Going Linux show

Going Linux

Summary: Once you become aware that there is a dependable, secure, capable, and modern computer system that rivals all others in popularity and actual use, you will want to try the Linux operating system on your computer. Perhaps you've been using a member of the Unix/Linux family - Linux, Android, ChromeOS, BSD or even OSX - for quite a while. If so, you are likely looking for new ways to optimize your technology for the way you work. Going Linux is for computer users who just want to use Linux to get things done. Are you new to Linux, upgrading from Windows to Linux, or just thinking about moving to Linux? This audio podcast provides you with practical, day-to-day advice on how to use Linux and its applications. Our goal is to help make the Linux experience easy for you.

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  • Artist: Larry Bushey and Bill Smith
  • Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


 Going Linux #259 · Assistive Technology-Advanced | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

00:00 Going Linux #259 · Assistive Technology-Advanced 00:15 Introduction 00:49 New podcast recording and editing machine 04:46 Assistive technology 06:50 Screen Magnification 08:19 On-screen keyboard 09:18 Head and eye-tracking software 11:18 Screen reader 15:03 Keyboard shortcuts 18:14 Usability of web browsers 22:10 Multi-language 23:20 Voice recognition in Sonar 24:30 The Sonar "Getting Started Guide" 25:29 How to help the project 27:43 Accessibility on other distributions 28:51 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 29:49 End

 Going Linux #258 · Computer America #78 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 122:43

00:00 Going Linux #258 · Computer America #78 00:15 Introduction 03:19 Topic: Apple was right! The magic of hardware and operating system made for each other 23:21 What does the System76 driver do? 30:15 The reason Windows comes pre-installed 51:35 The reason OSX comes pre-installed 57:58 The reason to get a computer with Linux pre-installed 59:43 Why do we tinker with a computer? 70:33 Ken: Wait! You buy a new computer pre-installed with Linux, then replace the OS? 78:20 Joe: Backups? 87:38 Paul: Bill's mention of encryption 92:06 Ken: Netflix unlocked for Linux? 94:57 Rainy: Problems with AntennaPod 98.59 Rob: Nemo media columns extension problem 100:52 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 122:43 End

 Going Linux #257 · Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:57

00:00 Going Linux #257 · Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 01:02 Still running Sabayon 01:14 Paul: Shellshock 04:15 How to test 04:57 Are you vulnerable? 06:51 Free OSs beat Google and Apple to a patch 07:30 How will this affect you? 08:23 The real risk is you! 10:00 The bigger problem 11:19 Will virus protection help? 11:41 How does a shell script cause damage? 14:30 Paul: Pasting commands from forums 19:16 Rainy: Problem with AntennaPod 22:05 Angelo: More of screen readers 26:06 Michael: Speech synthesis and recognition 29:44 Shoji: Photo programs 32:48 Paul: So much to do after installing! 36:09 Paul: Linux firewalls 40:05 Stay secure -- stay updated. 40:59 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 41:57 End

 Going Linux #256 · Assistive Technology-Introduction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:53

00:00 Going Linux #256 · Assistive Technology-Introduction 00:15 Introduction 00:45 Welcome back Bill! 05:06 Assistive Technology 06:02 What is assistive technology? 08:00 What is assistive technology for computers? 08:03 Screen Readers 14:57 Screen magnification 16:56 OpenDyslexic font 18:01 Head and eye tracking software 21:06 On-screen keyboards 21:45 Not just for the disabled 23:08 Why is assistive technology important for the disabled? 24:03 Jonathan Nadeau 26:13 Next time: Advanced 26:47 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 27:53 End

 Going Linux #255 · Computer America #77 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 105:08

00:00 Going Linux #255 · Computer America #77 00:15 Introduction 01:08 Hello and welcome 06:24 Topic: The state of Accessibility in Linux 08:30 Why does the box shuts when installing applications in Fedora? 10:43 Jaws on 5 systems 12:18 Definition: Accessibility 13:33 Is open source accessibility expensive, like Windows accessibility programs tend to be? 17:09 Why is Jaws so expensive? 19:43 Assistive technology 23:15 Why is assistive technology important? 26:22 Why make a complete operating system for people with disabilities? 29:28 Google and Apple have done great work in text to speech and speech to text 30:12 Interview with Spencer Hunley 32:02 Examples of open source assistive technology 32:38 Orca screen reader 36:39 Screen magnifier 37:48 On-screen keyboard 38:37 eViacam head and eye tracking 41:01 Dasher text entry interface 42:48 OpenDyslexic font 47:22 eViacam details 50:31 Jim: File sharing on a Windows network 59:00 David: Lubuntu question 66:22 Arch slay command issue 70:09 Mario: Wants Tahoma font 72:58 Steve: 16 hour upgrade from he11! 82:01 Will: Find the episode listing 84:11 Curbuntu: AutoKey issues 90:28 Joe: Are 64-bit drivers still a problem? 95:43 Curbuntu: A "going mac" question 99:48 David: Flash is no longer working 103:38 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 105:08 End

 Going Linux #254 · Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

00:00 Going Linux #254 · Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 01:54 Stephan: iTunes under Linux 04:25 Paul: Past episodes on CD, karaoke, increasing cursor size 09:09 Feedback for our listeners 11:26 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 12:30 End

 Going Linux #253 · Computer America #76 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 114:26

00:00 Going Linux #253 · Computer America #76 00:15 Introduction 02:50 IRC Chat Room 05:57 Topic: The most Googled questions about Linux 10:00 Why is Linux better? 16:09 Why is Linux more secure? 23:57 Why is Linux free? 28:43 News Tips Bulletin Review 31:36 Why is Linux better than Windows? 32:12 Why is Linux faster than Windows? 35:02 Can Linux read NTFS? 36:51 Can Linux run Windows games? 43:33 Can Linux read exFAT? 44:40 Can Linux get Viruses? 49:34 Does Minecraft work on Linux? 50:41 Does iTunes work on Linux? 52:59 Does Netflix work on Linux 53:45 Does Steam work on Linux 58:29 Will Linux overtake Windows? 61:06 Will Linux run on a Mac 64:41 Will Linux run on my computer? 65:33 Will Linux run Windows games? 66:29 Will: OSX tips 68:42 Will Linux make me better looking? 70:17 Richard: Upgrade issues 73:08 Del: Can I burn 64-bit on 32-bit? 77:53 Jonathan: Sonar GNU/Linux 73:57 Matt: Do you like Synergy? 76:06 News Tips Bulletin Review 79:27 Bill: Bootloader trouble 83:32 Andrew: Gone Linux story 87:17 Amy: Handling file formats in a Linux-only office 94:40 'Back in my day...' 111:09 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 114:26 End

 Going Linux #252 · Sonar Gnu/Linux | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:10

00:00 Going Linux #252 · Sonar Gnu/Linux 00:15 Introduction 03:44 Release of Sonar 2014.1 04:43 What is Sonar? 05:13 Orca screen reader 05:55 Screen magnification 06:20 On-screen keyboard features 07:55 eViaCam eye-tracking 08:59 How do Manjaro and Arch Linux fit in? 11:27 Why the switch to Manjaro? 15:47 Sonar on the Manjaro forum 16:24 Full-time lead developer Kyle Brouhard 18:52 Jonathan's work with Easter Seals Boston 21:48 What is "Computers for Sonar?" 24:33 What about hardware with EUEFI/Secure Boot? 27:19 Donate a computer for Sonar 27:57 Gnome and MATE versions 30:28 Sonar Pi? 31:35 How to join and donate 32:28 Getting involved with Sonar 34:03 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 35:10 End

 Going Linux #251 · Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:53

00:00 Going Linux #251 · Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 00:58 Solo 01:13 Richard: Upgrading issues 04:36 Rajesh: Software for making mirror backups 08:19 Gomez: (Re)installing packages from a list 13:39 Walter: Gone Linux 16:09 Greg: Linux in the Wild 17:18 Software Pick: yEd 20:04 Linux distro review 20:57 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 21:53 End

 Going Linux #250 · Introducing Open Source in Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:41

00:00 Going Linux #250 · Introducing Open Source in Business 00:15 Introduction 01:28 Making the argument 02:37 Delivering the right message 07:11 Convincing the right people 08:28 6 key advantages to use to make your case for open source 09:33 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 10:41 End

 Going Linux #249 · Computer America #75 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 102:45

00:00 Going Linux #249 · Computer America #75 00:15 Introduction 01:36 Tech troubles in broadcast land 01:56 New night - third Thursday 04:34 Topic: Linux and total world domination 05:51 The Linux operating system has 97% of the market 24:48 Too... many... chat... windows... 28:21 Audience says... 'This topic is boring!' 30:58 The java-based chat crashes 5 times on Craig 31:24 Mission for Charles - Find new chat software 33:10 Charles convices Craig to use IRC (yay!) 34:02 Charles starts to build it - while we are on the air! 35:16 Charles has it running 36:02 Running Portal on a super computer 36:43 Charles finishes the new chat room 37:33 The members of the existing chat room move to the new one 39:07 It works! 41:38 The new chat room runs Linux! 52:00 Vic: Upgrading 62:04 Kevin: NAS or NOT? 70:00 Fiddling with the new chat... 73:34 Tom: Partitioning problems 74:37 More chat tweaks... 79:28 The new Computer America HTML5 IRC chat room (running Linux) is LIVE! 83:02 Pete - opensmallbusinesssolutions.com - a discount code! 86:44 Walter: Microsoft-less 90:35 John: Trouble with Mint17 95:50 Greg: Linux in the wild 97:48 Englebert: Switched to Linux 100:50 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 102:45 End

 Going Linux #248 · Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:36

00:00 Going Linux #248 · Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 01:03 Bill tries Spideroak 04:17 SyncThing 05:43 Dropbox is now more liberal? 06:06 OneDrive gives you more space for free 09:21 The return of Resonant Frequency 11:09 Robert: PCLinux OS issues 14:54 Richard: When to use backports 20:34 Bruce: Audio quality and other things 27:10 Craig: A question for new listeners to the podcast 31:12 Amy: Doing her part for open source, talks backups 37:27 Mark: A recommendation for Bill 39:49 Mint17 supports EFI in the installer 42:40 Computer America appearance changes 43:40 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 44:36 End

 Going Linux #247 · Setting up a VPN on Linux | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:35

00:00 Going Linux #247 · Setting up a VPN on Linux 00:15 Introduction 00:41 Skype fails again! 02:42 Bill moves to Ubuntu 14.04 03:23 CQRLog 03:46 gnuGlucoControl 06:00 Bill crashed Manjaro/Arch 08:13 Sabayon does well in our upcoming review 09:59 Cinnamon Repositories Closing 14:13 What is a VPN? 15:34 Why use a VPN? 22:53 How do I set-up a VPN? 25:58 openVPN 32:31 Does using a VPN affect your connection speed 34:07 Zenmate VPN extension for Chrome 36:58 Shutter 40:34 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 41:35 End

 Going Linux #246 · Computer America #74 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 112:05

00:00 Going Linux #246 · Computer America #74 00:15 Introduction 111:03 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 112:05 End

 Going Linux #245 · Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:05

00:00 Going Linux #245 · Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 01:08 Bill: Still running Crunchbang 03:42 Jason: About upgrades 15:45 Chris: Linux on an older laptop 21:29 Kevin: KeePass(X) 23:01 Gus: A GRUB suggestion 24:49 Nils: Podcast chapters 28:03 Linux in the wild 31:39 Renew a ham radio license using Linux 34:03 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 35:05 End


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