The Inspiration Show show

The Inspiration Show

Summary: Two times a week Natalie Ledwell will be sharing the journey of her book writing process, Answering your questions about the Law Of Attraction, and Interviewing Passion Peeps- gurus and inspirational people in the know.

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  • Artist: Natalie Ledwell
  • Copyright: © 2018


 Passion vs Purpose | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 13:04

Natalie Ledwell invites certified life coach, Vasavi Kumar, onto The Inspiration Show for the second time to discuss the key difference between passion and purpose. Kumar explains the most effective strategies to discover inner peace and joy and exposes the common mistake that many men and women make while searching for their purpose. Kumar shares her personal experience of discovering her multiple passions and how she has used them to achieve personal fulfillment and professional success. Kumar utilizes her background in formal education to fuel her personal growth training programs and strives to impact thousands of lives with coaching, motivational speaking and writing.

 Special 'Gratitude Week' Edition: Gratitude Journals | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 13:13

Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell invites students from her Ultimate Success Master Class on The Inspiration Show to discuss the positive affects that newfound appreciation and gratitude have had on their lives. As an exercise in her training program, Ledwell asked each student to create a journal and write down five things that they are thankful for each day. In honor of gratitude week, Ledwell speaks with each student on The Inspiration Show, to discuss the changes the student's have felt since starting a gratitude journal. Each individual shares the positive affect they have experienced from becoming consciously aware of daily blessings. Ledwell also explains how Mind Movies is supporting the families and animals affected by Hurricane Sandy.

 Don't Worry About What Other people Think | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 13:21

Today, on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the creator of the inspiring training program, S.O.U.R.C.E. of Your Success, Vasavi Kumar. During the episode, Kumar shares her remarkable journey to self-discovery and success. She explains the importance of letting go of what other people think when striving towards a goal, and she provides simple but effective strategies to discovering life passion and purpose. Today, Kumar continues to work as a certified life coach and motivational speaker to spread inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs.

 Dogs are Gifts from God | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 18:05

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of Dogs Are Gifts From God, Karen Palmer. Palmer said that she previously worked with a non-profit organization and as a part time waitress until she saw an episode of The Inspiration Show, and decided to follow her life passion to heal animals. Palmer found the courage to quit her two jobs and started her own pet care business. Today, Palmer donates all of the proceeds from her book titled Dogs Are Gifts From God to animal organizations and has created her own radio show with over 10,000 listeners. Palmer encourages individuals to use The Law of Attraction, mediation, and positive thought in everyday life.

 Brain Change Therapy | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:40

Natalie Ledwell invites Dr. Carol Kershaw and Dr. Bill Wade on The Inspiration Show to discuss their book titled Brain Change Therapy. Dr. Kershaw and Dr. Wade explain the scientific reasoning behind mediation, EFT and visualization. During the episode, they reveal how emotions, attitudes, and behaviors affect the overall makeup of the brain. Dr. Kershaw and Dr. Wade released 'Brain Change Therapy' to help others understand exactly how the brain functions, and to reveal the most effective strategies to alter thoughts and emotions. Utilizing this effective neuro coaching method can drastically improve income, relationships, business, and overall lifestyle.

 Orrin Husdon Inspiring Kids Through Chess | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 8:34

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the leader of the non-profit organization titled Be Someone, Orrin Hudson. After seeing a violent robbery on TV in 2000, Hudson felt a strong urge to reach out, to inner city children and teenagers, to provide them with the tools to become successful and escape the violence of the streets. Hudson created the unique organization, Be Someone, that uses the game of chess to teach children and young adults critical life skills such as discipline and patience. Today, Hudson continues to travel to schools around the nation to help thousands of children develop practical and effective problem solving skills.

 Rich German | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:20

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life mentor, author and the originator of The Gen Why Project, Rich German. After German experienced financial success through his own coaching business, he knew it was his time to give back to society. German started The Gen Why Project to raise awareness for the 1.6 million homeless children living in America. German aims to improve education and overall quality of life for the homeless youth around the nation. His revolutionary mission will bring wide spread awareness, emotional support and material resources to the homeless youth through high-quality media platforms.

 Mike Dooley | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:17

Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, motivational speaker, and expert teacher in the film The Secret, Mike Dooley. Dooley worked as an entrepreneur and accountant for years but left the corporate world to follow his passion. Today, Mike travels the world as a life mentor. Dooley originated Notes from the Universe, an inspiring online community with thousands of subscribers. Dooley continues to motivate and empower thousands of individuals around the world through his written work, online seminars, and global coaching conferences.

 Jason Freeman | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 14:36

Mind Movies co-founder, Natalie Ledwell invites Jason Freeman on The Inspiration Show to discuss his experience of overcoming negativity due to physical challenges. Freeman experienced a loss of oxygen at birth that caused limited fine motor coordination and a frustrating speech impediment. Freeman reveals how he transformed his life, by altering his attitude and becoming involved in regular exercise. Today, Freeman succeeds as an author and motivational coach, and is an aspiring healer.

 Betty Iams | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 15:16

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with medical miracle, Betty Iams. Iams was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis 18 years ago. This disease is generally considered incurable and untreatable but Iams reveals how she used self-healing techniques to beat MS, and now lives symptom free. Iams continues to spread her knowledge of natural remedies for healing through her website titled Betty's House...Life after MS.

 101 Powerful Affirmations | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 20:39

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Yee Shun-Jian, the originator of the popular personal development Facebook community, 101 Affirmations. Yee Shun-Jian started 101 affirmations'as a non-profit organization to inspire and motivate individuals to follow their dreams with a positive mindset. Today, Yee Shun-Jian has thousands of fans and has even written a book describing the 101 affirmations he used to change his life. Yee Shun-Jian strives to expand his community even further and spread the knowledge of powerful affirmations.

 The Science of Affirmations | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:28

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of The Science of Affirmations, Jack Roberts. The Science of Affirmations explains in detail how affirmations work and reveals the power that thoughts, words, and feelings have in daily life. Roberts educates the reader of the powerful influence of the subconscious mind and explains the reason why so many people are unaware of the impact of affirmations. The Science of Affirmations provides step-by-step strategies for creating effective affirmations and offers advice to overcome negative thought.

 Global Health Summit | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 14:00

Today on the Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Kerry Tepedino, who is exploring the connection between our mind and our health. Our mind has a surprisingly strong influence over our health, which can be great for healing, but can also be toxic when we play mind games with ourselves. Kerry has struggled with eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and other deadly mental games in her past, which has inspired her to give back to the world and put together the upcoming Global Health Summit.

 Jonny Andrews The Kindle Revolution | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 13:20

Today on the Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with best-selling author and originator of the 'Perfect Publishing System', Jonny Andrews. After realizing the massive potential for independent writers to become recognized on the Amazon Kindle Platform, Andrews created the 'Perfect Publishing System', which reveals the most effective strategies to become a successful author. Andrews wrote his first book in one weekend and within 13 hours of the first promotion, he was the number one bestseller on Amazon. After his success, Andrews shares his knowledge with thousands of others through Internet podcasts and online training workshops.

 An Empowered Woman | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 12:29

Natalie Ledwell invites Desiree Doubrox on the Inspiration Show. Desiree founded An Empowered Woman,'a global networking community for professional women which Desiree started a few years ago in her living room with only a handful of people? Real estate broker, entrepreneur, professional speaker, and mother of two!? Talk about an inspiring figure!


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