Dharmabytes from free buddhist audio show

Dharmabytes from free buddhist audio

Summary: Welcome to Free Buddhist Audio's Dharmabytes podcast, featuring bite-sized dharma from our website's vast audio archive. Free Buddhist Audio is an entirely user-supported project from the Triratna Buddhist Community. If you like what you hear, come and join us at www.freebuddhistaudio.com/community - and happy listening!

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 Akasasuri Rejoices in Bhante | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:26

In today's FBA Dharmabyte, we listen while "Akasasuri Rejoices in Bhante," expressing her appreciation for the role that Sangharakshita has played in the spiritual life of herself and others. This talk was recorded during a celebration of Sangharakshita's birthday in 2010.

 Paramachitta Rejoices in Bhante | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:26

In today's FBA Dharmabyte, "Paramachitta Rejoices in Bhante", Paramachitta reflects on the positive qualities of her honored teacher, Sangharakshita, on the occasion of his birthday in 2010.

 Recollections of Going Forth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:36

In today's FBA Dharmabyte, "Recollections of Going Forth", Sangharakshita reflects back on his time in India, early in his spiritual career, when he made the decision to go forth into homelessness, pursue the Buddhist path and follow in the Buddha's footsteps.

 Sangharakshita and Triratna | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:54

Dharmashalin returns in today's FBA Dharmabyte with part two of his overview of the spiritual life of Sangharakshita.  In "Sangharakshita and Triratna," we continue the story principally through the development of Triratna from a dream to an international Buddhist community.

 Sangharakshita: The Early Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:44

In today's FBA Dharmabyte, "Sangharakshita: The Early Years," Dharmashalin gives us an overview of Sangharakshita's early life and spiritual path before founding the Triratna Buddhist Community. A great primer for those wanting to know a bit more back-story about our teacher.

 The Dharma Challenges our Views | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:31

In today'sFBA Dharmabyte, "The Dharma Challenges our Views," Satyaraja asks us What’s most important to us? What do we devote our time to? He reminds us that we don’t like uncertainty, and yet, when we strive to gain insight to see things as they really are, we realize we have to stay open and receptive to the mystery of ourselves. From the words of Padmasambhava: I do not have I do not understand I do not know

 Two Great Shifts in One’s Being | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:26

In today's FBA Dharmabyte, "Two Great Shifts in One’s Being," Vajratara shares her thoughts on going forth, leaving behind ones old habits, and going for refuge towards what is real, what is possible, what is beautiful - the goal of the spiritual life. From the talk "The Bodhicaryavatara" given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 18th March 2008. Part of a series on Great Buddhist Texts.

 The Bodhisattva and Evolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:14

In today'sFBA Dharmabyte, "The Bodhisattva and Evolution," Sangharakshita introduces the figure of the Bodhisattva, who embodies the principle of perpetual self-transcendence. This is an excerpt from the talk, "The Bodhisattva Principle".

 Living Collectively: Sangha as Teacher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:54

In today'sFBA Dharmabyte, "Living Collectively: Sangha as Teacher,"Saddhanandi shares some wisdom from Jack Kornfield on spiritual community and living collectively. She then describes having confidence in the Order and developing Sangha as the authentic teacher. From the talk "Spiritual Transmission and Lineage" a detailed, intimate and heartfelt talk looking at the relationship between a Dharma follower and her/his teacher.

 Prajna as Aesthetic Appreciation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:47

In today'sFBA Dharmabyte, "Prajna as Aesthetic Appreciation," Padmavajra offers a little insight into seeing not-self. From the fourth talk in his wonderful series on the Dhammapada, the most popular of early Buddhist texts.

 Speaking About the Goal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:06

In today'sFBA Dharmabyte we hear from Ratnaghosha from the Men's Combined Convention in "Speaking About the Goal." Words and descriptions cannot fully encapsulate transcendental experience. Inspired by verses from Milarepa's final exhortation from "The Shepherd's Search for Mind", which provides a complete path, effortlessly combining devotion and meditation: Without arrival, he reaches the place of Buddha; Without seeing, he visions the dharmakaya; Without effort, he does all things naturally. This is an excerpt from the sixth talk given on the European Triratna Men's Convention at Adhisthana on 19 August 2014, entitled "The Goal."

 Hearing the Cuckoo’s Cry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:55

In today'sFBA Dharmabyte we hear from Maitreyabandhu from the Men's Combined Convention in "Hearing the Cuckoo’s Cry." Reading haiku, Maitreyabandhu brings us to reflect on our shared understanding of the goal of insight and enlightenment. This is an excerpt from the second talk given on the European Triratna Men's Convention at Adhisthana on 19 August 2014, entitled "Against Avoiding Pain."

 Acting in Accordance with our Values | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:04

Subhadramati shares her insights on ethics in today'sFBA Dharmabyte: "Acting in Accordance with our Values," an excerpt from a the talk "Ethics As a Path to Insight." Practicing ethics leads to greater happiness, springs out of our empathy for others, and eventually becomes free of any notion of self and other. Given on August 30 2014 at the European Women's Convention held at Adhisthana on the theme of "The Bodhisattva's Reply: Triratna Paths to Insight".

 A New Poem From Sangharakshita | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:47

We are delighted to dedicate today'sFBA Dharmabyte to poetry. Not just any poetry, but "A New Poem From Sangharakshita," read by Parami at the European Women's Convention held at Adhisthana, August 30 2014.

 Six Guides to Insight and a Touch of Magic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:04

Danapriya brings us ourFBA Dharmabyte today, "Six Guides to Insight and a Touch of Magic." The fourth and last (short) talk in a panel called "Spreading the Dharma as a Path to Insight", given at the European Combined Order Convention held at Wymondham College on 23 August 2014. The theme of the convention was "The Bodhisattva's Reply: Triratna Paths to Insight".


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