International Top Stories from Associated Press (AP) show

International Top Stories from Associated Press (AP)

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 EDITORIAL: Climate-change crybabies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:32

Liberals are hot under the collar, but this has more to do with the election than the planet warming up. The presidential candidates didn't say a word about global warming during the debates, so advocates of that theory are looking for a bit of attention.

 LAMBRO: Hiding the real jobs peril | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:12

We heard some real whoppers in this year's campaign, but the biggest of them all was President Obama's wildly exaggerated jobs claim. Let's review this one for historical accuracy, because millions of...

 Pelosi's fate up in the air | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:05

While the world's attention is fixed on the race for president and second-in-command, the fate of the third person in the line of White House succession also will be decided Tuesday, as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi hopes her Democratic Party defies the odds to recapture the chamber.

 Long haul to election reaches a messy end | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

The 2012 presidential campaign has been one defined by candidates bumping against ceilings , and, in the final week, by a storm that appears to have helped President Obama regain his footing. In the GOP primaries, Mitt Romney had trouble breaking through with conservative voters to score the big wins he needed to swat away his lesser-funded opponents and solidify his nomination.

 Peres urged to make run for prime minister | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:34

JERUSALEM , The dim prospects for Israel's dovish opposition in upcoming elections are raising speculation that 89-year-old President Shimon Peres may make one last run to be prime minister. Mr. Peres is under pressure from political allies to seek the premiership, according to officials in his office.

 Bettors put money on Obama to win re-election | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:06

Political-betting websites that allow wagers on Tuesday's election increasingly favor President Obama to be re-elected as the race , and the betting , head into their final hours. Intrade, a top online prediction market where "investors" vote with their money, favors Mr. Obama to win an Electoral College victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, as his stock continued to tick up Monday.

 Allen, Kaine bask in glow of top of tickets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:56

U.S. Senate candidates Tim Kaine and George Allen enjoyed the 11th-hour benefits of Virginia's swing-state status Monday, getting high-profile nods of support from Vice President Joseph R. Biden and Mitt Romney, respectively, at events across the commonwealth and in voter-rich Northern Virginia.

 Shanahan not giving up on Redskins' season | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:11

Mike Shanahan is not giving up on the Washington Redskins' spiraling season. He does not plan to play young players for the sake of evaluation, and he still prioritizes winning above all else. In fact, Shanahan feels so strongly about that, he did not wait for any reporter to ask a question at his Monday news conference before saying so.

 EDITORIAL: Dictators back Barack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:14

The Russians, Chinese and Iranians would vote for Barack Obama. That's a good reason for Americans to select someone else. Polls and informal surveys from around the world show that if foreigners could vote in the U.S. election, President Obama would win hands down.

 Partisans brace for worst-case scenarios | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:31

DENVER , Both presidential candidates can't win Tuesday, which means somebody's got to lose. What if it's your guy? Judging from comments from some ardent partisans on the blogosphere and at campaign events, voters for the runner-up will either riot (if Mitt Romney wins), panic (if President Obama wins), or move to Canada (if either candidate wins).

 Strike on Sudan arms factory points to Iran threat to Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:28

Sudan's longtime ties to Iran , and the two nations' roles in arming Islamic militants , have come under scrutiny in the wake of an explosion at a Khartoum weapons factory, blamed on an Israeli airstrike, and the dockings of two Iranian warships at a Sudanese port.

 CROUSE: Mitt Romney is the man for the moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:35

Mitt Romney is the man for the moment. His career history indicates that he's never met a challenge he hasn't overcome. From his personal life to his business record, whether saving the Salt Lake City Olympics or serving as Massachusetts governor, he has excelled. Now, he is willing to take on the major challenges facing America that threaten the immediate and long-term well-being of the nation.

 Shanahan assessing talent for next season after Redskins' latest loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14

Mike Shanahan shook hands with the opposing coach Sunday afternoon, gracious in defeat. He put his left hand in his front pocket and began a lonely walk to the locker room. A 60-yard stretch of solitude was an opportunity to contemplate the bleak state of the Washington Redskins. Shanahan stared up into the stands with a steadfast scowl. He spoke no words.

 Behind crisis in Benghazi, a lack of firepower | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:41

As Americans fought for their lives in Benghazi, Libya, the Pentagon's options for direct intervention were narrowed to one: a fleet of F-16 fighters parked across the Mediterranean at NATO's air base in Aviano, Italy. How the best military in the world came to having only one real choice in a terrorist attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other U.S.

 Elections a referendum on shape of the D.C. Council | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:34

Voters in the District will decide Tuesday whether to reshape the D.C. Council in election contests that serve as a referendum on the makeup of a body that has faced a steady trickle of ethical problems in the past two years.


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