Liquid Church with Pastor Tim Lucas show

Liquid Church with Pastor Tim Lucas

Summary: Relevant & dynamic messages about culture and faith, God and life from Pastor Tim Lucas of

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 Finding Faith in Rock: Where the Streets Have No Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:36

"Heaven on earth," Bono sings, "we need it now." Is there any realistic hope for healing in this broken world in which we live? Well, U2 apparently believes so. Faith, hope, and love play integral roles in their most classic anthems, and none moreso than “Where the Streets Have No Name”-- the lead song from their 1987 masterwork album “The Joshua Tree.” The lyric speaks of deliverance— of a transcendent place beyond earthbound space and time. A place where the streets have no name... And perhaps are paved with gold? It’s the Hope of Heaven believers and agnostics alike dream about. Yet, is there more to heavenly hope than just the typical religious “pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die” stuff? Is there any basis to hope for “heaven on earth” as Bono sang... And Jesus taught his followers to pray? (Matt. 6:10) Absolutely, according to the incredible picture painted in the biblical book of Revelation. Heaven is crashing into earth as we speak— and the realities of God’s presence are closer than we think. Listen in as Pastor Tim explores U2’s inspired anthem and the apostle John’s apocalyptic vision to answer the question: “Heaven: Up There or Down Here?" Part 2 of the message series "Finding Faith in Rock-and-Roll: Glimpses of God in the Greatest Hits of All-Time"

 Finding Faith in Rock: I Can't Get No Satisfaction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:46

What's the secret of satisfaction? That's the profound question raised by the Rolling Stones in their 1965 classic "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction." They spent the next 40 years pursuing fulfillment in all the usual rock star ways-- acquiring riches, fame, and global commercial success along the way. Yet, you still get the sense Mick Jagger means it when he sings "But I try... and I try... and I try... and I try... but I can't get No! Satisfaction!" What's the meaning of life? What's the source of lasting satisfaction? The author of Ecclesiastes took a run at this age-old question... and what he discovered might surprise you. In his lifetime, King Solomon possessed power, intellect, unprecedented affluence and wealth, and garnered worldwide fame and riches that modern rock stars can only dream about. Yet, in the end, he considered it all "meaningless... a chasing after the wind" (Ecc. 2:11). What's the point of life on earth? What gives meaning to our day-to-day lives? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the Stones' modern classic and Solomon's ancient text to answer the question: "What's the secret of true satisfaction?" Part 1 of the message series "Finding Faith in Rock-&-roll: Glimpses of God in the Greatest Hits of All-Time"

 Finding Faith in Rock-&-Roll - series teaser | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:02:55

What's on your iPod? The music we listen to often expresses the dreams, fears, & spiritual yearnings of a generation. That's why songs on the car radio become anthems and the soundtrack for our lives. "Finding Faith in Rock & Roll" is a new message series by Pastor Tim Lucas of Liquid Church. Join us on Sundays this summer as we explore the lyrics of some of the most popular rock-and-roll songs of all-time... And get a glimpse at God's design for life, love, faith and spiritual fulfillment. 8/13 - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - The Rolling Stones "Why is contentment so hard to find?" 8/20 - Where the Streets Have No Name - U2 "Heaven: Down Here or Up There?" 8/27 - Losing My Religion - REM "Religion vs. Spirituality" 9/10 - Help! (I Need Somebody) - The Beatles "Why We Crave Connection" 9/17 - I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner "The Rhythm and Blues of Love"

 Free Market Outreach in the News | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:02:03

Channel 12 News ran a fun clip recapping our Free Market Outreach on Sunday, July 30th!

 DaVinci pt 4 - Prophetic Proof | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:18

One of the most powerful proofs of the Bible's supernatural origin is fulfilled Biblical prophecy. Prophecy isn't about fortune-telling or wild speculation, but refers to specific, recorded foreknowledge of future events that would occur centuries later. The Old Testament alone contains 456 specific predicions about a coming Messiah or Savior-- 29 of which were fulfilled in the last 24 hours of Jesus' life. How do we know that the Christian faith is credible? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses the "Prophetic Proof" that points to Jesus as the predicted Savior of humanity. Part 4 of a 4-part message series.

 DaVinci pt 3 - Digging in the Dirt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:30

To become a Christian, God doesn't ask you to check your brain at the door (as some folks assume). If spiritual faith isn't rooted in verifiable fact, then belief is just a naive shot in the dark. So how do we know the Christian Bible-- and what it tells us about God-- is credible? Is it divinely inspired? Or just a product of man as Dan Brown claims? The reality is that there exists a staggering amount of historical & archaelogical evidence pointing to the veracity of the Bible as God's inspired Word. Listen in as Pastor Tim sorts through the evidence for the credibility of the Christian faith. Part 3 of a 4-part series.

 DaVinci pt 2 - The Magadalene Mystery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:15

Down through the centuries, many women have been marginalized & wounded by the Christian church. That's a fact-- one that makes God wince. Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus overturned 1st century social biases against women in virtually every single encounter with females. But was he the "original feminist" as Dan Brown claims? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses controversial questions including: • Who really was Mary Magdalene and what was her relationship to Jesus? • Were they married? Wasn't bachelorhood unusual in 1st century Judaism? • Was Jesus the first feminist? • Was the early church hostile towards women? Was it an all-boys club? • What is God's design for the sexes? Part 2 of a 4-part message series.

 Decoding DaVinci - part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:52

Everyone knows the Bible didn't just drop out of heaven into our hands... or arrive by divine fax machine. But how do we know the Scriptures we have are trustworthy and reliable? What about those other "lost" gospels that purport to tell the other side of the story? And what about the many claims Dan Brown's bestselling novel raises: Was Jesus really married? Did the early church oppress women and hijack spiritual faith? Invent the divinity of Christ? Listen in as Pastor Tim decodes the issues raised by DaVinci and separates fact from fiction. Part 1 of a 4-part message series.

 Pastor Tim and Phil & Friends | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:08:20

So: who are you inviting to Liquid on Sunday, June 4th? To kick-off our DaVinci Code outreach, Pastor Tim takes to the street to invite our closest neighbors-- Phil the owner of the Lemon Lounge coffeeshop, and the hairstylists from Shry's Salon. Press PLAY to join in the fun! And join us in June when hell freezes over and Phil visits our church!

 You're Invited - message 5/14/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:25

When you're invited to a party, how quickly you respond to the offer is quite revealing. If you jump at the invite, it shows a sincere gratitude. If you procrastinate (or think up excuses for not attending), it often betrays a lack of relationship with the host. In our spiritual life, we make all kinds of excuses for keeping God at arm's length. We're busy people... and life can be overwhelming. Complicated. Yet, our RSVP to God's simple invitation to table fellowship reveals our true priorities. Listen in as Pastor Tim articulates the scandalous invitation Jesus made to the lost, the least, and the last. And be challenged to respond.

 Spread the Influence - message 4/30/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:28

When it comes to spreading the influence of Jesus in the world around us, well-meaning Christians often do it poorly. Some believers retreat into a safe, religious bubble that keeps them from interacting with outsiders. Others remain silent so that friends don't even know about their faith. Still others are so outspoken, that folks run the other way when they see them coming. Yet, Jesus gave us a model for cultural engagement that drives our mission as a church. At Liquid, we're committed to "Spreading the Influence" in 3 ways: investing in friendships with non-believers (Colossians 4.5-6) inviting the unchurched (Luke 14.23) reaching out to serve the community (Mark 10.45) Listen in as Pastor Tim describes our "Invest & Invite" strategy for engaging our neighbors in relevant, meaningful ways with the love of God.

 Share the Responsibility - message 4/23/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:28

The C-word makes everyone nervous. C-C-C-c-c-commitment. Whether it's a dating relationship or connection with a church, the idea of committing to be a part of a long-term relationship can be among life's most intimidating prospects. Yet, at some point, we have to decide if we're going to take the next step and put down some roots. Churches are full of spiritual nomads-- those who wander from one church to another. Never making a commitment and, too often, never experiencing sustained spiritual growth. How do you keep from swerves, stalls, and detours in your spiritual life? One of the ways is to put down some roots and commit to traveling with a local group of fellow believers. Listen in as Pastor Tim describes what it means to "Share the Responsibility" as part of a growing church family.

 Serve the Ministry - message 4/9/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:22

Show of hands. Who has the gift of waiting on tables? Of washing feet? Wiping the noses of kindergarten kids? Most folks don't like "dirty work." Yet, this is the essence of servant leadership that Jesus highlighted as the heartbeat of God. Scripture tells us that every believer has a gift-- a unique,one-of-a-kind talent, ability, or strength that God wants them to spend in the service of others. It's ain't about volunteering out of guilt... or religious obligation. Rather, serving others is one of the primary ways we grow up to be like Jesus. That's why the Liquid Church Family Covenant includes a commitment to "Serve the Ministry" of our church in 3 ways: ... by identifying my gifts (Romans 12.6-8) ... by developing a servant heart (Philippians 2.5-7) ... by serving others strategically (1 Peter 4.10) Listen in as Pastor Tim describes the vital role that strategic service plays in building up God's family and completing the mission Jesus left to His followers. Part 3 of the message series "Welcome to the Family."

 Safeguard the Unity - message 4/2/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:16

Pssssssst. Have you heard about so-and-so? Gossip. Like nothing else, it has the power to undermine friendship and poison a community. Unfortunately, churches are often breeding grounds for gossip... God's kids aren't immune from the tempting tidbit that highlights a brother or sister's glaring flaw or embarassing failure. That's why the Liquid Church Family Covenant begins with a commitment to "Safeguard the Unity" of our church in 3 ways: loving one another (1 Peter 3.8) refusing to gossip (Ephesians 4.29) resolving conflict quickly (Matthew 18.15) Listen in as Pastor Tim describes God's dream for true unity in His family... and the radical steps necessary for His children to cultivate and preserve it. Part 2 of the message series "Welcome to the Family."

 Missional Balance- message 3/26/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:31

The Christian life is easy to get out of balance. Spend too much time with church friends and you lose touch with the world around you. Invest all your time swimming in the culture, and you start becoming just like it. That's why our mission at Liquid focuses on three vital relationships: Intimacy with God... Community with Insiders... and Influence with Outsiders. Are you in danger of becoming a Lone Ranger Saint? The Church Lady? A Carnal Christian? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses the Missional Balance that drives our church family.


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