The Paleo View show

The Paleo View

Summary: The Paleo View: Parenting, Science, and Gossip for a Healthy & Happy Family. Join Stacy of Paleo Parents and Sarah of The Paleo Mom as they answer your questions about health, paleo, and parenting!

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  • Artist: Stacy Toth and Sarah Ballantyne
  • Copyright: Copyright 2012 Matthew McCarry, Stacy Toth and Sarah Ballantyne. All rights reserved.


 Episode 75: Denise Minger on Death by Food Pyramid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:21

Our seventy-fifth show! Ep. 75, Denise Minger on Death by Food Pyramid In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Denise Minger to discuss her involvement with the real food movement and her book Death by Food Pyramid.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 75: Denise Minger on Death by Food Pyramid 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome to the show Denise Minger Stacy and Denise met almost two years ago on the Low Carb Cruise You can find Denise on her site Raw Food SOS and through her book Death by Food Pyramid Sarah finds this to be one of the best books she has ever read - it is not only full of wonderful information, but was a pleasure to read More about Denise At the age of 7 Denise went vegetarian by personal choice and that continued for 10 years before she became an omnivore again At the age of 11 she was diagnosed with a wheat allergy and learned to read food labels Shortly after that she was also diagnosed with a soy and dairy allergy, so she became interested in raw veganism and adopted a lifestyle where she ate nothing but fruits and grains, with fat taking up no more than 10% of her diet After a year of eating that way she had cavity issues, hair loss, extreme weight-loss, and brain fog Denise realized that the information she found on the internet was not actually helping her, so she abandoned raw veganism and created her site - the change in her diet made her realize that her body was really missing something Her site was created to help other raw vegans who were struggling with health issues as a result of the vegan diet The China Study book kept coming up in arguments within the vegan community - so Denise read it again and dug into the results from the studies to see if the statistics were true or not, and she found that the data was cherry picked and the information in the book didn't represent the full study accurately The post on her blog critiquing the book went viral and a whole new audience came to her site looking for more background on these findings She expanded the focus of her site and now works on exploring health studies to show the true scope of data and what results the data points to Death by Food Pyramid offers another critical analysis, but on the government's dietary guidelines and the history on where those come from and who/what influenced them (24:41) The Development of the First Food Pyramid The USDA was put into place around the Civil War and the mission was to support agriculture and to distribute information to the general public about agriculture Around World War 2 our disease issues began to shift and chronic diseases began to rise, it was also at this time that the USDA developed the food guide system called the basic four that focused on meat, grains, dairy and fruits and vegetables - there were no specifics given on servings This recommendation was in place for a long time and didn't support our health issues as they evolved When a new nutritionist was brought in to help design a new recommendation for eating, she developed a food pyramid that suggested five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, liberal amounts of cold-pressed fat, and to limit whole grains to two to three servings a day based on activity levels When the food pyramid was submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture it was sent back to her completely revised with heavy emphasis on high grains, low fat, and low servings of produce The nutritionist warned her superiors that this structure would cause an obesity epidemic, but without the power the message was lost, and she abandoned the project and the USDA took it over and removed the science and data from the recommendations they were making Check out more on Luise Light, the nutritionist mentioned above, through her book What to Eat (40:34) The Cause of the Increase in Heart Disease Ancel Keys is the father of the low fat movement, and is known for the research he did on heart disease Through his research, he identified a correlation between a country's access to fat with high levels of heart disease It was the first time in history that anyone had made this argument, fat had always been respected up until that point When his study was critiqued, other scientists added data from other countries and looked into other variables linked to heart disease and found that animal fat was the cause of heart disease The data wasn't about the consumption of animal products - it only looked at a country's access to fat, so countries that are essentially wealthy, affluent, and who can afford animal products Is all that was being discovered was that wealthier nations with access to cars, TVs, convenience foods, and processed foods had higher levels of heart disease At the same time John Yudkin was studying the impact of sugar on health and he believed that sugar was the cause of heart disease Denise's research on these two studies led her to conclude that neither scientists were right, they had stumbled upon only two pieces of the puzzle and failed to see the full picture These studies teach us to look at data more globally and to not be so eager to look for the simple, quick answer Sarah and Denise further chatted about proper research (54:11) Stacy asked Denise what her favorite topics were from her Death by Food Pyramid research Findings from the Mediterranean Diet template Westin A. Price's research on various diets Stacy asked Denise how it feels to have her book baby out there Denise said she is sleeping for the first time in three years and working on promotion at this point She is also trying to get back into the swing of blogging, and taking a breather to fully absorb the release of her book and what an accomplishment that is The first print run of The Paleo Approach has almost sold out, and the second print will soon be in production - be sure to order a copy now because there will be a delay while the book is on back order from the second print The Paleo Approach was nominated as an Editor's Pick on Amazon and is ranked 275 out of the millions of books on Amazon Sarah will be doing some travel surrounding the book release, so be on the lookout for more details in the weeks to come The Paleo Approach Cookbook will not be released until the end of August so that Sarah can properly take care of her health, and launch The Paleo Approach with full energy and focus Stacy notes that the idea of ancestral wellness and a healthy lifestyle are where the strong voices in the paleo community want the movement to go - emphasizing stress management, quality sleep, time in the sun, and a nutrient dense diet Special thanks to Denise for joining this week's show! Don't forget to checkout her site and book! (1:14:57) Outro

 Episode 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-fourth show! Ep. 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism In this episode, Stacy and Sarah continue their paleo philosophy conversation with paleo perfectionism as the main theme. You can listen to parts one, two, three, four and five of the paleo philosophy conversation via the links. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Stacy and Sarah chatted about the US News and World Reports 2014 diet rankings Robb's thoughts Cordain's thoughts Sarah notes that the growth of the movement is evidence to the contrary Stacy points out that the rankings were clearly based on USDA's recommendations and how closely a diet complies with those recommendations There are so many nuances to the diet that confounds these types of measurements - all the diets that paleo is being ranked against have prescriptive structures to them All the other diets on the list are focused on weight-loss only, not on health or healing Stacy has been crazy busy between work and the launch of the e-book, she also had a busy weekend as she was away in Virginia Beach for a book signing that turned out excellent Stacy is also back into Strong(wo)Man training and enjoying it immensely - she officially registered for her gym's March women's only competition and has been setting crazy PRs during training sessions Stacy is completing a Whole Life Challenge, learn more about it here Sarah and Stacy talked about Kresser's Fox & Friends segment Stacy learned that she is the broth lady amongst her fans, which leads Sarah to believe that she is the liver lady - leave a comment and let Sarah know Sarah's daughter turned seven over the weekend, and they attended three other birthday parties Sarah also got to go to a yoga class over the weekend, which was a nice surprise addition to her calendar and it helped with her stress levels Sarah shared on how her weight training is going Denise Minger is coming on the show next week - Sarah is currently reading her book and enjoying it so much Sarah launched a new Facebook group called The Paleo Approach Community 46:03 - Paleo Perfectionism Matt and Stacy recently shared on what their paleo pantry looks like and the paleo police instantly came out of the wood works - remember, this is the kind of behavior that turns people off to paleo, this is hypocritical behavior For most people living a paleo lifestyle with 100% perfectionism 100% of the time is not realistic or sustainable Context matters and individual needs matter, people will make their own choices based on those pieces - if you can't appreciate that, you do not understand the pillars of a paleo approach to life We all need to be supportive of other's decisions that lead them to better health Worry about your own plate - your own body is what you are responsible for There is a point where this kind of behavior evolves into disordered behavior in the form of orthorexia Be aware of your behaviors, your food choices, and if/how you judge others for their decisions Be sure to listen to these two shows (episode 36 and episode 43) where additional information is offered on eating disorders Both Stacy and Sarah strongly believe in the paleo lifestyle as a mechanism to be healthy, and a lot of those things have to do with mental health and taking care of yourself physically in ways that don't have to do with food The reason why you can never be cured of an eating disorder is because you will always be exposed to food, and will always have to make choices unique to your needs There is no room for the paleo perfectionism mentality - be supportive and offer suggestions instead of judging and making someone feel bad Understand the impact that words can have There are some really great guests lined up for the next couple of weeks! Denise Minger next week Chris Kresser talking about his new book the following we

 Episode 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:14

Our seventy-fourth show! Ep. 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism In this episode, Stacy and Sarah continue their paleo philosophy conversation with paleo perfectionism as the main theme. You can listen to parts one, two, three, four and five of the paleo philosophy conversation via the links. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Stacy and Sarah chatted about the US News and World Reports 2014 diet rankings Robb's thoughts Cordain's thoughts Sarah notes that the growth of the movement is evidence to the contrary Stacy points out that the rankings were clearly based on USDA's recommendations and how closely a diet complies with those recommendations There are so many nuances to the diet that confounds these types of measurements - all the diets that paleo is being ranked against have prescriptive structures to them All the other diets on the list are focused on weight-loss only, not on health or healing Stacy has been crazy busy between work and the launch of the e-book, she also had a busy weekend as she was away in Virginia Beach for a book signing that turned out excellent Stacy is also back into Strong(wo)Man training and enjoying it immensely - she officially registered for her gym's March women's only competition and has been setting crazy PRs during training sessions Stacy is completing a Whole Life Challenge, learn more about it here Sarah and Stacy talked about Kresser's Fox & Friends segment Stacy learned that she is the broth lady amongst her fans, which leads Sarah to believe that she is the liver lady - leave a comment and let Sarah know Sarah's daughter turned seven over the weekend, and they attended three other birthday parties Sarah also got to go to a yoga class over the weekend, which was a nice surprise addition to her calendar and it helped with her stress levels Sarah shared on how her weight training is going Denise Minger is coming on the show next week - Sarah is currently reading her book and enjoying it so much Sarah launched a new Facebook group called The Paleo Approach Community 46:03 - Paleo Perfectionism Matt and Stacy recently shared on what their paleo pantry looks like and the paleo police instantly came out of the wood works - remember, this is the kind of behavior that turns people off to paleo, this is hypocritical behavior For most people living a paleo lifestyle with 100% perfectionism 100% of the time is not realistic or sustainable Context matters and individual needs matter, people will make their own choices based on those pieces - if you can't appreciate that, you do not understand the pillars of a paleo approach to life We all need to be supportive of other's decisions that lead them to better health Worry about your own plate - your own body is what you are responsible for There is a point where this kind of behavior evolves into disordered behavior in the form of orthorexia Be aware of your behaviors, your food choices, and if/how you judge others for their decisions Be sure to listen to these two shows (episode 36 and episode 43) where additional information is offered on eating disorders Both Stacy and Sarah strongly believe in the paleo lifestyle as a mechanism to be healthy, and a lot of those things have to do with mental health and taking care of yourself physically in ways that don't have to do with food The reason why you can never be cured of an eating disorder is because you will always be exposed to food, and will always have to make choices unique to your needs There is no room for the paleo perfectionism mentality - be supportive and offer suggestions instead of judging and making someone feel bad Understand the impact that words can have There are some really great guests lined up for the next couple of weeks! Denise Minger next week Chris Kresser talking about his new book the following week And the show after that will feature Tamar (The Paleo Mom's assistant) and Katy (the Paleo Parent's assistant) If you are finding this show through Be Well Radio be sure to leave a comment and let us know Don't forget to leave those review in iTunes And be sure to sign up for both Stacy’s and Sarah’s newsletters 1:13:54 - Outro

 Episode 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-third show! Ep. 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo In this episode, Stacy and Sarah answer questions about transferring families to a paleo lifestyle.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Stacy just got back from a west coast trip with Aimee, they stayed at Against All Grain's house and had a blast exploring and doing the touristy stuff While in San Francisco Stacy and Aimee attended Nom Nom Paleo's book launch and Chris Kresser's book launch - they got to meet a lot of new folks from the paleo community and enjoyed eating and drinking their way through the city On New Year's Eve Matt and Stacy hosted a paleo potluck with Russ, The Domestic Man, his family and a Paleo Parents review team member Sarah's family had an early night on New Year's Eve, but a couple days later Sarah and her husband went to the movies and had a blast Sarah and her husband have officially started their lifting classes and Sarah is feeling the burn from her work Stacy referred Sarah to check out her post on how to take on a new weight lifting regimen without breaking your body The Paleo Approach will be arriving at Sarah's house within the next week Don't forget to sign up for both Stacy and Sarah's newsletters for exclusive updates and news At Whole Foods in Virginia Beach Stacy will be hosting a book signing and participating in a cooking demo and paleo presentation - for more information check out the Meat Up group On January 13, Stacy will also be at Kresser's book signing in DC - for more information check out the Meat Up group On January 24, Matt, Stacy and Russ will be hosting a cooking demo at Sur La Tab in DC - for more information check out the Meat Up group The Paleo Parents e-book, 3 Phase Paleo, launched on Thursday, January 9, which is currently offered at a sale price through Thursday, January 16 ONLY - 50% OFF!!! The book is on how to transition your family to a paleo lifestyle in three easy steps The book is all encompassing for different kinds of families with different needs The guide breaks down the how of paleo to make it more manageable Sarah notes that she has never seen a resource like this that fully helps families transition into a paleo lifestyle - it is incredibly thorough This week's podcast will honor the launch of 3 Phase Paleo with Q&A themed around how to transition your family to a paleo lifestyle 37:19 - Science with Sarah: Sleep Loss Recovery Sarah shared data from a research study on how sleep quality and quantity impacts the immune system (refer to the information from studies shared here and here) In summary, the study found that a huge subset of the immune system is stimulated from lack of sleep - they also saw huge increases in inflammation and immune cell activation They also found natural killer cells decrease Some of the markers of inflammation do recover from two days of proper rest over the weekend, but markers that impact autoimmunity do not recover This creates a very strong link between sleep deprivation and the immune system If two days isn't enough for full repair and recovery, how many days are? The answer is that we don't know, we simply know that we need more than two days What we know is that sleep needs to be a priority every day 48:32 - Questions & Answers Tanya - how should vegan families approach a paleo lifestyle? Stacy encourages you to ask your clients why they practice a vegan lifestyle Denise Minger's new book Death by Food Pyramid is a good resource to refer these clients to, also The Vegetarian Myth When Stacy is feeding a vegan family member she incorporates more non-animal cooking fats like coconut oil, palm shortening and palm oil It is important if you have a lot of vegetables in your diet to consume enough fat that will make the nutrients from the vegetables fat-soluble You can make vegan and vegetarian broth a

 Episode 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:37:21

Our seventy-third show! Ep. 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo In this episode, Stacy and Sarah answer questions about transferring families to a paleo lifestyle.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Stacy just got back from a west coast trip with Aimee, they stayed at Against All Grain's house and had a blast exploring and doing the touristy stuff While in San Francisco Stacy and Aimee attended Nom Nom Paleo's book launch and Chris Kresser's book launch - they got to meet a lot of new folks from the paleo community and enjoyed eating and drinking their way through the city On New Year's Eve Matt and Stacy hosted a paleo potluck with Russ, The Domestic Man, his family and a Paleo Parents review team member Sarah's family had an early night on New Year's Eve, but a couple days later Sarah and her husband went to the movies and had a blast Sarah and her husband have officially started their lifting classes and Sarah is feeling the burn from her work Stacy referred Sarah to check out her post on how to take on a new weight lifting regimen without breaking your body The Paleo Approach will be arriving at Sarah's house within the next week Don't forget to sign up for both Stacy and Sarah's newsletters for exclusive updates and news At Whole Foods in Virginia Beach Stacy will be hosting a book signing and participating in a cooking demo and paleo presentation - for more information check out the Meat Up group On January 13, Stacy will also be at Kresser's book signing in DC - for more information check out the Meat Up group On January 24, Matt, Stacy and Russ will be hosting a cooking demo at Sur La Tab in DC - for more information check out the Meat Up group The Paleo Parents e-book, 3 Phase Paleo, launched on Thursday, January 9, which is currently offered at a sale price through Thursday, January 16 ONLY - 50% OFF!!! The book is on how to transition your family to a paleo lifestyle in three easy steps The book is all encompassing for different kinds of families with different needs The guide breaks down the how of paleo to make it more manageable Sarah notes that she has never seen a resource like this that fully helps families transition into a paleo lifestyle - it is incredibly thorough This week's podcast will honor the launch of 3 Phase Paleo with Q&A themed around how to transition your family to a paleo lifestyle 37:19 - Science with Sarah: Sleep Loss Recovery Sarah shared data from a research study on how sleep quality and quantity impacts the immune system (refer to the information from studies shared here and here) In summary, the study found that a huge subset of the immune system is stimulated from lack of sleep - they also saw huge increases in inflammation and immune cell activation They also found natural killer cells decrease Some of the markers of inflammation do recover from two days of proper rest over the weekend, but markers that impact autoimmunity do not recover This creates a very strong link between sleep deprivation and the immune system If two days isn't enough for full repair and recovery, how many days are? The answer is that we don't know, we simply know that we need more than two days What we know is that sleep needs to be a priority every day 48:32 - Questions & Answers Tanya - how should vegan families approach a paleo lifestyle? Stacy encourages you to ask your clients why they practice a vegan lifestyle Denise Minger's new book Death by Food Pyramid is a good resource to refer these clients to, also The Vegetarian Myth When Stacy is feeding a vegan family member she incorporates more non-animal cooking fats like coconut oil, palm shortening and palm oil It is important if you have a lot of vegetables in your diet to consume enough fat that will make the nutrients from the vegetables fat-soluble You can make vegan and vegetarian broth as well to absorb nutrients a little better The difficult part is protein, there isn't a vegan protein that is paleo compatible Focus on more of the raw vegan side of the approach and discourage the use of processed soy foods Encourage a real foods practice, Westin A. Price approach Focus on other nutrient dense foods that are compatible with vegan like fermented foods, coconut products, sea vegetables Also refer them to paleo blogs of folks who were once vegan or vegetarian (59:41) Sarah - what are some good paleo school lunch ideas? Roast beef wrapped around avocado Grass-fed hot dogs Ham with mustard and pickles Cold leftover chicken or chicken nuggets Trail mix (any nuts or dried fruits your kids like - can add chocolate chips) Chopped up raw vegetables Apple and banana chips Fresh fruit US Wellness Meats bologna, pork rinds, meat sticks Hard boiled eggs Plantain crackers Cold scrambled eggs Paleo kits Jerky Canned salmon or tuna salad Sea Snax Kale chips Nut or seed flour based muffins or cookies Larabars Grain-free granola with coconut milk or coconut milk yogurt Wholly Guacamole Black olives Smoothies Epic bars Refer to this podcast for additional ideas (1:10:42) Ashley - how do you approach teachers about your lifestyle choices? How do you comfort your child when they feel different from their peers? Explain your child's reaction to the foods you eliminated to both your doctor(s) and teacher(s) - it is a food sensitivity that they need to fully understand Stacy and Matt have educated their kid's teachers by giving them a copy of Eat Like a Dinosaur to help shed more light on their lifestyle and how they can support it Stacy and Matt also work with the teachers on helping their children feel supported in the classroom, but they are careful to include foods that make them feel normal Create a trusted partnership with the caretakers of your children, don't make it a burden for them, but help them support your children If you are doing the right thing at home and you are able to moderate the extent to which your child is being exposed at school, you will see improved health results The biggest thing is to empower your kids to make healthy choices (1:27:09) Sarah is hosting a huge giveaway on her site right now, so be sure to check it out and enter! Not Another Diet Women's Holistic Expo is free if you register in advance and will feature 25 experts in alternative health discussing not dieting and how to achieve a healthy lifestyle - Sarah will be one of the speakers 1:36:10 - Outro

 Episode 72: Paleo Philosophy Part 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:25

Our seventy-second show! Ep. 72: Paleo Philosophy Part 5 In this episode, Stacy and Sarah revisit the Paleo Philosophy discussion to chat about perfectionism. The show hosts discuss the 80/20 rule, paleo police, their 20% and how to make a lifestyle truly sustainable.  The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 72: Paleo Philosophy Part 5 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Sarah has been having a difficult vacation - she had to put her cat down, she has been dealing with mold, and things have been busy and stressful On a high note though, Sarah and her husband will be strength-training together in the year ahead three times a week, they also plan to work with a personal trainer who will teach them proper lifting technique and how to increase their load Stacy hasn't had a lot of time for Crossfit as of late and is missing the endorphins Both Sarah and Stacy note the importance of finding the kind of exercise you enjoy and to simply do it - you will gain tremendous health benefits from any form of exercise, it boils down to moving your body with consistency Stacy and Matt will be releasing an e-book in early January on how to transition into a paleo lifestyle - the book will offer a three phase approach, with instructions on what to do and in what order, the book will also include recipes to help with the process (i.e. what to make to replace your daily sandwich or bowl of cereal) The two styles from Beyond Bacon and Eat Like a Dinosaur were blended together to serve as a resource to families The launch of the e-book will be at a sale price, and know that this e-book will not be in a bundle for a long time - so don't miss out at the launch! Today's show will be a continuation of the paleo philosophy discussion (check out parts one, two, three and four here) 37:50 - Questions & Answers As people begin to tackle paleo challenges or are jumping into the paleo lifestyle for the first time, Sarah thought it would be fitting to touch on the 80/20 rule, paleo perfectionism and orthorexia From Stacy and Sarah's experience, you have to find balance and sustainability - healthy living and perfectionism do not go hand in hand Sarah and Stacy have a different perspective on these topics as they are both moms who have had to learn how to make this lifestyle palatable for their children, how to make it sustainable for their children outside the home, etc. There are different mindsets on these topics based on your health history and what your goals are - none of the viewpoints are wrong (43:08) Paleo Perfectionism Check out Diane's post on the subject on the Balanced Bites site Also known as Paleo Police, these are the people who feel that you shouldn't call yourself paleo if you are not following Loren Cordain's original definition of paleo 100% Cordain has released an updated version of the book and has even noted that the philosophy from his first book has evolved The definitions that people set regarding 100% paleo are arbitrary, there is no science behind those opinions - there is a spectrum of what healthy looks like There is no one paleo that everyone should follow When you make a choice/cheat you are knowingly doing so, and that doesn't mean that you are not paleo anymore Paleo is not a definition of who you are, you are not either in or out, it is a loose term If our goal as a community is to inspire and improve the health of the world, do not let the perfection be the enemy of good Sarah notes to check out Mark's article on legumes There are a lot of people out there who are sick and need help and when they come to a blog post or a comment thread where people are policing and attacking others choices, people who were researching ways on how to improve their lives are completely turned off to paleo because of that perfectionist mentality that is forced upon others These paleo perfectionists are often times hypocrites, they are often not the people who have health issues who are following this lifestyle in restrictive ways to help with a health problem Sarah notes that you should not let these short-sided people to deter you from making healthy choices, don't let them intimidate you from experimenting to find what works for you - remember that the goal is to find a nutrient dense diet that makes you feel great and is sustainable When experimenting look for what makes you feel your best, what your body can tolerate, and what approach you can sustain More importantly, don't be one of these people - don't let your discovery of what works for you impact your ability to accept that something different might work for someone else Stacy and Sarah both shared on what their "20" is and what they like to enjoy from time to time From this show we hope that you feel inspired to self experiment and to find what paleo means to you - take everything else we say as a guide or starting point, but not as rules Next week a guest will be joining the discussion! Happy new years everyone! 1:30:01 - Outro

 Episode 72: Paleo Philosophy Part 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-second show! Ep. 72: Paleo Philosophy Part 5 In this episode, Stacy and Sarah revisit the Paleo Philosophy discussion to chat about perfectionism. The show hosts discuss the 80/20 rule, paleo police, their 20% and how to make a lifestyle truly sustainable. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 72: Paleo Philosophy Part 5 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News Views Sarah has been having a difficult vacation - she had to put her cat down, she has been dealing with mold, and things have been busy and stressful On a high note though, Sarah and her husband will be strength-training together in the year ahead three times a week, they also plan to work with a personal trainer who will teach them proper lifting technique and how to increase their load Stacy hasn't had a lot of time for Crossfit as of late and is missing the endorphins Both Sarah and Stacy note the importance of finding the kind of exercise you enjoy and to simply do it - you will gain tremendous health benefits from any form of exercise, it boils down to moving your body with consistency Stacy and Matt will be releasing an e-book in early January on how to transition into a paleo lifestyle - the book will offer a three phase approach, with instructions on what to do and in what order, the book will also include recipes to help with the process (i.e. what to make to replace your daily sandwich or bowl of cereal) The two styles from Beyond Bacon and Eat Like a Dinosaur were blended together to serve as a resource to families The launch of the e-book will be at a sale price, and know that this e-book will not be in a bundle for a long time - so don't miss out at the launch! Today's show will be a continuation of the paleo philosophy discussion (check out parts one, two, three and four here) 37:50 - Questions Answers As people begin to tackle paleo challenges or are jumping into the paleo lifestyle for the first time, Sarah thought it would be fitting to touch on the 80/20 rule, paleo perfectionism and orthorexia From Stacy and Sarah's experience, you have to find balance and sustainability - healthy living and perfectionism do not go hand in hand Sarah and Stacy have a different perspective on these topics as they are both moms who have had to learn how to make this lifestyle palatable for their children, how to make it sustainable for their children outside the home, etc. There are different mindsets on these topics based on your health history and what your goals are - none of the viewpoints are wrong (43:08) Paleo Perfectionism Check out Diane's post on the subject on the Balanced Bites site Also known as Paleo Police, these are the people who feel that you shouldn't call yourself paleo if you are not following Loren Cordain's original definition of paleo 100% Cordain has released an updated version of the book and has even noted that the philosophy from his first book has evolved The definitions that people set regarding 100% paleo are arbitrary, there is no science behind those opinions - there is a spectrum of what healthy looks like There is no one paleo that everyone should follow When you make a choice/cheat you are knowingly doing so, and that doesn't mean that you are not paleo anymore Paleo is not a definition of who you are, you are not either in or out, it is a loose term If our goal as a community is to inspire and improve the health of the world, do not let the perfection be the enemy of good Sarah notes to check out Mark's article on legumes There are a lot of people out there who are sick and need help and when they come to a blog post or a comment thread where people are policing and attacking others choices, people who were researching ways on how to improve their lives are completely turned off to paleo because of that perfectionist mentality that is forced upon others These paleo perfectionists are often times hypocrites, they are often not the people who have healt

 Episode 71: Sugar Detox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-first show! Ep. 71: Sugar Detox In this episode, Stacy and Sarah welcome Diane Sanfilippo to cover sugar cravings and detox! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 71: Sugar Detox 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - Welcome to this Week's Special Guest! Welcome Diane Sanfilippo of Balanced Bites, and congratulations on your second New York Times Sellers Best, 21 Day Sugar Detox This week we are going to have Diane share about her two recently released books and offer some insight on detox (check out her previous appearance on the show on a related topic here) Diane notes that regardless of the kind of detox that you want to have (spending, sugar, social media, etc.) the structure of the program is designed to help you get a habit out of your life, create new habits, and reset the things you are doing Diane created the 21 Day Sugar Detox as an e-book three years ago, prior to the development of Practical Paleo, when paleo wasn't the forefront of her teachings The 21 Day Sugar Detox book is not a printed copy of the e-book, the only thing that is the same is the core intentions of the program The printed copy has the information that was collected over the last three years on what people need to know to navigate and understand to have a successful detox There is a little bit more science behind the why, but a lot more handholding on what to expect as you go through the process There is also a checklist on what to do as you prepare, information on how to replace some of the staples, tips on dining out, meal plans for each of the levels along with modifications, and over 90 recipes The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook does not have the nitty gritty on how to tackle the program, but provides more recipes that correlates with the meal plans in the guide Check out this post on Balanced Bites for more information on the difference between the two books A shout out to Flame to Fork's Tonja who was a big contributor to the book, specifically with the creative recipes 26:42 - Science with Sarah & Diane: Why does eating sugar make you want more sugar? We get a dopamine release when we eat something sweet, which gives that item an addictive element At a deeper level when we are eating sugar, specifically refined carbs, we deplete our nutrient stores and the body begins to demand more of anything to try to meet those demands - it essentially evolves into a sugar craving cycle The cycle - you eat a food, but you don't actually feel satisfied - many of us have experienced this sensation Stacy shared on her experience with sensitivity towards sugar, and her body's response to sugar intake from dates versus chocolate There is a very strong link between food cravings and mood, and it boils down to the dopamine response - there is also a belief that serotonin is involved, which is linked to insulin and dopamine is linked to leptin When you have dis-regulated blood sugar, which is really common in people with high carb diets, you end up breaking your dopamine and serotonin systems, which feeds cravings more Sarah shared on a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that measured the brain activity in volunteers who were fed carefully crafted meals that were either high glycemic or low glycemic - the high glycemic meal increased brain activity in the reward center of the brain known to be associated with cravings and decisions/behavior at meals Diane points out that this study highlights why it is a process to un-do that hardwiring, and the fact that we have to essentially re-wire our brain, which takes time Sarah also notes the interesting point about how nutrient sufficiency impacts the system and this hot topic of sugar dependency 50:01 - Questions & Answers Steph - will I always struggle with "food hangovers" from even the tiniest of cheats that veer from the paleo diet? Stacy does experience sugar hangovers, and unfortunately or fortunately the paleo lifestyle helps

 Episode 71: Sugar Detox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:20

Our seventy-first show! Ep. 71: Sugar Detox In this episode, Stacy and Sarah welcome Diane Sanfilippo to cover sugar cravings and detox! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 71: Sugar Detox 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - Welcome to this Week's Special Guest! Welcome Diane Sanfilippo of Balanced Bites, and congratulations on your second New York Times Sellers Best, 21 Day Sugar Detox This week we are going to have Diane share about her two recently released books and offer some insight on detox (check out her previous appearance on the show on a related topic here) Diane notes that regardless of the kind of detox that you want to have (spending, sugar, social media, etc.) the structure of the program is designed to help you get a habit out of your life, create new habits, and reset the things you are doing Diane created the 21 Day Sugar Detox as an e-book three years ago, prior to the development of Practical Paleo, when paleo wasn't the forefront of her teachings The 21 Day Sugar Detox book is not a printed copy of the e-book, the only thing that is the same is the core intentions of the program The printed copy has the information that was collected over the last three years on what people need to know to navigate and understand to have a successful detox There is a little bit more science behind the why, but a lot more handholding on what to expect as you go through the process There is also a checklist on what to do as you prepare, information on how to replace some of the staples, tips on dining out, meal plans for each of the levels along with modifications, and over 90 recipes The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook does not have the nitty gritty on how to tackle the program, but provides more recipes that correlates with the meal plans in the guide Check out this post on Balanced Bites for more information on the difference between the two books A shout out to Flame to Fork's Tonja who was a big contributor to the book, specifically with the creative recipes 26:42 - Science with Sarah & Diane: Why does eating sugar make you want more sugar? We get a dopamine release when we eat something sweet, which gives that item an addictive element At a deeper level when we are eating sugar, specifically refined carbs, we deplete our nutrient stores and the body begins to demand more of anything to try to meet those demands - it essentially evolves into a sugar craving cycle The cycle - you eat a food, but you don't actually feel satisfied - many of us have experienced this sensation Stacy shared on her experience with sensitivity towards sugar, and her body's response to sugar intake from dates versus chocolate There is a very strong link between food cravings and mood, and it boils down to the dopamine response - there is also a belief that serotonin is involved, which is linked to insulin and dopamine is linked to leptin When you have dis-regulated blood sugar, which is really common in people with high carb diets, you end up breaking your dopamine and serotonin systems, which feeds cravings more Sarah shared on a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that measured the brain activity in volunteers who were fed carefully crafted meals that were either high glycemic or low glycemic - the high glycemic meal increased brain activity in the reward center of the brain known to be associated with cravings and decisions/behavior at meals Diane points out that this study highlights why it is a process to un-do that hardwiring, and the fact that we have to essentially re-wire our brain, which takes time Sarah also notes the interesting point about how nutrient sufficiency impacts the system and this hot topic of sugar dependency 50:01 - Questions & Answers Steph - will I always struggle with "food hangovers" from even the tiniest of cheats that veer from the paleo diet? Stacy does experience sugar hangovers, and unfortunately or fortunately the paleo lifestyle helps you identify your food intolerances and it takes a bit of time for your body to adjust Once your body does adjust and your system is clean, you can test different drinks and foods that you can enjoy from time to time without the hangover Sarah notes that you can get a hangover from food sensitivities, and that chocolate in particular can cause issues for people Sarah also notes that stress can impact the body's reaction to foods, so try managing your cortisol and see if you can minimize the hangover effect from the occasional indulgence (1:05:54) Stephanie - do people need a cleanse when sticking to real foods? Diane does not believe that people need cleanses, she thinks that people need to give their liver a chance to detoxify from toxins and stressors without making it worse with things like sugar or alcohol People who may need a genuine liver detox protocol are people who have issues with heavy metal toxicity or deeper clinical issues, which would need to be determined medically Thanks again to Diane for joining The Paleo View again - be sure to check her out at Balanced Bites, the Balanced Bites podcast, Practical Paleo, 21 Day Sugar Detox, and the 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook Don't forget to leave those reviews and to shop in the Amazon links on both Stacy and Sarah's sidebars Don't forget to also sign up for both Stacy's and Sarah's newsletters Sarah's newsletter will be providing exclusive sneak peeks into The Paleo Approach Be checking Diane's blog for information on how to join the January group of detoxers, which will likely be the biggest monthly group the program has experienced 1:22:53 Outro

 Episode 70: Blood Sugar Regulation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventieth show! Ep. 70: Blood Sugar Regulation In this episode, Stacy and Sarah tackle blood sugar regulation and some tricky questions surrounding insulin sensitivity!The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 70: Blood Sugar Regulation 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views A Blood Sugar Regulation show has been recorded before with Amy Kubal, but there were technical difficulties and then schedule difficulties, so Stacy and Sarah are going to tackle the topic The Paleo Parents family is getting ready to go to Great Wolf Lodge for the weekend, have been there before and loved it Stacy is back in a groove with exercise and is feeling good Matt, Stacy and Aimee tried shooting the cover for the third book recently, but the elements weren't in place to get the right shot Stacy and Matt are working hard to get the pieces of the book in place so that it can officially be launched - the goal is to have pre-orders available by the end of January Sarah is still on the mend and taking note of how the stress from finishing the book has impacted her health The Paleo Approach will be on bookshelves on January 28 - read more about the release here Sarah had the cookbook photo shoot recently and had a lot of fun with it 26:30 - Science with Sarah: How to Monitor Blood Sugar A glucometer measures the amount of glucose in your blood Glucose is a simple sugar that is one of the primary fuel sources from our body Starches breakdown into glucose Glucose causes a sugar rush when you eat junk food, it stimulates insulin release from the pancreas and gets shuttled into your cells for storage Glucometers are inexpensive and there are a variety of brands to chose from - you are looking for one with lancets First make sure your hand is clean, prick your finger, squeeze out a drop of blood onto the testing strip and load the strip into the monitor for a measurement The least painful spot to prick is near the fingernail tip where the nail begins to curl You will either take a fasting measurement before you get out of bed or a post meal test For the fasted test you should have not eaten for 10 to 12 hours, any result less than 99 is normal - optimal is 85 to 90, but go no lower than 60 The after meal test will show you how well you are regulating your blood sugar Take this test one to two hours after you began eating your last meal - a result less than 120 is normal, but it should not be less than 90 If your blood sugar is too low it shows some hormone dysregulation 39:33 - Questions & Answers Kate - what factors contribute to insulin sensitivity? Were you able to figure out how to leave multiple reviews on iTunes? If so, email with details and we will send you a signed copy of Beyond Bacon! Sarah feels that Kate is experiencing symptoms from going too low carb, which is impacting her thyroid, hormones and metabolism Going too low carb can trigger a cortisol response Classic signs of being too low carb are sleep disturbances, mood issues, headaches, weight gain, feeling stressed, not handling stress well, peeing more than once during the night Sarah thinks that going too low carb triggered some insulin and leptin resistance To help with this get lots of sleep, avoid high intensity workouts and instead utilize gentler movements, have fun, laugh, meditate and continue on with carb intake with gradual increases until you find an optimal intake your well-being It will take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to regulate insulin sensitivity (56:30) Brandy Lynn - could eating very low-carb for years lead to higher levels of insulin resistance? Stacy has personally experienced that going too low carb for over a year made her insulin resistant and negatively impacted her hormones She believes that going too low carb for over a year triggered her autoimmune condition Stacy thinks it boils down to simply having more carbs, and t

 Episode 70: Blood Sugar Regulation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:50

Our seventieth show! Ep. 70: Blood Sugar Regulation In this episode, Stacy and Sarah tackle blood sugar regulation and some tricky questions surrounding insulin sensitivity!The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 70: Blood Sugar Regulation 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views A Blood Sugar Regulation show has been recorded before with Amy Kubal, but there were technical difficulties and then schedule difficulties, so Stacy and Sarah are going to tackle the topic The Paleo Parents family is getting ready to go to Great Wolf Lodge for the weekend, have been there before and loved it Stacy is back in a groove with exercise and is feeling good Matt, Stacy and Aimee tried shooting the cover for the third book recently, but the elements weren't in place to get the right shot Stacy and Matt are working hard to get the pieces of the book in place so that it can officially be launched - the goal is to have pre-orders available by the end of January Sarah is still on the mend and taking note of how the stress from finishing the book has impacted her health The Paleo Approach will be on bookshelves on January 28 - read more about the release here Sarah had the cookbook photo shoot recently and had a lot of fun with it 26:30 - Science with Sarah: How to Monitor Blood Sugar A glucometer measures the amount of glucose in your blood Glucose is a simple sugar that is one of the primary fuel sources from our body Starches breakdown into glucose Glucose causes a sugar rush when you eat junk food, it stimulates insulin release from the pancreas and gets shuttled into your cells for storage Glucometers are inexpensive and there are a variety of brands to chose from - you are looking for one with lancets First make sure your hand is clean, prick your finger, squeeze out a drop of blood onto the testing strip and load the strip into the monitor for a measurement The least painful spot to prick is near the fingernail tip where the nail begins to curl You will either take a fasting measurement before you get out of bed or a post meal test For the fasted test you should have not eaten for 10 to 12 hours, any result less than 99 is normal - optimal is 85 to 90, but go no lower than 60 The after meal test will show you how well you are regulating your blood sugar Take this test one to two hours after you began eating your last meal - a result less than 120 is normal, but it should not be less than 90 If your blood sugar is too low it shows some hormone dysregulation 39:33 - Questions & Answers Kate - what factors contribute to insulin sensitivity? Were you able to figure out how to leave multiple reviews on iTunes? If so, email with details and we will send you a signed copy of Beyond Bacon! Sarah feels that Kate is experiencing symptoms from going too low carb, which is impacting her thyroid, hormones and metabolism Going too low carb can trigger a cortisol response Classic signs of being too low carb are sleep disturbances, mood issues, headaches, weight gain, feeling stressed, not handling stress well, peeing more than once during the night Sarah thinks that going too low carb triggered some insulin and leptin resistance To help with this get lots of sleep, avoid high intensity workouts and instead utilize gentler movements, have fun, laugh, meditate and continue on with carb intake with gradual increases until you find an optimal intake your well-being It will take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to regulate insulin sensitivity (56:30) Brandy Lynn - could eating very low-carb for years lead to higher levels of insulin resistance? Stacy has personally experienced that going too low carb for over a year made her insulin resistant and negatively impacted her hormones She believes that going too low carb for over a year triggered her autoimmune condition Stacy thinks it boils down to simply having more carbs, and that it doesn't need to be much Incorporating more fat also helped Stacy regulate her insulin Now Stacy incorporates healthier carbohydrates primarily in the evening around her workouts, with a moderate carb intake throughout the day Be sure to continue to monitor your labs as you go about regulating your insulin Listen to your body and don't let perfectionism stress you out while you navigate this path When you go too low carb, it is very hard to get the nutrients you need without vegetables and fruits - be sure to focus on nutrient density while recovering from being too low carb (1:18:10) Stacy wants to note that for those who are watching their health and for those who have experienced sugar cravings from carbohydrates, going low carb can be a helpful tool - test it for a short stretch of time to let your body adjust and then introduce higher quantities until you find your optimal intake We will be back next week with a special guest! Talk to you then! 1:24:32 Outro Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please!

 Episode 69: Paleo Philosophy Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our sixty-ninth show! Ep. 69: Paleo Philosophy Part 4 In this episode, Stacy and Sarah cover Paleo Philosophy Part 4, the lifestyle elements. Click the links to revisit Paleo Philosophy part 1, 2 and 3.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 69: Paleo Philosophy Part 4 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Virginia got a couple of inches of snow and then rain, which turned everything into an icy mess - Stacy and Matt have stocked up on their winter essentials and are ready to take on the next round of storms (i.e. they are baking cookies) Sarah is doing the same thing, but for the rain Sarah hasn't been feeling well for awhile, but right after the book was turned in she got much worse and had symptoms similar to pneumonia, baking has been a relaxing outlet as she gets better Pot roast and cookies is all Stacy wants in the winter; Sarah doesn't like pot roast Stacy and Matt prefer to make their pot roast in a dutch oven, they aren't really slow cooker fans Sarah loves her slow cooker, which is also a pressure cooker in one - check out the Instant Pot On last week's show an awesome announcement was made about The Paleo View's recent partnership with Be Well Radio - check out more information and similar podcasts here! The blooper show from last week was pretty funny - don't miss it! It is only 6 minutes long Sarah reflected on the process of creating The Paleo Approach and how she will implement the lessons she learned with the cookbook release 19:49 - Questions & Answers Part 1, 2 and 3 of the Paleo Philosophy discussions were centered around paleo perceptions and misconceptions, so this week's show will revisit the paleo perceptions discussion, but will focus on the lifestyle factors that are often associated with paleo Coconut Oil Stacy doesn't cook with coconut oil in savory dishes, they typically uses it with sweet dishes Stacy and Matt have most commonly used coconut oil to treat skin conditions Stacy is not able to digest many fats, lard and coconut oil are the two that she likes the best and can tolerate Sarah notes that Pure Indian Food's ghee is cultured and has no trace casein, even her youngest daughter can tolerate it Stacy also uses coconut oil topically because it is anti-microbial Just like with bone broth, you don't have to eat coconut oil by the spoon to gain the health benefits, simply consuming full-fat coconut milk in a smoothie will give you the same nutrient boost The same nutrients that coconut oil gives you on the inside, also provides the same nutrient boost when applied on the outside Both Sarah and Stacy use coconut oil as makeup remover Sarah makes a balm that is tallow based because her kid's have a hard time with coconut oil when there skin is incredibly dry Stacy always puts Green Pasture Beauty Balm on her face at night Lard Stacy notes that you can either make your own lard or buy some from US Wellness Meats Stacy has found that moms in particular are interested in finding alternative hygiene products, especially after they learn about baby hygiene products and what is or is not safe for their kids When Stacy started cloth diapering she became interested in finding reusable resources for her own hygiene as well Hair Care Stacy does Dirty Poo by Primal Life Organics twice a week, with an Organix shampoo and conditioner combo once a week Sarah uses Morroocco Method Sarah went no-poo for a year and used apple cider vinegar and baking soda before finding Morroocco Method Stacy uses henna to die her hair Sarah notes that people go the "crunchy" route for a number of reasons - sometimes you realize an organic product works better than a chemical based one does, sometimes it is about being environmentally friendly, sometimes its about wanting to optimize health - these aspects of a paleo lifestyle aren't mandatory and people aren't going to judge you for your choices Cleaning Products Matt really li

 Episode 69: Paleo Philosophy Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:35

Our sixty-ninth show! Ep. 69: Paleo Philosophy Part 4 In this episode, Stacy and Sarah cover Paleo Philosophy Part 4, the lifestyle elements. Click the links to revisit Paleo Philosophy part 1, 2 and 3.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 69: Paleo Philosophy Part 4 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Virginia got a couple of inches of snow and then rain, which turned everything into an icy mess - Stacy and Matt have stocked up on their winter essentials and are ready to take on the next round of storms (i.e. they are baking cookies) Sarah is doing the same thing, but for the rain Sarah hasn't been feeling well for awhile, but right after the book was turned in she got much worse and had symptoms similar to pneumonia, baking has been a relaxing outlet as she gets better Pot roast and cookies is all Stacy wants in the winter; Sarah doesn't like pot roast Stacy and Matt prefer to make their pot roast in a dutch oven, they aren't really slow cooker fans Sarah loves her slow cooker, which is also a pressure cooker in one - check out the Instant Pot On last week's show an awesome announcement was made about The Paleo View's recent partnership with Be Well Radio - check out more information and similar podcasts here! The blooper show from last week was pretty funny - don't miss it! It is only 6 minutes long Sarah reflected on the process of creating The Paleo Approach and how she will implement the lessons she learned with the cookbook release 19:49 - Questions & Answers Part 1, 2 and 3 of the Paleo Philosophy discussions were centered around paleo perceptions and misconceptions, so this week's show will revisit the paleo perceptions discussion, but will focus on the lifestyle factors that are often associated with paleo Coconut Oil Stacy doesn't cook with coconut oil in savory dishes, they typically uses it with sweet dishes Stacy and Matt have most commonly used coconut oil to treat skin conditions Stacy is not able to digest many fats, lard and coconut oil are the two that she likes the best and can tolerate Sarah notes that Pure Indian Food's ghee is cultured and has no trace casein, even her youngest daughter can tolerate it Stacy also uses coconut oil topically because it is anti-microbial Just like with bone broth, you don't have to eat coconut oil by the spoon to gain the health benefits, simply consuming full-fat coconut milk in a smoothie will give you the same nutrient boost The same nutrients that coconut oil gives you on the inside, also provides the same nutrient boost when applied on the outside Both Sarah and Stacy use coconut oil as makeup remover Sarah makes a balm that is tallow based because her kid's have a hard time with coconut oil when there skin is incredibly dry Stacy always puts Green Pasture Beauty Balm on her face at night Lard Stacy notes that you can either make your own lard or buy some from US Wellness Meats Stacy has found that moms in particular are interested in finding alternative hygiene products, especially after they learn about baby hygiene products and what is or is not safe for their kids When Stacy started cloth diapering she became interested in finding reusable resources for her own hygiene as well Hair Care Stacy does Dirty Poo by Primal Life Organics twice a week, with an Organix shampoo and conditioner combo once a week Sarah uses Morroocco Method Sarah went no-poo for a year and used apple cider vinegar and baking soda before finding Morroocco Method Stacy uses henna to die her hair Sarah notes that people go the "crunchy" route for a number of reasons - sometimes you realize an organic product works better than a chemical based one does, sometimes it is about being environmentally friendly, sometimes its about wanting to optimize health - these aspects of a paleo lifestyle aren't mandatory and people aren't going to judge you for your choices Cleaning Products Matt really like chemicals to clean - they try to use reusable everything, but use Seventh Generation wipes, they also like the Method cleaning products from Target Sarah really likes Chrisal products, which are probiotic cleansers Sarah also likes Kirkland brand disinfectant wipes As you can see, adopting a paleo lifestyle is all about finding the balance that works for you and your life - you aren't trying to achieve paleo perfectionist status Check out Amazon's Subscribe and Save feature if you are looking to Amazon for any of these products, it is a great way to save some money Fermenting Jill from Fermented started it all ;) The amazing thing about fermented foods is that it adds beneficial bacteria to our guts - they are pre-digested in a controlled way so that they are easier for us to digest and to absorb all the nutrients in those foods There are so many different choices, so try different things and find what kind of fermented foods or beverages you enjoy Stacy recommends Bubbies sauerkraut as a good starting point for fermented foods Stacy's boys also love Bubbies fermented relish and GT's Kombucha Natural Movement Shoe Stacy use to wear toe shoes for walking, but when she started Crossfit she got the Reebok Nano and a lifting shoe Stacy and Matt also like New Balance Minimus shoes Sarah finds the toe shoes comfortable, but also likes a more structured minimalist shoe Mark's Daily Apple Weekend Link Love recommended folks to Katy's site for more minimalist brand suggestions, complete with a guide on minimalist shoes in the winter Another thing that some link with paleo is Crossfit, which you don't have to do when paleo, but you tend to find a lot of paleo folks in the Crossfit community and vice versa Stacy and Sarah have a wonderful topic planned for next week, so be sure to tune in! We will likely revisit the paleo philosophy discussion again very soon The take away from this show, do what works for you! Make sure you subscribe to both Stacy's and Sarah's newsletters! 1:16:39 Outro

 Episode 68: The Best of Bloopers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our sixty-eighth show! Ep. 68: The Best of Bloopers A quick show featuring the best blooper moments from the first year of recording! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 68: The Best of Bloopers 0:00 - Introduction 0:53 - Hello Matt! Due to a mix up with the calendar there is no new content this week, but instead an epic blooper mix for you all to enjoy! Our hosts will be back next week with a new show! 2:10 - The Best of the First Year Bloopers (6:00) Outro NEW: Paleo View News! Be Well Radio, delivering fitness and health talk programming through a constant flow of exclusive cutting-edge radio content and current news produced daily to engage the audience in the dialogue of how to live a healthier life, now includes The Paleo View! Stacy and Sarah are honored to be featured as part of Be Well Radio's newly launched Radioio web-hosted radio channel! (read more about TPV on Be Well Radio here) Promoted alongside such health and wellness experts and weblebrities as Diane Sanfilippo, Balanced Bites, and Robb Wolf, The Paleo Solution, Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Executive, Jonathan Bailer, The Calorie Myth, Ben Greenfield, Ben Greenfield Fitness, and Dave Jackson, Logical Weight Loss - The Paleo View's weekly content will be shared through this dynamic platform to hopefully engage a new crowd and spread the word about ancestral approaches to health and wellness. Be Well Radio at can be accessed worldwide and by any mobile device, tablet or PC. The dedicated group of experts on Be Well Radio will continue to provide listeners with content and share innovations and advances in the science of health and fitness in a new forum to enjoy your favorite podcasts and discover new ones! Be sure to visit Be Well Radio to check out the full list of their programming, here's the official press release!

 Episode 68: The Best of Bloopers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:23

Our sixty-eighth show! Ep. 68: The Best of Bloopers A quick show featuring the best blooper moments from the first year of recording!  The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 68: The Best of Bloopers 0:00 - Introduction 0:53 - Hello Matt! Due to a mix up with the calendar there is no new content this week, but instead an epic blooper mix for you all to enjoy! Our hosts will be back next week with a new show! 2:10 - The Best of the First Year Bloopers (6:00) Outro NEW: Paleo View News!   Be Well Radio, delivering fitness and health talk programming through a constant flow of exclusive cutting-edge radio content and current news produced daily to engage the audience in the dialogue of how to live a healthier life, now includes The Paleo View! Stacy and Sarah are honored to be featured as part of Be Well Radio's newly launched Radioio web-hosted radio channel! (read more about TPV on Be Well Radio here) Promoted alongside such health and wellness experts and weblebrities as Diane Sanfilippo, Balanced Bites, and Robb Wolf, The Paleo Solution, Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Executive, Jonathan Bailer, The Calorie Myth, Ben Greenfield, Ben Greenfield Fitness, and Dave Jackson, Logical Weight Loss - The Paleo View's weekly content will be shared through this dynamic platform to hopefully engage a new crowd and spread the word about ancestral approaches to health and wellness. Be Well Radio at can be accessed worldwide and by any mobile device, tablet or PC. The dedicated group of experts on Be Well Radio will continue to provide listeners with content and share innovations and advances in the science of health and fitness in a new forum to enjoy your favorite podcasts and discover new ones! Be sure to visit Be Well Radio to check out the full list of their programming, here's the official press release!


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