The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann show

The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann

Summary: The Big Picture. Daily news show brought to you by Thom Hartmann from RT America studios


 Full Show 4/26/13: Congress Passes Bill to Avoid Flight Delays | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 57:59

Guest host Sam Sacks is in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discusses the following in tonight's Big Picture Rumble: how Congress passed a bill to end the FAA Furloughs (re: no flight delays for them tonight), a new bill introduced that would require the FDA to clearly label genetically engineered foods and how Dzohkar Tsarnaev stopped talking to authorities after he was read his Miranda rights. In tonight's "Conversations with Great Minds" Thom speaks with Susan Cain, a former Wall Street corporate lawyer turned author, on why we should celebrate the introverts in the world.

 Full Show 4/25/13: The Right-Wing Cult Machine Exposed | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:01

Thom talks with Attorney and Radio Host Mike Papantonio on the news that Dzohkar Tsarnaev stopped talking to authorities after he was read his miranda rights. Also discussed: how "big" government could have saved lives in West, TX and New York's racist stop and frisk law. Thom takes viewer phone calls in "Your Take, My Take Live," and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom exposes Rush Limbaugh's right-wing cult.

 Full Show 4/24/13: How Big Business Robs Us With 'Externalities' | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:00

Thom talks with journalist and author Jeremy Scahill on his latest book/documentary "Dirty Wars: The War Is A Battlefield." Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses Chicago's fast food worker strike, how Republicans were once pro-union and how Fox "So-called" News has beefed up their anti-Muslim rhetoric following the Boston marathon bombings. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains how big business is robbing us with externalities.

 Full Show 4/22/13: Is Charles Koch Running for President? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:01

Guest host Sam Sacks is in for Thom Hartmann tonight and talks with EPIC's Jeramie Scott about the return of CISPA, with Lee Fang on the West, TX fertilizer plant and with a panel of experts on where we stand on climate change on the 43rd Earth Day. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom looks at how we need to stop using ancient fossils as energy.

 Full Show 4/19/13: The Bigger Picture: National Security | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 57:59

Tonight's "Big Picture Rumble" panel discusses the latest from the Boston Marathon Bombing, the disturbing defeat of the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill and why tar sands oil isn't taxed like regular oil. In tonight's "Bigger Picture" discussion Thom talks with a panel of experts about the state of our national security.

 Full Show 4/18/13: When Will Our 'Representatives' Represent Us? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:01

Thom talks with a shooting victim survivor and a mother of a shooting victim about Congress' failure to pass a bill 90% of Americans support. Also discussed: the CIA's expansion of power over the past decade, how the big banks are continuing to screw over homeowners and how exercising may help your brain. Thom takes viewer phone calls in "Your Take, My Take Live, and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses what ExxonMobil is doing to prevent us from seeing the devastation the Arkansas Tar Sands Oil Spill is having on the environment.

 Full Show 4/17/13: How to Create a Right-Wing Terrorist | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:00

Thom talks with Attorney and Radio Host Mike Papantonio about a new report showing that Bush knowingly ordered torture. Also discussed: Congress' failure to pass a watered-down gun control bill, whether the Supreme Court will allow a company to hold a patent on human gene sequences and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how right-wing pundits are fueling domestic, anti-government, terrorists.

 Full Show 4/15/13: Tragedy in Boston | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:17

Thom talks to former Boston newscaster Barry Nolan about the April 15th terrorist attack in Boston, and with journalist Les Leopold about how America's hedge funds are actively siphoning off America's wealth. Thom also talks to filmmaker Robert Greenwald about being a whistleblower in America. And, in tonight's Daily Take, Thom talks about the real reasons why America isn't turning to solar power, and how solar power can help combat climate change.

 Full Show 4/11/13: The USPS: A Proxy Fight in the War Against Austerity | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 57:58

Guest host Sam Sacks is in for Thom Hartmann tonight and speaks with Rep. Mark Pocan and "The Nation's" John Nichols about the decision to keep the mail delivered on Saturdays. Also discussed: the upcoming gun control debate in Washington, what the Robin Hood Tax would do and why increasing the taxes on cigarettes to pay for preschool is a good idea. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains what the signing of the "Monsanto Protection Act" means about our political system.

 4/10/13: Obama Releases Austerity Budget | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:05

Guest host Sam Sacks is in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discusses Obama's austerity budget, the latest from the Washington gun control debate and what Oregon may do to help make sure everyone is able to participate in the voting process. Sam speaks with a panel on Maryland becoming the 20th state to legalize medical marijuana, and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom gives a crash course in economics.

 Full Show 4/9/13: The Consequences of Obama Shooting Santa Claus... | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:04

Thom talks gun control with Austin, TX Police Chief Art Acevedo and Emily Nottingham, whose son was killed in the Tucson shooting in 2011. Tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel" discusses the gun control debate going on in Washington, whether Harry Reid will try again for filibuster reform and whether Margaret Thatcher was really the conservative Republicans make her out to be. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains the consequences of Obama becoming the first Democratic President to shoot Santa Claus.

 Full Show 4/8/13: MSM: There Was An Oil Spill in Arkansas. Cover it. | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:01

Guest hosts Sam Sacks and Richard Fowler are in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discuss Margaret Thatcher's death and her relationship with Ronald Reagan, the latest on the tar sands oil spill in Arkansas and what Wall Street regulations are needed to prevent another financial crisis. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom introduces us to the Simpson-Bowlers and the pair's deficit plan.

 Full Show 4/5/13: Obama: The First Democratic President to Shoot Santa? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:02

Guest hosts Sam Sacks and Richard Fowler are in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discuss March's poor job numbers, why Obama continues to talk about cutting social safety net programs and the fast food workers strike in New York. In tonight's "Conversations with Great Minds" Thom talks with author Susan Crawford about her new book "Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry & Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age."

 Full Show 4/4/13: King's Assassin's Return? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:02

Guest hosts Sam Sacks and Richard Fowler are in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discuss today's fast food strike in New York, the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination and how a new "free trade" deal with Europe could undermine U.S. sovereignty. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses what penis size has to do with men's obsession with guns.

 Full Show 4/3/13: Obama's 'Brain Project' | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 57:58

Guest hosts Sam Sacks and Richard Fowler are in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discuss how the Fukushima disaster is affecting Americans on the west coast and what California's "Right to Know Act" could mean for internet users. Tonight's "Big Picture Rumble" panel discusses Obama's "Brain Initiative" program, whether social safety net programs should be exempt from sequester cuts and how North Carolina wants to create a state religion. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how we have so many regulations for driving cars, and very little for shooting guns.


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