The Micah Hanks Program show

The Micah Hanks Program

Summary: The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science and the mysteries of our universe. Taking a critically-minded approach to the study of our world, each week Micah presents commentary and discussions with guests on subjects that include mysteries of physics and astronomy, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), UFOs, myths and folklore, archaeology and ancient mysteries, artificial intelligence, futurism, cryptozoology, science fiction, and entertainment. Each week we journey to the boundaries of human knowledge, in search of the most unusual things our world has to offer.

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  • Artist: Micah Hanks
  • Copyright: Copyright 2021 Micah Hanks, All Rights Reserved.


 The Gralien Report Podcast for February 11, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:11

  This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, while “Flappy Bird” may have flown away to the great big bin for former fowl in the sky, other iTunes fixtures soon to be may include a new app designed for recording UFO reports… but are there others that already exist which may be well suited for the search while it’s in progress? The Gralien Report Podcast for February 11, 2014 Then during hour two, we share a fascinating discussion with author and radio host Mack Maloney, who shares some of his thoughts on what makes radio entertaining, in addition to discussing UFOs and his latest book on the subject, Beyond Area 51. It’s a hot topic, and a great talk between Boston’s Mack, and the Mouth of the South. And would we forget show notes?  Mack’s Books on Amazon in Kindle e-Book Formats:     The Official Site of Mack Maloney Ancient Footprints, Oldest Beyond Africa, Found in England What Happened to Flappy Bird? New UFO Documenting App is Officially Launched on iTunes Eight of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories

 The Gralien Report Podcast for February 4, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:17

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, glaciers are taking off running in Greenland, and comets are the latest culprits in the deaths of wooly mammoths. We also examine allegations of “sex magick” rituals that occurred during the Half Time Show on Sunday… is American culture being driven by occultists from behind the scenes? The Gralien Report Podcast for February 4, 2013 Then during hour two, Roger Marsh joins us to discuss his life with the unexplained. A writer with a background in the publishing industry, Roger’s recent work documenting UFO reports and case studies has appeared at the UFO Examiner, the Paranormal News Examiner, the UFO Traffic Report, and the Huffington Post. He joins us to discuss his book, Sacred Dialogue: Tuning into Mother Nature’s Universal Broadcast Band, which we’ve linked below. And of course, show notes for the avid readers among us are soon to follow… Roger Marsh’s book, “Sacred Dialogue,” at Roger’s website, featuring information about his writing Glaciers in Greenland moving at record speeds Is cancer becoming a “global pandemic”? Mark Dice claims the Half Time Show was a “sex magick” ritual Did a comet kill megafauna in America 12,900 years ago?  Maybe we’re all made of “star stuff” after all…

 The Gralien Report Podcast for January 28, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:13

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, Micah makes a journey to the world aboveground to observe the weather in the Sweet Sunny South as he discusses diabolic activities at the Grammys (or not), the theft of a bloodstained relic bearing the stains of Pope John Paul II, Stephen Hawking on the non-existence of Black Holes, and then the diabolical story of the week, which tells of Laytoya Ammons, who claims her family had been attacked by demonic forces. While there are some intriguing elements to this story, it also offers a few concerns, particularly the 200 demons alleged to have been detected by clairvoyants. Do the multiple police, DCS, and medical reports substantiate the claims? The Gralien Report Podcast for January 28, 2014 Then during hour two, our guest Dr. John Hart is a professor of Christian Ethics at Boston University, and author of the new book Cosmic Commons: Spirit, Science and Space. In it, he takes a look at not just the potentials within apparent UFO phenomenon, but also a humanitarian approach to human travel throughout the universe. You can find a link to his work online below, as well as other notes and gloats on this week’s program… Dr. John Hart pursues a subject that sees seldom academic treatment Buy the book on in Kindle and print formats Stephen Hawking says there may not be black holes after all Blood of Pope John Paul stolen in possible “satanic” crime The possessions of Laytoya Ammons at the Indianapolis Star

 The Gralien Report Podcast for January 21, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:07

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, we begin with a look at how the military may be employing armies of robots by the end of the decade, and then shifting our focus from robotics to aeronautics, we begin observing cases of alleged military craft of advanced varieties seen over South Carolina. Then we close things out with another story out of Zimbabwe about a “goblin” that causes an uproar at a train station… what can be made of this madness, if anything? The Gralien Report Podcast for January 21, 2014 Then in hour two, we’re joined by Robert W. Sullivan. He is himself a Freemason, having joined Amicable-St. John’s Lodge number 25, Baltimore Maryland in 1997. He then became a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason in 1999, Valley of Baltimore, Orient of Maryland. The Royal Arch of Enoch: The Impact of Masonic Ritual, Philosophy, and Symbolism is his first published work and is the result of twenty years of research. You can find out more about Robert, as well as this week’s other stories, in the links below… The website of Robert W. Sullivan US Military considers replacing soldiers with robots Milton Finch’s UFO filmed over SC at UFO Stalker Another Goblin causes panic at the disco  

 The Gralien Report Podcast for January 16, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:14

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, Micah is fresh back from the Ancient Alien Cruise, and discusses his visit to the ancient Mayan ruins at Tulum, Mexico, in addition to digging into the latest news of the unexplained. The Gralien Report Podcast for January 16, 2013 Then during hour two, Jason McClellan of Open Minds Magazine joins us to discuss UFOs and journalism, as well as his mutual endeavor with Caleb Hanks called Rogue Planet, which features blogging, podcasts, animations and music themed around things that only the savviest geeks will enjoy. Visit their site by clicking here. And here are links to a few of this week’s stories… no really, they’re just links… unless you call them “snippets,” or something equally ponderous and silly…  Wisconsin is latest home to ice-quakes NSA reportedly gathering millions of texts per day Egg charms in ancient times warded off demons

 The Gralien Report Podcast for January 7, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:49:19

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, we welcome the Mouth of the South back from his holiday hiatus as we dive back into the latest news of the odd and esoteric. Are there “UFOs” interrupting flights out of Europe? What is the science behind consciousness that exists after physical death? All this and more are explored in hour one of tonight’s program. The Gralien Report Podcast for January 7, 2014 Then during hour two, our friend David Weatherly joins us to discuss the Djinn, Black Eyed Children, Spring Heeled Jack, and other themes covered in his new book, Strange Intruders. As always, the conversation goes in many strange and fascinating directions… listen via the link above, or subscribe via iTunes. And below are links to the entry week in another esoteric year of oddity…  Resuscitation medicine claims evidence of consciousness after death UFO disrupts flights over Bremen airport A Near Miss: UFO nearly collides with A-320 over Heathrow

 The Gralien Report Podcast for December 17, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:42:37

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast… who knew that antibacterial hand wash might not be antibacterial? And what’s up with scientific websites barring “skeptics” from arguing with them? Is there truth to the claim that Bigfoot is based around a hoax? We discuss all this, and more, as well as the latest news from beyond the fringe, on The Gralien Report Podcast. The Gralien Report Podcast for December 17, 2013 Then during hour two, our friend Seriah Azkath joins us to discuss the strange and magical happenings that have taken place throughout his life. Are there legitimate things a person can learn, or use to improve themselves, that could be considered “magical”? Was Aleister Crowley, once of the most infamous magicians in history, truly a “Black Magician,”  and was his influence as negative as many have made it out to be? Find out during this week’s discussion… And for all you mages in training out there, we’ve included the following semi-ancient scripts to add to your scrolls…  Antibacterial soaps… in name only? Indonesian copywriter dies of overwork Multivitamins may not be worth the money  Climate “Skeptics” banned from Reddit? Neanderthals Buried Their Dead? Getting it wrong… who believes in Bigfoot? The 14 creepiest things kids say about their imaginary friends

 The Gralien Report Podcast for December 10, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:25

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast… It’s a quest for the Holy Gralien! Micah Hanks embarks on his own search for the mythical Holy Grail, and the meaning behind the concept, as well as its roots within the word “Gralien”. We also look at the curious continuation of stories of watches failing, stopping, and missing time altogether, as reported by our listeners. The Gralien Report Podcast for December 10, 2013 Then during hour two, mysteries of the ancient past are on the table, including the oldest footprints in the United States, and the continued search for the lost colonists of Roanoke Island… will science and new data help us discover the cause of their disappearance? All this and more on this week’s Gralien Report Podcast.  And below are show notes for those who wish to follow in the quest for the Holy Gralien…  Remembering Colin Wilson and Lloyd Pye, gone, but not forgotten Obama’s officially the first president to publicly mention Area 51 Have the Lost Colonists of Roanoke Island been found? America’s Oldest Footprints date back more than 10,000 years Giant Squid Prank Pulls the Leg of Thousands of YouTube Viewers

 The Gralien Report Podcast for December 3, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:45:38

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, what are the mystery sounds that have been heard around Connecticut in recent weeks? Is there a tuberculosis outbreak that was being covered up earlier this year? What to make of these, and other mysteries trending in the news are all discussions we share during the first hour of this week’s edition of the program. The Gralien Report Podcast for December 3, 2013 Then during hour two, author Lyle Blackburn joins us to discuss his book Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster. The follow up to 2012’s The Beast of Boggy Creek, Lyle and his cohort Cindy Lee traveled to South Carolina to search for answers about the strange story of a mystery beast seen around the Scape Ore Swamp outside Bishopville, South Carolina beginning in the late 1980s. Was there an actual “Lizard Man,” and are there similar creatures that could have existed elsewhere? Finally, we’ve included links to this week’s stories to help spin your scales… Lizard Man, available at the website of Anomalist Books Lyle Blackburn’s Lizard Man available on What are the sounds Pennsylvania residents are reporting? Tuberculosis outbreak… a cover up in the Sunshine State? And from our friends at Mysterious Universe, proof of reincarnation?   

 The Gralien Report Podcast for November 26, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:08

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, we enjoy a bit of temporal displacement as a time slip occurs right here in the bunker. One strange traveller of space and time who has been missing for weeks suddenly appears again, with no memory of ever having disappeared. Meanwhile, our listeners write to report similar odd occurrences, including time anomalies with wrist watches, and altered (or expanded) states of consciousness described by Tyler’s doppelganger. We also reach a few hours into the past… or at least into a separate time zone, to synch for a live meetup with our friends at Grimerica for a chat on podcasting, the war on drugs, and a number of other things. The Gralien Report Podcast for November 26, 2013 Then in hour two, we spend a bit of time examining the labeling of delinquents who burned down a historic building in Louisiana as “ghost hunters.” Will this be used as fodder for “Big S Skeptics” who wish to criticize the haphazard way modern paranormal investigators enthusiasts can cause more harm than good? The important point here is that criticizing paranormal researchers in this case is difficult… because the perpetrators weren’t researchers of any kind. All this and more will be discussed on this week’s episode of The Gralien Report Podcast. Below are show notes, plain an’ simple.The Latest Release By Caleb Hanks, as “The Clerk” How Cow Flatulence is More Harmful Than We Thought Don’t Call Them Ghost Hunters: The Men Who Burned The House Down Looking For Ghosts

 The Gralien Report Podcast for November 19, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:19

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast… more than four score and seven years ago, after some 150 years in fact, a Pennsylvania newspaper retracts the statements an editorial put forth in criticism of Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address. Meanwhile, the anniversary of this historic occasion comes within days of another historic event’s anniversary… but how many real parallels are there to be found between the lives of U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy? The Gralien Report Podcast for November 19, 2013 Then during hour two, did JFK really have “a rendezvous with death?” What about the letter to Pierre Salinger which allegedly “predicted” Kennedy’s fate less than one month before that fatal day in Dallas on November 22, 1963? All of this, and more, are explored on this week’s edition of The Gralien Report Podcast. And for those history enthusiasts in the audience, you may also find the following primary sources of interest… Will carbon conundrums turn green advocates toward nukes? Camera-stalking the Sasquatch in his native environment Deformed “cone head” mystery skulls uncovered Why Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was meant to be the second act Snopes deconstructs the similarities between Honest Abe and Camelot’s Lancer… but how many are true? Did this prophetic letter allude to what awaited Kennedy in Dallas?  

 The Gralien Report Podcast for November 12, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:20:44

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, is there an argument to be made for the existence of mystery beasts like Sasquatch? If so, what might we learn from first studying the discoveries of new animal species the world over? When it comes to the discussion of zoology, what we often end up finding is that, contrary to what some might tell you, size does matter, along with other factors such as whether a species exists on land, or in water. What kinds of arguments, based on such seemingly inconsequential factors, might influence cryptozoological studies nonetheless? We examine this, and more, during the first hour of this week’s Gralien Report Podcast.  The Gralien Report Podcast for November 12, 2013 Then during hour two, the troubling subject of missing persons takes center stage, as we look all the way back to Spartacus for a discussion of people who vanish as if they’d simply walked right off the face of the Earth… our survey takes us on to the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, Frederick Valentich, and several others that border on the fringes of Forteana. One thing that won’t go missing this week, however, are the following links to stories discussed during the program… Land of the Lost: Micah discusses Cryptozoology at Mysterious Universe And while we’re at it, why don’t we get Nick Redfern in on the conversation too? New Podcast: Missing Nukes and Shadow Banks Strange disappearances that remain unexplained A bit more on the Valentich Disappearance Please help supply relief to victims of Typhoon Haiyan  

 The Gralien Report Podcast for November 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:55:59

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, we Remember the Fifth of November… and marvel at all the strangeness going on in the world around us. For instance, while we tired to avoid all the “conspiranoia” going on over the weekend with two shootings taking place, the consistent comparisons being made with the recent LAX shooting suspect and NWO conspiracies have warranted our attention… but how real is the idea that a New World Order is working from behind the scenes to control us? The Gralien Report Podcast for November 5, 2013 Then during hour two, we’re joined by James Swagger, an engineer, radio host, and independent researcher who authored a book on his research at ancient Irish megalithic sites called, “The Newgrange Sirius Mystery.” James also hosts Capricorn Radio, and works with acoustics in ancient temple sites throughout Ireland. You can learn more about James and his work at his website. And finally, here are some of the week’s hot stories and other sprinklings of the synchro-mystic addressed on this week’s program… LAX Shooter and NWO Conspiracies India sends first probe to Mars The Website of James Swagger Image by Shira via Wikimedia Commons. 

 The Gralien Report Podcast for October 29, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:51:00

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, the boys in the bunker are back after a two week hiatus, during which the site suffered (another) attack coinciding with MIcah’s departure to the Twin Cities for Paradigm Symposium 2013. But having returned just in time for Halloween, this week’s program features an all-out ghoul fest in the spirit of the season. The Gralien Report Podcast for October 29, 2013 From urban legends that tend to circulate around this time of the year, to scary ghost stories, spooky sound effects, and a roundup of our favorite Hollywood horrors, we spend a couple of hours running the gamut in the world of the strange and delightfully terrifying (and of course, the particularly campy). For all the boils and ghouls out there who haven’t completed their reading exercises, below are a number of news stories worthy of the printed page… or an epitaph outside some crumbling and ancient tomb… Are there similar creepy tales behind our favorite ghost stories? Check out Middle Theory, the new podcast from Micah Hanks & McNonymous (available on iTunes soon) “Lost World” Reveals Three New Species in Australia Image via Wikimedia Commons

 The Gralien Report Podcast for October 9, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:39

This week on The Gralien Report Podcast, the fine folks out there in the world of public service announcements seem to want to encourage everyone to use video chat features online… why would that be? Actually, as we happen to know here in the bunker, video chats are a great way to expand your horizons on world affairs, and stay in touch with family and friends abroad… but sadly, thanks to the recent revelations of an ever-encroaching surveillance state, we know there’s a down side, too. The Gralien Report Podcast for October 9, 2013 Then the remainder of the program is spent with one of our favorite guests, Thomas Fusco, who returns to the program to discuss his ideas about space, time, and the cosmos. Thomas is a regular on the program, and his ideas about what may exist beyond the proverbial “Cosmic Veil” never fail to enlighten listeners (and hosts) alike.


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