” Pogrebin discusses many ways to be supportive of terminally ill loved ones while emphasizing the significance of their friendship. She says to be honest and up front with them from the very beginning

 The Secretary: A Journey with Hillary Clinton / Fast Minds: How to Thrive with Adult ADHD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: When Hillary Clinton accepted the appointment as Secretary of State from her former rival, Barrack Obama, she focused on improving the perception of the United States in the eyes of the world. For four years, BBC foreign correspondent, Kim Ghattas had inside access to Clinton on her travels both domestic and abroad, while covering the US State Department. Lebanese born Ghattas tells the enthralling and intimate story of Clinton’s political genius and unique style of diplomacy in her book, “The Secretary.” Part B: Individual symptoms such as forgetfulness, losing track of time, feelings of being stuck in a rut, impulsiveness can lead to distraction for anyone. It is even harder for individuals dealing with more than two of these symptoms from achieve their full potential and live a fulfilling life. Dr. Craig Surman, author of Fast Minds, discusses many ways adults can overcome ADHD and symptoms associated with attention deficit disorders, to live a not only a fulfilling life, but even thrive in their career and personal lives

 Gather at the Table / Powering the Dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Knowing that America must completely overcome it’s racial barriers, two authors set out on a life changing journey to break down their own cultural biases. Thomas Dewolf is the descendant of one of the most lucrative slave trading families and Sharon Morgan is the descendant of slaves. Together they travelled thousands of miles and faced many ugly realities to bring to light the many enduring cultural scars left by the American slave trade. Both authors speak about their experiences and explain how their book, “Gather at the Table,” can be used to start discussions about building true equality and justice for all. Part B: Numerous innovators and inventors have been attempting to put America on the path to sustainable energy for longer than most people realize. More than a few bright minds foresaw or current energy shortages and tried to invent inexpensive renewable energy solutions for a greener future. For instance, nearly a century ago, there were electric powered cabs in New York City. Alexis Madrigal, author of “Powering the Dream,” gives the history of green technology and a somewhat hopeful look at the future of renewable energy

 The Saturday Night Widows / The Last Outlaws: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: The Saturday Night Widows are a group of six friends that refused to accept the roles society handed them, deciding to remake their lives after suffering loss and struggle together to find new places in the world. Becky Aikman tells the story of new found freindship, adventure, and the support that only friends can give in her new memoir. Part B: Then, two well-known legends that embody the indomitable spirit of the old west and rode head long into a new century are Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Although, until recently, the little has been known about them is often confused for what was seen in the famous starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. However, author and historian, Thom Hatch, tells the intriguing real story of these two notorious bandits in his book, “The Last Outlaws.

 Creating your Best Marriage / Making the Most of Your Money and Investing Wisely for Retirement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: While most people plan for careers, finances, and children, an area that society doesn’t teach people how to plan for is their marriage. Often couples can become complacent in their relationship, just waiting for the next milestone to come along. Gary Neuman has created a new method that will help couples focus on their marriage plan whether they are newly married or adjusting to an empty nest. The “Neuman Method” will help couples thrive with each other, heal and reconcile histories of infidelity, and protect against future infidelity. Part B: To help avoid many investment mistakes and shed light on spending mistakes, financial advisor Jane Bryant Quinn will reveal many ways to make the most of your money. Quinn focuses on financially planning for retirement, and maximizing your money even if you are already retired

 The Value of Effectively Showing Appreciation in the Workplace / Second Act Careers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: There are many ways to show people in our lives appreciation, but what is the most appropriate way to show an employee or coworker appreciation? Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the book explaining the five ways people communicate love, translates these same communication principles to the workplace in his book, “The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace.” Part B: The traditional idea of retirement has transformed from extended vacations, to a time when people can pursue career dreams that they pushed to the side for years. Nancy Collamer, author of “Second Act Careers,” has lots of advice for turning those passions into profitable business ventures

 The New American Diet: Lose Weight, Live Longer / On Looking, and Really Seeing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Many small, simple changes can be made to diet and exercise that will greatly improve quality of life, health, and happiness. Building on a collaborative research project conducted by the NIH and AARP, Dr. John Whyte gives several weight loss plans and outlines diet busters to avoid in his new book, “The New American Diet.” Packed with practical advice geared specifically for the older American, Whyte’s plan can help anyone lose up to ten pounds in two weeks. Part B: We all perceive the everyday spectacle of the ordinary differently, starting with how we intake information initially, by seeing. To find out what people see and how they see it, cognitive scientist and psychology professor, Alexandra Horowitz, goes on walks with a variety of subjects from children, to artists and scientists. Her book, “On Looking,” is a charmingly told exploration of how much there is to see and how to really see it, giving great insight into the mysteries of human perception

 Power of Women Leading Change / Unsung Heroes of Women’s History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: There are many extraordinary women around the world are using their diverse talents to transform lives and improve human rights. Alyse Nelson is the CEO and cofounder of Vital Voices, an organization that fights against degradation and violence against women and girls, and helps empower women to become catalysts for change in their communities. Nelson highlights some modern unsung heroes fighting for the rights of women, and thereby improving communities, around the world. Part B: There are many great American women that get little or no recognition in our nation’s story. Joan Wages is tirelessly working to raise awareness of women’s history and some previously unsung heroes. Wages explains the importance of the role of women in transforming society, and encourages all people, women and men, to participate in democratic dialogue about our future

 It Worked for Me: In Life & Leadership / Cheating the Clock: A Guide to Looking Younger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: General Colin Powell gives life lessons and tells stories from his distinguished military career from his best-selling book, “In Life and Leadership.” One of America’s most respected public officials; he has averted wars over tiny uninhabited islands and served in civilian and military’s highest positions. Powell is also a role model for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and exceed their dreams. Part B: Journalist Margaret Webb Pressler’s husband Jim looks much younger than his age. She uses her husband’s lifestyle and habits as starting point to explain how anyone can counteract the aging process. Pressler does not talk about the usual diet and exercise programs, and instead gives simple and small lifestyle changes that will slow the aging process to a crawl

 Another Insane Devotion: Our Love of Cats / Assisted Living and Health Affairs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:46

Part A: Author Peter Trachtenberg, is a husband and self-proclaimed cat person. When he returns home from travel and discovers his cat Biscuit is missing, he begins looking for his missing friend. The search will spur his curiosity about the fundamental nature of love, life, and relationships. In his book, “Another Insane Devotion,” he seamlessly weaves narratives of his study of the history of the domesticated cat, his conclusions about the nature of relationships, and his ponderings on his struggling marriage. Part B: Martin Bayne first went into an assisted care living facility at the relatively young age of 52 when diagnosed with Parkinson’s. For the past ten years, he has experienced what he calls the ambient despair of assisted living facilities. Depression, loneliness, disability, and death create a feeling of isolated hopelessness for most residents, but are also issues that people rarely discuss. Bayne is working with tireless resolve to transform assisted living and create a new generation of assisted living communities. He now gives a voice and hope to millions of residents who feel this despair on a daily basis

 The King Years: Historic Moments in the Civil Rights Movement / The Amistad Rebellion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Pulitzer Prize winning author Taylor Branch has identified eighteen pivotal events in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s in his book, “The King Years.” Branch provides detailed historical context for each event and explores Martin Luther King Jr.’s continuing legacy in depth. From King’s influence on other contemporary civil rights leaders, through the March on Washington, to his tumultuous relationship with President Lyndon Johnson, Branch shows there are many lessons we can still learn from the life of Dr. King. Part B: On a dark night in the early summer of 1839, a group of courageous Africans took control of their fates in what is one of the best-known slave ship rebellions. Led by Cinqué, a group of slaves broke free of their chains and wrested command of the schooner Amistad from the captain and crew. With no viable destination, the US Navy soon captured and imprisoned the Africans in a Federal prison. Marcus Rediker tells the full story of how these courageous men changed the fight against slavery and eventually reclaimed their freedom

 The Legacy of Medgar Evers / Keeping the Dream Alive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Slain activist Medgar Evers was heavily involved in civil rights after returning from World War II and graduating from Alcorn College in 1951. He was also instrumental in the efforts to end segregation at the University of Mississippi. His widow, Myrlie Evers-Williams talks of his legacy and impact on the civil rights movement nearly 50 years after his assassination. She also discusses her continuing work for civil rights and reflects on her opportunity to give the invocation at the second inaugural ceremony of President Barack Obama. Part B: This year in 2013, our nation celebrates many historic anniversaries in the struggle for civil rights and racial harmony including the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the 1963 March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous I have a Dream Speech. Lonnie Bunch III, director of the new National Museum of African American History and Culture talks about the museum’s efforts to collect artifacts and chronicle the stories of many well-known and forgotten heroes who sacrificed to keep the dream of equality alive

 The Normal Bar / The Happiness Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: AARP’s Love and Relationships expert, Pepper Schwartz, gives the details of a survey that studied many couple’s communication styles, which give insight into many aspects of the relationship. The study, titled “The Normal Bar,” reveals much more than what happens to passion, as we grow older and our relationships change. Schwartz also discusses what each gender wants when it comes to sex, the factors that can ignite relational conflict, and what people really admire in their partner. Part B: In “The Happiness Choice,” Marilyn Tam teaches the five basic principles and values that can lead to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life. Tam takes many of the lessons she learned while growing up a poor, neglected, and unloved child in Hong Kong and uses them to illustrate how anyone can achieve success and the life they have always dreamed of living

 Happiness and Bluezones / Nixon’s Checkers Speech and the “Rocking, Socking” Election of 1952 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Part A: Dan Buettner, author of "Thrive: Finding Happiness in the Blue Zone". An extensive study of living an active, fulfilling life well into your 90s and possibly your 100s and how it may be easier than you think. In addition to sharing his extraordinary accounts of the happiest people on the planet, he will detail how to incorporate these powerful characteristics into our daily routine so that we too can Thrive. Part B: Just Plain Dick is political history and more. It's the story of a young man nearing a nervous breakdown and staging a political comeback. The narrative focuses, almost cinematically, on the 1952 election cycle, and then to the allegations against Nixon through to the speech in September and finally the election in November. Author Kevin Mattson also provides a broad-stroke depiction of American politics and culture during the Cold War.


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