Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction show

Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction

Summary: Understanding and working with Law of Attraction is the magic key to a happy and fulfilling life, but sometimes our old habits of thought get in the way. Join Dr. Rebbie Straubing (Founder of The Yoga of Alignment - YOFA - and author of the book “Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment) as she delves into the nooks and crannies of Law of Attraction in a way that addresses spiritual upliftment, healing from within, loving relationships, and all the other goodness that your harmony with Law of Attraction can provide. Each episode contains quick and powerful insights to help you live your best life in the loving energy field of Law of Attraction.

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  • Artist: Dr. Rebbie Straubing
  • Copyright: This material is copyrighted - All rights reserved


 Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Are there two of you, too? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website   CLICK HERE to get The Vortex     [mc src="http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-vortex-gateway-2009-11-13.mp3"/]I want to begin today's focus with what I always thought was a nursery rhyme.  It turns out it's a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  Apparently he wrote this with his baby in his arms.  You probably know it: There was a little girl,     Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead.     When she was good,     She was very good indeed, But when she was bad she was horrid.     -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow This poem comes to my mind right now as I think about myself (minus the curl). You see, sometimes I access mystical states of awareness.  Sometimes I extract wisdom from the living of my life in a way that is thrilling to me.  And I receive feedback (for which I am very grateful) that my insights are helpful to others.  Sometimes I am "very good indeed." And when I am in those states I love pouring those realizations into writing or recordings or some form of expression so that I can have an imprint of that moment or that awareness.  And, as you might guess, I do my best to let that be the side of me that acts as my public persona. Well, then there's the part of me that my friends and family know.  This is the part that can get hooked into focusing on what is not wanted in a way that is not fun to be around.  And while these moments are difficult, they do provide sharp contrast that sooner or later turns into an article or a website or something useful in the YOFA system. Well, the reason I'm telling you all this is because I was just in one of these states. In fact it started yesterday. I went to sleep with something unwanted on my mind, woke up with it, and had been obsessing and getting myself more and more upset about it all day, and it's really a relatively unimportant event in the greater scheme of things. Finally it occurred to me to use the YOFA Gateway into the Vortex which is a website I had created for my own personal use for moments just like this.  It's got two main tools for getting me back in the Vortex - the Simple Gateway and the Profound Gateway.  I decided this was a job for the Profound Gateway because I was pretty steeped in seeing the worst possible aspects of this situation.  In fact I was so convinced of how justified I was to be disappointed and bummed out about this particular subject that when I opened the Profound Gateway webpage and began doing the process, I found myself unable to answer the questions in a useful way. Now mind you, I am the one who created this gateway tool.  Well, it's a matter of semantics.  It was the me who is very very good who created it.  Now it was the me who is horrid who was trying to use it! So here is what I did. I clicked on the video tutorial and I went question-by-question, listening to what the in-the-Vortex version of me had to say about how to answer each of the questions.  So there we were.  The in-the-Vortex version of me offering a  hand to the out-of the-Vortex version of me.  And by going question by question, with the video in one tab of my browser and the profound gateway in another tab,

 Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Politics and Grandma’s Cookies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website    [mc src="http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-vortex-11-11-09.mp3"/] Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) has been teaching us one exquisitely simple lesson for many years now. In fact, the word "simple" is a very accurate word for the teaching because one of the meanings of the word "simple" is "single." Abraham teaches us that there is a single flow of well being.  One stream. Now here is the part where the whole living of your life unfolds. At any given moment, you are either allowing that stream or resisting it. Can it be any simpler than that? Abraham has been giving us process after process to help us do the only thing that we need to do in order to live a joyful, satisfying life. And since there are only two ways that we basically interact with the stream of well being (which is that we can allow it or resist it), there are two ways to express our job in life.  We can say that all we need to do in any situation is to allow the stream.  The other way to phrase it is to say that all we need to do is to release our resistance to the stream of well being. So, when Abraham talks about the Vortex, and how to get into the Vortex, we can understand that this is the same as being in the allowing mode. Simple. Elegant. You can apply this to anything that is going on in your life. From relationships, to body conditions, to politics, to grandma's cookie recipe, you can always tell whether you are allowing or resistant by the way you feel. And so, what happens after a while is that you realize that it is your state that matters much more than the subject of your focus.  So let's say you look at a political situation that angers you.  You feel like people are abusing their power and you don't like the decisions they are making.  The tendency is to get more deeply involved in the subject matter. Now, I think you can see that taking action from a place of negative emotion is all out-of-the-vortex-action and it is very inefficient. It becomes clear that your primary work is to get in the Vortex and then let your action be inspired by the joy you experience when you think of what is wanted rather than the anger you feel when you think of what is not wanted. And when you take action from within the Vortex, you are powerful, effective, and beneficial to everyone who is touched by your plans. So here's what I'd like you to do: * Start noticing which subjects in your life seem more important to you than being in the Vortex.  * Start getting into the Vortex on those subjects.  * Notice how rapidly your life transforms. How do you get in the Vortex?  That is not the subject of this particular post, but you'll find the answers in the book The Vortex and you can accelerate the process with the tools at http://HappyintheVortex.com With Love and Appreciation, Rebbie

 Hilda Charlton, Spiritual Healing, and the YOFA jhe Sessions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

    Hilda Charlton Official Website YOFA jhe Sessions Website  (Scroll down)   [mc src="http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-jhe-hilda-11-02-09.mp3"/]When I was a teenager I used to attend Hilda's Thursday night Satsang. At that time we met at St Luke's Church in New York City's Greenwich Village. That was a profound experience for me, but there is way more to the story of Hilda's role in my life than what took place at those meetings.  (And, for anyone who was there, and I know you folks are out there because you write to me from time to time, you know that the energy of those gatherings was powerful, extra-ordinary, and inspiring enough to last a lifetime.) There is more though… I have to back up a bit.  The reason I knew Hilda was because she was working intensely on healing my sister, Shelli.  In fact, one of my clearest memories of Hilda was when the doorbell would ring and my mother would open the door to our apartment. And there was Hilda, in her sari, and her English accent, and an aura of Love expanding out in every direction, unlike anyone else who ever rang our doorbell.  And yet, this was a common occurrence.  Hilda was there, ringing our doorbell and entering our apartment like clockwork. So, I've been reflecting on how huge Hilda's influence has been on me.  Her presence as a healer was such a big part of my formative years, that now, as I sit to do a YOFA jhe Session two times a week, I'm so grateful for my roots with someone who is probably one of the most remarkable healers and spiritual teachers of the 20th Century. It's hard to describe the specific influence that Hilda still has on these remote inner alignment sessions that I do, but I want to acknowledge her and give her credit for much of my training - even if it was largely by osmosis! When I do an inner alignment session for the people on the jhe list, I send an email explaining the specifics of the session.  I'm posting the email update that went out to the members today after I did today's jhe session. You can sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions HERE. Today's YOFA jhe Session Email Update: I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today. With today's alignment comes an intensification of personal empowerment. This comes not from having power over others but as a result of an intimate relationship with the source of all creation. Abraham (Abraham-Hicks.com) teaches us of the profound relationship between freedom and empowerment.  These are different names for the joyful end of the emotional scale. With today's inner alignment with your essence, you gain access to great personal freedom and empowerment. This happens as a result of deliberate alignment with the ever-present, sacred freedom at the portal where the *now* enters your personal energy system.  (Find out more about how this works in the root chakra section of "Rooted in the Infinite.") As a result of today's session I expect you to experience breakthroughs in any area of your life where you have been feeling stuck. You may notice that you are no longer driven by old self-sabotaging habits, addictions, or negative tendencies.  What a relief!  When those patterns release-even just a little

 Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Appreciating the Contrast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

    CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website   [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/vortex/yofa-vortex-sg-p3contrast.output.mp3"/]In the last focus, I asked you to consider Page 3 para. 3. of The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) I think I already mentioned we'd be going through this slowly, right? Good, because now we move on to paragraph 4. In respect for the copyright of this book, I will be using page and paragraph references most of the time, rather than direct quotes. I know this is less convenient, but while you have the book open, you can also get more context, read the surrounding ideas, and scribble in the margins to your heart's content. Enjoyment Ok, so last time we pondered the notion of going from enjoyment to enjoyment. We considered the idea of having set a pre-birth intention to enjoy every moment. Now let's go a little further. Please read the paragraph that begins with, "Before your birth into your physical body…" P3 p4 Contrast Now, let's talk a little bit about contrast.  Abraham often asks you if you have "come to appreciate the contrast of your time and place."  Here, on page 3 of The Vortex, we're finding out that our relationships with each other are the primary source of the contrast we live.  Interesting!  And yet we welcome it (from our non-physical perspective). We love it.  We can't get enough of it!  So please consider this: When you: ·    are harmonized with your broader knowing ·    feel empowered ·    don't feel like a victim of the contrast you are living . . . you welcome the contrast.  You perceive the contrast as the birthplace of your expansion and your potential for joy. Then, all these relationships that run hot and cold, with their highs and lows, and all the contrast we find with the people in our lives, it all becomes the raw material of joy.  So, now it is apparent that the idea of setting a pre-birth intention of enjoying every moment has infinite potential.  But maybe not the way we thought at first. Where we might have originally read that statement of an intention for continuous enjoyment and interpreted it to mean that life would be a series of enjoyable, pleasurable moments, we now see a completely different picture emerging.  And what a relief!  Because, if the fulfillment of our intention for enjoyment were dependent on conditions, we'd be in big trouble, fast. Empowerment But what a breath of fresh air it is to know that the contrast is welcome - that our enjoyment of the moment is not conditional - that we are in charge of our state, regardless of conditions.  Whew!  This is good news. Well, maybe it's not news to you.  Maybe you've gone to seminars and read books and you've held this conscious idea for many years.  (Me too.) Good.  Now we can all deepen our living of this knowing, no matter what our relationship to this truth is at this moment - whether it's old news or new news. Try This So here is a little game you can play.  When you've got something going on that you do not want, watch your reaction.  It will tell you very clearly whether you are looking at the situation from a perspective that is in harmony w...

 Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Enjoying the Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website How different would your life look if you went from enjoyment to enjoyment? Listen to today's focus here: [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/vortex/yofa-vortex-sg-p3.mp3"/] Today's focus may surprise you with its simplicity.  And yet it is at the basis of everything we are about to do. (Can you see how this is a hint about your Inner Guidance System?) And have you been reading the comments? They are uplifting and filled with light and wisdom. Your "word snapshots" of your process carry us all forward. Thank you for such beautiful participation. Here is a suggestion from Cathy that I want to highlight for those who might not be aware of this:  I haven't received my book yet… it's on backorder from Hay House, but I thought I'd pass this on.  You can subscribe to Abraham-Hicks' Daily LOA Quote at the link below. The quotes are all from 'The Vortex,' I believe. So, in a way I've gotten started with my reading. http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php Yes, right now they are from "The Vortex" and what a great idea, especially for those who are eagerly waiting for the book! With Love, Rebbie http://YOFA.net

 Strength and Inspiration: The YOFA jhe Sessions are Now Open for New Members | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  Sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions CLICK HERE     [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-jhe-08-11-09.mp3"/]The YOFA remote inner alignment sessions that I call the YOFA jhe Sessions are now open for new members. I will only be accepting new members for a few days, maybe a week.  So, please tell your friends and loved ones, now is the time to sign up.  I'll be answering as many questions as possible over the next few days.  If there is something you need to know to get clear about whether or not this is right for you, please post your questions right here as a comment on this post. Here is the email update I sent to the members today. You will receive 8 sessions per month when you sign up as an Active or Inner Circle member.   I did a YOFA jhe Session for the Active and Inner CIrcle jhe members today. I expect you to feel the result of today's session in two main areas of your life. The first is in the vitality and well being of your body.  This would conventionally be called physical healing. The effects of this session on your body occur due to an alignment of your natural, innate ability to heal from within. For your body, the effects to expect from this session are primarily*: * A feeling of increased energy, strength, stamina. * If you are dealing with fatigue or depression, the beneficial effects of this session can come through as sudden bursts of feeling like "you" again (the "you" who you love being).  While these moments may come and go, they are signs that you are coming into alignment with your joyful true self.  If you are already strong and healthy, you may feel this effect of today's session as greater coordination and power in your muscles * Balancing of the energy of the immune system for greater immunity to pathogens. * While this is not a medical treatment, this session can boost the energetic level of your immune system.  If your body is actively fighting an infection, this session can help you win.  If you are strong and healthy, this session can help keep you that way. * Greater clarity of vision.  * This session supports the energy of the eyes and your ability to see clearly. The second effect I expect you to notice as a result of today's session is a dissolving of the negative aspects of ego and a rising of your magnificent, unique, individual expression.  I sometimes call these the negative vs. the positive aspects of ego, but that can get confusing since many people hear ego and can only think of the negative.  So, for simplicity's sake, let's call this access to inspiration.  This session opens the channels for you to commune with the essence within you and bring forward sparkling, dynamic, unique, spontaneous, elegant, powerful, effective, beneficial, radiant forms of expression.  It all comes down to you fulfilling the reason for your incarnation.  It is about you fully being you.  It is a joyful experience for you and a blessing for others. In your relationships, you may notice the effects of this session as bursts of appreciation within you for the people you love.  If you have been taking any of them for granted, you may find a blazing awareness of your love for them.  You don't have to say anything.

 Today’s YOFA jhe Session: How Apparent Problems Dissolve into Nothingness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SIgn up for FREE YOFA jhe Sessions CLICK HERE Listen to Rebbie here: [mc src="http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-jhe-session-08-07-09.mp3"/]I did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the YOFA jhe list today. As a result of this session, I expect you to feel noticeably more at home in your body, in your life, and in the broader evolution of you soul. I also expect things that have felt like major obstacles in some area of your life to begin to dissolve. The effect of today's alignment transcends the desires of this lifetime and brings your current awareness into harmony with the desires and intentions that you have set in motion previously.  Even in innumerable past lifetimes. The effect is one of feeling embraced, swaddled, and loved - especially loved - by your past incarnations.  Like you have this invisible team of "yous" cheering you on, understanding why you do what you do and nurturing your development into the you you desire to be. The way you may notice this as in an unusual richness in your experience. You may feel things more deeply, see things with more detail, perceive more connections between things, understand things more profoundly, love more purely.  It can feel like the tapestry of your ancient journey is revealing some of its golden threads that let you feel connected with the timeless beauty of your essence. When you connect a little more than usual, even unconsciously, with the broader design of your soul's journey, something wonderful happens.  Things that you have been perceiving as stuck, as unchanging obstacles or solid problems start to reveal their lightness.  They begin to float like bubbles suspended in the air.  They can even begin to pop like bubbles.  And then, they are gone. The reason this can happen is simple.  The problems never really were solid.  As you come into alignment with your soul's truth, you see more truly. And what appeared as in impossible to solve problem turns out to be a distortion.  Like a funhouse mirror.  And once your energy field is better aligned, and accurate perception is restored, you see a clear pathway to the solution of what seemed to be an insoluble problem just a moment ago. Now the question always is, how directly will you feel or manifest the results that I am describing here. I'm sure there is a range from very obvious, full-blown manifestation to more subtle or even imperceptible changes in the configuration of your energy field. The jhe Sessions are a cumulative process and so sometimes the sessions are working underground, other times they are at the point of full fruition. At the very least, I expect you to feel greater, ease, comfort, and a feeling of being lovingly held in spirit. At the other end of the spectrum, you may have a major breakthrough with something that has been troublesome for you - maybe for a very long time. However this session shows up in your unique life journey, it is my intention for it to be profoundly beneficial to the experience and expression of the love in your heart. With Love, Rebbie http://YOFA.net http://alignmentforhealing.com YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite" Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com

 Inner Alignment and Aging: Free YOFA jhe Session Re-Opened | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

    CLICK NOW FOR FREE YOFA jhe SESSIONS    [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-aging.mp3"/]As inanimate physical things become old, one of two things happens. They either become junk or they evolve into to treasured antiques: things of great value. As we get older, you and I, the physical body may also show signs of age.  The question is, "How do you feel about those changes?" As you notice a few wrinkles, gray hairs, "love handles" or even some aches and pains that you never had before, how do you relate to your evolving physical instrument? There are innumerable pills, lotions, and programs that promise to keep you looking and feeling young. The question I'd like to highlight here today is (whether you use those youth promoting plans or not), "How do you feel about yourself, right where you are, right now, gray hair, love handles and all?" I post this question because, I think you'll find that the very first step toward looking great and feeling great at any age is very simple. It all starts with loving yourself. And I don't mean this in a way that means that you think you're better than everyone else. I mean this in the purest way that means that by loving your experience of being you, it brings you into alignment with a mystical doorway.  It is an opening that allows you to truly see others and truly love and appreciate others. Without loving yourself in this pure and unconditional and non-comparative way, it is virtually impossible to love anyone else.  Unless you assume the shape of love, love cannot fit through you. So it becomes a very basic, very primary, and a very high priority to find a way into this pure love experience that has you at its center. This is true at any age, but it takes on new challenges, offers new rewards, and reaches new depths as we get older. And the interesting thing that happens is that where you can stay young, you do, and where you age, you age gracefully and beautifully. I'm sure there are many ways to cultivate this pure, unconditional, non-comparative love.  In the YOFA system, the way we go about it is through a process of inner alignment. As you become more tuned to your essence, who you are as love, becomes more and more of who you are as you. Love flows through your personality, your face, your individual expression. And once love is able to flow through you and to you, all aspects of aging come into greater harmony.  The way you look, the way you feel, and the way your body adapts to its natural evolution. One of the simplest, easiest ways to bring yourself into alignment with your essence is with the YOFA jhe Sessions. These are remote inner alignment sessions that bring you into alignment with the best aspects of you.  There is absolutely nothing for you to do.  Well, it is beneficial if you stay open and receptive, but it takes no time or effort on your part. Simply sign on to the list and I send you an email each time I do a session. I have just re-opened registration for the free jhe list.  Sign up now at http://YofaTraining.com I'll be doing the next monthly free session soon. Here is an email I received recently from a participant in the free jhe sessions: "I have been on welfare and taking advantage of your FREE generous YOFA healings for quite some time >>> perhaps two years even. Anyway I now have a great new job and I would like to buy your full compliment of YO...

 Free Teleseminar: The Key to the Inner Garden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen to this post here: [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/ts-res-jhe-7-21-09.output.mp3"/]CLICK HERE to sign up for Free Teleseminar: Inner Alignment: The Key to The Inner Garden I have 3 things to tell you about today. * The first is about the free teleseminar and webcast I'll be offering this Friday, July 24t.  It's all about how to cultivate the inner garden and how your talents and abilities blossom when you do that. * The second thing I want to tell you about is this month's Results Workshop * And the 3rd is that I'm about to reopen registration for the jhe sessions. So let me begin by telling you a little bit more about the free teleseminar and how to get all the access information. On this call we are going to be exploring the nature of the garden that you are.  And I think you'll find that as you cultivate the inner garden, a wonderful thing happens.  That thing is that you get happy.  It's often an instant occurrence.  As soon as you begin the process, there is an instant opening of the gates.  By deciding to cultivate the inner garden you automatically enter the inner garden and it is a beautiful experience. So on this call, you'll have an opening.  You'll start to turn the key, you'll find a place in yourself that is magnificent and just waiting for your tender loving care to bring it forward in your life. There is no charge for this call.  If you have unlimited long distance it is completely free.  If you don't have unlimited long distance, you can listen on the web and you won't have any telephone long distance charges. I do this every once in a while and I hope you'll be able to attend this one.  To get the phone number to dial in and the page for the webcast, simply go to www.rootedintheinfinte.com. Enter your name and email and you will get the access info in an email.  You'll also get the first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite and we'll be discussing this chapter on the call. If you've already signed up to download the sample of the book, you will get the access info for the teleseminar. You don't need to sign up again. SIGN UP HERE Advanced Law of Attraction Workshop: July "Results" Workshop focuses on Inner Guidance The second thing I want to talk to you about is the monthly results workshop.  This is an advanced Law of Attraction group coaching membership.  Each month I create recorded material for you to work with and then we get together on the phone where you can get personal coaching from me on how to apply the training for that month. The July material is posted and I'm very excited about this month's topic.  It's all about what we perceive as good and bad, wanted and unwanted, and how to tune in to your inner guidance so that no matter what is going on in your life, you know how to experience your journey as exhilarating, joyful, and satisfying. I've prepared 6 screen capture video segments and it is available instantly for members.  If you are not a member, you can join at http://yofa.net/results. Remote Inner Alignment Sessions: YOFA jhe Sessions

 Heal Yourself: How to Be Your Own Healer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This may sound crazy, but the first step toward becoming your own healer is to throw out the whole notion of "healing."  I know this sounds extreme, illogical, and impractical.  But I can show you why it is the most effective way to advance your healing.   LISTEN TO THIS POST HERE: [mc src="http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-qt006-2009-04-27.mp3"/]Punching Through the Bag I've heard Kung Fu masters teaching their students how to punch the punching bag.  They do not tell them to hit the bag.  They tell them to hit through the bag.  When you aim at the bag, your punch has limited power.  When you aim past the bag, you summon tremendous power (and you make a loud noise when your glove meets the bag). Same thing here. When you focus on healing, you are aiming at the bag.  You are focused on the problem.  How do you aim past the bag in healing?  You focus on the desired result which is joyful harmonious expressiveness.  I like to call this "jhe" (pronounced jee).  Planting the seed of jhe in your imagination, brings forward images of you: * doing the things you love doing * laughing with the people you love * enjoying nature * feeling really really good in your body * looking fantastic * being happy and generous and purposeful * you can add many more things to this list These images generate the feeling that promotes healing. And when you think about, talk about, and aim for jhe, you are moving in the direction of joy.  When you think about, talk about, and aim for healing, you have mixed the problem into your aim and you've made it very hard to hit your target. As Easy as Changing One Word Can you really begin to heal yourself by simply replacing the word "healing" with the word "jhe"? Yes.  You can.  Sprinkle the word jhe (or enjoy the long form, joyful harmonious expressiveness) into your conversations with yourself.  For example: * When you wake up in the morning, say to yourself, "I devote all my actions today to promoting jhe." * As you eat lunch, check in with yourself by asking, "How can I experience more jhe this afternoon?" * Before you go to sleep at night, give thanks for any moments when you experienced jhe in that day. Only you know what is jhe for you.  Basically, when jhe is flowing, you feel good. When jhe is flowing, even if there is pain in your body, you feel better than you felt before because the pain no longer rules your emotional state.  You have taken your power back. You feel more like you when you are in the flow of jhe. Even a child can do this simple effective healing practice. I wish you great jhe in all your endeavors. You can find out more about how to cultivate joyful harmoinious expressiveness at http://AlignmentforHealing.com

 Energy Healing: The Vertical Alignment of the Root Chakra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  Find Out More About the YOFA jhe Sessions The Place Where Meditation Meets Law of Attraction.      [mc src="http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/YOFA-jhe-Session-3-11-09a.mp3"/]This recording is here for the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions and anyone else who wants to better understand the power of inner alignment.  This is where spiriutal healing occurs.  Within the energy body, there is a template of alignment which opens you to the fulfillment of all your heart's desires. This session focuses on the vertical alignment of the root chakra.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions based on the YOFA system I present in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  I am honored to offer these session to those who feel resonance with my work.  You can get on the jhe list HERE. With Love and Appreciation, Rebbie http://YOFA.net

 Harmonizing Desire and Ego -Today’s YOFA jhe Session | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

[mc src="http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/YOFA-jhe-Session-3-6-09.mp3"/]CLICK HERE TO GET ON THE JHE LIST I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list). Today's session focused on the harmony between desire and ego. People use both these words in so many different ways that I hesitate to even use them here.  There is no way to know what meanings they conjure for you and since they are so loaded, they usually cause some emotion. If you have a copy of Rooted in the Infinite handy, you can refer to chapter 12 for a full explanation of the meaning of desire and ego in the YOFA system.  For simplicity's sake, here is what I mean by these words: Ego - the individual, focused, limited perspective, personality, and point of view of your human incarnation. Desire - The movement of life force in you toward something that feels good to you. Now, I know that you may have very different definitions for these words, but for now, at least you know what I'm talking about as I describe the effects of today's jhe session. When desire and ego are out of alignment with each other and with your essence, you travel a very rocky road.  I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.  Today's session had a beautiful quality as the 2nd and 3rd chakras tuned in to the essence of their purpose and aligned with the 3 axes (this is all explained in greater depth in the book) for a truly harmonious expression. I expect you to feel the results of this session in a few ways: 1 - A sense of calm.  Much like the calm after a storm, when your ego and your desires move from struggle and conflict to peace and partnership, there's this feeling of prosperity.  Your whole personality becomes: * brighter * more alert, * more interested * more enthusiastic * and more open to authentic interactions with others 2 - Confidence.  When the ego stops trying to prove its worthiness, your true brilliance and talent come forward and you can feel the value of your uniqueness in a way that has momentum.  It is also truly appreciative of the uniqueness in others. Your confidence is not threatened by the success of others and so you become a bright light to others. 3 - Home Runs.  You become more effective, more efficient, and more able to complete things successfully with one effort.  Things that might have taken months get done in one day.  Things that might have taken years get done in one week.  How can that be?  Your heightened alignment makes you so much clearer an efficient that you sail through things with no obstructions. Thank you for being a part of this jhe session. With Love, Rebbie CLICK HERE TO GET ON THE JHE LIST

 Inner Peace: Juggling Daily Details | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The focus of the February 2009 Law of Attraction group coaching call was "information overload" and I thought this video summed it up perfectly.  We feel we are juggling so many things and yet look how graceful it can be!  02/09 LAW of ATTRACTION "RESULTS" WORKSHOP [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-blog-peace.mp3"/]I wonder if you’ve been feeling any of the craziness of information overload like I have been lately.  I can be calm one minute and then as soon as things get complicated where I thought they’d be simple, or there are just too many buttons to push to get to a live operator, or something just takes me to my limit, I kind of snap.  I hate to admit it but there are a couple of tech support people who I’ll be doing Ho’oponopono about for quite a while (I love you. I'm sorry...). Anyway, that’s why I decided to make the February Results Workshop about finding your sweet focus and your balanced inner alignment in the face of the multitude of details that we face day after day. I figured this would be of value to others and I knew this exploration would be helpful to me. What I hadn’t anticipated was the intense shift that would happen in me after the workshop. During the live call one of the very generous participants put his life on display and gave us an enormous gift.  Because the unfolding that came from his sharing, there was an opening of the door, at least in me, to a heightened awareness of the Divinity in everything. The dish towel.  The plastic spoon I use to scoop out the dog food.  The chair.  The garbage pail.  I have heard it said, “There is no spot where God is not.”  Well, somehow that experience was awakened in me about a day after the workshop.  Funny how these things happen in ways that I certainly cannot explain. And if you know me, you know I really love explaining things.  But sometimes I know to just leave it alone. I hope you enjoy the video that I’ve placed here on this post.  I thought it was the most perfect display of turning information overload into a graceful work of art. You can still get the 3 audio segments of the workshop plus the mp3 of the call that went on for over 2 hours.  02/09 LAW of ATTRACTION "RESULTS" WORKSHOP With Love and Appreciation, Rebbie http://YOFA.net YOFA is based on the book “Rooted in the Infinite” Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com   

 Unlock Your Intuition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

    CLICK HERE FOR FREE eBOOK "Unlock Your Intuition"            [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/blogebook.output.mp3"/] When I was a chiropractor I used to work in a largely intuitive way.  I had all the information and the knowledge that my mind needed to make rational and educated decisions about the care of my patients, but my hands were awake in ways that defied reason and my mind was open to solutions to problems that were sometimes unexpected. There was an intuition in my hands and in my mind.  I had friends who were also strongly intuitive.  Some of them would intuitively "see" the problem that needed to be corrected. Intuition travels through different pathways within us and some of us have more heightened faculties in one of these pathways than in the others. I invite you to explore your own powers of intuition to serve you in the most loving and joyful living in your life.  Here is a free ebook I recently came across.  In this book, Belton describes different forms that your intuition might take and how to cultivate your inner knowing. This is not my ebook and I'm not sure how long they will be offering this for free so, if it interests you, please download it now. Hope you enjoy this one! Here is the email I received about this: It's not often I come across something as unique and enlightening as this, and when I get to offer it as a gift, it's sure icing on the cake! CLICK HERE FOR FREE eBOOK "Unlock Your Intuition" Did you know that you have a magic wand in your pocket? An inner compass that will align you to your highest path and potential, that you can consciously access and apply? It is your ultimate ally! Find out how you can unlock it in this awesome FREE report! CLICK HERE FOR FREE eBOOK "Unlock Your Intuition" This magic wand is the gateway to your unlimited self, and all the wisdom, love and guidance you need to craft your life optimally! It is the innate tool within you that swings wide open the doors to True Success; success that reflects and expresses your inherent gifts, talents and soul's calling. This mysterious power will give you access to higher realms of awareness beyond five-sensory perception. It is your most treasured resource, and lies latent and untapped, waiting to be unleashed within! Discover how in this transformational FREEreport: "Unlock Your Intuition" >> CLICK HERE FOR FREE eBOOK "Unlock Your Intuition" This is not to be missed! **************** Here's just some of what you'll discover: **************** * The four primary intuitive channels * The most powerful way to shift your consciousness * How to get the intuitive ball rolling right away * The vast and magnificent overseer of your multi selves - past, present and future, conscious and subconscious. * How to decode the whispers in your physical reality * The highest vibration in the universe & how to meld with it * How to 'create the space' for your intuition * Wisdom beyond the intellectual capacities of the mind * What will initiate your receiving guidance * The antidote to the ego virus

 This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  Did you see this episode of the Smothers Brothers? Listen to my message here:   [mc src="http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/aquarius.output.mp3"/]   In Harmony and Understanding, Rebbie www.YOFA.net  


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