Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 The Greatest Adventure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sadly, I think many people reject faith in Jesus Christ because they have the misperception that life as a follower of Christ is boring. They think that if they follow Jesus they can't have fun.  But, that couldn't be farther from the truth. There is more life in Jesus Christ than anywhere else. In fact, the only real life, the only life really worth living, is found in Jesus Christ. The "fun" that people think they're having apart from God, is shallow compared to knowing the depths of God's love and the endless reaches of His mercy. When we get to know Him, we encounter the "life abundant" that Jesus promises His followers.I love to read old missionary stories. The faithful missionaries of the last several generations are heroes to me. In fact, it was missionaries in Latin America who were responsible for me coming to know Jesus. Missionaries reach their world every day and I praise God for their work. If you are tempted to think life in Jesus Christ is boring, pick up an old missionary biography. You will see all the adventures that await you as you throw yourself completely into reaching your world. There's nothing better or more fulfilling than leading another to Jesus Christ. Are you up for the adventure?

 Adopted by Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My son, Andrew, and his wife, Wendy, have two biological sons and one adopted daughter. Sadie, or as Andrew refers to her, his "African Princess" is loved just as much as if she was their biological child. Andrew and Wendy chose her, traveled across the globe to get her, and she is now a very special, loved part of our family. You know, adoption is a beautiful picture of God's love for us! Beyond our own family, I know many others who have been blessed by the beautiful gift of adoption. There's something magnificent about choosing another and bringing them into your family. Did you know that just as Andrew and Wendy adopted and cherish Sadie, so God adopts and cherishes us?  Each of us who believe in Him have become part of His family through adoption. Paul writes in Ephesians, "he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will..." Jesus wants to adopt each of us for his pleasure. What a loving God we serve! As we think about our own adoption into God's family, let's also think about how we can bless those around us by welcoming them into our lives. Today, share the Good News of our loving Father in Heaven, who longs to welcome His children home. And consider how God might use your family to welcome and embrace another.

 Andrew: In Front of Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you remember the story of the paralyzed man in Mark 2?  Jesus was teaching in Capernaum and four men decided to take their paralyzed friend to see Jesus.  But, there were so many people listening to Jesus that they couldn't get their friend to Him.  What did they do?  They made an opening in the roof and lowered the paralyzed man through the hole - right in front of Jesus!  Now, that's determination!  They were convinced that if they could get their friend in front of Jesus, He would do the rest.  They were so determined that, even though it was hard at first, they wouldn't stop working until their friend met Jesus face-to-face.Are we that determined in our resolve to get our friends in front of Jesus?  All we have to do is get them there. He'll do the rest - just as He did for the paralyzed man.  Though He did heal the paralyzed man physically, He first forgave his sin - which is far more important.  Our friends need forgiveness and the assurance of eternal life too.  Work as though getting people in front of Jesus really matters.  Work at it with all your heart and don't give up.  There is nothing more important than leading another to Jesus Christ. Keep at it and don't give up.   Because it does!

 Word and Deed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For years I have said that evangelism is the best type of social action. I believe that wholeheartedly, and frankly, without evangelism we can't see real change in our nation. But we must live our faith as we speak it.  If we're going to see change in our world today, it must be done through word AND deed. Sharing about the love of Christ is a must, but are we reflecting that love too? Sharing about the forgiveness of the cross is foundational, but are we extending to others the forgiveness shown to us? Proclaiming our new life in Christ is critical, but do our lives look different from those around us?  Do our lives look new?Are we truly loving our neighbor as ourselves? Are we putting Christ first in all we do? Are we sharing the Good News Gospel "as we go into all the world" as Jesus asks us to in the Gospel of Mark?What we share is of immense importance, but how we share it many times dictates whether it is heard. If our words aren't backed by our love for others, they will fall flat.  Our words, proved by our actions, are what will show the world that Jesus makes a difference.

 Turning the World on Its Head | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Even as early as the book of Acts, those who believed in Jesus were known as having influence throughout the entire world. In fact, they were accused of turning the world on its head!If you read the account in the book of Acts, chapter 17, Jason and several other followers of Christ were actually dragged from his house and put on trial. Why? Because they were living differently than others and proclaiming the Good News!Because of Jason and believers like him, within a matter of years, the Good News of God's son had spread throughout the world. The name of Jesus had traveled to distant lands, and people who followed him became known for their "unusually holy" lives. They had set a new standard for living.So now - 2,000 years later - as we sit in our homes, this is my question: Are we still turning the world on its head? Like the members of the early Church, are our lives causing others to question theirs - in a good way? What are we doing to stand out? What are we doing to reflect Jesus Christ? Our world is watching. Will they see Jesus in you and me?

 How Believers Changed the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently, I was reading a book about the influence followers of Jesus have had on the world. It was a powerful reminder. More than any president, any nation, or any other group of people, followers of Jesus have made an overwhelming difference in our world. It's not often talked about, but it's staggering. Did you know that we have men and women who know and love Jesus Christ to thank for hospitals, freedom, dignity to women, charity, equality, brotherly love, and the moral code? When people begin trusting in Jesus Christ, it revolutionizes not only their soul, but also their lives, their families, their cities, and their world. It overflows into their actions, speech, and all of their beings. This is what the Bible calls the indwelling Christ - the hope of glory.  It is Christ in us that motivates us to change our world.  Following the indwelling Christ means that He can use us to give hope to others and make an eternal difference.  And he will!  Isn't that amazing!?! God wants to use YOU and ME to change our communities and our world. All we need to do is follow Him and be willing to tell others of His love.

 Your Involvement Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Every few years, it's a given. Whether you are old enough to vote or not, you'll be hard-pressed to find a place where a political campaign isn't ringing in your ear. Everywhere you look - newspapers, television, online, and magazines - candidates ask for your vote. Why? Because YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! These candidates work so hard to get their message in front of you because they believe that your vote can change a city, a country, and even the world. That's impressive. And it's true!While casting our vote in an election is good, without Jesus Christ people are still lost. But, we can make a difference.  Just as political leaders make changes on a national level, we are the ones who make an impact on our neighborhood, school, and workplace. Friend, it's up to us as followers of Jesus to tell others of His love. You and I have people in our lives that only we can reach. Jesus said that we are the "light of the world." While making a civic difference is important, let's be people who are actively making an eternal difference as well.

 Andrew: Waiting Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When I'm sick, I don't want to take the time to go to the doctor. But, recently my fever was so bad that my wife said I had to go.  As I sat in the little room, all weighed and measured and blood pressurized, I waited. Then I waited some more. And some more. I sent a text. I called my wife. I absent-mindedly flipped through a magazine. I was frustrated. What was taking them so long?Then it hit me, the doctor knew I was there but there were things going on that I couldn't see. In another room, there may have been an emergency. Another patient may have needed more time because of a serious condition. I needed to trust that the doctor was coming and would make the call as to the proper time.Life can be like this. Often it is. We must learn to wait patiently and not put our trust in our timetables but rather have faith that God is working in His time. We can't see the entire picture. If it seems like it's taking forever for a friend to come to know Jesus Christ, be patient. God sees everything and He is working. Continue to pray but don't stress. God is at work and knows all things. In His time and in His way, everything will work together for good.  Just be patient and be faithful. God will do the rest.

 When the Going Gets Tough... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It seems as though many people these days are looking for the path of least resistance.  Have you ever noticed that? If a class is tough, you want to switch classes. If a marriage is strained, you pursue divorce. If a church is struggling, you go to a different church. I'm convinced of something - as followers of Christ, when the going gets tough we should step up, not run away. Often, things worth pursuing are difficult. Don't jump ship because it requires effort - work that much harder.  Every worthwhile goal will cost something, whether that's time or effort or energy. If you want to reach your world and leave a legacy that will affect generations to come, you can't just lazily try to evade anything that requires hard work.In the words of Jesus, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Are you willing to deny your comfort, ease, and human desires, in order to accomplish something worthwhile? In order to reach your world for Jesus Christ? It won't be easy. It will take discipline and hard work. It may require pressing on, even when things are difficult. But, I guarantee that when you are committed to working hard to doing what is right, telling others about Jesus Christ, you will find joy and peace, and you will leave a lasting legacy.

 Prone to Distraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I've seen the same evening play out many times... I'm sitting in a restaurant with my family and inevitably, there's a couple sitting at a nearby table that I can't help but notice. They don't have anything to say to each other. The wife is staring blankly into the distance. The husband is rudely typing away on his phone. They are physically together but their minds are elsewhere. We've all been in that situation at one time or another. We've all been distracted from what really matters.But, if you are trying to reach your world, you cannot treat people that way. Try to fully engage with whomever it is God has brought before you. It's easy to get ten steps ahead and already be thinking about the next conversation, or meeting. But, God has you where you are, this moment, for a reason! When you're spending time with friends and family, commit to turning off the phone, shutting down the laptop, and disciplining your mind to really listen to them. The Bible says in Proverbs, "To answer before listening- that is folly and shame." You can't listen to someone's words, or the Holy Spirit's promptings, if your attentions are elsewhere. This week, try to focus on each interaction. There is bound to be an opportunity to share the Good News in at least one of them. 

 Flaky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's about that time of year... How are your New Year's resolutions going? Statistically, you probably stopped following through on them weeks ago. Perhaps you set out to work out every day, or to skip dessert, or to save a certain amount of money. Have you done it? Did you do it for a week? Or two? Why is it that we can discipline ourselves for a short time but inevitably go back to our old habits so quickly? Why are we so fickle?You know, one of the greatest truths of Scripture, a truth that has made a remarkable impact on my own life, is that Christ is actually alive in those who love Him. That is the key to joy and discipline - all of which lead to lasting Kingdom fruit! If you feel like you're never able to follow through on goals you set, ask God for His power. Christ has given you new life, including a new mind and a new heart. And the mind and heart of Christ will allow you to persevere in doing good things! You will experience new focus and determination - not fleeting motivation but actual, long-lasting, life-change. In Galatians, the Bible says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Do you believe it? Will you live a life of excellence that draws others to Jesus? Draw near to Him, and experience real change - not some half-hearted resolution.

 Discipline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Receiving Jesus Christ is 100% free. It is not dependent on our good works or effort. Though salvation costs us nothing, discipleship should cost us. The moment of salvation is not the whole story. Often when reaching our world, we are concerned only with the moment of decision. Which of course is important - it's the first step and most critical! But God desires so much more for His followers. He desires a life of commitment and pursuit and devotion and discipline. Be careful never to confuse the two. Don't ever think that your devotion earned you a way to God. But, do remember that a disciplined life should follow a genuine conversion. The spiritual disciplines are so important that Jesus Himself practiced them. Jesus prayed and fasted and studied God's Word. How much more should we pray and fast and study God's Word? As you reach your world, be careful how you present the Good News. Yes, God's grace is free. It doesn't cost us a thing. But, being a follower of Jesus requires a radical life change.  Jesus said in Luke, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."  Share the Good News with your world. It IS good news. But, remember to also demonstrate what it means to live a life for Christ - a life of true devotion.

 Andrew: Doubt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A 13 year old boy once told me about a conversation he had with a friend. Although his friend had confessed Christ, his faith came to a standstill because of a troubling doubt. "I'm not sure I can believe in a God who condemns people, even good people, to hell for not believing in Jesus," he said. How would you respond to this? The boy told his friend, "Consider that maybe God isn't condemning these people, but offering a place of forgiveness for all of us who have already been condemned by sin." He certainly had the right idea. John 3:17 says "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." When confronted by someone who is struggling with doubt, our best recourse is to turn to the Word of God.We need to take powerful steps to be prepared when questions like these arise from those around us. But we don't need to have all the answers. In fact, taking the time to search the Bible together creates space for discussion, fellowship and spiritual growth. Who knows, maybe by not having all the answers we can help our friends learn to turn to the Word. What could be better than that?  The Word of God has the answers to life's biggest questions.

 Who is Lord of Your Ambitions? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

From my youth, I have felt that God has called me to evangelize in the great cities of the world. Much has been accomplished by His grace. Yet so many doors still need to be opened! But when it seems as if God is going a little slower than I want Him to go, I risk the danger of trying to twist God's arm to get things moving a little faster. It's so subtle a temptation. Have you ever tried to put into action God's revealed plan with your own methods? That's just what Jacob did when he deceived his brother, Esau. He wanted his brother's birthright, and he wasn't willing to wait for God's timing. He took things into his own hands, he manipulated events, and was quickly entangled in a web of deception. God's way is never a tangled web. His way is that peaceful way of Proverbs 3:7, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Is Jesus Christ the Lord of your ambitions?  With all your heart, make Him Lord today.  Then, He will use you in mighty ways to bring colleagues, friends, and others into His kingdom.

 Choose Life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jacob was cooking up a stew of red lentils to entice his big brother's appetite because he was after Esau's birthright. Jacob was determined to get it, no matter what it took! When Esau came home from a long day of hunting, he was famished. He begged Jacob for a hot bowl of stew. Jacob, the sly guy that he was, told his brother that he could certainly have a bowl of soup, if he'd hand over his birthright. Sure enough, Esau responded with, "Look, I'm dying of starvation! What good is my birthright to me now?" In a moment of weakness and passion, Esau ruined his hour of opportunity just to fill his belly. What a momentous decision!While God is always sovereign, man also has a great measure of responsibility. God gives you the opportunity to exercise your free will every day, too. Deuteronomy 30:19 says, "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." In moments of desperation, gain strength from God's mighty hand on your life. Choose life, and share the life of Christ with those around you.


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