LD Podcast show

LD Podcast

Summary: A blog and podcast about learning disabilities and kids struggling in school. Topics include dyslexia, ADHD, autism, asperger's, reading, legal issues, dealing with schools, IEP's, therapies and more.


 Show #100 Sharon Martin, SLP on Response to Intervention (RTI) and Individualized Education Programs (IEP). | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's show, Sharon and I discuss how you might go about getting help for your child in school. Part of this is understanding the first steps, called Response to Intervention, or RTI. Teachers are supposed to try different, research-based interventions with the child in the classroom, to see if the child improves, before referring the child for possible testing and evaluation for special education services, that might require developing a special education program, commonly called an Individualized Education Plan or Program (IEP). As part of this show, I have put together a list of common modifications and accommodations that are typically made for kids in the classroom- think of this as a "menu" of sorts of possible, but not exclusive, changes that can be made to help your child. You can find this list and links to other resources under the link "Accommodations Guide". We have our big holiday book give away coming- and I hope you will are participate! Here are the rules: 1. The give away closes December 15, 2008. 2. We'll have a link at the top of our website for you to enter the drawing-you'll need to answer two questions and information so we can mail out the book to you. The only condition is that you let us know when it arrives! We'd love it if you'd leave us a review in iTunes as well, but that's optional, of course! We'll have copies of Marcus Buckingham's latest book, The Truth about You, a few audio books, books by Mel Levine, Rick LaVoie, Edward Hallowell, and more! Thank you so much, each and everyone of you, for making this one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. Click here to listen to show #100- Response to Intervention and IEP's

 Show # 99- Elaine Weitzman, Hanen Centre | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode, I talk with Elaine Weitzman from the Hanen Centre. The Hanen Centre is an international organization focused on helping parents and educators enhance the language and literacy skills of young children. The programs they have been developed are research-based and the information they offer parents is practical, easy, every day things we can do to truly enhance how our children learn. The Hanen centre has come out with a yearly calendar that gives parents and teachers a month by month, week by week resource of how to specifically help build critical language skills for young children. This is a straight-forward, easy to use guide to doing simple things that can have a big, long term impact on your child's education and literacy. To give you some perspective on how important this is, a recent show entitled "Going Big" on This American Life by Ira Glass featured a segment regarding the Harlem Children's Zone, an ambitious program focused on helping parents help their children in the same way the Hanen Centre does- and it's working miracles in terms of improving children's scholastic outcomes. It's simple things, like reading to your child, asking them questions, talking about emotions, answering those endles "Why?" questions that help spark your child's curiosity about the world and encourage them to develop these critical skills necessary for later literacy and academic success. Please contact the Hanen Centre through their website at www.hanen.org. The calendar for 2009 is now available, and sample months are available on their website. Click here to listen to Elaine Weitzman, Hanen Center- Developing Early Language Skills with your kids

 Show #98- Marcus Buckingham, Part II- The Truth About You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the second half of my conversation with Marcus Buckingham, we discuss why kids with learning difference don't always fit into a standard model, but how it's even more important that we find things that engage them and make them shine. Every child has something terrific and unique to contribute, and too often, the one-size fits all system ignores what individuals can add to the mix. We discuss how self-esteem is great, but self-efficacy, performance and contribution are the real measures of success. In the end, success should be defined by finding out where you can make the greatest contribution, not always by external metrics of bank accounts. Many kids with learning difficulties have gone on to be wildly successful by almost every metric as adults, ranging from doctors, like Dr. Edward Hallowell, to actors like Henry Winkler and Tom Cruise, to business people, like Charles Schwab. Part of this success is not about an easy path, but finding where on the path they seemed to belong, and that's what I think we wish for all of our children. Marcus Buckingham is currently on a book tour across the Country- you can check this out at his website, www.marcusbuckingham.com. Marcus is also hosting an online seminar you can take as time suits as part of Oprah Winfrey's Change Your Life program, which you shouldn't miss. And I guarantee that Marcus's new book, The Truth About You is well worth the purchase price. For visitors to the website, I am running a special contest! Send an email to ldpodcast@gmail.com by November 1, 2008, with your feedback about the interview with Marcus Buckingham, and you can win an audio book version of Marcus's first book, "First, Break all the Rules", and a copy of The Truth About You. We'll randomly select a winner from all entrants! Click here to listen to Marcus Buckingham- The Truth about You

 Marcus Buckingham- The Truth About You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Show #97- Marcus Buckingham, The Truth About You, Part 1 I've been a fan of Marcus Buckingham's work for years. Through his books, I've helped to identify what I do best, and it's helped me focus on where I can be most helpful and productive. Marcus has a brand new Kit out called the Truth About You- which combines a book, DVD, small pad to track strengths and weaknesses and links to online material, that is truly excellent. I admit having some initial skepticism, as I am not a big "kit" person, but I was really impressed by everything, especially the DVD material. So much that I sat my kids down to watch as well, to reinforce that they need to start looking at what they do best, every day, for themselves. The first half of my conversation with Marcus addresses what strengths are, and why this is so much more than just what your child is good at, or some mystic way to boost their self-esteem. A strengths-based approach is trying to help your child figure out where they are most effective- where they contribute the most, as well as what gives them the most joy and success. This is about actual performance and outcomes for kids, not just puffery. And importantly, Marcus also talks about his own experiences with his son, and why we have to help kids honor who they are and make the most of it every day. In the second half, we talk more about how we need to help kids get really specific about their strengths and where they're most effective. In the DIY culture, we're all supposed to be the est at everything, but in reality, it means we may be a jack of all trades but a master at none. We ask kids to be perfect at all aspects of school, yet do very little to let them really investigate and hone their areas of interest and natural talent. This does not mean doing the easy thing- nothing's harder than continuously honing and improving your skills- and this has the side effect of building resiliency along the way- a one-two punch for setting kids on a path of knowing who they are and realizing how very much they have to offer. Click here to listen to Show #97- Marcus Buckingham- The Truth About You

 LD Podcast#96: Dr. Andy Van Schaack- Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this second part of my interview with Dr. Van Schaack, we talk about how technology can help students, and what it can't do. One of the most important things we need to remember is that the tech might make some things easier, but it doesn't replace real learning. The crux of this new "computer in a pen" is that while you are taking notes in a regular spiral notebook (on special paper with a watermark...), it is recording the audio in the classroom, at a meeting- wherever, at the same time. The pen stores your handwriting, diagrams, and notes exactly how you write them, and this will get transferred to your PC as a PDF file- just like you took a picture of your notes. It also syncs the audio to exactly when you wrote those words, so whenever you go back to your notes and tap on the word, online or offline, you can hear the audio recorded at that moment. Moreover, your notes also become searchable, so you can find exactly when the professor was talking about the effects of inflation in the economy, or what would be on the midterm. So you are saying, "Cool, but is it worth the cost?" Research into how people learn best shows that notetaking is important in the learning process- but when they looked deeper into why, they found that the value is in having this external storage system for information. And if you know that capture of information is worthless without having meaningful access to it, making all of your notes searchable takes on greater meaning, even if there is no accompanying audio! Now, good note taking is a skill in and of itself. People talk at 40 -50 phonemes a second, much faster than people can read or write. Studies also show the cognitive load of listening to a lecture and taking notes is as strenuous as playing grandmaster-level chess. So assuming even the best notetakers can't keep up with the lecturer, word for word, maybe we need to alter how notes are taken in class, and add the ability to rehear and fill in details later as a better strategy. For me, I became intrigued with this "gadget" because I could finally get a handle on what my kids were taking for notes during class, and afterwards, be able to compare what the teacher was saying to what my child was writing- and in the process, we're trying to hep him build a more effective note taking and studying strategy, that he will surely need for high school and college. Factor in his poor handwriting, and this tool can really help make up for a cognitive and fine motor task that is very difficult for him. This is not really an infomercial for this product, but a show where you can hear about how something like this product might really make a difference in the classroom- also as a tool for teachers to provide meaningful audio feedback to students, that students are more likely to use to change their future performance, as well as understand the time and effort the teacher is putting into reviewing their work- critique becomes more meaningful, even if the student and teacher are not in the same place at the same time. I'm excited about this product and how it's working so far for us, and I hope you'll find the science behind the learning process as exciting as I do. Oh, and someone posted on the blog that if you use this code, SCRIBE5A20 on the Livescribe site, you can receive a 5% discount on the purchase of the pen, which is great! Click here to listen to Dr. Andy Van Schaack and the Livescribe Pen- Part II

 LD Podcast #95- Dr. Andy Van Schaack- Technology and Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Andy Van Schaack from Vanderbilt University about Education and Instructive Technology. We spoke specifically about what technology can and cannot do to aid education and learning. We spoke about how it's even more important to go beyond just research-based learning and look at evidence-based instruction, working with what we know about psychology and brain function to maximize learning in the classroom and beyond. Technology tends to work best when it amplifies human capabilities, but real learning involves being able to take new information and apply it in novel situations.The tests we're often given in school tends to value cramming versus encoding information for long term retrieval and use, so teachers and students alike have to be on the look out for testing that requires recall of information, or merely recognizing the appropriate answer. The core issue here is the following: The best learning occurs when there are more opportunities to respond with feedback. Teachers are invaluable to provide feedback to students, but we have to find a way to do this is a positively reinforcing way that mentors students as they seek mastery of subjects and material. Dr. Van Schaack is the educational advisor for LiveScribe, which has developed a new computing platform- the Pulse pen- a computer in a pen. The pen uses special paper that comes in an ordinary spiral notebook; it records fairly high fidelity audio that syncs up perfectly with the words written on the page. The audio and "picture" of the written notes are then transferred to your PC as a PDF file, where you can listen to the lecture and see the notes being wirtten at the same time. This means you can jump to the exact place in a lecture where a teacher talks about what's going on the mid-term, for example, without having to listen to the whole lecture again. If students also use the Cornell Notetaking system, they can end up with better and more effective notes than ever before, making learning easier, especially in complex subjects. Not only that, the notes are searchable for key terms, so you can go exactly to the spot you need in a notebook to look up a particular piece of information as needed. I purchased one of these for my boys, hoping it will help us teach them how to take more effective notes in class, and I have to say that the kids have actually been debating over who gets to take the pen to school with them each day. I'm afraid I'm going to have to buy another one, shortly! I've used it for a community meeting I attended and blogged about for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and was very pleased with the results. The first part of our interview focuses on using technology in education and what it can and cannot accomplish; the second half, which will be released by the end of this week, will discuss the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen in more detail, including what kind of mental load notetaking has on the brain, how fast we can process information, the research data about why we take notes in the first place, and how we should be using them, and we talk about how capturing information is fundamentally useless without access. Links to things discussed on this episode: *Listener feedback *Check out Ken Robinson's presentation at TED in 2006. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started back in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader, and I always learn a ton from the talks there- some of the best material available on the web; The Obviousness of Social and Educational Research Results- NL Gage * Frontline Report- Kids Growing Up Online * BBC News: Basic Sums Stress 1.3Million Adults Cornell Note Taking technique- Record Reduce (or question) Recite Reflect Review Recapitulate Sample Click Here to listen to Dr. Andy Van Schaack- Understanding Instructional Technology, Part I

 LD Podcast "Unplugged"- Mark Blevis interviews Whitney about Homework | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mark Blevis, from the Just One More Book podcast,interviewed me on our drive into Podcamp Philly about homework. This is a really honest and revealing interview about how we handle homework at our house, and what I see as the value and pitfalls of how homework is used in schools. Since I was the driver, the answers are about as honest and non-scripted as is possible- you hear exactly what was said, uncut and unedited, as two parents, two friends, discuss homework and their children. To give you some background, Mark and his wife Andrea Ross, interview authors and illustrators on their Just One More Book podcast, as well as give their reviews of different children's books. You can even call up and leave a review of your favorite book, and they'll play it on the show. Mark and Andrea are raising two fantastic daughters in Canada, and they always point me in the direction of fanatastic books my kids and I love to share, even though I have boys. The show helps me appreciate the richness of children's literature, and how it can enrich the lives of adults and kids alike. Let me know if you like the style of this show- please send feedback to ldpodcast@gmail.com. If this is interesting, we'll try to do work more unfiltered interviews with parents into the show. Thanks again to Mark for the audio, the idea, and the opportunity to go "unplugged". Click here to download and listen to LD Podcast Unplugged- Mark Blevis and Whitney Hoffman Discuss Homework

 Show #93- Sharon Martin SLP, Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We're back after a brief hiatus for Podcamp Philly, a new media unconference I helped put together at Temple University. I'm really happy to report that we raised over $6,000 for the Sciece Leadrship Academy, a Philadelphia Public special admissions high school, run by Chris Lehmann, who I met at the Educon Conference, held at SLA last year. Sharon and I continue our talk about when you might need a speech language pathologist; why the diagnosis may sometimes be irrelevant to the treatment; and how there's a general movement to try to get Speech-Language pathologists more involved in literacy. We can't emphasize too much how important good hearing and good speech are to the reading and writing process, and early intervention is critical for children. We also talk about the importance of the bond/relationship between a therapist and a child, and why there's got to be a good balance between work and fun, as well as follow-through on the part of parents and regular ed teachers. I've been racking up a bunch of interviews, so the shows should not only be more regular, but there's some exciting things coming up-and we also want to hear from you! Click here to download/listen to Sharon Martin, SLP Part II

 Sharon Martin, Speech and Language Pathologist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's show, we feature an interview with Sharon Martin! Sharon is a well-known for being part of the DivaCast, best described as five girlfriends talking about what matters to them, and having fun doing it! Sharon's becoming a part of the LD Podcast, because she's also a Speech Language Pathologist (also known as an SLP) teaching in schools in Georgia. Sharon has her Masters in Education, Speech Language-Pathology and is licensed in Georgia, and is a member of many professional organizations for SLP's including the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA), and National Student Speech Language Hearing Association, (NSSHLA). Sharon has worked with special need students who ranged from profound/severely impaired to mild articulation disorders. This work has included students with learning disabilities, language impairments, autism, down syndrome, mitochondria, CP, cochlear implants, apraxia, phonological processing disorders and emotional behavioral disorders. She has also participated in specialized training and tasks forces involved with Response to Intervention (RTI), literacy/language interventions, and special education regulations. Sharon's planning on becoming a regular part of the show, and future shows will focus on topics like Response to Intervention and IEP's. In this show, I also talk about the results of our "Daily journal" over the summer experiment, getting kids back to school and trying to keep them organized. One question I received by email recently asked: "What type of planner or organizer would you recommend for kids with LD? The one we get from school has really small writing areas, making it hard to fit in all the information, let alone notes back and forth from home and school." My recommendations: What most kids need: Big space to write, securely bound, monthly and weekly views. What I've tried for myself and the kids: Personal Digital Assistants, like Palm Pilots; various calendars and systems, wall calendars, wipe-off dry erase calendars, etc. Electronic versions of calendars, ranging from Google Calendar, to the calendar/alarms on my various cell phones, and Skoach, an online calendar/task management system developed in part by well-known and respected ADHD researcher, Dr. Kathleen Nadeau. (Also a prior guest on the LD Podcast). What Really Works for Me- paper calendar/agenda with both weekly and monthly views. Usually, the medium to large ones give me enough writing space- mini ones are far too small. Brands I like: Mead actually has a a website to help you choose a planner (I was surprised to find this out!) The Quick Notes Calendar from At-A-Glance has weekly and monthly view, along with plenty of spaces for notes and reminders. This runs about $20.00 TimeToo has some interesting looking family trackers, but you kinda have to choose between weekly on monthly, not both. The RSVP space on the bottom is a great idea- these are almost perfect. The GoMom planner from Daytimer has that weekly/monthly views, and is a good basic planner-a "mommed" up version of the At A Glance. Mead Upperclass Student Organizer - Available plain ($12.99) or with a bungee cord to keep closed ($13.79) This one can work well with kids or adults- not a bad choice for that master family calendar. Secret Indulgence and Pricey Version- Levenger has a bunch of interesting products, based on it’s "circa" system- a way you can pretty much customize notebooks. This means you can add what you need- to do lists, expense reports, notes, etc. and rearrange, without losing anything and maintaining the pages securely fastened together. (If you wanted to try it to see if it works, the 2008 agenda is down to only $4.95, and might be a good investment if you think you might like the flexibility it offers.) Downsides- expensive and addictive. Runs calendar year, not academic year. I do use this notebook system, more than the planner, to organize projects, in part because the paper is thicker than normal and is fantastic to write

 Show # 91- Write On Handwriting with Amy Ford Hebert- Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's show, Amy and I discuss what is age appropriate for motor skills, how many kids have problems with right-left orientation, and how small things like a good pencil grip can make all the difference in a kid's writing ability. Strength and coordination and spatial attributes all contribute to good handwriting, making the overall writing process easier. We are trying out Amy's program at home (This is not a freebie- I paid for it) and John, my younger child, seems to be particularly interested, and it seems to be showing up in his writing. The daily journal page requirement is not overly popular, and I share some of the funnier moments in today's show. But the bottom line if that writing is both a physical and mental task, requiring the coordination of both simultaneously, and it won't improve unless the kids get more practice- so this is the summer of non-stop practice for this skill. Click here to download Write On Handwriting with Amy Ford Hebert - Part II Please check out Pocketful of Therapy for resources like Write On Handwriting, Handwriting without tears, raised line paper, pencil grips, slant boards and other writing helpers. I have been ordering from them for years- this is where the occupational therapists I know get many of their supplies, and this is a convenient resource for these materials that can be hard to find in the local stores. As always, please email us at ldpodcast@gmail.com with any comments and questions. The survey will be closing shortly, so if you haven't filled it out, please do!


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