Soul Connexions Radio show

Soul Connexions Radio

Summary: Explore what it takes to become an 'X' factor and co-create your Destiny with world renowned author, intuitive, and founder of Soul Contract Astrology -- Robert Ohotto. Learn how to transform your fear-based patterns of loving, living, and relating by tuning in to Robert's thought-provoking/paradigm shattering podcasts. Using his intuitive gifts, piercing insights, and rich experience to empower listeners, Robert will teach you solid strategies for attaining the results you most desire within yourself and with others through empowered conscious choices. These free podcasts full of Ohotto's keeping it real wisdom are guaranteed to change your life!

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 How to use the Intuitive Power of Faith! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:38

Is there a difference between 'having faith' and being delusional? When it comes to faith how can well distinguish fantasy from fiction? Could 'blind faith' be the most reckless step we take? Get answers to these questions and find out what 'Intuitive Faith' and why Robert says it's essential to living your highest potential on this mind-blowing show!

 Letting Go of Spiritual Perfectionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:58

Could you be mired in 'Spiritual Perfectionism' and not even know it? What is it? Tune into this LIVE show and find out what it is and why Robert says everyone is affected by it in ways that shut down Destiny. Get ready to have your perfectionist paradigm shaken and stirred so you can finally enjoy the dirty martinis of your life!

 Paying the 'Debt of Non-Presence' Part I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:50:00

What happens to your energetic system, psyche, and body when you leave the present moment for too long? Find out why Ohotto says if you leave for too long through patterns that time-warp your system, you will go into the 'Debt of Non-Presence'. Discover how this can manifest in your life so you can recognize it and the price you might have to pay before you can come back into present time! This show is so powerful that there will be a Part II! Find out how you can download it for free in this podcast!

 The Soul of Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:28

What is the 'Soul of Money'? How can you use your finances as intuitive guidance toward living your Destiny? Have you been unconsciously creating more financial blocks and lack in your life through a shadow loyalty to poverty? Break free and unleash the financial flow you most want on this paradigm shattering show!

 Relationships and the Law of Attraction Lie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:26:14

In the 'Law of Attraction' philosophy it's said that everyone we encounter in life we 'attract' - but is this really true? If we encounter addicts, narcissists, and haters did we 'attract' them? Find out why Robert says this is an all out shame based lie. Discover how, at the Soul Contract level, the principle 'mirroring and triggering' in your relationships really works. Get schooled so you can experience more loving relationships free of this shame based LOA BS!

 Transforming the Synchronicity of Fate into Synchronicity of Destiny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:39

Many of us say, 'Everything happens for a reason', but how does synchronicity really work? Tune into this paradigm shattering show as Robert explains why there are actually two different kinds of 'synchronicity' and how you can identify them in your life. Activate the 'Synchronicity of Destiny' through this game changing show!

 Your Most Powerful Mantra for 2015! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:18

Tune into this powerful show as Robert teaches you a new Mantra that can change everything in 2015! Before you take one step towards realizing your New Year's Goals - this show is a must listen! Shift is gonna happen when you live from the most powerful question you can ask yourself this year!

 Robert's Soul Contract Astrology Forecast for First Quarter of 2015! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:58

Tune into Robert's first show of 2015 as he discusses the dominant Astrological cycles that you need to know about, their timing, and how to work with them! From Jupiter Retrograde to Saturn moving into Sagittarius, make sure you're in the know!

 Robert's End of 2014 Holiday Show! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:09

Don't miss this heart warming show as Robert recaps his entire 2014 run of Soul Connexions Radio, shares Holiday Wisdom, answers your questions, and looks ahead to 2015! Full of insights, soul, and guidance this show is the perfect way to end 2014 inspired and connected.

 You are NOT your Words! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:17

How many times have you heard, 'You are your words'? But as unlimited soulful beings, how can that be true? Tune into this paradigm shattering show and get schooled 'Ohotto Style' as to you why words can be powerful, but never your identity. Find out how to be free at last of this New Age lie!

 Intuitive Readings, Questions, and Coaching Only! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:32:50

Be sure to check out this show with an open format during which Robert answers all of your questions and gives live intuitive readings/advice to callers. No topic is off limits! He'll also talk about what's currently on his mind, answer your Facebook questions. Tune in as the synchronicity of this show is sure to speak to you! Ask Robert a question by dialing 818.495.6927

 Shifting Your Destiny with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:32

How can you use the power of the Subconscious Mind to shift your Soul Contract and Transform your Fate into Destiny? How do the Soul, Subconscious Mind, and Ego work together? You won't want to miss this game changing show as Robert teaches you how to take the reins of transformation and change your life, while a completely new paradigm regarding the transformation is revealed!

 How to Be Grateful When You Don't Feel Grateful! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:51

How can you shift into gratitude when you feel life sucks? What does it take to get back on the 'gratitude' track and why should you? Is it really as simple as finding one thing to be grateful for? Do we unconsciously shame ourselves into gratitude? If you're ready for a gratitude shift 'Ohotto Style' don't miss this radical show just in time for Thanksgiving!

 Awakening the Shaman Inside to Heal Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:29

What exactly is a Shaman? Is there a Shaman inside each of us that we can access to heal our lives? How do we make contact with this part of ourselves? Tune into this riveting show as Robert explores The Shaman and Wounded Healer Archetypes within you as essential allies in healing. Find out how you can work with the power of 'Shamanic Consciousness' to bring the sacred into your life and heal on this groundbreaking show!

 What are 'Soul Contracts', Do You Have One? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:47

What are Soul Contracts? Do you have one? How can you recognize what yours is? What about your Soul Contracts to others? Do you have a Soul Contract with organizations, animals, or even with the Earth? Want to find out? Then don't miss this revealing show as Ohotto teaches you how to know your Soul Contracts!


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