Two-minute Time Lord: A Doctor Who Podcast show

Two-minute Time Lord: A Doctor Who Podcast

Summary: Two-minute Time Lord is a commentary podcast about the BBC\'s popular family science fiction program, Doctor Who, and its spinoffs. We\'ll try to keep this context in mind as we review episodes, comment on the news of the moment, and otherwise pontificate: Doctor Who is not FOR a fortysomething podcaster. It\'s for that nine-year-old behind the sofa. But his or her mum and dad have been invited along for the ride, as are those of us who were kids when Fifth Doctor Peter Davison first picked up a cricket bat. And we\'ll keep it to two minutes (roughly), because we\'re ALL in a hurry. Except when we have interviews.


 2MTL 156: Notes on River Song | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:07

My better half takes the controls of the TARDIS to reflect on River Song — and thinks that the payoff to the character's mystery will have to be huge.

 2MTL 155: "Time Dilation" Interview with Hurricane Who's Jarrod Cooper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:40

Last April revealed some major challenges for the Hurricane Who convention, with some guests reporting that they had not yet been compensated for their October appearance and were unable to contact convention head Jarrod Cooper. (I reported on these events, which were first made public on the Gallifrey Base forum, in 2MTL #125.) In this podcast, Jarrod calls in for an extended interview in which we discuss what happened, his efforts to satisfy Hurricane Who's obligations, and his hopes for the convention's future. Jarrod can be reached at

 2MTL 154: Torchwood Takes Shape | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:10

Processing last week's Torchwood: The New World revelations…

 2MTL 153: Subscribing to "The Four Doctors" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:17

Big Finish's next subscriber exclusive is a doozy: "The Four Doctors." Not just for the multi-Doctor goodness, but also because it is planned to be PERMANENTLY exclusive to subscribers. Is this a good idea?

 2MTL 152: Summary Judgment on Series 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:08

Just a few weeks later, it's time to briefly take stock of Series 5's shortcomings and strengths. Spoiler: I can't wait for Series 6. Plus! A message from the Tin Dog and the DWPA about Whooverville 2.

 Chip on Television Zombies 133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:46

Chris, Jeff, Tina and Chuck (the Zombies themselves), Ross and James from Creeping with Armstrong, and a suddenly longwinded me talked about Series 5 of Doctor Who on Television Zombies 133. Hope you like it!

 2MTL 151: Saluting Tracie Simpson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:55

Buried in RTD and Benjamin Cook's The Writer's Tale (confession: I've only read the pre-specials hardback) is a salute to an unsung hero who left only to return as a full producer for the specials and Series 5: Gallifrey One 22 guest Tracie Simpson.

 2MTL 150: The Doctor's Top Ten Kisses, Part Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:20

Concluding our countdown from 2MTL #149, we look at the more substantial, more meaningful story moments that involved the Doctor getting a little closer to the people he encountered — with a guest appearance from someone whose shoes fit particularly well.

 2MTL 149: The Doctor's Top Ten Kisses, Part One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:25

We don't know that EVERY classic incarnation of The Doctor was averse to being physical with his companions, but we've seen that ever since Survival went off the air he's become a LOT more touchy-feely while the cameras are rolling. Herewith, ranked on the bases of consistent characterization, plot advancement, dramatic effect and significance to the Doctor Who story, is part one of our rundown of the Doctor's osculatory adventures.

 2MTL 148: Plan B for Watching Doctor Who Internationally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:25

For about as long as I've been podcasting, I've been on the warpath seeking the international release of Doctor Who episodes as close to the BBC One airdate as possible. I'm forced to admit that may not be practical most of the time for smaller networks such as BBC America. So here's my Modest Proposal for Plan B: more-expensive premium downloads of the episodes as soon as they've aired on BBC One, before they hit the international networks. Give a listen for the details, and let me know what you think.

 2MTL 147: Revisiting "Vincent and the Doctor" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:04

While the U.K. suffers the beginning of the Long Night Without Doctor Who, the U.S. and Canada have only gotten around to "Vincent and the Doctor," very much an outlier among the whole of Series 5. Thoughts about character development, starry nights and Fandom Wars (TM) within!

 2MTL 146: Uncle Erik Explains "The Big Bang" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:00

An aggrieved Erik from Bridging the Rift joins me for a lightning round of answers to supposedly unanswered questions that were answered in "The Big Bang." Did you get that? Bridging the Rift is a podcast dedicated to Doctor Who fandom, fan culture and creative pursuits.

 2MTL 145: Comedian Toby Hadoke Reviews "The Big Bang" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:44

Comedian and Friend of 2MTL Toby Hadoke hopped on Skype with me thirty minutes after "The Big Bang" and reviewed it! Toby's the creator of "Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf," and the upcoming "Now I Know My BBC." He's also writing with Rob Shearman "Running Through Corridors," a memoir of reviewing every Doctor Who episode within a year.

 2MTL 144: Series 5 Was Made for the Box Set | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:11

I'm seeing a parallel between Babylon 5 and the current series of Doctor Who, in the driving, defining nature of the story arc being carried through the thirteen episodes. Is this a good thing?

 2MTL 143: SPOILERS – Tony Lee Reviews "The Pandorica Opens" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:51

Doctor Who comics writer and FRIEND OF 2MTL* Tony Lee reviews "The Pandorica Opens"! * "Friend of…" is a registered trademark of Radio Free Skaro, used without permission. So there.


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