The Financial Survival Network show

The Financial Survival Network

Summary: Information you need to protect your wealth and keep your family secure in the New Economy.

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  • Artist: Kerry Lutz
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 KHL, FLP. All rights reserved.


 Mike Reid–Anything Worth Learning Can’t Be Taught-Especially In A Government School 22.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:09 presents Children are learning machines. Kids learn everything, no just what we want to teach them. They look for knowledge in any place they can find it. But now the United Nations wants to mandate authority based education-the system that has worked so well in the US. This means that children in developing countries will be forced to learn in centralized factory-type facilities. They will be prevented from working, thereby limiting their workplace knowledge. When the state monopolizes their education, it sabotages the creative process that children thrive on. Mike believes that privatizing education, allowing children to learn in the workplace and the recognition that different kids learn differently is the key to truly higher education. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Monday with Ranting Andy Hoffman–Where Did All That Gold Go? 22.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us for his famous Monday Rant. We discussed the issue of record US gold exports. This statistic confirmed what we all knew and that is that the US is getting poorer by the day. While we may no longer be on a gold standard, some parts of the world do consider this "barbarous relic" to have certain universal monetary characteristics, that not even the US Government can change. And it is those very same countries that have been on a precious metals buying spree for the past 10 years. And while we're on the topic of who's got the gold, Germany's high court just ordered an audit of all their off-shore holdings. The results could be interesting. What's your thought? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Triple Lutz Report– Questions Coming Debt Jubilee Meme–Episode 214 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents John Rubino, a long term friend of the show, penned an interesting article today about a coming Debt Jubilee Meme. He questions whether it would be enough to restart economic growth and whether it would actually solve any of the problems we are now facing. Respectfully, we believe that John isn't fully considering the purpose of the jubilee. In and of itself, it will not bring on economic prosperity. Rather, it will help end or limit the rampant  malinvestment that is occurring due to the Fed/Treasury's desire to keep the financial system afloat. Negative real interest rates, non-risk adjusted interest rates and excess creation of currency units are certainly more destructive to growth than simply acknowledging what we already know, which is that the cumulative debt can never be paid back and it is rapidly becoming unservicable. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Triple Lutz Report–The Election Has Been Over For Months-Romney–20.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:07 presents I always say that we don't follow politics on FSN and yet here we are again discussing the election. However, what this is really about is an effort to shape your reality by bombarding you with propaganda about the inevitability of Obama's victory. However, while the elites are often capable of molding events and therefore reality, to their wishes, they can't do it on so mass a scale as an election. Not when their horse has an awful record and has proven himself to be incompetent and unqualified on dozens of occasions. And not when there's a challenger who's so far ahead of Obama intellectually that they don't even belong on the same stage. But remember, they're all liars, they will cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and every other program necessary to their agenda. No matter who wins. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Yaron Brook–No Master Debaters Last Night 17.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Dr. Yaron Brook of the estimable Ayn Rand Institute was with us to share his take on the latest Presidential debates. And while he feels that Romney is the nominally better candidate, neither of them are winning any awards for free market economics or an intricate understanding of why the Free Market is the answer to what ails America and the World. Obama is a collectivist/statist and Romney is a pragmatist/statist, so choose your poison. Unfortunately, the US will have to again learn the hard way that no other systems works like a free economy in a free world. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Danielle Park–The World According To Danielle Park 17.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Danielle Park believes it's time for all the parties to come together and build a consensus and start agreeing on solutions to our common problems. Compromise is the key to finding common solutions, but first there must be an agreement that the current problem is dire and cannot be solved otherwise. The US and the World are facing a bankruptcy of unprecedented proportions. If the governments do not have an immediate reality check, the result is going to be catastrophic and every individual will suffer. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 David Selig–Government Confiscation Of Precious Metals Is A Certainty 17.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents David Selig is a former marine and an active accountant, regularly doing battle with the IRS and State Tax Authorities. He believes that events are developing that will the government to confiscate metals, in order to keep the system functioning. He's seeing early signs now and believes that the Supreme Court will be the ultimate aider and abettor. While he's hopeful that the populace will revolt against such outrageous restrictions on their freedom, he has doubts. Which is why the key to surviving and thriving is to have a plan and keep it to yourself. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Trace Mayer–Our Government’s Surveillance Fetish-Three Steps To Protect Your Internet Privacy 16.Oc | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Trace Mayer of www. gives three easy steps to maximize your internet privacy. You need to do this because government is scanning data streams from all over the world and use that data to determine whether you are a Person of Interest. 1) First is which will hide your internet trail. Sites you visit won't know you were there. 2) Use which will make your email and communications virtually impossible to review and scan.  3) Finally, Trace believes that Bitcoin is completely private and gives you the ability to keep virtually all of your financial transactions private. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Dana Meador–A Beautiful Deleveraging Ain’t Going To Happen 16.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents According to Ray Dalio's theory, government can somehow engender growth and allow austerity to reduce debt. This Panglossian view just can't happen in modern America. Everyone wants to know if this is going to be an ugly deflationary deleveraging or an inflationary deleveraging. Is Romney the man to come forward with the plan to cure what ails the country, probably not. GDP is actually contracting and therefore, without growth there will be no desire to reform the monetary and political systems. Have no fear, the market will take of these ills. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Mickey Fulp–The Government Is Killing The Price Of Uranium 16.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents In an effort to win the election, the Administration is manipulating the uranium market price to curry favor with the labor interests in Ohio. Investors are not anxious to finance uranium miners when prices are so depressed. This will lead to depressed production and lower prices. And with the government's huge Uranium stockpiles overhanging the market, one wonders if they can go any lower. Prices often do go lower later in the year, so there might be more declines to come. After the election, the administration will have less incentive to intervene and prices could again go higher. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Jeb Handwerger–A Fundamental Shift Is Taking Place In The World Economy 15.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:21 presents With QE to Infinity now a world-wide economic policy, investors need to look at many different metals such as Platinum, Uranium, Steel, Copper and others. Investors are beginning to believe that China's incoming new leaders will be putting into place a massive stimulus program that will result in higher commodity prices across the board, but especially for base and precious metals. Jeb will be having a workshop at the HardAssets San Francisco conference. Make sure you say hello to FSN and Jeb if you're attending. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Peter Grandich–When Will The Rodney Dangerfield Of Investments Get Some Respect 15.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Precious Metals raids are common place. But has anything occurred to make a reasonable investor think that the long term prospects of gold and silver has turned negative? Rather, the opposite have happened. Central banks are engaged in unlimited money printing, central banks are buying and precious metals ETF ownership is increasing. Until the general fundamental picture changes, this bull market remains very much alive, regardless what any of the so-called experts proclaim. Rumors of the death of this bull market are greatly exxagerated. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Bill Holter–Helicopter Ben Says QE3 Is Great For The World Economy 15.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Bill Holter is writing exclusively for our friends at Miles Franklin. He put out two great think pieces today. First, he examines the Bernank's strange comment that QE3 isn't bad for the world's economies. Next he'll want you to believe that Castor Oil tastes good going down and that the government is really here to help us! Where do these people come up with these claims. Next, Bill wrote a piece about buying precious metals, primarily for the newbie, but we can all learn something from it. He's recommending 1 bag of 90% (junk) silver per family member. This will facilitate bartering for food should that be necessary. Exactly the widsom we've come to expect from Bill. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Charlie McGrath–What Happens When The ATM Stops Working-Prepare Now 13.Oct.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:21 presents Charlie McGrath is a well known radio personality and host. You might call him a prepper, but certainly not an ultra-prepper. He believes, as we do at FSN, that its important to have a plan. Most of us wouldn't have a clue what to do if the ATM/Credit Card Network shut down. There would be mass chaos and pandamonium. Do we believe such an occurrence is imminent or even likely, no. However, it is a possibility, which is why you should stock up on some food, have some precious metals nearby and perhaps a means of defending you and your family. The costs of such preparation are quite minimal. 60 days worth of food is just a few hundred dollars. And preparing a plan is free. The choice is yours. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals market

 Tintina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Raj Choudray is President and CEO of Tintina Resources which is in the process of bringing on a major copper mine in Montana. They're just finishing up a Preliminary Assessment. They're looking at over 1 billion pounds of copper. Montana is hungry for economic development and especially responsible mining. The mine is great news for the state's tax coffers and the relatively high unemployment rate in this area of the state. Add  to that strong demand for copper from China and Asia. In addition, the developed world will need to rebuild infrastructure, for which copper will be essential. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets


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