The Financial Survival Network show

The Financial Survival Network

Summary: Information you need to protect your wealth and keep your family secure in the New Economy.

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  • Artist: Kerry Lutz
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 KHL, FLP. All rights reserved.


 Jason Burack–Republicans Don’t Want No Stinkin Gold Standard 30.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Jason Burack of Wall Street For Main Street joined us today for a discussion of the Republican Party Platform, which suggests that a gold standard should be carefully studied. The reality is that the banksters are running the show and no fundamental reform will be possible until the too big to fails have fallen into the ash can of history. The reason is simple, if there was a real gold standard and every dollar was backed up by its equivalent value in precious metals, there could be no outrageous ever expanding government debt. Therefore, there would be no need for the mega banks and their armies of traders. So forget about a gold standard being voluntarily adopted. It won't happen until there's no other choice. Which means that the market for gold and silver will continue its bullish trend for the indefinite future. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Diana Zoppa –Catching Up With Diana On Judge Napolitano And The Convention 30.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:46 presents Diana and I continued our weekly repartee. She did an extensive interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano for an upcoming Daily Bell feature. He's definitely a freedom lover and is just as concerned about the collapse of individual liberty as you and I. We also had a lengthy discussion about high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweetners and cane sugar. Is the sugar lobby really keeping the Cuba embargo alive? Finally we got into the Republican Convention and how the nominee never lives up to the convention speechifying and hoopla. And yet we all continue to vote. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 .The Value Guys–Blood Doping For Enhanced Stock Picking? 30.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:47 presents The Value Guys are back in town. Unfortunately their liquor cash was raided by a neighbor which has led them on a search for other performance enhancing substances. And if blood doping can work for Lance Armstrong and baseball players, why can't it work for stock pickers. We have a feeling that Val and Mo are a little too squeemish for it. In the meantime their stocks for the week look particularly good. Chevron (CHX), Corning (GLW), Flowserver (FLS) and Microsoft (MSFT). Our personal preference is Chevron. The dividend is good and if you believe that oil prices are headed higher or even just staying where they are, then this could be a good place to ride out the storm. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Catherine Austin Fitts–$2500 Gold Means War 29.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:10 presents Catherine Austin Fitts is in a unique position to understand the machinations and inner workings of the matrix that controls our world. Her extensive experience in Washington and on Wall Street gives her a unique perspective. She's quite concerned about the loss of freedoms we're all suffering and the elite's ruthlessness to keep and maintain power. She believes that freedom seekers need to hit a critical mass of fiver percent of the population or more, for real change to occur. She thinks that you need to tune out the mainstream media to end their influence over you. And she believes that genetically modified food is their effort to lower the world's population. Some of her views are extremely controversial, but no one can argue with her experience or depth of knowledge. Listening to this interview will be time well spent. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Jason Hamlin–Bernank-The Wizard Of The Fed Controls Your Wealth And Future — 29.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Jason Hamlin, of agrees with FSN that the only way out of this permanent economic sink hole the world finds itself in is a Debt Jubilee. Without getting into the Biblical origins of the concept, man seems to have an inate ability to borrow himself into bankruptcy. It's just human nature. After all, why put off for tomorrow what you can get on credit today. Therefore, any sound economic system must be based upon encouraging savings and discouraging consumer debt. Otherwise, a debt bubble is inevitable and systemic collapse will occur shortly thereafter. How many times must this cycle be repeated before humanity finally learns its lesson? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Darryl Schoon–The Financial Parasites Are Killing The Host 28.August.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Darryl Schoon is a well known scholar and expert in banking systems. He expects the system to collapse and says that the day that gold goes parabolic will be the saddest day ever, because it means that the system has collapsed. Gold and silver will go sky high because the bankers have marginalized it and have scammed the public into believing that paper has value. When the realization hits that paper money has no value, a new era will begin. And precious metals will be the foundation of that system. Acquire gold and silver but be certain to enjoy your life. There's really nothing else you or I can do. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Rye Patch Gold’s Bill Howald–Gold Mining Is In His DNA 28.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Bill Howald grew up in Montana in a mining family. He has a passion for finding buried treasure. And he has the plan to get it done. Hethree decades of mining industry experience, and he's done exploration around the globe. Now he's going for the gold in Nevada, which happens to be the most mining friendly state in the US, with no state income tax, excellent infrastructure and a stable work force. Rye has acquired a number of projects that appear to hold great potential for major gold deposits. Most importantly Rye Patch has the financing to insure that it can make Bill's vision a reality. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 David Schectman–Nobody Can Fix The Mess We’re In 27.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:36 presents David Schectman got into selling gold purely by chance. But he realized that it was his calling and he hasn't looked back once. He's been following the world's central banks economic foibles for nearly three decades. It's been going down hill since 1971 and there's nothing that can stop it. Major economies are giving up on the dollar and bartering among themselves. The days of living of the strength of fiat dollar are rapidly coming to an end. It will be replaced by something, which most likely be gold. That's why it's so important to be buying gold and silver now, before it's too late. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Brother John F–This Silver and Gold Rally Is For Real-Buy! Buy! Buy! 25.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents BrotherJohnF has been calling the current precious metals for a couple of months now. The markets are displaying much different behaviors than previously. The Asian market is picking up metals with near reckless abandon. Silver is crucial to industrial use and there are no government stock piles. Therefore, when supply gets crimped, prices will sky rocket. Which explains its volatility when compared to gold. Renewed silver investment demand could cause the price to rise several multiples over what it is now. Keep watching the silver price, it might just be the tail that wags the economic dog. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Peter Grandich–Bullish Gold Indicator-His Negative Email Has Stopped 27.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Great news! We checked in with our close friend Peter Grandich and his constant stream of negative email has stopped, we hope permanently. Gold is a hated investment. It's like going to a Chevy dealer and expecting him to sell you a Ford. Same with expecting investment professionals who want to sell you paper, not physical metal. And these so-called experts ignored that the metals markets were making higher lows, which is extremely bullish. That's why Peter and I have remained bullish against such overwhelming negativity. An understanding of market history is very helpful and it is your key to understanding that the media is always wrong about gold and silver. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 TLR 205 –Government And Wall Street-The Ultimate Preppers 26.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Preppers are held up to ridicule and contempt by the mainstream media and the government. At the same, these banksters and governmental leaders appear to be preparing for the mother of all systemic crashes. Soros is buying gold, Paulsen and many others are selling off their stock holdings and investing in gold. Central banks are stocking up and Wall Street insiders are dumping their shares. So is a crash coming? No doubt it will be soon, but as to when, all any of us can do is guess. But this gives you yet another opportunity to put together your plan and get ready for the inevitable. That's what we're doing at FSN. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Harvey Organ–A Pharmacist Who’s Turned The Table On The Elites 24.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Harvey Organ is a pharmacist from Canada. He's been the bane of the elites since 1999, when he started writing his blog, which chronicled the sick exploits of the precious metal cartel. He so attuned that it's to the point where he knows what the cartel is going to do before they do. He's found their major weakness too-once they've started a raid, they can't stop it. In the past month, the market dynamics have changed and this has cost the cartel big time. It's now obvious to all that the Federal Reserve is behind the chicanery. The manipulation is criminal. Money is being stolen from investors accounts and no one seems at all. But their scheme is losing its effectiveness and it's almost game over! Harvey thinks the collapse could be here as early as this September. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Bix Weir–The Cartel Is A Cornered Animal-And It’s Dangerous 24.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Bix Weir had a few free minutes and joined us today. He's been busy writing up a storm and he's expecting a lot more shoes to drop in the precious metals markets. He thinks that the Cartel is on the ropes, but there's still some life left in those market manipulators and they might be getting ready for one last grand slam down. Much like the gambler on a terrible losing streak, who keeps doubling down and praying to get even, the modern banksters are behaving in a similar manner. And why shouldn't they, your government is there to make sure they stay afloat. It's okay if you fail, but don't expect them to allow a Too Big To Fail Bank to go down the tubes. That might bring down the whole house of cards and the global economy. The elites always take care of each other. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Dan Collins–Chinese Big Macs Are Over-Priced 22.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents There's no better authority on China than Dan Collins of the China Money Report. He settled in Shanghai during college and hasn't left. lending rates are currently at 9 percent and inflation appears to be diminishing. But that has come at a cost, much lower growth. And if Europe continues its implosion and the US goes back into recession, then China will no doubt be affected. But the Chinese has been accumulating gold for the past several years. And their silver purchases are picking up too. The world is waking up now and the fiat currency scheme will soon be gone. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Chris Duane–Brandon Raub-Political Prisoner-Is Free And Silver Is Over $30 Per Ounce 23.Aug.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Brandon Raub served his country honorably in Afghanistan and Iraq as a Marine Engineer. Lately he's become incredibly disenchanted with the government and its policies. He's been making a number of Facebook posts that somehow led him to the authories' attention. And then it happened. The knock on the door came. In marched the Secret Service, the FBI and the local police. They took him away and tried to have him committed a local psychiatric hospital. Fortunately, this time justice prevailed and the Court set him free. And silver has crossed the $30 per ounce mark. So two great events in one day. It doesn't get much better than that. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets


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