11:11 Talk Radio show

11:11 Talk Radio

Summary: 11:11 talk radio is the doorway to conscious choice, greater health and well-being. Rediscover your purpose and passion for living. It is a time for a greater, healthier, more expressive experience of you. Change is an inside job! A mind- body- spirit revolution featuring experts and topics that focus on holistic living. Feed the mind, embrace positively, attain the balance you have been seeking. Release the tension, step out of fear, get out of lack and into communication. Broaden your mind and open your heart toward a greater understanding of how to take charge of your life, because shift happens!brbr Through allowing the mind to broaden, the heart to open, and the core of one’s power to be activated, individuals will become the proactive conscious creators that they came here to be . It is time to discover who you really are. 11:11 Talk Radio airs live every Monday at 8 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica 7th Wave and Health and Wellness.


 Gary Zukav: Spiritual Partnership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Gary Zukav's book, "Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power" invites us to change our world by using our relationships as opportunities for spiritual growth. Zukav's defines a spiritual partnership as a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. Spiritual partnerships can be between spouses, significant others, family members, friends and co-workers. Gary uses specific examples, guidance and guidelines to enable the reader to explore emotions, intentions, and intuition to create spiritual growth in our relationships and world.

 Mike Dooley: Leveraging the Universe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic is about using the gifts of thought, word, and deed to harness this grace. It's about doing the least to get the most. Learning what "the truth" is, and how to live it, so that the kingdom, the power, and the glory can be revealed before your very eyes, as you discover your holy place in creation - as a creator, yourself.

 Arielle Ford: Wabi Sabi Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships, is devoted to exploring the simple, fun and effective ways to apply Wabi Sabi to our love relationships. Find the beauty and perfection… in each other’s imperfections... “Going from annoyed to enjoyed!”

 Sarah Seidelmann: Beastie Energy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

The ancients knew something exciting… they tapped into a language between animals and people. They provide guidance and influence…if we make ourselves aware of their presence and message. What are the beasties showing up in your life? What do they mean?

 Julia Cameron: The Prosperous Heart... Creating a Life of Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Discover a dynamic new 12 week program from the woman who has inspired millions to discover their creative souls. People think of prosperity as a fiscal bottom line. The truh is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line. What does your creative body have to do with your wealth, your life and the full expression of you. Julia Cameron shares a lifetime of wisdom about the prosperous heart. What is for relationship to money...ready to look at it?

 Neale Donald Walsch: The Storm Before the Calm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Here is a spiritual and social tour-de-force, a positive word about humanity's future—and a clear and simple way for each of us to affect it. The author of seven New York Timesbestsellers Conversations with God series, Neale Donald Walsch offers a striking explanation for the upheaval we are seeing all over our planet, and proposes a simple plan by which we can impact both our personal and collective future in an extraordinarily positive way.

 Aleyo Dao: Sound Healing and Prayers for 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Aleya had an enlightenment experience which gave her the ability to perceive other realms, and feel others' feelings. Using this ability she is able to hear the sounds of the angelic realm, as well as locate solutions for the challenges that arise in life. Her music takes people into states of higher consciousness, gives them a sense of deep connection, and awakens within them a place where they once again feel at home.

 Steve Olsher: Reinventing YOU For 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Ready to reinvent yourself? Steve Olsher's methodology blends ancient wisdom with revolutionary lessons from modern thought leaders. These teachings, combined with his unique exercises and singular approach to realizing permanent, positive change, form a proven system for ultimate achievement.

 Devaa Haley Mitchell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

For the past 19 years Devaa Haley Mitchell has studied and experienced many systems of personal growth and spiritual development and is an ordained interfaith minister. She recently launched her first CD, Sacred Alchemy, an album designed to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine. Discover how to Awaken the Goddess.

 Shakti Gawain: Living in The Light | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Today, as people grapple with personal, national, and global challenges on many fronts, The 25th Anniversary edition of Living in the Light is timelier than ever — for both longtime fans and first-time readers. Exercises on subjects including creativity, the world as mirror, relationships, childrearing, money, health, and transforming the world help readers put Gawain’s teachings to personal, practical use. Together they compose a comprehensive map to growth, fulfillment, and heightened consciousness.

 Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes: Untie the Strong Woman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes first major work in nearly two decades since Women Who Run with the Wolves—Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul paints a contemporary portrait of the Blessed Mother as one who exudes strength, fierceness, love, and capability (ie: “Guadelupe as a Girl Gang Leader in Heaven”), liberating her from the visions of others where she has been trapped in seemingly fixed stereotypes. Helping to restore human dimensions to an icon that has traditionally appeared as a delicate religious figure, Dr. Estes’ work is told not from a theological point of view, but from a personal one.

 Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Jean Houston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”

 Jack Canfield and William Gladstone: Golden Motorcycle gang | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

The Golden Motorcycle Gang: A Story of Transformation is an exciting new book and wake up call for those of us, who believe we have come here to make a difference in world. It is part autobiography , spiritual adventure story and a 2012 resource guide. It will introduce you to amazing people in the world, who along with Jack, have dedicated their life to helping the planet.

 Barbara Marx Hubbard: Birth 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Barbara Marx Hubbard declares that the fears around a prophetic “end” date are actually a "birth" date - a symbolic marker of the movement into a new era of human evolution. We can celebrate what is already shifting toward sustainability, peace and innovative solutions in every field. Barbara calls this vision Birth 2012: a growing movement of worldwide citizens who are committed to linking hearts and minds with others and consciously co-creating the next stage of our evolution.

 Rickie Byars Beckwith: Surrender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Rickie Byars Beckwith is one of the 21st century’s most revered singer-songwriters whose transcendent music opens the heart, touches the soul, and uplifts the spirit...announces the release of her debut book, "Let My Soul Surrender: Grace Notes of a Journey," with a companion CD by the same name.


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