Learn Chinese with Video Podcast show

Learn Chinese with Video Podcast

Summary: AtoZchinese.com is the easiest way to get you speaking Chinese from the very first lesson or improve your level of Chinese with the Intermediate and Advanced lessons.

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 Intermediate Lesson 8 - 青岛 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:39

Qingdao, located in the southeast part of Shandong Province, is a major seaport, naval base, and industrial centre. Bordering on the Yellow Sea and the Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao has a unique blend of sea and mountains, which makes it a very good summer resort. The main attractions are Laoshan known as the ‘Home of immortals’ and Ba Da Guan. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 18 - Ordering drinks | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:48

So you have managed to get the table what's next? Getting some drinks is always a good start, having a couple of drinks is a good way to loosen up the atmosphere especially if you are just getting to know each other. You will notice in china that people only seem to drink whilst eating there meals. Although it is not as common due to increased number of Westerners living and working in china there are more western style pubs and clubs being opened. Only the younger Chinese generation tend to go these establishments. In today's lesson we will show you how to order beer and wine. Although many Chinese drink a spirit made from rice you can at least order yourself a drink For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 7 - 儿童节 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:36

每年6月1日是中国的儿童节,你知道中国的孩子如何度过自己的节日吗?是跟父母一起逛游乐园,还是学校组织集体活动让他们参加呢? 其实啊,逛游乐园,动物园也好,学校组织活动也好,还是几个小朋友们别出心裁地想出个好玩的计划也好,只要六一儿童节那天小朋友们玩得开心,过得有意义,就是最有价值的节日。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 7 - 北京 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:09

Beijing, as the capital of China, is one of the most famous historical and cultural cities in the world. It has more than 3000 years of history and hundreds of historical, cultural and ancient sites of great value. Therefore, Beijing is also referred as ‘the greatest individual project of mankind’. The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace are highly attractive while displaying the charm of oriental cultures. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 17 - Asking for a menu | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:55

So you may be at the bar having a few drinks and suddenly get the urge to eat. You know this place serves food but you don't see a menu lying around. What are you going to do? Simple your going to ask for the menu. Right now your probably asking yourself I don't know how to ask for a menu. That's where we at A to Z Chinese come to the rescue. In today's lesson we will show you how to politely ask for a menu and then how to thank the waiter when the menu is given. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 6 - 世界无烟日 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:36

每年的5月31日是世界无烟日,而今年无烟日的主题是和广大青少年相关的哦。自上个世纪50年代以来,由吸烟而导致的肺癌疾病已受到了越来越多国家的重视,而养成不吸烟的好习惯,要从青少年开始抓起。“无烟青少年”就是这届世界无烟日的主题。青少年吸烟的前景着实堪忧,所以我们要积极联合身边的亲戚朋友们,多多参加抵制烟草的活动,鼓励青少年戒烟。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 6 - 学外语 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:45

"I speak English, so I don't have to learn a foreign language...." Have you ever had the same thought? According to the CIA World Fact Book, only 20 % of the world's total population speaks English as a primary or second language. This means that 80% of the worlds population does not speak English at all. Learning another language often opens up new opportunities and increases global understanding. Lots of Chinese people are very keen to learn English as it can bring more job opportunities. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 16 - Getting a table at a restaurant | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:13

So you want to go out for dinner. You may want to impress new work colleagues or just simply take some friends out for a meal. You have arrived at a restaurant but how do you get a table? What do you say? That's where were we come in to help. In today's lesson you will learn when you are being asked how many people and how to reply. When you enter a restaurant in china you will always be asked how many people that there will be with you, so learning when this question is being asked and how to respond is very important. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 5 - 京剧 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:50

京剧是中国的国粹,是中国的文化遗产,已经流传了几百年。代表人物有梅兰芳等艺术大师,有板有眼,高亢激昂的韵调,让人听了回肠荡气,满腹生香,是一种绝佳的艺术享受。京剧是非常深奥的艺术,它的唱功和做功都有一套苛刻的要求。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 5 - 证劵 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:44

China stocks are usually classified into three categories: A shares, B shares, and H shares. To make profit from buying stocks, it seems to be essential to gain general understanding of the current Chinese leaders who are in control of China’s economic and social policies. Let’s here how Chinese people are thinking about the current China’s stock market. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 15 - Elevator | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:56

Due to the population growth the need for more housing is increasing but with limited land for building new properties the only way is up. High rise apartments are a common site in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Inevitably you will find yourself in a situation where you will be in an elevator with another person. In today's lesson we will show you how to ask and understand which floor someone wants to go to. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 4 - 愚人节 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:55

愚人节是西方的一个节日,这个节日是一个快乐的节日。你可能捉弄过别人,也可能被别人捉弄过,这种印象一定非常难忘吧。发生在愚人节里的故事总是稀奇古怪,有的让人笑,有的让人哭,有的让人哭笑不得,回头一想总是非常好玩。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 4 - 云南 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:19

Yunnan is located in the far southern corner of China, sharing the same border with Thailand, Loa and Vietnam. Yunnan has 25 different ethnic minorities who have lived here for a long time. Only recently, some Han Chinese have migrated here. As a result of the ethnic minorities who reside here it is the most culturally diverse province in China. The Major Tourist Regions are Kunming, Stone Forest, Jiuxiang Scenic Region, Ruili and etc. In this lesson, we’ll see two Chinese people talk about the trip to Yunnan. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 14 - Are you alright? | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:17

What's the first thing you do when you see someone hurt themselves? Laugh? If you chose this option you're a little bit twisted aren't you? Being serious the first thing any normal person would do is check to see if the person is ok. You want to ask the question are you alright? but again you just don't know the words. Here at A to Z Chinese were always here to help. After today's lesson you'll be able to do more than stand and laugh you'll be able to find out if the person is alright. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 3 - 旗袍 | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:35

旗袍是中国满人的服饰,分为京派和海派。现在的旗袍,裁减是非常的贴身,而且裙底开叉开的非常高,女人穿上会非常的婀娜多姿,非常的性感。《花样年华》这本电影的女主角张曼玉一共换了26套旗袍。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.


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