Flowdreaming for Meditation and Manifesting show

Flowdreaming for Meditation and Manifesting

Summary: Take a listen to the #1 oldest continuous self-development podcast: Flowdreaming—now in its 15th year! Enjoy Summer McStravick's eclectic take on life, Flow, the Universe, co-creation, surrender & trust, self-love, manifesting, inner power, happiness, and more. Every episode is a jewel brimming with new ideas that push you to look at yourself and your life differently through the lens of Flow. Summer is the voice of a generation and the founder of both Hay House Radio and InFlowRadio. Visit her at www.flowdreaming.com.

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  • Artist: Summer McStravick
  • Copyright: 2005-2019 Copyright Summer McStravick. All rights reserved.


 #405 Online Dating...How to Open Yourself to the World…If You Really Mean It! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:18

There’s a huge difference between putting yourself out there online…and putting yourself OUT THERE, in person, for real. Summer talks about ways we look for partners…and ways we open ourselves (or stay closed) to other relationships. Learn how Flow responds to whatever you’re offering. Get more with Reawaken to Love & Intimacy at Flowdreaming.com.

 #404 What Is the Ultimate Loving Partnership? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:56

Let’s not talk about “attracting the perfect partner” for once. “Attracting” can feel like a lot of work sometimes! And oddly, the more we grab, the more distant that partnership can feel. Instead, Summer helps you embody, NOW, the emotions you want your partnership (current or future) to give you. That way, you become a walking lightning rod—with no “attracting” effort required. Go deeper with the Ultimate Loving Partnership Flowdream Meditation at Flowdreaming.com.

 #403 How to Get the Universe to Listen to You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:13

Why do some people seem to do so well, while others struggle? Why do some seem ‘smiled on’ by the heavens, while others go unnoticed. Summer explores the idea that some people really do communicate better with the universe than others. Get more with Universal Guidance & Protection: A Flowdream Meditation at Flowdreaming.com.

 #402 Career Trauma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:53

Leaving a job can feel like leaving a marriage, and it’s especially worse if you’ve felt beaten down, betrayed, or unappreciated. You might even have “Career Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” Discover why it’s incredibly important to wash away the energetic residue of past jobs out your Flow before embarking on the next one. Otherwise, you could end up dragging the same energy with you in a repeat performance of the Job from Hell. Get more with Attract An Awesome New Career at Flowdreaming.com.

 #401 Speak Your Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:50

A great manifestor is someone who expresses themselves freely and comfortably. Learn what speaking your truth feels like as Summer shares ways to tell if you’re truly expressing yourself, or holding back. Flow loves unrestricted energy, and when you hold your feelings or words in check, you’re holding your Flow back as well. Go deeper with Speak My Truth at Flowdreaming.com.

 #400 Your Future Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:15

One year from now, what will you have done? If you looked back, what was on your list of things you accomplished? Summer helps you use Flow to create an unusual sort of goal-setting—one that values feelings over “things,” and aims for true, deep contentment as your ultimate goal. Check out the My Future Self Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com.

 #399 Going Big Part III: Will You or Won't You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:55

Where has Flow has shown itself in your life? These are your peak moments, those strange synchronicities, those times when you feel like “nothing could be more right.” So why aren’t you in those states of being more often? We explore how to tighten your alignment to your Flow so you can see in action more often, and bring on those game-changing moments. Get more with the Ready to Go Big! Playlist at Flowdreaming.com.

 #398 Going Big Part II: How You Know You’re on The Verge of a Breakthrough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:39

Let’s get uncomfortable…really uncomfortable! You’re going to love it. Today, Summer gets into why those of us who get uncomfortable are the ones who go big! In this second part of her latest series, Summer show you how to know when you’re on the verge of a major shift or breakthrough, and actively cultivate such a shift if you desire. Ready to take action? See the Action, Action! Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com.

 #397 Going Big | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:14

Is it time to up-level your life? What would that look like? We all have a “ceiling” for our goals and expectations that we usually don’t even know is there. It’s just “things that can happen and things that can’t.” But what happens when you get a peek above that ceiling? It’s a startling, disconcerting, and often exciting feeling. It’s time to Go Big! Go deeper with the Going Big Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com.

 #396 Did You Choose Your Family? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:37

Why were you born to the parents you have? Why not someone else? How about those siblings…are you in some spiritual contract with them? What’s going on with family!? Summer shows you an interesting perspective on why you’ve got the family you’ve got. Get more with the My Happy Family Playlist at Flowdreaming.com.

 #395 Why Are You Afraid to Shine Bright? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:45

We want to fit in. We want our friends and families to feel comfortable with us. And yet….we also want to do something extraordinary. We want to see what we can really achieve, unleashed in life. And we think, “We can’t do both.” This fear that someone is going to get mad, jealous, or mean if you really shine is what holds so many of us to an unchanging level of success…and to ultimate boredom and depression. Release that fear with the Beyond Fear Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com.

 #394 Are You a Healer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:21

Healers, coaches, counselors, therapists, intuitives…all of you work in some way with healing energy, whether you’re healing a broken body or a broken life. You have certain tools you use everyday for this, but do you use Flow? This show is for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of how Flow heals and guides as well as creates. Go deeper with the Ultimate Healer Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com.

 Moving Away from Survival Mode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:27

Moving Away from Survival Mode

 Deep Self Love & Acceptance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:13

Deep Self Love & Acceptance

 Did You Choose Your Family? If So, Can You Un-Choose Them? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:34

Did You Choose Your Family? If So, Can You Un-Choose Them?


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