Logos Media Podcast - feed 2 show

Logos Media Podcast - feed 2

Summary: Check out our website! http://WWW.LOGOSMEDIA.COM Logos Media podcast with host Jan Irvin. Gnostic Media is now Logos Media - open-source, independent media that pulls you outside of the box and into the heart of cognizance itself. Topics of investigation include: education and the 7 liberal arts (the trivium and quadrivium), the mystery schools, mythology, theology, shamanism, entheogens, archaeoastronomy, politics, economics, and much more. By bringing together leading academic and independent scholars (from their respective fields) and providing them a platform to present their ideas and research in full, the idea is to facilitate and deepen understanding in these related fields – not only for the listening audience – but for everyone involved. This is a powerful, one-of-a-kind show, so sit back and relax as we take you on a journey to the deepest recesses of your soul. Jan Irvin of LogosMedia.com is an independent researcher, author and lecturer in ancient and modern religious practices. Books and videos from Gnostic Media The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity by Jan Irvin Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity's Pagan Roots, by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD, by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit. See also Pharmacratic-Inquisition.com John Marco Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (40th anniversary edition) See also www.JohnAllegro.org. Visit www.gnosticmedia.com for more information regarding this podcast, to visit our forums, or to order books and DVDs.


 A Conversation with Freeman Burt, Dr. Tom, and John - "Corporate Abortion" - #179 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6695

This episode is a conversation with Freeman Burt, Dr. Tom, and John K. titled “Corporate Abortion” and is being released on Monday, October 7, 2013. This conversation was recorded Thursday, October 03, 2013. IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT WHAT A CITIZEN is 1 WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE CONSTITUTION 2 1. A corporation has no standing in a court against one of the people due to the 3 following undeniable facts: 4 A. All corporations are property. 5 a. A corporation is property and therefore cannot be a Citizen within the meaning of the 6 Constitution as explained in detail within the opinions of the United States Supreme 7 Justices in the case U.S. Supreme Court-Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 19 How. 393 8 393 (1856). 9 b. People have no standing in any forum/court against property . 10 c. People cannot be coerced to stand in any court against property or be coerced to 11 prosecute property in court. 12 d. People cannot be coerced to stand in any forum/court on the same level as property. 13 e. A corporation cannot submit a testimony and cannot be questioned. 14 f. A corporation does not meet the limitations of 15 Article III Section 2 of the Constitution for the United States due to the 16 undeniable fact that a corporation is property which cannot stand in any court as a 17 Citizen of the United States within the meaning of the Constitution for the United 18 States of America. 19 g. A corporation does not meet the limitations of 20 AMENDMENT XIV Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868. 21 It is an undeniable fact that a corporation is neither born nor naturalized in the United 22 States unless being born means being created on paper by men and such meaning is 23 embraced by the courts. 24 It is an undeniable fact that corporations are not freed slaves upon which the 25 citizenship created by the 14th Amendment can be vested on unless the courts are now 26 accepting corporations as freed slaves. 27 h. It is an undeniable fact that the meaning of a Citizen within the meaning of the 28 Constitution can only be changed by Amending the Constitution and if this was done, 29 the United States of America would cease to exist. Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Jenaya Tad Paul Max Luis Oscar Michael Steven David Eric Thomas John Joseph M&A Crystal Aaron Ivo Burt's Website: www.onlyfreemen.com Dr. Tom's website: http://www.boundaries-for-effective-ministry.org/ And regarding Sheriff Paul Schrader, please see last week's episode: Regarding the sheriff as the supreme law of the land, see episode #168: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/an-interview-with-freeman-burt-why-your-sheriff-is-the-supreme-law-of-the-land-and-your-baby-is-an-adult-under-the-law-168/ Regarding Highwaymen, please see episode #172: The Highwaymen This episode at Gnostic Media: www.gnosticmedia.com/CorporateAbortion

 An Interview with Dr. Tom, Pt, 2 - “Marriage vs. Matrimony” - #177 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4165

This episode is an interview with Dr. Tom, titled “Marriage vs. Matrimony” and is being released on Friday, September 20, 2013. This interview with Tom was recorded Friday, September 13, 2013. Dr. Tom is a psychologist by training. He worked extensively with the moral boundary problems of ministers and also with the contradictory interface between God’s natural law (the Ten Commandments) and politicians’ corporate and commercial codes; which are arbitrary statutes, some of which silence churches from assessing the morals of political candidates and public figures (e.g. 26 USC 501c3). Dr. Tom from www.boundaries-for-effective-ministry.org Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Emile Jeremy Scott Mary Philip Tino Brandon Michael Sam Peter Mirco Carlos Louis Silas Eric

 An Interview with Dr. Tom, Pt, 2 - “Marriage vs. Matrimony” - #177 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4165

This episode is an interview with Dr. Tom, titled “Marriage vs. Matrimony” and is being released on Friday, September 20, 2013. This interview with Tom was recorded Friday, September 13, 2013. Dr. Tom is a psychologist by training. He worked extensively with the moral boundary problems of ministers and also with the contradictory interface between God’s natural law (the Ten Commandments) and politicians’ corporate and commercial codes; which are arbitrary statutes, some of which silence churches from assessing the morals of political candidates and public figures (e.g. 26 USC 501c3). Dr. Tom from www.boundaries-for-effective-ministry.org Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Emile Jeremy Scott Mary Philip Tino Brandon Michael Sam Peter Mirco Carlos Louis Silas Eric

 An Exclusive Interview with General Albert Stubblebine - “Men Who Stare at Scapegoats” - #176 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4447

This episode is an exclusive interview with General Albert Stubblebine and is being released on Saturday, September 14, 2013. This interview with General Bert was recorded Friday, September 13, 2013. General Bert is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, class of 52) who enjoyed a distinguished 32 year career in the U.S. Army. He retired as the Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Prior to this assignment he commanded the US Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM). During his active duty career he commanded soldiers at every level. After his retirement he served as the VP for Intelligence Systems with BDM, a major defense contractor. He has brought these experiences to leading-edge medical research and development in collaboration with his wife Rima E. Laibow, M.D He is a long-term out-of-the-box thinker who redesigned the U.S. Army’s Intelligence Architecture while serving as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. This intelligence restructuring earned him his place in the Intelligence Hall of Fame. Among his other accomplishments, he participated in a special task force which defined the requirements of the U.S. Army for future conflict. Many of the innovations he developed helped the U.S. to conduct the First Gulf War effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate. Having defended his country for 32 years and having then worked for the remainder of his career to build better ways of being and becoming well, Bert is determined not to let the forces which are threatening American’s health freedoms prevail. Formerly a warrior for America’s military, now he is a warrior for America’s health and personal freedom. Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Charles Lee & Shelley Ryan Kim & Dave Video version: This Episode on the Gnostic Media website: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/GenStubblebine

 An Exclusive Interview with General Albert Stubblebine - “Men Who Stare at Scapegoats” - #176 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4447

This episode is an exclusive interview with General Albert Stubblebine and is being released on Saturday, September 14, 2013. This interview with General Bert was recorded Friday, September 13, 2013. General Bert is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, class of 52) who enjoyed a distinguished 32 year career in the U.S. Army. He retired as the Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Prior to this assignment he commanded the US Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM). During his active duty career he commanded soldiers at every level. After his retirement he served as the VP for Intelligence Systems with BDM, a major defense contractor. He has brought these experiences to leading-edge medical research and development in collaboration with his wife Rima E. Laibow, M.D He is a long-term out-of-the-box thinker who redesigned the U.S. Army’s Intelligence Architecture while serving as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. This intelligence restructuring earned him his place in the Intelligence Hall of Fame. Among his other accomplishments, he participated in a special task force which defined the requirements of the U.S. Army for future conflict. Many of the innovations he developed helped the U.S. to conduct the First Gulf War effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate. Having defended his country for 32 years and having then worked for the remainder of his career to build better ways of being and becoming well, Bert is determined not to let the forces which are threatening American’s health freedoms prevail. Formerly a warrior for America’s military, now he is a warrior for America’s health and personal freedom. Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Charles Lee & Shelley Ryan Kim & Dave Video version: This Episode on the Gnostic Media website: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/GenStubblebine

 An Interview with Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. - "Huxley's Brave New World" - #175 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6074

This episode is an interview with Dr. Rima Laibow, titled “Huxley’s Brave New World” and is being released on Tuesday, September 10, 2013. This interview with Rima was recorded Friday, September 06, 2013. Rima LaibowRima E. Laibow, M.D.Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment and treating that root cause. She believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases and poor aging while supporting the immune and other crucial systems. She has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems. Dr. Laibow is the Founding and past President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board, which she helped establish, in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine. Because of Dr. Laibow’s awareness of the powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying cause of disease she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans. Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain the choices that allow them to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm. [Photo: Rima with husband Ret. Major General Albert Stubblebine III] Dr. Laibow’s Resume is available here in PDF format. You can read about some of the Accomplishments of the Foundation here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/index.php?page_id=195 Please make your tax-deductible donation to support the work of the Foundation here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/index.php?page_id=189 Donations. This episode was brought to you by: Randy Epsilons (singing) No more Mammy, no more Pappy: Ain't we lucky, ain't we happy? Everybody's oh so happy, Everybody's happy now! Sex galore, but no more marriages; No more pushing baby carriages; No one has to change a nappy­ Ain't we lucky, ain't we happy: Everybody's happy now. Dope for tea and dope for dinner, Fun all night, and love and laughter; No remorse, no morning after. Where's the sin, and who's the sinner? Everybody's happy now. Girls pneumatic, girls exotic, Girls ecstatic, girls erotic­ Hug me, Baby; make it snappy. Everybody's oh so happy, Everybody's happy now. Lots to eat and hours for drinking Soma cocktails-no more thinking. NO MORE THINKING, NO MORE THINKING! ~ Aldous Huxley, 30 September, 1956. Moksha, pg. 114 About the Webinar for TOMORROW, 9/11/2013 Thank you for your interest in attending the September 11, 2013 Webinar, Autism: An Inside Job. The date and the title have been carefully chosen because the evidence we have uncovered suggests that, as horrifying as it sounds, the tremendous upsurge in autism is not an accident and that Autism is, in fact, quite literally "an inside job". Please join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 from 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern. By pre-registering you will receive our Thank You gift: a complementary copy of the ebook, Autism: An Inside Job in your choice of Spanish or English. The webinar will be conducted in English. Use this link to register now: http://TinyURL.com/AutismWebinarRegister. And I have a favor to ask of you. I would love, absolutely adore if you would share this information with everyone you can reach. That way, you are giving them the opportunity to attend this ground-breaking event. I know you know how important this information is because your email to me has already made that clear. You know people who need to know this information. Send them this link, http://TinyURL.com/AutimsInsideJob so that they have the(continued)

 An Interview with Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. - "Huxley's Brave New World" - #175 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6074

This episode is an interview with Dr. Rima Laibow, titled “Huxley’s Brave New World” and is being released on Tuesday, September 10, 2013. This interview with Rima was recorded Friday, September 06, 2013. Rima LaibowRima E. Laibow, M.D.Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment and treating that root cause. She believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases and poor aging while supporting the immune and other crucial systems. She has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems. Dr. Laibow is the Founding and past President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board, which she helped establish, in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine. Because of Dr. Laibow’s awareness of the powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying cause of disease she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans. Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain the choices that allow them to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm. [Photo: Rima with husband Ret. Major General Albert Stubblebine III] Dr. Laibow’s Resume is available here in PDF format. You can read about some of the Accomplishments of the Foundation here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/index.php?page_id=195 Please make your tax-deductible donation to support the work of the Foundation here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/index.php?page_id=189 Donations. This episode was brought to you by: Randy Epsilons (singing) No more Mammy, no more Pappy: Ain't we lucky, ain't we happy? Everybody's oh so happy, Everybody's happy now! Sex galore, but no more marriages; No more pushing baby carriages; No one has to change a nappy­ Ain't we lucky, ain't we happy: Everybody's happy now. Dope for tea and dope for dinner, Fun all night, and love and laughter; No remorse, no morning after. Where's the sin, and who's the sinner? Everybody's happy now. Girls pneumatic, girls exotic, Girls ecstatic, girls erotic­ Hug me, Baby; make it snappy. Everybody's oh so happy, Everybody's happy now. Lots to eat and hours for drinking Soma cocktails-no more thinking. NO MORE THINKING, NO MORE THINKING! ~ Aldous Huxley, 30 September, 1956. Moksha, pg. 114 About the Webinar for TOMORROW, 9/11/2013 Thank you for your interest in attending the September 11, 2013 Webinar, Autism: An Inside Job. The date and the title have been carefully chosen because the evidence we have uncovered suggests that, as horrifying as it sounds, the tremendous upsurge in autism is not an accident and that Autism is, in fact, quite literally "an inside job". Please join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 from 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern. By pre-registering you will receive our Thank You gift: a complementary copy of the ebook, Autism: An Inside Job in your choice of Spanish or English. The webinar will be conducted in English. Use this link to register now: http://TinyURL.com/AutismWebinarRegister. And I have a favor to ask of you. I would love, absolutely adore if you would share this information with everyone you can reach. That way, you are giving them the opportunity to attend this ground-breaking event. I know you know how important this information is because your email to me has already made that clear. You know people who need to know this information. Send them this link, http://TinyURL.com/AutimsInsideJob so that they have the(continued)

 Mark Passio interview, Pt. 4 - "Balancing the Sacred Feminine and Masculine and Exposing New Age Bullshit" - #174 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6175

Mark Passio is an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA. Mark has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In 2007, Mark began presenting this information in the form of a presentation series entitled What On Earth Is Happening, with the intention of bringing the implications of this body of knowledge to greater public awareness. Mark launched his own web site in 2008 at: http://www.WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com. In 2010, Mark began hosting his own weekly internet radio show, also called What On Earth Is Happening, which continues today in the form of a podcast on Mark's website. Mark is also one of the co-hosts of Free Your Mind, http://www.FreeYourMindConference.com, the Philadelphia-based conference on consciousness, mind control and the occult. Over the years, Mark has worked closely with activist groups in his area such as the Tesla Science Foundation, Truth, Freedom, Prosperity and Survive & Thrive Philadelphia. Mark's latest endeavor is teaching an intensive seminar called Natural Law: The Real Law Of Attraction & How To Apply It In Your Life. Visit Mark’s web site at: http://www.whatonearthishappening.com http://www.freeyourmindconference.com Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Aaron Ivo Thomas This episode on Gnostic Media: www.gnosticmedia.com/MarkPassio4_bullshit

 Mark Passio interview, Pt. 4 - "Balancing the Sacred Feminine and Masculine and Exposing New Age Bullshit" - #174 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6175

Mark Passio is an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA. Mark has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In 2007, Mark began presenting this information in the form of a presentation series entitled What On Earth Is Happening, with the intention of bringing the implications of this body of knowledge to greater public awareness. Mark launched his own web site in 2008 at: http://www.WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com. In 2010, Mark began hosting his own weekly internet radio show, also called What On Earth Is Happening, which continues today in the form of a podcast on Mark's website. Mark is also one of the co-hosts of Free Your Mind, http://www.FreeYourMindConference.com, the Philadelphia-based conference on consciousness, mind control and the occult. Over the years, Mark has worked closely with activist groups in his area such as the Tesla Science Foundation, Truth, Freedom, Prosperity and Survive & Thrive Philadelphia. Mark's latest endeavor is teaching an intensive seminar called Natural Law: The Real Law Of Attraction & How To Apply It In Your Life. Visit Mark’s web site at: http://www.whatonearthishappening.com http://www.freeyourmindconference.com Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Aaron Ivo Thomas This episode on Gnostic Media: www.gnosticmedia.com/MarkPassio4_bullshit

 Clint Richardson interview, pt. 8 – “Common CORE “Education” – Enslaving Your Child” – #173 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6757

This episode is an interview with Clint Richardson, pt. 8 titled “Common CORE "Education" – Enslaving your Child” and is being released on Friday, September 05, 2013. This interview with Clint was recorded Tuesday, Sept. 03rd, 2013. Clint Richardson is back for his 8th time. A protégé of Walter Burian, Clint Richardson is back for his eighth installment on the CAFR, or Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – and this time we’re going to focus on COMMON CORE. Clint has been on previously to discuss his videos The Corporation Nation, Lethal Injection, and his investigation of my own local School District, CAFR SCHOOL: RIM of the World Unified School District Expose. As always, Clint’s digging through the primary documentation brings a very important vantage point. A former Hollywood sound designer and musician, a crisis of conscious led him to begin researching, writing, and eventually producing primary research documentaries exposing the very research that Hollywood is designed to hide from the masses. Now unable to work in his industry of study (for this Hollywood betrayal), Clint applies his professional sound talent and newly learned video skills, as well as a devotion to first-hand, primary research and writing, to contribute to the “Waking Up” of the population at large. His credo… expose “them” until they dispose of him. http://realitybloger.wordpress.com Please utilize the following links for total CORE immersion. 1) Read the Annual Financial Report for “CORE Education and Technologies” corporation: Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/CETLAnnualReport2011-12.pdf ***Previous years reports will have other valuable information link: http://www.core-edutech.com/investors/Financial-Reports.php 2) Explore the “CORE Education and Consulting Services” main International website based in India: Link–> http://www.coreecs.com/ 3) Learn who CORE’s international corporate and government Shareholders are: Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/ShareholdingPattern30.06.2013.pdf 4) CORE learning tools for Autistic and other special needs children - the workforce of the future: Computers and keyboards for autistic kids are learning on. Link: http://www.coreecs.com/k12_education/Assistive_Technologies 5) Dr. Rima Liabou video “Don’t Delta Me, Dude!”: Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p3DHtxjLlg 6) “CSCOPE” is CORE in Texas. This is a watchdog site: Link–> http://www.txcscopereview.com 7) CORE is essentially Agenda 21. Here is the Texas "School Transformation" website: Link: http://www.transformtexas.org/know-the-document/ 8) This comes from the “Public Education Visioning Institute“, which is all Texas school superintendents literally proof of their conspiring to “Transform” public education into for profit private enterprise by implementing CSCOPE as part of “Common Core” model standards and best practices. They also admit the failure of their own education system. (Very Important): Link: http://www.transformtexas.org/ourhistory/ 9) Link to the Report issued by Public Education Visioning Institute called “Creating a New Vision forPublic Education in Texas”… “Respectfully Offered by Superintendent Participants in the Public Education Visioning Institute”: Link: http://www.tasb.org/legislative/documents/vpevi.pdf Link to Clint Richardson’s research article for summery and other links of note: Link: http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/core-making-children-stupider-around-the-world/ Other links of interest: From the CIA Website: "Elections: president and vice president elected on the same ticket by a college of representatives who are elected directly from each state; president and vice president serve four-year terms (eligible for a second term); election last held 6 November 2012 (next to be held on 8 November 2016)". In other words, the president who is supporting CORE implementation nation-wide is not elected by(continued)

 Clint Richardson interview, pt. 8 – “Common CORE “Education” – Enslaving Your Child” – #173 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6757

This episode is an interview with Clint Richardson, pt. 8 titled “Common CORE "Education" – Enslaving your Child” and is being released on Friday, September 05, 2013. This interview with Clint was recorded Tuesday, Sept. 03rd, 2013. Clint Richardson is back for his 8th time. A protégé of Walter Burian, Clint Richardson is back for his eighth installment on the CAFR, or Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – and this time we’re going to focus on COMMON CORE. Clint has been on previously to discuss his videos The Corporation Nation, Lethal Injection, and his investigation of my own local School District, CAFR SCHOOL: RIM of the World Unified School District Expose. As always, Clint’s digging through the primary documentation brings a very important vantage point. A former Hollywood sound designer and musician, a crisis of conscious led him to begin researching, writing, and eventually producing primary research documentaries exposing the very research that Hollywood is designed to hide from the masses. Now unable to work in his industry of study (for this Hollywood betrayal), Clint applies his professional sound talent and newly learned video skills, as well as a devotion to first-hand, primary research and writing, to contribute to the “Waking Up” of the population at large. His credo… expose “them” until they dispose of him. http://realitybloger.wordpress.com Please utilize the following links for total CORE immersion. 1) Read the Annual Financial Report for “CORE Education and Technologies” corporation: Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/CETLAnnualReport2011-12.pdf ***Previous years reports will have other valuable information link: http://www.core-edutech.com/investors/Financial-Reports.php 2) Explore the “CORE Education and Consulting Services” main International website based in India: Link–> http://www.coreecs.com/ 3) Learn who CORE’s international corporate and government Shareholders are: Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/ShareholdingPattern30.06.2013.pdf 4) CORE learning tools for Autistic and other special needs children - the workforce of the future: Computers and keyboards for autistic kids are learning on. Link: http://www.coreecs.com/k12_education/Assistive_Technologies 5) Dr. Rima Liabou video “Don’t Delta Me, Dude!”: Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p3DHtxjLlg 6) “CSCOPE” is CORE in Texas. This is a watchdog site: Link–> http://www.txcscopereview.com 7) CORE is essentially Agenda 21. Here is the Texas "School Transformation" website: Link: http://www.transformtexas.org/know-the-document/ 8) This comes from the “Public Education Visioning Institute“, which is all Texas school superintendents literally proof of their conspiring to “Transform” public education into for profit private enterprise by implementing CSCOPE as part of “Common Core” model standards and best practices. They also admit the failure of their own education system. (Very Important): Link: http://www.transformtexas.org/ourhistory/ 9) Link to the Report issued by Public Education Visioning Institute called “Creating a New Vision forPublic Education in Texas”… “Respectfully Offered by Superintendent Participants in the Public Education Visioning Institute”: Link: http://www.tasb.org/legislative/documents/vpevi.pdf Link to Clint Richardson’s research article for summery and other links of note: Link: http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/core-making-children-stupider-around-the-world/ Other links of interest: From the CIA Website: "Elections: president and vice president elected on the same ticket by a college of representatives who are elected directly from each state; president and vice president serve four-year terms (eligible for a second term); election last held 6 November 2012 (next to be held on 8 November 2016)". In other words, the president who is supporting CORE implementation nation-wide is not elected by(continued)

 An Interview with Freeman Burt and Bob - "The Highwaymen" - #172 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6897

This episode is an interview with Freeman Burt and Bob, titled “Highwaymen” and is being released on Friday, August 28, 2013. This interview with Burt and Bob was recorded today, Aug 28, 2013. Excuse the delay on this episode. Burt and I had recorded this show 5 days ago but both of us had our recordings fail. So we’ve re-recorded the entire show. In this episode Freeman Burt is back to discuss the “highwaymen”, or highway robbers - those code enforcement officers who use tricks on us and strip our consent for their commerce codes and statutes – that don’t actually apply to us. In old times the highwayman was the robber who held you at gun point or threat of violence on the highway to extort money and goods from you – one of the most heinous crimes - a crime punishable by death. With Burt is “Bob” who scored a recent victory in California to tell us how he managed to escape the highwaymen. What can you do in the face of extortion on the side of the highway? Should you defend your rights there on the side of the highway, or in the courts? Bouvier’s Law Dictionary: http://www.constitution.org/bouv/bouvier.htm HIGHWAYMAN. A robber on the highway. http://www.constitution.org/bouv/bouvier_h.htm HIGHWAY. A passage or road through the country, or some parts of it, for the use of the people. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 442. The term highway is said to be a generic name for all kinds of public ways. 6 Mod R, 255. 2. Highways are universally laid out by public authority and repaired at the public expense, by direction of law. 4 Burr. Rep. 2511. 3. The public have an easement over a highway, of which the owner of the land cannot deprive them; but the soil and freehold still remain in the owner, and he may use the land above and below consistently with the easement. He may, therefore, work a mine, sink a drain or water course, under the highway, if the easement remains unimpaired. Vide Road; Street; Way; and 4 Vin. Ab. 502; Bac. Ab. h. t.; Com. Dig. Chemin; Dane's Ab. Index, h. t.; Egremont on Highways; Wellbeloved on Highways; Woolrych on Ways; 1 N. H. Rep. 16; 1 Conn. R. 103; 1 Pick. R. 122; 1 M'Cord's R. 67; 2 Mass. R. 127; 1 Pick. R. 122; 3 Rawle, R. 495; 15 John. R. 483; 16 Mass. R.33; 1 Shepl. R. 250; 4 Day, R. 330; 2 Bail. R. 271; 1 Yeates, Rep. 167. 4. The owners of lots on opposite sides of a highway, are prima facie owners, each of one half of the highway,, 9 Serg. & Rawle, 33; Ham. Parties, 275; Bro. Abr. Nuisance, pl. 18 and the owner may recover the possession in ejectment, and have it delivered to him, subject to the public easement. Adams on Eject. 19, 18; 2 Johns. Rep. 357; 15 Johns. Rep.447; 6 Mass. 454; 2 Mass. 125. 5. If the highway is impassable, the public have the right to pass over the adjacent soil; but this rule does not extend to private ways, without an express grant. Morg. Vad. Mec. 456-7; 1 Tho. Co. Lit. 275; note 1 Barton, Elem. Conv. 271; Yelv. 142, note 1. DRIVER. One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with horses, mules, or other animals. 2. Frequent accidents occur in consequence of the neglect or want of skill of drivers of public stage coaches, for which the employers are responsible. 3. The law requires that a driver should possess reasonable skill and be of good habits for the journey; if, therefore, he is not acquainted with the road he undertakes to drive; 3 Bingh. Rep. 314, 321; drives with reins so loose that he cannot govern his horses; 2 Esp. R. 533; does not give notice of any serious danger on the road; 1 Camp. R. 67; takes the wrong side of the road; 4 Esp. R. 273; incautiously comes in collision with another carriage; 1 Stark. R. 423; 1 Campb. R. 167; or does not exercise a sound and reasonable discretion in travelling on the road, to avoid dangers and difficulties, and any accident happens by which any passenger is injured, both the driver and his employers will be responsible. 2 Stark. R. 37; 3 Engl. C. L. (continued)

 An Interview with Freeman Burt and Bob - "The Highwaymen" - #172 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6897

This episode is an interview with Freeman Burt and Bob, titled “Highwaymen” and is being released on Friday, August 28, 2013. This interview with Burt and Bob was recorded today, Aug 28, 2013. Excuse the delay on this episode. Burt and I had recorded this show 5 days ago but both of us had our recordings fail. So we’ve re-recorded the entire show. In this episode Freeman Burt is back to discuss the “highwaymen”, or highway robbers - those code enforcement officers who use tricks on us and strip our consent for their commerce codes and statutes – that don’t actually apply to us. In old times the highwayman was the robber who held you at gun point or threat of violence on the highway to extort money and goods from you – one of the most heinous crimes - a crime punishable by death. With Burt is “Bob” who scored a recent victory in California to tell us how he managed to escape the highwaymen. What can you do in the face of extortion on the side of the highway? Should you defend your rights there on the side of the highway, or in the courts? Bouvier’s Law Dictionary: http://www.constitution.org/bouv/bouvier.htm HIGHWAYMAN. A robber on the highway. http://www.constitution.org/bouv/bouvier_h.htm HIGHWAY. A passage or road through the country, or some parts of it, for the use of the people. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 442. The term highway is said to be a generic name for all kinds of public ways. 6 Mod R, 255. 2. Highways are universally laid out by public authority and repaired at the public expense, by direction of law. 4 Burr. Rep. 2511. 3. The public have an easement over a highway, of which the owner of the land cannot deprive them; but the soil and freehold still remain in the owner, and he may use the land above and below consistently with the easement. He may, therefore, work a mine, sink a drain or water course, under the highway, if the easement remains unimpaired. Vide Road; Street; Way; and 4 Vin. Ab. 502; Bac. Ab. h. t.; Com. Dig. Chemin; Dane's Ab. Index, h. t.; Egremont on Highways; Wellbeloved on Highways; Woolrych on Ways; 1 N. H. Rep. 16; 1 Conn. R. 103; 1 Pick. R. 122; 1 M'Cord's R. 67; 2 Mass. R. 127; 1 Pick. R. 122; 3 Rawle, R. 495; 15 John. R. 483; 16 Mass. R.33; 1 Shepl. R. 250; 4 Day, R. 330; 2 Bail. R. 271; 1 Yeates, Rep. 167. 4. The owners of lots on opposite sides of a highway, are prima facie owners, each of one half of the highway,, 9 Serg. & Rawle, 33; Ham. Parties, 275; Bro. Abr. Nuisance, pl. 18 and the owner may recover the possession in ejectment, and have it delivered to him, subject to the public easement. Adams on Eject. 19, 18; 2 Johns. Rep. 357; 15 Johns. Rep.447; 6 Mass. 454; 2 Mass. 125. 5. If the highway is impassable, the public have the right to pass over the adjacent soil; but this rule does not extend to private ways, without an express grant. Morg. Vad. Mec. 456-7; 1 Tho. Co. Lit. 275; note 1 Barton, Elem. Conv. 271; Yelv. 142, note 1. DRIVER. One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with horses, mules, or other animals. 2. Frequent accidents occur in consequence of the neglect or want of skill of drivers of public stage coaches, for which the employers are responsible. 3. The law requires that a driver should possess reasonable skill and be of good habits for the journey; if, therefore, he is not acquainted with the road he undertakes to drive; 3 Bingh. Rep. 314, 321; drives with reins so loose that he cannot govern his horses; 2 Esp. R. 533; does not give notice of any serious danger on the road; 1 Camp. R. 67; takes the wrong side of the road; 4 Esp. R. 273; incautiously comes in collision with another carriage; 1 Stark. R. 423; 1 Campb. R. 167; or does not exercise a sound and reasonable discretion in travelling on the road, to avoid dangers and difficulties, and any accident happens by which any passenger is injured, both the driver and his employers will be responsible. 2 Stark. R. 37; 3 Engl. C. L. (continued)

 An Interview with David Asprey, pt. 2 - "The Bulletproof Mind and Body" - #169 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5738

This episode is with an interview with David Asprey, part 2, titled "The Bulletproof Mind and Body" and is being released on Sunday, July 21, 2013. This interview with David was recorded on Monday, July 15, 2013. Dave uses a combination of nutrition, nervous system training, and anti-aging technologies to improve the performance of the human body and mind. Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor, biohacker, and entrepreneur who spent 15 years and $250,000 to hack his own biology. He upgraded his brain by more than 20 IQ points, lowered his biological age, and lost 100 lbs without using calories or exercise. The Financial Times calls him a "bio-hacker who takes self-quantification to the extreme of self-experimentation." His writing has been published by the New York Times and Fortune, and he's presented at Wharton, the University of California, and Singularity University. Dave has been covered on video on CNN, ABC News, Nightline, Forbes, and MSNBC. In print, he's been featured in Men's Health, Forbes, Fast Company, the Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. Dave's Bulletproof Executive blog was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of more than 120 world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $250,000 spent on personal self-experiments. From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything? Knowing this leads to being bulletproof, the state of high performance where you take control of and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what you'd expect, without burning out, getting sick, or just acting like a stressed-out jerk. It used to take a lifetime to radically rewire the human body and mind this way. Technology has changed the rules. Your orders from this link help to support Gnostic Media: http://www.bulletproofexec.com/

 An Interview with Freeman Burt - "Why Your Sheriff Is The Supreme Law of the Land; and, Your Baby is an Adult Under the "Law"" - #168 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4278

Freeman Burt is a man who lives under the belief that all people are born free and that no one can be required to become someone’s servant. He’s almost 50yrs old and has been studying the elements of freedom for about twenty years. Most of his gain in comprehension came when he fully accepted the fact that all legal relations require our consent. From that point of view it became easier to accept the truth that the Legal Law is correct. He is not claiming it is right or moral, just that it is correct in its application. The more time he spent reading the actual statutes, codes and ordinances and legal dictionaries, the more he’s learning that we are in fact free and that we volunteer into servitude. Freedom is a voyage with no predetermined destination, because such destination does not exist. As long as there are slaves in this world we ourselves can never be free. donotconsent83 (youtube) www.onlyfreemen.com Research links for this episode: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/.html/gov_table_of_contents.html http://uscode.house.gov/pdf/Organic%20Laws/ http://www.constitution.org/bouv/bouvier_a.htm http://gagne.homedns.org/~tgagne/contrib/unskilled.html Social Security Administration: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/txtfiles/ssa-521.pdf Ordinance of 1787 http://www.gnosticmedia.com/txtfiles/ORDINANCE OF 1787 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT.pdf Trivium Education - http://www.triviumeducation.com


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