GogoTraining IT Training Podcasts show

GogoTraining IT Training Podcasts

Summary: GogoTraining.com


 Flashback Technology In Oracle Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Oracle's Flashback technologies claim many performance and recovery benefits. What's in it for you, as a DBA? How can you take full advantage of these Flashback technologies? Join Mike Simpson as he answers these questions (and others) on "Flashback Technology in Oracle 10g Release Two and Oracle 11 ..."

 Security Threats And Handling It Using Conventional Encryption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A security attack is an action that compromises the security of information. Different security mechanisms have been developed to detect or prevent security attacks. There are different types of security attacks; interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication. Interruption occurs when somebody blocks the flow of information. In interception an attacker listens to the messages. In modification the message from the source is modified before reaching the destination. In fabrication an unauthentic party inserts spurious messages.

 Flashback Technology In Oracle 10g Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Oracle 10g has introduced many new features under the general umbrella of "flashback technologies" that allow database administrators to quickly recover information at the row, statement, table and database level. Join Mike Simpson as he reviews those new features on 'Flashback Technology in Oracle10g Release One.'

 7 Steps For Implementing ITAM: A Quick Start Guide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This discussion focuses on 7 key steps to making sure that when we are ready to embark on an ITAM implementation we are considering things that will help to ensure quick start success.

 Using Virtual Indices In Oracle 10g And 11g | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Proper indices are an important means of improving Oracle performance by changing the access paths used to go after data. However, building different indices to test different access paths can be time consuming. Join Mike Simpson as he shows you how to create virtual (segment-free) indices; how to use a hidden feature to direct Oracle to use these virtual indices; and how virtual indices influence the optimizer path on "Virtual Indices in Oracle 10g".

 IT Considerations For Compliance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this program, I explain what IT personnel must be concerned with in meeting regulatory compliance requirements for information. It explains the issues around compliance from an IT perspective and gives recommendations for IT personnel in meeting compliance needs.

 Why InfiniBand Is Like An Elephant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

GoGogh.com Radio Show looks at the InfiniBand fabric interconnect technology like the blind men looked at the elephant.

 New Speed And Security Features For Oracle 10g | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You are considering moving to Oracle 10g or 11g, but you are a security-conscious individual. What new security features are available to you in the product? How will the affect the speed of your operations? And will you have to redesign your applications to take advantage of these new speed and security features?

 How To Get Started With InfiniBand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This radio show talks about what is involved in implementing InfiniBand, how to approach implementation for different situations and some of the trade-offs between those approaches.

 ITIL® 2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Introduction to the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) and version 3 qualification scheme.

 Data Preservation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This radio show details the reasons data must be preserved and what are the issues with data preservation. The realities for Information Technology in dealing with data preservation are presented and discussed.

 What’s New With DB2 Version 9.7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

IBM’s latest release of DB2 for the Linux, UNIX, and Windows platforms has some significant features that you’ll want to learn about. This radio show gives you the highlights, allowing you to research further those features of most interest to your particular needs. Note: You don’t have to be a current DB2 user to benefit from learning what’s new in DB2 9.7. Oracle database professionals especially will want to listen to this!

 Python-Special Method Names | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Python OO classes have special methods that have specific uses. Most Python programmers know that __init__() is the class constructor. Thistalk will discuss other special class methods and their uses.

 Google Web Toolkit And Third Party Libraries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Google Web Toolkit is designed to assist in the creation of user interfaces for flexible, full-featured Rich Internet Applications(RIAs) that utilize Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, or AJAX. However, these Rich Internet Applications may also utilize other third-party libraries and toolkits to provide additional functionality, such as communication with database or integration with other products and tools. Join Mike Simpson as he reviews several of those most useful third-party libraries and toolkits, and discusses how you may use them in your AJAX applications, on "GWT Third Party Libraries."

 Compliance Overview For Storage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the radio program an overview of compliance and how it pertains to storage will be given. What the regulations are attempting to accomplish and how storage systems must meet these regulations are explained.


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