M6P: Marvel 616 Politics show

M6P: Marvel 616 Politics

Summary: Marvel 616 Politics is a show about the mainstream Marvel Universe: the 616. M6P discusses the writers, artists, editors, and most importantly the stories! We try to deconstruct the stories and motives to better understand and enjoy the Marvel experience for our listeners: the Body Politic! Join us and enjoy the ride!

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  • Artist: Jarid & Andy
  • Copyright: ℗ & © 2010 ApologyIsPolicy Productions


 It's Jarid's Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:40

In a twisted turn of events, we actually HAVE a show! Come join our merry band of two as we review fan-requested "Scarlet Spider" and "Carnage" as well as make our predictions on who would win what in this Avengers vs X-Men mini-diet-half portion-event that Marvel's doing. (tee hee) Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

 Let's Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:51

Sure this may be “ambitious” of us. And, yeah, we may encounter “technical” difficulties,”disgruntled” interns, and “in”-fighting–but, heck, we think it’s worth it. This episode we predict the future of Marvel’s 2012 year, if we remember to. We also do a summary of EVERY TITLE RELEASED IN NOVEMBER (to Jarid’s dismay). What could be more fun? Join us….OR DIE!!! Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

 FAANTASTIC! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:13
 The Burden of Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:36

Off to a rough start perhaps, but nothing a little glue and stitches can't mend. Of course there is that pestering baby that won't shut up. Gah!!! Kids are just a drag aren't they? But enough with the uncool talk of the funk. Let's get our comics on! But...but why is Jarid talking like that? Oh right, the Jersey accent. I don't get it. If he wanted to talk with an accent, why woudldn't he just do a M6P Role Play and get it over with? Why's the guy gotta be like that? Jerk! This issue we discuss New Avengers Annual, Fear Itself #6, Avengers - Children's Crusade #7, Spider-Island, Schism, Uncanny X-Force, the Point One one-shot coming up, and how uncool Thunderbolts #163.1 was. And of course our sponsor DCBService.com where you can fulfill all your lifelong dreams of fun and adventure through the comfort of UPS. So until next time, Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

 We're Back in the Saddle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:26

After Jarid off filming his debut movie The Avengers, perhaps you've heard of it...and Andy being back after....well, I guess that guy was just lazing out. I suppose he really didn't go anywhere at all. Sad really. But as we come back, we hit all the major issues that have come out since our last ish: - X-Men #15.1 - X-Men Schism #2 - X-Men Schism #3 - Fear Itself #5 - Daredevil #1 - Secret Avengers #15 (READ IT!!!) - Uncanny X-Men #542 -Amazing Spider-Man #666 - Punisher #1 - Ghost Rider #1 WHEW!!! That's a TON...and also we still give out our Tina Awards. Admittedly, we are a bit out of practice with these, as you will see (We almost went to fisticuffs over this nonsense!). And of course, thanks to our sponsor DCBS, Discount Comic Book Service. 40% off all pre-orders. Go....Pre-Order! So, until next time make yours MARVEL 616 POLITICS!

 Things Are Looking Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:13

Over the countless hours that we have given to Marvel, we often feel like we deserve some sort of compensation. Do we want blood and treasure? No...nooooo. Keep your bloody treasure away from my face and hands. All we really want is good stories. (Now if they're bloody, we can't help that. We just read them.) But as of late, we feel that Marvel is listening, and listening GOOD! Did you see Schism #1? I mean, come on!!! How can you beat that. There wasn't a single retcon in the whole issue, that I know of. And that Cap. WOW!! He's just so hot right now. Steve is back in the costume and ready to go. Sure it may seem like I'm laying it on thick, but if we ever want to get Marvel as a sponsor we need to start sucking up a litte, right? The point is, this week's stories were downright FANTASTIC! They are great jumping on points and where better to get these stories than DCBService.com? That's right. Discount Comic Book Service where you can get these issues and several hundreds more for up to 40% off!!!!!!!!!!!! I do it, Jarid does it...your Aunt Netta watches it everynight with the VCR!! (sorry, got carried away there.) So until next time, Make yours Marvel 616 Politics

 The X-Men Fiasco | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:15

Why does it always have to be about me? Is it my fault that I talk a lot, or have a lot to say? And yet, Jarid doesn't think so...what's that guy's deal anyway? Oh don't drink during the show...oh don't eat your ramen...oh you don't like your ice cream...oh you need to go drown in an ocean of ice cream... Anyway, join us for issue 32 where we discuss the in's and out's of X-Men First Class, the Uncanny relaunch, and Fear Itself #3. We also argue about water and swimming as well as other mundane and trivial things. And yes, of course, I get to call Jarid a "jerk." BUT I DID NOT SAY "ASTRAY" this episode, even though Jarid desperately tried to get me to say it...over and over and over again. This episode was and is brought to you by DCBService.com. The best and only place to pre-order your comics at up to 40% off cover price. That's right! I said 40% off....40....four zero. I mean, really, what else do you need? Until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

 (Not) Drinking and Podcasting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:46:02

ow I don't know about you, but when Jarid starts hounding me about the 'ol demon drink, I get a little defensive. See here, I'm no boy scout Captain America, but I'm no Tony Stark neither. So can't we just leave the topic and move on to comics? Or are we going to have a Schism here? (You see what I did there? Uh huh! That's right. I'm THAT good!) Regardless of your, mine, and his alcoholistical tendencies, the lords of the Body Politic jump into the X-Men full force. What's going on? Where have they come from and where are they going? We give you our two cents on the new team of Legacy, the numbering on Adjectiveless, and the skinny on Astonishing--TWO CREATIVE TEAMS!?!?!? Give me a break. But wait...there's more! Voicemails and the Sultry Surfer abound as we tackle a few choice questions from the Body Politic as well as a good old fashioned role play...eh, nevermind. Just essing listen! Sponsored by DCBService.com. Discount Comic Book Service is where you can fulfill all your comic needs and desires--for discounted prices no less!! Up to 40% off. Enjoy DCBService.com! (and tell them we sent ya!)

 Journey into Tie-Ins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:57

I don't know what was up with this past week's comics, but they were a stretch...to say the least. A stretch for us...to tell you...that they actually relate to the AMAZINGLY AWESOME event Fear Itself. So this issue we talk Invincible Iron Man #503 and how (half of) it really relates to Fear Itself. Then we go into Journey into Mystery #622 to find out how exactly Loki and his evil big self, Loki, fit into the Fear Itself. I mean...he's Asgardian...Skadi is Asgardian. They are obviously lovers that were separated at birth then transmigrated into a frog, then a hammer, and finally a girl that is the incarnation of Sin itself. Hey, I could write this event. Jarid!!! Get me my inkwell and feather! And don't forget our sponsors!! DCBService.com (Discount Comic Book Service) Get all your single issues, trades, and preorders up to 40% off. I use them...why don't you? Until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

 Do You Want to Do This Podcast Alone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:54:16

Thank goodness for our sponsorship (Discount Comic Book Service, DCBService.com) because without their 40% off regular issues I think we would have called it quits this go round. I just mean, PLEASE, that Jarid guy is soooo stubborn with his smug little responses to my Tina guesses, and the way he talks about how he could write Age of X way better, and how he doesn't have to take a shower because he wakes up smelling clean. GRRR!!! It makes me so angry! So I am giving Fear Itself a chance...So I like the concept behind Onslaught Unleashed...So I think Age of X isn't that bad--Call me Mr. Positive. But really, what can you do? It's not like can turn to our beautiful wives to discuss these things. (I mean, let's face it...if they knew how geeky we truly are, they would never speak to us again.) Well, I guess all we can do is stick with the show. I mean, it's not really that bad, right? It's not like he said I was a wuss for not liking to fly...WHAT?!?!? He DID??? I'LL KILL YOU!!

 The Top 5! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:37

Have you ever wondered who would be the best leader of the X-Men? Have you ever wondered what the worst X-Men stories are? Have you ever...Have you ever? Well you can stop your wondering. That's right! Now Jarid and Andy come at you full force (well, maybe not full force because it's late, and I'm tired and I just may not care anymore...)--like I was saying: FULL FORCE. Coming at you with our Top 5! Sure there are 10 of them...so Top 10 Top 5! This could get a little hairy, but we are all over it. Of course with the help of our fearless sponsor: DCBService.com. With our commentary, our prowess, and our distinct AWESOMENESS (and their 40% off) we will tell you what you need to know. To live, to survive, to read. Enjoy!! (DO IT! Enjoy it... or else!)

 For the Love of... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:27

Today is a new day (with DCBService.com!!). Today is the day that M6P and you connect. Today is the new Horrific Age. It's that time whe--wait...what? Horrific has already been taken? THOSE MARVEL SLEEZE BA--wait...what? OHHH, the "Heroic Age." Got it...no, I got it. NO I got it. Jeezum Petes...For the Love of... Alright, well I'm past that anyway. We don't even talk about the Heroic Age in this episode. Why? Because we are doing the Vampire thing....we're not? Wait, I thought that we were still doing vampires and Frankencastle and stuff. Oh, that's over? Alright, so we are now in the new Heroic Age...what now? Just the X-Men? The rest of the Marvel Universe has moved on? Now we are doing the Point One program? Well, why are the X-Men so far behind? Screw it!! Welcome to Marvel 616 Politics, where the news is fresh and Tina is in full swing. (She's still cool, right? Okay, okay! I got it.) So in this shining gem of an episode, we have Professor X and Magneto stop by for a while, while we finish up our preps for the show; and I have to say, they do a pretty bang up job. As always, I hope you enjoy and....just don't judge us. Roll Tape!!

 The 616 Christmas Blues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:48:33

It was a cold day that Andy's mouth swelled up...and an even colder day when Jarid's heater went out....mwuahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! But let's be serious for one second. My heart goes out to the guy...well, not that much (because he makes fun of me ALL THE TIME). But in this show, I got the last laugh. I finally beat Jarid Mayo at his own game: The Tina Awards. That's right. Oh, he'll deny me that quarter point I earned in the very beginning, but his deceit can only take him so far. His uppins will come. Mark my words!! That dastardly devient of destruction will not don the dark of dusk this day. Now besides the magnificent Tina Awards, we discuss the Promotions at Marvel, Black Panther coming to New York, the point of X-Men Legacy, and the Osborn mystery. And who can forget about our sponsor, DCBService.com? Get all your issues at heavily discounted prices, up to 40% off!!! So that about wraps up this merry time of fun and pizaz...(is that spelled right?) Oh, one more thing. Feel sorry for us. Seriously, no seriously. Jarid's heat went out and my teeth/mouth burst forth with the "Christmas Puss." With your sorrow, we grow stronger....feeding off of it as if it were an energy source, vibrant and pulsating with emotion and POWER. POWER!!!! Until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!! (oh and don't forget our sponser DCBService.com)

 M6P Hits the Big Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:54:09

Voicemails, Top 5's and the Hobgoblin...you can't get this anywhere else. Well, I guess that's not really true. Because, let's face it: we have another website or iTunes...or even Facebook. But enough with the shameless plugging. This episode we talk about the new Venom series and who will wear the chocolate eating, adrenaline sucking monster! We also discuss next year's villains to watch for and the possible scenarios in which they would TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Furthermore, this brand new and improved episode features the voice stylings of Jarid Mayo (not on the phone but in REAL LIFE)!!! Along with the announcement of a new sponsor, DCBService.com. Get all your issues at heavily discounted prices, up to 40% off!!! That's right. Fall in love. (Hey, we gotta pay the bills somehow.) Enjoy and send us your feedback! Until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!!

 The Uncanny Carnage of It All | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:25

It truly is a feat to be able to talk about comics for two hours. Sure, we may throw in a Tina reference here and there...but then there are also political references as well. Politics. That's right. That's what we do. We are your agents out to deconstruct our favorite medium: The comic book. We look, observe, and examine. This is what we do. We talk about the story, the art, the covers, the characters, the writers, and the editors. Comics may seem all fun and games to you but to us...to us, comics are serious biz. It's hard a hard life. It's hard to be read comics that we love. It's hard to talk about our favorite characters. It's hard to record our opinions and hear ourselves talk. It's hard. It's hard. ANNNNNNDDDDD that's what Tina is for!! Oh thank God for Tina Turner: The goddess of all that cool and hip, the wonder of the golden age, the songsmith of the new world. How could we make it through Uncanny #529 and Fraction's jumpiness. As well as the new Generation Hope team and continuity gaps without those fantastic rythms and exquisite hard-hitting baseline. Oh, and we also talk about the Point One program and Carnage number one. And we laugh too. I mean, come on. Lighten up...who are you? This whole thing is about fun, not political drivel and boring commentary. Get hip. Get with it.


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