In A Perfect World show

In A Perfect World

Summary: YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe,the Ultraculture of the 21st century. These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight... Follow this blog if(typeof(networkedblogs)=="undefined"){networkedblogs = {};networkedblogs.blogId=1105010;networkedblogs.shortName="in-a-perfect-world";} NEW: JOIN our Facebook page to discuss the podcasts and 'find the others'...


 87: ORACLE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4182

Experiential journalist Rak Razam talks with mushroom shamaness and modern-day Oracle Shonagh Home, author of Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine and Love, Spirit, Medicine. Whilst entheogens like ayahuasca are peaking in mainstream media, other sacraments like psilocybin are also on the rise once more. Home resonates with mushroom magic, and was initiated by "the voice of the mushroom" on 5 dried grams. In the bemushroomed state Home feels spirits possess her body and speak through her, like the classical Oracle at Delphi of Greek antiquity. But can we trust the voice of the mushroom, what McKenna calls the 'Logos'? Is the psilocybin frequency a portal for the faerie folk, the fey, or other star beings? Are women more sensitive to ecstatic states of both sensuality and shamanism? Does the bloodline affect the proclivity to certain plant sacraments? Do we have magic in our blood? A provocative examination of the role of the woman shaman as a portal to the universe… For more information visit Join author Rak Razam this September or December in Peru on an intensive ayahausca retreat with curandero Percy Garcia: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 86: RESET ME | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4231

with Amber Lyon. Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets Amber Lyon, an Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist, author, filmmaker and former CNNi correspondent, who went public after CNN censored her reportage on the Arab Spring in Bahrain. Described by Wikileaks as an important "whistleblower", Lyon discovered the healing power of psychedelics and healed her own PTSD after experiencing ayahuasca in the Amazon and psilocybin in Mexico. She has since founded Reset.Me to provide journalism on natural therapies for depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, addiction, and other health conditions, and strives to help expand consciousness, enhance spirituality and well-being by continuing her work as a "psychedelic whistleblower" to the mainstream. Here, these two leading "consciousness journalists" discuss psychedelic and shamanic culture, the unprocessed trauma behind the need for healing and the role of journalism in examining the deeper issues behind the headlines. As mainstream press like NYT, Marie Claire and the like report on ayahuasca, can integral journalists help communicate the spiritual world to everyday audiences and win the War on Consciousness? Can we encourage each other to "come out of the psychedelic closet" to our friends and family, to deepen our community and acceptance of these substances? Is there a danger of Big Pharma commodifying psychedelic substances as a "soma" as they are integrated? What is the correct place for shamanic medicines in western culture? If we hit the RESET button can we reprogram ourselves? For more information visit: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 86: RESET ME | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4231

with Amber Lyon. Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets Amber Lyon, an Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist, author, filmmaker and former CNNi correspondent, who went public after CNN censored her reportage on the Arab Spring in Bahrain. Described by Wikileaks as an important "whistleblower", Lyon discovered the healing power of psychedelics and healed her own PTSD after experiencing ayahuasca in the Amazon and psilocybin in Mexico. She has since founded Reset.Me to provide journalism on natural therapies for depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, addiction, and other health conditions, and strives to help expand consciousness, enhance spirituality and well-being by continuing her work as a "psychedelic whistleblower" to the mainstream. Here, these two leading "consciousness journalists" discuss psychedelic and shamanic culture, the unprocessed trauma behind the need for healing and the role of journalism in examining the deeper issues behind the headlines. As mainstream press like NYT, Marie Claire and the like report on ayahuasca, can integral journalists help communicate the spiritual world to everyday audiences and win the War on Consciousness? Can we encourage each other to "come out of the psychedelic closet" to our friends and family, to deepen our community and acceptance of these substances? Is there a danger of Big Pharma commodifying psychedelic substances as a "soma" as they are integrated? What is the correct place for shamanic medicines in western culture? If we hit the RESET button can we reprogram ourselves? For more information visit: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 85: Navigating Altered States | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4026

with Meriana Dinkova How can the modern psychonaut best navigate innerspace? Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets Western psychotherapist and relationship counsellor Meriana Dinkova, who also organizes retreats in Peru combining Medicine Work and neo-shamanistic psychotherapeutic tools. Meriana discusses her experience as a women in the machismo-world of male shamans and how to use advanced psychological techniques to navigate the shamanic landscape and hacking the unconscious. Her spiritual toolkit embraces somatic techniques, mudras, NLP, breathing, visualisation, command words, hypnotic techniques and much more to maximise our potential within altered space. But how do we recognise and protect ourselves from the entities native to these realms? Can we choose our own cultural archetypes as allies and godforms in the shamanic space (Spiderman and Yoda vs. jaguars and snakes?). And can we integrate these deep experiences after the journey and find support within the psychedelic and shamanic community to facilitate this integration? Meriana is the author of the upcoming book ‘Navigating Altered States’ and is hosting deep shamanic healing retreats in Peru in July and December, 2014 with experienced shamans. (In a Perfect World is an affiliate partner so please mention us if you book: July Shamanic Retreat in Peru with Ricardo Amaringo and The Retreat's Facebook Event ) For more info about Meriana's work go to: and SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 85: Navigating Altered States | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4026

with Meriana Dinkova How can the modern psychonaut best navigate innerspace? Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets Western psychotherapist and relationship counsellor Meriana Dinkova, who also organizes retreats in Peru combining Medicine Work and neo-shamanistic psychotherapeutic tools. Meriana discusses her experience as a women in the machismo-world of male shamans and how to use advanced psychological techniques to navigate the shamanic landscape and hacking the unconscious. Her spiritual toolkit embraces somatic techniques, mudras, NLP, breathing, visualisation, command words, hypnotic techniques and much more to maximise our potential within altered space. But how do we recognise and protect ourselves from the entities native to these realms? Can we choose our own cultural archetypes as allies and godforms in the shamanic space (Spiderman and Yoda vs. jaguars and snakes?). And can we integrate these deep experiences after the journey and find support within the psychedelic and shamanic community to facilitate this integration? Meriana is the author of the upcoming book ‘Navigating Altered States’ and is hosting deep shamanic healing retreats in Peru in July and December, 2014 with experienced shamans. (In a Perfect World is an affiliate partner so please mention us if you book: July Shamanic Retreat in Peru with Ricardo Amaringo and The Retreat's Facebook Event ) For more info about Meriana's work go to: and SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 84: Mythmaker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3273

Snowed out in the aboveground world, experiential journalist Rak Razam and Benton Rooks, writer for Reality Sandwich, graphic novelist of the newly released 'Kali Yuga' and mythic worldbridger, descend to an underground carpark in Boston where they discuss the parameters of 'entheodelic' storytelling that represents entheogenic and psychedelic culture. What are the origins in indigenous stories, science fiction and Hollywood films? IS there an entheodelic movement of storytellers that parallels the visionary art explosion? Are these innerspace narratives fuelled by the plant spirit consciousnesses themselves? Can we explore and share the inner frontier through what Rooks calls 'narrative medicine'? Are we experiencing a 'divine invasion' of memetic form as the spirit world grounds itself through our media, and the contours of a new global mythology take shape in our stories? Can the military-industrial-entertainment complex co-opt the emerging shamanic paradigm? And what about Skrillex and machine- consciousness-glitch-magic? A provocative experiential discussion and call to arms for writers and artists everywhere, from the noisy depths of the Boston underworld. For more information on Benton Rooks, see: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 84: Mythmaker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3273

Snowed out in the aboveground world, experiential journalist Rak Razam and Benton Rooks, writer for Reality Sandwich, graphic novelist of the newly released 'Kali Yuga' and mythic worldbridger, descend to an underground carpark in Boston where they discuss the parameters of 'entheodelic' storytelling that represents entheogenic and psychedelic culture. What are the origins in indigenous stories, science fiction and Hollywood films? IS there an entheodelic movement of storytellers that parallels the visionary art explosion? Are these innerspace narratives fuelled by the plant spirit consciousnesses themselves? Can we explore and share the inner frontier through what Rooks calls 'narrative medicine'? Are we experiencing a 'divine invasion' of memetic form as the spirit world grounds itself through our media, and the contours of a new global mythology take shape in our stories? Can the military-industrial-entertainment complex co-opt the emerging shamanic paradigm? And what about Skrillex and machine- consciousness-glitch-magic? A provocative experiential discussion and call to arms for writers and artists everywhere, from the noisy depths of the Boston underworld. For more information on Benton Rooks, see: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 83: Big Think | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4108

Come on a guided tour of evolutionary hyperspace with experiential journalist Rak Razam and paleontologist-poet-philosopher, visionary artist, electroacoustic musician, futurist, cultural critic, intellectual avant guard thinker and "Big Ideas" bodhisattva Michael Garfield. If the medium is the message, as Marshall McLuhan said, how do we communicate the BIG IDEAS that matter, that can help us survive in the changing paradigm we find ourselves in? Garfield offers a long and provocative burst of synaptic ideation that explores ideas like: mind viruses, transparency-surveillance culture, the technocratic priestcraft, Buckminster Fuller, Teilhard de Chardin, machine super intelligences, the Church of Goople and AI's, Big Mama vs. Big Brother, TechnoUtopia, psychedelics, ego dissolution, fembots, synergistic bacterial lifeforms and the cosmic biosphere, romancing the Skynet, BitCoin and Cyptocurrencies, Vernor Vinge and ensemble/wearable computing, having sex on GoogleGlass, cyborg anthropology, mesh networks and the bit torrenting of culture, capitalism vs. unitarism and species extinction, open source power redistribution, superhuman-metahumans and the war on transhuman consciousness, surfing the wave of chaos, the transcendental mystery and the species nanorgasm of singularity… Is this really the ENDOFTHEWORLDASWEKNOWIT? BIG THINK will guide you through… For more ecodelic explorations that map the evolutionary landscape, see Garfield's art : , music: and videos: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 83: Big Think | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4108

Come on a guided tour of evolutionary hyperspace with experiential journalist Rak Razam and paleontologist-poet-philosopher, visionary artist, electroacoustic musician, futurist, cultural critic, intellectual avant guard thinker and "Big Ideas" bodhisattva Michael Garfield. If the medium is the message, as Marshall McLuhan said, how do we communicate the BIG IDEAS that matter, that can help us survive in the changing paradigm we find ourselves in? Garfield offers a long and provocative burst of synaptic ideation that explores ideas like: mind viruses, transparency-surveillance culture, the technocratic priestcraft, Buckminster Fuller, Teilhard de Chardin, machine super intelligences, the Church of Goople and AI's, Big Mama vs. Big Brother, TechnoUtopia, psychedelics, ego dissolution, fembots, synergistic bacterial lifeforms and the cosmic biosphere, romancing the Skynet, BitCoin and Cyptocurrencies, Vernor Vinge and ensemble/wearable computing, having sex on GoogleGlass, cyborg anthropology, mesh networks and the bit torrenting of culture, capitalism vs. unitarism and species extinction, open source power redistribution, superhuman-metahumans and the war on transhuman consciousness, surfing the wave of chaos, the transcendental mystery and the species nanorgasm of singularity… Is this really the ENDOFTHEWORLDASWEKNOWIT? BIG THINK will guide you through… For more ecodelic explorations that map the evolutionary landscape, see Garfield's art : , music: and videos: SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 82: The Cannabis Shaman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4127

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Hamilton Souther, one of the more prominent Western ayahuasca shamans and the founder of the Blue Morpho lodge outside Iquitos. Souther is also pioneering 'Cannabis Shamanism' using the songs and structure of his ayahuasca lineage with cannabis as the active sacrament. Cannabis has been revered as sacred by Hindus, Rastafarians and others, and with Souther's '420 Shamanism' movement there is the opportunity to resacralize the West's dominant recreational drug into something more, at the same time as marijuana legalisation sweeps America. If recreation and medical use of marijuana is becoming accepted, can spiritual use as well? Is this the start of a cannabis-shamanism revival, as the modality of shamanism itself crosses the tipping point into the mainstream? Souther shares his initiation story on the shamanic path, the difficulties of training as a Westerner and the secret bias towards many Westerners from local practitioners. How do we separate the indigenous wisdom from the dogma to apply shamanic training for the modern world? How do we become our own Western Shamans, not culturally repackaged copies? How far can we integrate and change the existing styles? For instance, as well as integrating icaros or healing sounds into Western dance music for consciousness expansion, Souther is about to sing his healing in ceremony, livestreaming across the internet in a 21st century 'distributed shamanism' modality. A provocative interview that will challenge your conceptions of what shamanism is, and how it can be integrated into the West… The 420 Cannabis Shamanism Movement launches April 20th, 2014. For more information, see: The groundbreaking shamanic documentary Aya: Awakenings is now available for viewing and download on Vimeo on Demand and you can read the book that inspired the film and join the discussion on our Facebook page. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 82: The Cannabis Shaman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4127

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Hamilton Souther, one of the more prominent Western ayahuasca shamans and the founder of the Blue Morpho lodge outside Iquitos. Souther is also pioneering 'Cannabis Shamanism' using the songs and structure of his ayahuasca lineage with cannabis as the active sacrament. Cannabis has been revered as sacred by Hindus, Rastafarians and others, and with Souther's '420 Shamanism' movement there is the opportunity to resacralize the West's dominant recreational drug into something more, at the same time as marijuana legalisation sweeps America. If recreation and medical use of marijuana is becoming accepted, can spiritual use as well? Is this the start of a cannabis-shamanism revival, as the modality of shamanism itself crosses the tipping point into the mainstream? Souther shares his initiation story on the shamanic path, the difficulties of training as a Westerner and the secret bias towards many Westerners from local practitioners. How do we separate the indigenous wisdom from the dogma to apply shamanic training for the modern world? How do we become our own Western Shamans, not culturally repackaged copies? How far can we integrate and change the existing styles? For instance, as well as integrating icaros or healing sounds into Western dance music for consciousness expansion, Souther is about to sing his healing in ceremony, livestreaming across the internet in a 21st century 'distributed shamanism' modality. A provocative interview that will challenge your conceptions of what shamanism is, and how it can be integrated into the West… The 420 Cannabis Shamanism Movement launches April 20th, 2014. For more information, see: The groundbreaking shamanic documentary Aya: Awakenings is now available for viewing and download on Vimeo on Demand and you can read the book that inspired the film and join the discussion on our Facebook page. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 81: Dinner with Dr. Juan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5006

An intimate dinner party-neuroscience conversation with experiential journalist Rak Razam, Dr. Juan Acosta, the 'mad scientist on the frontiers of consciousness' that starred in the film Aya: Awakenings, and Cheryl. Dr Juan has mapped EEG data from subjects legally ingesting Salvia Divinorum, 5-MeO-DMT, experiencing kundalini activation and monks meditating. Neuroscience can now map our brain states, but it takes a real neuroshaman to tell what occurs experientially within the journey itself… And why does nature make these substances that fit our brain systems, anyway? Can the EEG data sets recorded from one subject be rolled out onto the mindfield of another subject via neurofeedback? Can we electronically stimulate and repeat these transcendental experiences? How does language change the brain? When both psychedelics and meditation shut off the Default Mode Network what happens to the brain? Is the brain structure is like an ecosystem that mirrors the planetary ecology, which is itself a nested consciousness? Was the 'fall' into consciousness the turning ON of the species' Default Mode Network? Is the imagination a receiver of the infinite fields of Gaian consciousness we are embedded in? Oh, a feast of ideas awaits you! The groundbreaking shamanic documentary Aya: Awakenings is now available for viewing and download on Vimeo on Demand and you can read the book that inspired the film and join the discussion on our Facebook page. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 81: Dinner with Dr. Juan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5006

An intimate dinner party-neuroscience conversation with experiential journalist Rak Razam, Dr. Juan Acosta, the 'mad scientist on the frontiers of consciousness' that starred in the film Aya: Awakenings, and Cheryl. Dr Juan has mapped EEG data from subjects legally ingesting Salvia Divinorum, 5-MeO-DMT, experiencing kundalini activation and monks meditating. Neuroscience can now map our brain states, but it takes a real neuroshaman to tell what occurs experientially within the journey itself… And why does nature make these substances that fit our brain systems, anyway? Can the EEG data sets recorded from one subject be rolled out onto the mindfield of another subject via neurofeedback? Can we electronically stimulate and repeat these transcendental experiences? How does language change the brain? When both psychedelics and meditation shut off the Default Mode Network what happens to the brain? Is the brain structure is like an ecosystem that mirrors the planetary ecology, which is itself a nested consciousness? Was the 'fall' into consciousness the turning ON of the species' Default Mode Network? Is the imagination a receiver of the infinite fields of Gaian consciousness we are embedded in? Oh, a feast of ideas awaits you! The groundbreaking shamanic documentary Aya: Awakenings is now available for viewing and download on Vimeo on Demand and you can read the book that inspired the film and join the discussion on our Facebook page. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 80: Awakenings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3603

Damon Orion interviews Rak Razam, experiential journalist and the writer-producer of the critically acclaimed shamanic documentary, Aya: Awakenings. They discuss the nature of the indigenous shamanic realm that is coming back into the Western understanding, the role of jaguars in the archetypal landscape, and the difference between the two world paradigms and how they define altered states. The role of western media makers in mapping the invisible landscape is defined, as is the healing benefits of entheogens and re-connecting to spirit, and the deep mystical profundity of the 5-Me0 immersion. The film, which Orion called "A multi-sensory, multi-dimensional mindblower, leaving the viewer stunned, invogorated, and filled with reverent awe for the Great Mystery," is available now on Video On Demand. Damon Orion is a journalist, editor, and ghostwriter in Santa Cruz, California. His work has appeared in publications like Spirituality & Health, Revolver, High Times, Common Ground, Austin Monthly, Massage Magazine, and the MAPS Bulletin as well as in such webzines as Reality Sandwich, Acceler8or, and New Realities and he can be reached through his website. Read the cover story article in the Santa Cruz Good Times newspaper: The groundbreaking shamanic documentary Aya: Awakenings is now available for viewing and download on Vimeo on Demand and you can read the book that inspired the film and join the discussion on our Facebook page. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 80: Awakenings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3603

Damon Orion interviews Rak Razam, experiential journalist and the writer-producer of the critically acclaimed shamanic documentary, Aya: Awakenings. They discuss the nature of the indigenous shamanic realm that is coming back into the Western understanding, the role of jaguars in the archetypal landscape, and the difference between the two world paradigms and how they define altered states. The role of western media makers in mapping the invisible landscape is defined, as is the healing benefits of entheogens and re-connecting to spirit, and the deep mystical profundity of the 5-Me0 immersion. The film, which Orion called "A multi-sensory, multi-dimensional mindblower, leaving the viewer stunned, invogorated, and filled with reverent awe for the Great Mystery," is available now on Video On Demand. Damon Orion is a journalist, editor, and ghostwriter in Santa Cruz, California. His work has appeared in publications like Spirituality & Health, Revolver, High Times, Common Ground, Austin Monthly, Massage Magazine, and the MAPS Bulletin as well as in such webzines as Reality Sandwich, Acceler8or, and New Realities and he can be reached through his website. Read the cover story article in the Santa Cruz Good Times newspaper: The groundbreaking shamanic documentary Aya: Awakenings is now available for viewing and download on Vimeo on Demand and you can read the book that inspired the film and join the discussion on our Facebook page. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


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