The Fourth Watch With Ziggybeats show

The Fourth Watch With Ziggybeats

Summary: We talk about Mysteries of the Unknown, Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects, Cosmic Duality, Dreams and Dreaming, Earth Energies, Eastern Mysteries, Hauntings, Mysterious Creatures, Mystic Places, Mind Over Matter, Phantom Encounters, Powers of Healing, The Mysterious World, The UFO Phenomenon, Time and Space, Witches and Witchcraft, Visions and Prophecies, Spirit Summonings. All with a Biblical Perspective.

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 The Fourth Watch With Ziggybeats Live Calls #1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:02:30

The Fourth Watch With Ziggybeats Live Calls #1

 TOM BEARDEN INTERVIEW SCALAR WAVES 7-15-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:01

Tom Bearden on the Bill Jenkins radio program from the early 80's talking about weather modification and the use of scalar waves.

 MONTAUK & PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT PART 3 7-11-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:21

Here's an another interesting and INCREDIBLE story interview about the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment with.. Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, Peter Moon Co-authored the book "The montauk project : experiments in time" According to the accounts of both Preston and Duncan, the Montauk Project culminated on August 12, 1983. A full blown time portal was fully functioning, but things were out of control and Duncan called together a group of people and decided to crash the project. While sitting in the Montauk Chair (a device connected to esoteric radio receivers studded with crystals that sent thoughts out of a giant transmitter), Duncan unleashed a giant beast from his subconscious which literally destroyed the project. The people who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it. The air shafts and entrances to the major underground facility beneath the base were subsequent14- filled with cement. The full circumstances behind all ol this remain a mystery to this day. Although an unauthorized video had been widely distributed regarding this story and several lectures had been given on the Montauk Project, no book was forthconing on the subject. Different writers had attempted to undertake the task but were either mentally incapable of dealing with the subject or were frightened off one way or the other. One science reporter for the New York Times started the project but backed off when he discovered to his own surprise that the Montauk Project was indeed quite real. links

 MONTAUK & PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT PART 2 7-7-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:46

What you are about to encounter is the most in-depth compilation of interviews with survivors of the Philadelphia experiment and Montauk project to date. To round out your experience, we included many hours of content from Phil Schenider (underground bases and the Alien Agenda), Mind Control topics, and testimony from victims of the ritualistic sex slave practices. The information comes from the memories of those who were interviewed. Because these projects are so secretive, gaining hard evidence is nearly impossible. However, that doesn't mean the projects never happened. This information is for those who want to pursue and know the truth. Sometimes, finding the truth becomes elusive. There are many out there who do not want you to know the truth about these projects. Use your own judgment as you hear the words of these survivors. As you follow this story, use this information as the beginning resource to hopefully, get you on the right track. The five people featured on this video are ready to testify that they worked with Al at the Montauk project and some even remember him as Ed Cameron during the Philadelphia Experiment. So, keep an open yet discerning mind, and get ready to change your paradigm. Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. While many would think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege. Because those who set the agenda wish to keep their activities secret, Al was robbed of his family, his memories, and ultimately, his identity. They used advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. However, their technologies are not perfect. Slowly, the memories came back. Al started meeting others who had been through the same process. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. Al gives the most comprehensive account of his life ever recorded. It will shock and disturb most people to learn what is really going on in this planet. But Al has come to the conclusion that the truth needs to be published. For over ten years, Al has been featured on Radio Talk Shows and as a speaker in many conferences. His story has captivated the attention of tens of thousands of people worldwide. They decided together to do this because his story could not be adequately told in a 1 hour or even a 4 hour presentation. Only through the combination of audio, video, text and pictures, can the viewer begin to get an understanding of these events. Many will question why Al hasn't been silenced. We deal with that subject during some of the audio interviews. Perhaps, those who set the agenda are allowing brief glimpses of the truth to emerge. Perhaps it is something much bigger.

 MONTAUK & PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT PART 1 7-7-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:58

What you are about to encounter is the most in-depth compilation of interviews with survivors of the Philadelphia experiment and Montauk project to date. To round out your experience, we included many hours of content from Phil Schenider (underground bases and the Alien Agenda), Mind Control topics, and testimony from victims of the ritualistic sex slave practices. The information comes from the memories of those who were interviewed. Because these projects are so secretive, gaining hard evidence is nearly impossible. However, that doesn't mean the projects never happened. This information is for those who want to pursue and know the truth. Sometimes, finding the truth becomes elusive. There are many out there who do not want you to know the truth about these projects. Use your own judgment as you hear the words of these survivors. As you follow this story, use this information as the beginning resource to hopefully, get you on the right track. The five people featured on this video are ready to testify that they worked with Al at the Montauk project and some even remember him as Ed Cameron during the Philadelphia Experiment. So, keep an open yet discerning mind, and get ready to change your paradigm. Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. While many would think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege. Because those who set the agenda wish to keep their activities secret, Al was robbed of his family, his memories, and ultimately, his identity. They used advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. However, their technologies are not perfect. Slowly, the memories came back. Al started meeting others who had been through the same process. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. Al gives the most comprehensive account of his life ever recorded. It will shock and disturb most people to learn what is really going on in this planet. But Al has come to the conclusion that the truth needs to be published. For over ten years, Al has been featured on Radio Talk Shows and as a speaker in many conferences. His story has captivated the attention of tens of thousands of people worldwide. They decided together to do this because his story could not be adequately told in a 1 hour or even a 4 hour presentation. Only through the combination of audio, video, text and pictures, can the viewer begin to get an understanding of these events. Many will question why Al hasn't been silenced. We deal with that subject during some of the audio interviews. Perhaps, those who set the agenda are allowing brief glimpses of the truth to emerge. Perhaps it is something much bigger.

 NIV THE BIBLE FROM HELL! 7-5-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:01

It probably isn't really necessay to go to the NIV for all its problems. All one has to do is read down through the committee list and it becomes evident why the NIV is such an abomination. The NIV Committee on Bible Translation - 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1:26-28 The Apocrypha (300-50 B.C.) Philo (20 B.C. TO 50 AD) Clement of Alexandria (150 to 215 AD) Origen of Alexandria (184 to 245 AD) Eusebius of Caesarea (260 to 340 AD) Vaticanus B (331 AD) Sinaiticus (Codes Aleph) (331 AD) (used by Wescott and Hort to create a corrupt Greek text underlying all the modern translations) Jerome (382 AD) Alexandrinus (450 AD) (Codes A) Codex Ephraem (450 AD) Latin Vulgate (1592 AD) (used by Wescott and Hort to create a corrupt Greek text underlying all the modern translations) Brian Walton (1657 AD) John Mill (1707 AD) Griesbach (1774 AD) Carl Lachmann (1842 AD) Tregelles (1857 AD) Tischendorf (1870 AD) Alford (1861 and 1872 AD) Westcott and Hort (1881 AD) Eberhard Nestle (1898 AD) All modern English (per) versions from 1898 to today - e.g. NIV, NASV, TEV, Living Bible, RSV, NEB NRSV, NKJV, JB

 Prophecy & The Coming Deception Part 2 6-24-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:06

Prophecy & the Coming Deception Thursday June 19th, 2008 Host: George Noory Researcher L.A.Marzulli discussed how a recent string of events validates notions of a coming great deception, as foretold in ancient prophecies. He cited the Myanmar cyclone, the Chinese earthquake, and other natural disasters, along with the Middle East tensions as being indicators that we're living in the time prophesied by Ezekiel, and in the Book of Revelation. Natural disasters are up more than 400% in the last two decades, he noted. The Book of Revelation writes about a one-world government and religion, as well as the mark of the beast. Marzulli suggested that a terrorist attack involving suitcase nukes might be used as a pretext for people to get microchipped for alleged security reasons (the chip would be the mark that is prophesied). He believes that a war in the Middle East will be a supernatural trigger, leading to the appearance of huge spaceships (1-3 miles wide) in the skies. The ETs (who are actually fallen angels) will claim to be the progenitors of humankind and religion-- but this is the great Luciferian deception, designed to get everyone united in a one world govt./religion, he detailed.

 Prophecy & The Coming Deception Part 1 6-24-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:36

Prophecy & the Coming Deception Thursday June 19th, 2008 Host: George Noory Researcher L.A.Marzulli discussed how a recent string of events validates notions of a coming great deception, as foretold in ancient prophecies. He cited the Myanmar cyclone, the Chinese earthquake, and other natural disasters, along with the Middle East tensions as being indicators that we're living in the time prophesied by Ezekiel, and in the Book of Revelation. Natural disasters are up more than 400% in the last two decades, he noted. The Book of Revelation writes about a one-world government and religion, as well as the mark of the beast. Marzulli suggested that a terrorist attack involving suitcase nukes might be used as a pretext for people to get microchipped for alleged security reasons (the chip would be the mark that is prophesied). He believes that a war in the Middle East will be a supernatural trigger, leading to the appearance of huge spaceships (1-3 miles wide) in the skies. The ETs (who are actually fallen angels) will claim to be the progenitors of humankind and religion-- but this is the great Luciferian deception, designed to get everyone united in a one world govt./religion, he detailed

 Goodbye Podomatic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:36

goodbye podomatic, getting ready for new things to come.

 MARK BLITZ INTERVIEW SOLAR ECLIPTIC SIGNS OF THE LAST DAYS 2014 _ 2015 (TFW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:26

"THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT" MUST READ NOW! END TIME COUNT DOWN! God wants us to look at the biblical calendar," says Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Wash. "The reason we need to be watching is [because] He will signal His appearance. But we have to know what to be watching as well. So we need to be watching the biblical holidays." In a video interview on the Prophecy in the News website, Biltz said he's been studying prophecies that focus on the sun and moon, even going back to the book of Genesis where it states the lights in the sky would be "be for signs, and for seasons." ...He noted a rare phenomenon of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad.He says during this century, tetrads occur at least six times, but what's interesting is that the only string of four consecutive blood moons that coincide with God's holy days of Passover in the spring and the autumn's Feast of Tabernacles (also called Succoth) occurs between 2014 and 2015 on today's Gregorian calendar." The fact that it doesn't happen again in this century I think is very significant," Biltz explains. "So then I looked at last century, and, believe it or not, the last time that four blood red moons occurred together was in 1967 and 1968 tied to Jerusalem recaptured by Israel."He then started to notice a pattern of the tetrads. "What's significant to me is that even before 1967, the next time that you had four blood red moons again was right after Israel became a nation in '48, it happened again in 1949 and 1950 ... on Passover and Succoth. You didn't have any astronomical tetrads in the 1800s, the 1700s, the 1600s. In the 1500s, there were six, but none of those fell on Passover and Succoth. "When checking the schedule for solar eclipses, Biltz found two รข?? one on the first day of the Hebrew year and the next on the high holy day of Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the seventh Hebrew month. Both of these take place in the 2014-2015 year. MUSIC NOTES & VIDEO LINKS GRACE HOLDS ON - STEVE DEAL, SONG FROM C3 WORSHIP RECORDED LIVE AT C3 ATLANTA (CHRISTIAN CITY CHURCH) MY FAV FOR 2008 SHOW NOTES & LINKS Deborah you ROCK thank you so much for the info. :)

 PLANET X 5-3-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:31:56

While the more dramatic accounts forecast Planet X's arrival later this year, some maintain the shattering specter will occur later, in 2004, 2006, 2012 (the last year on the Mayan calendar), or even 2078. Others claim it could be thousands or even millions of years before the tenth planet orbits near Earth once again. Surprisingly, a number of professional astronomers at the world's top observatories share the view that there is a tenth planet out in space. Scientific reports conclude that the gravitational pull of this tenth planet, a planet not now observable by most telescopes, is already disturbing the heavens and causing what the astronomers call "perturbation." show notes Music Intro Muhanjala Sean Tyas Remix - Duderstadt Outro All I need - Mat Kearney

 GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS LECTURE 5-1-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:43

The biotech industry claims that the FDA has thoroughly evaluated GM foods and found them safe. This is untrue. Internal FDA documents made public from a lawsuit, reveal that agency scientists warned that GM foods might create toxins, allergies, nutritional problems, and new diseases that might be difficult to identify. Although they urged their superiors to require long-term tests on each GM variety prior to approval, the political appointees at the agency, including a former attorney for Monsanto, ignored the scientists. Official policy claims that the foods are no different and do NOT require safety testing. A manufacturer can introduce a GM food without even informing the government or consumers. A January 2001 report from an expert panel of the Royal Society of Canada said it was "scientifically unjustifiable" to presume that GM foods are safe. Likewise, a 2002 report by the UK's Royal Society said that genetic modification "could lead to unpredicted harmful changes in the nutritional state of foods," and recommended that potential health effects of GM foods be rigorously researched before being fed to pregnant or breast-feeding women, elderly people, those suffering from chronic disease, and babies. SHOW NOTES Music Intro Galaxia - Ferry Corsten Outro ???? will get back to you on that

 THE HEBREW YESHUA VS THE GREEK JESUS PART 2 4-27-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:14

Former Pharisee, Nehemia Gordon, a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and Semitic language expert, explores the ancient Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew from manuscripts long hidden away in the archives of Jewish scribes. Gordon's research reveals that the more "modern" Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world's versions were translated, depicts "another Jesus" from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into perspective for both Jew and Christian alike. SHOW NOTES & LINKS Music Idan Raichels Project Mima'amakim Video link

 THE HEBREW YESHUA VS THE GREEK JESUS 4-27-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:33

An astonishing realization has recently gripped the Christian world: "Jesus Christ" was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Gentile. Yeshua of Nazareth was raised in an observant Jewish family in a culture where the Torah (five books of Moses) was the National Constitution. Yeshua's teachings, which supposedly form the basis for Western Christianity, are now filtered through 2000 years of traditions born in ignorance of the land, language, and culture of the Bible. The issues over which Yeshua wrestled with the Pharisees are simply not understood by modern Christians; nor are his most important instructions followed by those who claim to be his disciples. Former Pharisee, Nehemia Gordon, a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and Semitic language expert, explores the ancient Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew from manuscripts long hidden away in the archives of Jewish scribes. Gordon's research reveals that the more "modern" Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world's versions were translated, depicts "another Jesus" from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into perspective for both Jew and Christian alike. About the Author: Nehemia Gordon holds a degree in Biblical Studies and Archaeology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Fluent in Hebrew, Gordon has worked extensively with ancient manuscripts and on the publication and translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Today, he divides his time between lecturing on Tanach and Hebrew New Testament topics, teaching Biblical Hebrew to private individuals and small groups, and continuing his research on the Hebrew sources of the New Testament. Music Idan Raichels Project Mima'amakim Video link

 IRVING BAXTER INTERVIEW END TIMES 4-23-08 (TFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:28



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