The Archetypal Tarot Podcast show

The Archetypal Tarot Podcast

Summary: The Archetypal Tarot Podcast explores the universal archetypal patterns of the Tarot uncovering provocative mythology for the 21st century. We often feature conversations with teachers, authors and creators about how the mythic tarot can be applied to modern life.

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  • Artist: Julienne Givot and Cyndera Quakenbush
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2018 Julienne Givot & Cyndera Quakenbush. All rights reserved.


 The World: A New Mythology with Craig Chalquist | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:51:59

What kind of new mythology can we make from this power packed set of symbols? What does it mean to us in this century of shifting paradigms and climate change? Our guest for this episode is Craig Chalquist - who is a total bad ass of depth psychology

 The Nature and Nurture of Passion | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:59:33

My co-host Cyndera and I are very excited to announce a new format for the Archetypal Tarot Podcast. We will be revisiting the Major Arcana but this time with special guests giving their insights on the themes and ideas presented by these ancient yet totally relevant archetypal stories.We start the new year off on the topic of Passion, it's nature and how we can actually nurture a sense of vitality and adventure in our lives. Sign up to be a part of the Archetypal Tarot Patron Team! Our guest for this edition is an author who has literally written the book on the nature and nurture of passion, Gregg Levoy.  Gregg is the author of the best selling Callings:  Finding and Following an Authentic Life and puts his keen sense for creative insight as well as a Storyteller's magic into his new book Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion.Where his first book Callings was about finding passion, Vital Signs picks up on the why’s and how's of losing our sense of passion & vitality and how to regain a passionate life with creativity and abundance.  We love this new book and recommend you get a copy - it's available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and many fine bookstores.  Visit Gregg's site and check out all of the resources in "Wow!" images, books, music and films to help you connect to passion and excitement. Ultimately, passion is a life skill---a stance---that helps bring vitality to all our engagements: from work, family and school life, to creative, social and spiritual life. And it’s a survival mechanism---critical to health and well-being---because your attachment to life depends on your interest in it.-Gregg Levoy We think you will really enjoy Julienne's conversation with Gregg about passion, creativity, the call of the wild, the archetype of the Fool, Vampires, Zombies, Intuition and the practice of living our lives fully.Passion is an unstable element and will naturally degrades over time but some very simple, yet powerful practices have the ability to heat things up again.  Not only is passion something we start to miss over time but it's important to our overall health.  As Gregg says in our discussion "Our attachment to life depends to a great degree to our interest in it.".  Without interest, everything fades, including our health.  It's no wonder Zombies and Vampires have been of such an interest in the last few years - we fear the life being sucked out of us by routine and a lack of creativity.You can listen to the entire podcast below or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and never miss an episode.  We have a very exciting line up of authors, teachers and creators lined up for future episodes.Gregg's List of 5 Things You Can Do To Beef Up The Passion & Quality of Your Life:1)  Pay attention to what is trying to emerge in your life.2)  Rem

 The Nature and Nurture of Passion | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 58:43

My co-host Cyndera and I are very excited to announce a new format for the Archetypal Tarot Podcast. We will be revisiting the Major Arcana but this time with special guests giving their insights on the themes and ideas presented by these ancient yet totally relevant archetypal stories. We start the new year off on the topic of Passion, it's nature and how we can actually nurture a sense of vitality and adventure in our lives. Our guest for this edition is an author who has literally written the book on the nature and nurture of passion, Gregg Levoy.  Gregg is the author of the best selling Callings:  Finding and Following an Authentic Life and puts his keen sense for creative insight as well as a Storyteller's magic into his new book Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion. Where his first book Callings was about finding passion, Vital Signs picks up on the why’s and how's of losing our sense of passion & vitality and how to regain a passionate life with creativity and abundance.  We love this new book and recommend you get a copy - it's available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and many fine bookstores.  Visit Gregg's site and check out all of the resources in "Wow!" images, books, music and films to help you connect to passion and excitement. Ultimately, passion is a life skill---a stance---that helps bring vitality to all our engagements: from work, family and school life, to creative, social and spiritual life. And it’s a survival mechanism---critical to health and well-being---because your attachment to life depends on your interest in it. -Gregg Levoy We think you will really enjoy Julienne's conversation with Gregg about passion, creativity, the call of the wild, the archetype of the Fool, Vampires, Zombies, Intuition and the practice of living our lives fully. Passion is an unstable element and will naturally degrades over time but some very simple, yet powerful practices have the ability to heat things up again.  Not only is passion something we start to miss over time but it's important to our overall health.  As Gregg says in our discussion "Our attachment to life depends to a great degree to our interest in it.".  Without interest, everything fades, including our health.  It's no wonder Zombies and Vampires have been of such an interest in the last few years - we fear the life being sucked out of us by routine and a lack of creativity. You can listen to the entire podcast below or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and never miss an episode.  We have a very exciting line up of authors, teachers and creators lined up for future episodes. Gregg's List of 5 Things You Can Do To Beef Up The Passion & Quality of Your Life: 1)  Pay attention to what is trying to emerge in your life. 2)  Remember that you have a ‘use by’ date. 3)  Come up with a bucket list. (Check out this from Artist Candy Chang:  Before I Die) 4)  Always give yourself something to look forward to. 5) Look for where you’re restless - ask yourself: What wants to move? And where does it want to go? Julienne’s addition: 6) Turn something upside down. (The Trickster archetype can be very useful in this.) Want to email us about the Archetypal Tarot Podcast? We'd love that! Related articles & podcasts:

 Releasing Limiting Beliefs Using Archetypal Images | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 57:30

How can you use the archetypal images of the Tarot to release limiting beliefs?  In this special edition of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast, Cyndera has a conversation with Stephanie Megan of Soulshine Tarot about just that.Stephanie Meghan a Tarot Archetypal Hypnotherapist and owner of Soulshine Tarot an online personal development practice that uses the archetypal images of the Tarot.  Meghan is an ivy-league trained scientist who takes a no-nonsense approach to reading Tarot and helping her clients release limiting beliefs. Sign up to be a part of the Archetypal Tarot Patron Team! Stephanie offers customized  sessions with guided meditations mixed with a gentle hypnosis. Meditation is an immensely powerful and beneficial tool that can enhance your well-being and can allow you to remove limiting beliefs that cloud your path to happiness. Want to email us about the Archetypal Tarot Podcast? We'd love that! Sign up to be a part of the Archetypal Tarot Patron Team!

 Releasing Limiting Beliefs Using Archetypal Images | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 57:30

How can you use the archetypal images of the Tarot to release limiting beliefs?  In this special edition of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast, Cyndera has a conversation with Stephanie Megan of Soulshine Tarot about just that. Stephanie Meghan a Tarot Archetypal Hypnotherapist and owner of Soulshine Tarot an online personal development practice that uses the archetypal images of the Tarot.  Meghan is an ivy-league trained scientist who takes a no-nonsense approach to reading Tarot and helping her clients release limiting beliefs. Stephanie offers customized  sessions with guided meditations mixed with a gentle hypnosis. Meditation is an immensely powerful and beneficial tool that can enhance your well-being and can allow you to remove limiting beliefs that cloud your path to happiness. She is offering a free sample of one of her sessions as well as 50% off sessions with her until 10pm CST 11/13/14. Soulshine Tarot Website Connect with Stephanie on Facebook Want to email us about the Archetypal Tarot Podcast? We'd love that!

 Story Through Stone | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 36:18

In this special update of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast Julienne and Cyndera discuss their most recent archetypal adventures. Cyndera discusses her newly minted deck of reflection cards based on some amazing billion year old stones discovered by her Father, Jim Quakenbush in Death Valley, California over 30 years ago. Her rich and unique inheritance has been to use the stones to create Story Through Stone which, along with her reflection cards, also provides workshops to school age children and adults alike. Julienne and Cyndera discuss how interactions with the images of the ancient Tarot, from dreams, and from nature allow for a creative exploration of individual life themes. Julienne is excited to announce a project about archetypes and film that she produced with her archetypal consulting Mentor, Jim Curtan. A newly released audio course and workbook on Fate, Destiny & the Hero's Journey as seen in Pixar's 2007 animated film Ratatouille. This self-guided audio course takes you on an archetypal adventure of an Artist and the choices that transform a life of dreary fate to one of heroic destiny. Julienne's blog post on it expands further and you can purchase the course and save $5.00 by using the offer code podcast (good until May 31st)

 Story Through Stone | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 36:18

In this special update of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast Julienne and Cyndera discuss their most recent archetypal adventures. Cyndera discusses her newly minted deck of reflection cards based on some amazing billion year old stones discovered by her Father, Jim Quakenbush in Death Valley, California over 30 years ago. Her rich and unique inheritance has been to use the stones to create Story Through Stone which, along with her reflection cards, also provides workshops to school age children and adults alike. Julienne and Cyndera discuss how interactions with the images of the ancient Tarot, from dreams, and from nature allow for a creative exploration of individual life themes. Julienne is excited to announce a project about archetypes and film that she produced with her archetypal consulting Mentor, Jim Curtan. A newly released audio course and workbook on Fate, Destiny & the Hero's Journey as seen in Pixar's 2007 animated film Ratatouille. This self-guided audio course takes you on an archetypal adventure of an Artist and the choices that transform a life of dreary fate to one of heroic destiny. Julienne's blog post on it expands further and you can purchase the course and save $5.00 by using the offer code podcast (good until May 31st)

 The World - True Balance and Connection | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 45:22

We reach the culmination of this heroic journey with card 21 –The World! In this last of the regularly scheduled podcast series, Julienne and Cyndera discuss beginnings, endings, rebirth, transformation and fulfillment.

 The World - True Balance and Connection | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 45:22

We reach the culmination of this heroic journey with card 21 –The World! In this last of the regularly scheduled podcast series, Julienne and Cyndera discuss beginnings, endings, rebirth, transformation and fulfillment.

 The World - True Balance and Connection | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 45:22

We reach the culmination of this heroic journey with card 21 –The World! In this last of the regularly scheduled podcast series, Julienne and Cyndera discuss beginnings, endings, rebirth, transformation and fulfillment.

 Judgement - Redemption, Evolution and Our True Calling | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 44:35

With a trumpet blare and a scene depicting people rising from graves as shown in Judgement - card number 20 of the Tarot, Julienne and Cyndera discuss how the hero of our journey is called to leave the old behind – not just Death and those stages in between. This penultimate edition of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast sees Judgement as a stage of the rebirth process where one is asked to call the old selves back up and with it the old stories to release their particular hold on us and see them in a new light. Through the lessons and experiences of the journey we can now judge what best action should be taken and rise up to the challenges to embrace our life and answer the greater 'Calls' of our life beyond the egoic or the mundane. We see now our true calling is in every breath of our lives playing out in every moment. Julienne regales us with how this story of redemption and evolution is played out poignantly in the 2012 epic film Cloud Atlas with the compelling stories of lives interwoven over 500 years. Cyndera relays how the academy award winning documentary "Searching for Sugarman" captures the essence of a true calling held within the Judgement card. Throughout the podcast the ideas of redemption, evolution and levels of change effect how we see our true calling. Full show notes with links and references

 Judgement - Redemption, Evolution and Our True Calling | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:45:18

With a trumpet blare and a scene depicting people rising from graves as shown in Judgement - card number 20 of the Tarot, Julienne and Cyndera discuss how the hero of our journey is called to leave the old behind – not just Death and those stages in between. Sign up to be a part of the Archetypal Tarot Patron Team! This penultimate edition of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast sees Judgement as a stage of the rebirth process where one is asked to call the old selves back up and with it the old stories to release their particular hold on us and see them in a new light. Through the lessons and experiences of the journey we can now judge what best action should be taken and rise up to the challenges to embrace our life and answer the greater 'Calls' of our life beyond the egoic or the mundane. We see now our true calling is in every breath of our lives playing out in every moment. Julienne regales us with how this story of redemption and evolution is played out poignantly in the 2012 epic film Cloud Atlas with the compelling stories of lives interwoven over 500 years. Cyndera relays how the academy award winning documentary "Searching for Sugarman" captures the essence of a true calling held within the Judgement card. Throughout the podcast the ideas of redemption, evolution and levels of change effect how we see our true calling. Full show notes with links and references Sign up to be a part of the Archetypal Tarot Patron Team!

 Judgement - Redemption, Evolution and Our True Calling | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 44:35

With a trumpet blare and a scene depicting people rising from graves as shown in Judgement - card number 20 of the Tarot, Julienne and Cyndera discuss how the hero of our journey is called to leave the old behind – not just Death and those stages in between. This penultimate edition of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast sees Judgement as a stage of the rebirth process where one is asked to call the old selves back up and with it the old stories to release their particular hold on us and see them in a new light. Through the lessons and experiences of the journey we can now judge what best action should be taken and rise up to the challenges to embrace our life and answer the greater 'Calls' of our life beyond the egoic or the mundane. We see now our true calling is in every breath of our lives playing out in every moment. Julienne regales us with how this story of redemption and evolution is played out poignantly in the 2012 epic film Cloud Atlas with the compelling stories of lives interwoven over 500 years. Cyndera relays how the academy award winning documentary "Searching for Sugarman" captures the essence of a true calling held within the Judgement card. Throughout the podcast the ideas of redemption, evolution and levels of change effect how we see our true calling. Full show notes with links and references

 The Sun - At Play With The Child | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 39:05

Here Comes the Sun! After the dark debacle of the stage represented by the Moon card, the nineteenth card of the Major Arcana shares its rays of light on the Archetypal Tarot Podcast. Julienne Givot and Cyndera Quackenbush explore this stage of rebirth by delving into the child archetype in its many manifestations, including its shadow.

 The Sun - At Play With The Child | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 39:05

Here Comes the Sun! After the dark debacle of the stage represented by the Moon card, the nineteenth card of the Major Arcana shares its rays of light on the Archetypal Tarot Podcast. Julienne Givot and Cyndera Quackenbush explore this stage of rebirth by delving into the child archetype in its many manifestations, including its shadow.


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