Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network show

Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Summary: The latest information on the world economy, the price of gold, the price of silver and major markets. The go to place for Austrian Economic analysis of government and economic systems.

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 Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Heart of the Economy? Jim Welsh Does! #5523 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1356

Summary: Markets have been extremely volatile, and pressing questions about the future of the economy linger. Will inflation and negative GDP print decline? Furthermore, how will these factors affect you and your investments? Jim Welsh appears on this episode of FSN to inform us about what to expect in consideration of the role that the Fed will play over the next couple of months. We’re seeing increases in gas and oil, wage growth that does not mirror the progression of inflation, and depletion of supplies in the energy sector. Listen in for more insight on the mayhem of the markets, and scenarios for the foreseeable future. Highlights: -Jim was expecting a 10-15% pullback going into this year, accounting for trends in the S&P -We’ve had the pullback from the highs, but the S&P needs to punch about 4200 to open the door for higher prices -The Fed is at an interesting juncture that will play a role over the next few months -Interest rate increases have adversely affected the economy, housing, etc. -Consumers still have over $2 trillion worth of savings, but the bottom 20% of wage earners spend 70-75% of their disposable income -The squeeze is already intense, and this is going to continue -Wage growth (about 5-6%) is not parallel with inflation -The Fed is trying to prevent the markets from getting ahead of them, which contributes to their decision making -The increase in gas and oil in May will contribute a lot to inflation -As they raise rates more, the economy will show signs of slowing in the next few months -The Fed has started to shrink its balance sheet, which has not been paid attention to closely
-Jim thinks we may be on the cusp of a 15-20 year bear market; a lot of issues that have been building up with the US economy will most likely come to a head -Is inflation down-ticking enough to give people on the Federal Reserve confidence that inflation is going to trend downwards? -Gold needs to hold recent lows to make another run above 1900s -When volatility increases, the relation between sectors moves upwards towards 1 -We need to see a break in oil, and subsequently, in gasoline prices -We should be focusing on the price of natural gas rather than oil -We’re depleting supplies that, in the past, would have gone to other domestic needs -There is a floor underneath Natgas prices Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Macro Tides

 Making Money without the Market - Fred Moskowitz #5522 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1309

Summary: With many losses in the stock market over the last few months, many investors are in search of alternatives for cash flow. Fred Moskowitz comes on the show to talk about alternative investing methods, focusing on note investing—an oftentimes overlooked asset within the real estate market. Fred shares his expert insight on how to get into this realm of investing, some of its benefits, and pointers for when/how to buy notes. Be sure to tune in to this episode for an insider perspective of this alternative to the stock market, and you can use the link below to purchase Moskowitz’s The Little Green Book of Note Investing if you want to learn more. Highlights: -There have been losses in the stock market over the last few months, and many investors are looking for alternatives -For a fleeing stock market investor, there are a number of alternative investing methods -It’s important to own assets that generate income for you, such as rental real estate. The government has incentives in place for owning these -Owning mortgage notes is also a worthy venture; it gives a steady income component. They get bought and sold on the secondary market every day -Owning a mortgage on a rental property gives a lot of downside protection. Another positive aspect is that you get paid while you wait -Buying/starting a business allows you to be directly involved with the asset -Buying properties based on future cash flow can be risky in an inflated market -It’s beneficial to buy real estate if an opportunity appears with a cash flow that can cover your expenses -If you buy real estate that is generating cash flow today and the property is covering itself, then it’s a safe option -When it’s not ideal to buy, it’s good to educate yourself on real estate and take time to accrue knowledge -Mortgage notes can be found by working with real estate investment groups and seeking out note investors -Notes can also be acquired through creating contacts and networking within real estate -Educating yourself before buying anything is also crucial -Notes are traditionally sold for a discount -Supply and demand impacts the pricing of notes, and some states have more demand for notes -You can buy a portion of a note rather than the note in its entirety (i.e. buying a $10k slice of a note). This is helpful for getting started in note investing -Fred’s book, The Little Green Book of Note Investing, gives an overview of note investing and provides tips, logistics, and how-to’s in this sector Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Fred Moskowitz The Little Green Book of Note Investing

 Don’t Let the Supply Strangle You - Carl Gould #5521 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 955

Summary: We are seeing shortages, double digit inflation, and disruptions to the supply chain like never before. How can we get through these times without destroying our businesses in the process? Here to speak about this is Carl Gould, and we discuss the transition that businesses must make in light of the turn from globalization to regionalization. It’s important to consider alternate sources for obtaining supplies, and to have them readily available for unexpected circumstances. Tune in for more useful strategies. Highlights: -If you go back to 2008, the seeds were planted for the de-globalization of our supply chain -You can’t rely on the supply chain the way you once did, and you can’t let it strangle you -Globalization is going to turn into regionalization -Businesses need to diversify where they get things from, which is called ‘near-shoring’ -It’s useful to get supplies from other countries that are nearby -The concept of repurposing/reusing items is going to become more prevalent -Instead of having 1 or 2 vendors, you should have 3-5 vendors -In real estate, place an offer on something immediately Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Carl Gould Carl 360

 China Will Build Back Better - Kyle Floyd #5520 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 990

Summary: I sit down and chat with Kyle Floyd, CEO and Chairman of Vox Royalty to evaluate the precious metals and what’s to come. The mining stock sector is trading at all time lows, fueled by metals prices and inflation. Nonetheless, Kyle is optimistic about the future of the markets, and tells us why we should be as well. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -The price of gold is pinned near the 1850s, but the mining stock sector is trading at all time lows -There is a lot of volatility in the markets, and it feels a lot like 2008 -A lot of factors that drove metals prices around 2009-2011 are still relevant today -Kyle is excited about what’s coming in the markets -Mining stocks have been hit because metals prices haven’t skyrocketed and inflationary pressures have been very impactful to mining companies -We’ve been in a bear market, which doesn’t last as long as a bull market -A market like this allows us to find better value on better projects Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Vox Royalty

 Secrets of a Dynamic Wealth Manager - Matthew Murawski #5519 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1082

Summary: I have Matthew Murawski on the show to break down what’s happening in the markets. In these circumstances, it’s crucial to zoom out and consider how they will play out in the long term. This is directly applicable to stocks such as Tesla, and inflation has an immense effect on many of these stocks. Tune in for more expert insight on what’s to come, and tips on how to strategically invest in the meantime. Highlights: -Markets are up a bit today; volatility is the word, but ultimately, they are down overall. How does this affect future planning? Matthew Murawski and I discuss his philosophy of investing -He has a wide variety of clients (large age range) -In a market like this, it’s all about zooming out. You have to look at stocks with a long term perspective -High valuation stocks are down, which creates a lot of carnage for the markets -The risk-reward for companies like Tesla is on the downside with rates going up -There are double digit gains in imports/exports -Once wages go up, they don’t really come back down. Inflation is here to stay for quite a while -Volatility is an investor’s best friend; we will always have problems, but you have to have hope in a future Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Goodstein Wealth Management

 Join the Good Money Revolution - Derrick Kinney #5518 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 924

Summary: Is there good money and bad money? How do you get rid of the bad stuff and keep the good stuff? National bestselling writer Derrick Kinney comes on the show to talk about this. He wrote Good Money Message to help spread this philosophy to those who are seeking to make and use their money with their ethics and values in mind. Tune in for more insight, and use the link below to download the first five chapters of Good Money Revolution for free. Highlights: -Good money in the hands of good people gets good work done; just because bad people use their money in negative ways, this doesn’t mean that good people can’t use it positively -Good money is money that has intentionality to it -Think of money as a tool for positive change -Make sure that your wealth aligns with your values -Good money can become bad -Using good money for bad can be disillusioning -We need a new mindset to think differently about our money Useful Links: Financial Survival Network First Five Chapters of 'Good Money Revolution' Good Money Framework

 Still Not Enough Single Family Homes to Go Around - Brandon Cobb #5517 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1050

Summary: With increasing energy prices and the prospect of a recession, Brandon Cobb comes on the show to tell about what our options are when it comes to investing. It seems that real estate is an incredibly viable option in the current circumstances; as living standards fluctuate with the economy, the need to live ultimately never goes away. Tune in to hear more about what areas of real estate are the most promising, and how you can intelligently allocate your investments. Highlights: -The higher the energy prices go, the more likely a recession is to occur -Real estate is going to fare better than other asset classes -History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme -The need to live doesn’t ever go away—we just transition into more affordable living arrangements. Lower cost homes are going to do well -High price/custom homes are going to take a hit -Historically, storage has done really well -Assisted living facilities are positioned for great need in the real estate industry -A lot of people have been moving to Tennessee due to low income taxes -If interest rates go up, you must consider if your target audience can still afford to buy your product. That’s why Brandon’s team is staying away from the higher priced homes, and building more affordable homes -Interest rates and inflation are working against each other -Real estate is a safe haven for inflation -Brandon predicts that we’re going to have a lot of volatility; it’s best to be where the greatest demand is right now Useful Links: Financial Survival Network HBG Capital

 Party Like it’s 1899 - Drew Pelton #5516 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1487

Summary: How much longer is CPI inflation going to be in effect, and are there any solutions in sight? I sit down and chat with Drew Pelton, who brings us up to speed with the latest news regarding inflation, emphasizing that it is not transitory and is highly unpredictable at the moment. We haven’t felt the rue effects of CPI inflation yet, and the Fed continuing to raise rates isn’t contributing our awareness of the situation. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -If you’ve gone to the store recently, you are acutely aware of CPI inflation—or loss of purchasing power of your currency -How much longer is this going to go on? -There’s no hope in the short term (over the next few months to half a year) -Inflation is not transitory, and it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen/when -We haven’t felt the true effects of CPI inflation yet -The Fed raising rates has impacted the market and demonstrated their inability to control things -Electric cars are good options at the moment, but sometimes lack utility in areas where charging options are limited -Spiking energy usage differs based on location/season -Electric demand (prior to electric cars) goes up 2% a year, and as much as 4% during more intense years -The country is starting to wake up—there has been craziness with the new administration Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Drew Pelton

 Time for a Rational Energy Policy - Matthew Iak #5515 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1371

Summary: As energy costs continue to skyrocket, we wonder if we can get out of the box we’ve put ourselves in and create a positive vision for the future. I have Matthew Iak on the show to discuss this energy phenomenon, and what’s in store. We need to use our resources to create efficiency, and make decisions that will eventually allow the US to be the biggest producer of oil and gas in the world. Tune in for more information. Highlights: -Energy costs are high because of supply and demand -The question is if we can get out of the box we’re in, and it will ultimately take political will -Diesel fuel is $6/gallon -Many politicians know that it is a path to nowhere, but it gets them elected -Bad policy has led us here, but good policy can lead us out -Global technology has helped with energy efficiency, and the future is hydrocarbons along with renewables -We need to use our resources to create efficiency -The US should be the biggest producer of oil and gas in the world -With climate change, we continue not to do the things that we should do -We need to realize that oil and gas are one of the most usable resources we’ll have in our lifetime -High prices kill the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder; it’s time to move forward in a positive direction Useful Links: Financial Survival Network US Energy Development Corporation

 Diaries of a Female Real Estate Investor - Farrah Ali #5514 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 998

Summary: Real estate rates are going up and sales are going down—is this opportunistic or problematic for making money in this market? I have Farrah Ali, author of Diaries of a Female Real Estate Investor, on the show to discuss this topic. She reassures us about the real estate industry at this point in time, emphasizing that there is always money to be made whether the markets are moving up or down. Tune in for tips on how to maximize cash flow in the current state of the market, and to learn about helpful resources for getting started in real estate Highlights: -Farrah owns 41 rentals locked in at 30 year fixed rates; her cash flow is not being affected, but moving forward, increasing interest rates make payments higher -Rents are also increasing -She is currently working on Airbnb models—you can take advantage of the area and property type -There’s always money to be made whether the market is moving up or down -Her book, Diaries of a Female Real Estate Investor, was named one of the top 100 real estate books -It is a motivational and informational piece for anyone that wants to get started in real estate—giving tips on how to scale up, where to get the money, etc. -You have to believe in yourself and persevere; there are going to be roadblocks, but it’s important not to immediately give up -It’s also critical to have a good mentor, who has encountered success in the industry many times Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Diaries of a Female Real Estate Investor Farrah Ali

 Invest in Water for the Future - Riggs Eckleberry #5513 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1523

Summary: Have you ever wondered if you can run your own water system out of your home? Riggs Eckleberry comes on the show to talk about the plausibility of this, and how companies like OriginClear offer a decentralized approach to utilities such as water. It is clean, cost effective, and safe, and you can learn more about this water filtration and sewage option by tuning in to this episode. Highlights: -There is a water problem in the country (and in throughout the world) and proper steps have not been taken to maintain water quality -Piping water to septic tanks costs a lot of money -Riggs’ is innovating the water system so that homeowners can have their own treatment system, decentralizing utilities -More communities are build built in secondary cities, which may not have sewage facilities/access. This places are extremely ideal for Riggs’ self-operated system -The systems range from $2k-$8k Useful Links: Financial Survival Network OriginClear

 Mortgage Rates Going Higher, Housing Sales Not So Much - Debbie Bloyd #5512 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 912

Highlights: -The real estate industry is moving past; people can’t take their time anymore with buying/selling -It’s not a market for the weak -It’s good to consider downsizing to be sure you can afford what’s on the market; be reasonable in your expectations and assessing your current needs -It’s also critical to have a cushion of money for incidents that can occur with homes (i.e. roofing) Useful Links: Financial Survival Network DLB Mortgage Services

 Investing Wisdom - Dr. Guy Baker #5511 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1822

Summary: Guy Baker comes on the show to discuss the progression of the markets, and how to decide what to do next in the current economical circumstances. Since the market is lacking stability at the moment, it’s best to wait for it to stabilize before jumping in; if you are already in it, however, then it’s best to stay the course. No one can time the markets with exact precision, and there are a number of factors that spontaneously affect businesses and stocks at any given time. Tune in for our in depth discussion about some of these things. Highlights: -How do you decide whether to stay or go when navigating the markets? -Markets go up and down; if you look at the history of the markets, you can identify these ups and downs. You must ask yourself whether the return on the market has been 10% throughout history, and if it is going to stay this way -If you’re in the market, stay in the market. But if you’re out of it right now, it may be best to wait for more stability before re-entering -There is no evidence that anyone can time the market effectively year in and year out—most people that encounter success in the markets just get lucky -ETFs don’t have the gains/losses or fees that mutual funds have -Picking stocks is like a gamble -You’re better off investing in a largely diversified portfolio with low fees -Stocks are based on projected income; the important consideration becomes income and appreciation -Three basic currents in the market -The markets are a willing buyer and seller that are happy -Many emotional factors dictate what happens in trading -Markets perform based on expected historical return -There isn’t much stability or support behind crypto -There’s the industrial bubble, the technological bubble, and the government bubble -Inflation is necessary in a growing, vibrant economy Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Wealth Teams

 Prepare: The Overall Trend is Down - David Jaffee #5510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1626

Summary: Markets have been unstable for the last couple of months; is it going to improve or get worse, and can you still profit from the market? David Jaffee comes on the show to dive into this probing topic, and we discuss some of the most profitable methods for investing at the current moment. Ultimately, it’s crucial to be defensive in managing stocks at this point in time. Tune in for useful knowledge and tips from David. Highlights: -We can take advantage of some stocks that are down, and now is the time to be defensive -For those who have been disciplined, it’s worthwhile to rotate to more defensive minded stocks -It’s important to consider the alternative asset classes that are going to appreciate -You don’t necessarily have to by shares; you can sell puts -Tesla is great when the market is in a bull trend -The overall new car market has been declining -It’s better to rotate into companies that are more defensive in nature -We talk about some of the crucial transformational acquisitions (i.e. Google purchasing YouTube) -Every business has to cut costs consistently, and now, tools are going to emerge even faster Highlights: Financial Survival Network Best Stock Strategy BestStockStrategy YouTube

 What it Will Take for Mining Stocks to Soar - the Resource Maven (Gwen Preston) #5509 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1252

Summary: The price of gold has been resilient considering what’s happening in the markets, and the mining sector has been thrown out with the growth stocks. Will the mining stocks start making money any time soon? I sit down and chat with Gwen Preston, known as the ‘Resource Maven,’ and she explains how investing methods have largely shifted as a result of the pandemic. With the prevalence of big tech stocks and the impact on the US dollar, the metals have taken a hit. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Tune in to find out. Highlights: -Gold has done well considering the impact on the US dollar -Gold is getting a safe haven bid -From the pandemic to the end of 2021, gold got good bids -A billion dollars flowed out of mining stocks; the broad markets were still doing what they’ve done -Big tech stocks performed well during the pandemic due to people staying at home and relying more on technology -Have cryptocurrencies messed up people’s attention spans and caused a lack of future planning with investing? It seems that the cycle is out of touch with conventional/current investor expectations and timing -Some people who haven’t had to learn the bad lessons (such as those back in 2009) may learn their first one now -Finance has been reduced down to apps Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Resource Maven


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