Learn Hindi | HindiPod101.com show

Learn Hindi | HindiPod101.com

Summary: Learn Hindi fast, easy and at your own pace with HindiPod101.com Audio Podcasts and Videocasts. **--- Free Lifetime Account and password protected iTunes lesson feed available at HindiPod101.com ---** ... NOW OVER --- 101,000,000 --- Language Lessons downloaded so far and Brian Heater of -- PC Magazine -- says "These podcasts offer a painless and FREE way to bone up on the language and culture in a relevant, real world way that you won't get in a class room or on a CDROM." You get comprehensive, easy to use lessons that make learning Hindi fun for anyone. Each audio podcast contains a complete lesson and can be downloaded in seconds to your iPod, iPhone, iPad, computer or mp3 player so that you can learn Hindi quickly and actually be speaking Hindi in no time at all. These Audio Podcasts and Videocasts are your ticket to learning to speak Hindi with confidence and accuracy, and you'll be speaking Hindi with your very first lesson! :) Want more? If you are serious about learning Hindi, you are missing out here! Get the full Free Hindi Language Learning podcast experience. It's simple, easy [and did I mention free] to get a lifetime learning account on HindiPod101.com where you will get access to hundreds more full lessons, and direct access to our members only password protected iTunes feed. All Free lifetime account media files including the audio podcast, informal, bonus audio tracks, the dialog track, the lesson review track, videos, and all PDF lesson materials will be automatically downloaded for each new lesson as they become available. This is a great time saver and a way to give you consistent, instant access to the latest and best Hindi lesson materials. Make Learning Hindi fun, start listening today and don't miss out on getting your FREE Lifetime Account and password protected iTunes lesson feed available only at HindiPod101.com.

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 News #32 - Coming Soon! No One App Should Have All This Word Power! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:21

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #16 - All the Joy of Learning Hindi Begins Right Here! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com! Today is an amazingly beautiful day. So what better way to spend the day than taking a stroll with your friends. As you walk along the streets, enjoying the cool breeze and the warm sun, you see a little girl run into the park chasing a puppy. She is obviously consumed by the happiness of this day as she catches the puppy and it licks her face enthusiastically. You turn to your friends laughing and say in Hindi, "That little girl really likes the puppy!" Everyone watches her for a while before moving on to a store window where your friends start pointing and laughing hysterically. You make your way to the window, peering inside to find a statue of a little man dancing wildly...without any pants! Your friends giggle like school kids and say in Hindi, "Look at the funny man dancing without pants!!" As you continue through the town, laughing, relaxing, and enjoying your time with your new friends, you realize none of these happy moments would have been possible today without first learning Hindi! HindiPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Hindi! This Hindi Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you how to talk about positive emotions in Hindi. In this Hindi vocabulary video, you will learn Hindi by watching the video, seeing both Hindi and Hindi translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Hindi translations being read aloud by our native Hindi speakers. Visit us at HindiPod101.com where you will find many more great Hindi lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Survival Phrases #39 - Using The Post Office in India Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:03

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- मुझे यह पार्सल इटली भेजना है| मुझे यह इटली भेजना है| मुझे यह पोस्ट-कार्ड इटली भेजना है| मुझे यह पत्र इटली भेजना है| ----Formal English---- I would like to send this package to Italy. I would like to send this to Italy. I would like to send this postcard to Italy. I would like to send this letter to Italy. ----Formal Romanization---- muJHe yah paarsal itlii BHejnaa hai muJHe yah itlii BHejnaa hai muJHe yah post-kaard itlii BHejnaa hai muJHe yah paTr itlii BHejnaa hai --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #15 - Bear Through This Hindi Video Lesson and Learn Awesome Forest Animal Vocabulary! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com! As part of your Hindi "Forest Animal" unit, today your class is taking a walk through the forest to gather information for a report you will have as homework tonight. Your teacher hands out a list of "things to look out for" - written entirely in Hindi! Not being able to make out some of the Hindi words on the list, you try to partner up with someone, but everyone seems to have turned it into a competition to see who can find things first. Suddenly, a classmate screams out in Hindi, "I found one!! Look, that raccoon is cracking and munching peanuts!" Everyone moans, knowing that classmate is now in the lead, but you strain your neck, struggling to see what in the world she found. Finding nothing as the group moves on quickly, you jot down as much as you can remember - you will just have to look it up when you get home. Ugh. You are startled as another classmate cries out in Hindi, "I know what the eagle eats! It's swooping down for fish!" Your fellow classmates cry out in unison, "Ahhh!!" as you again jot down the Hindi words you do not recognize. It's too bad you can't enjoy this hike through the beautiful forest. But what's worse is that before you can even BEGIN your report tonight, you have to find out what all this even means!!! HindiPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Hindi! This Hindi Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you the Hindi words you need to talk about forest animals and their behaviors. In this Hindi vocabulary video, you will learn Hindi by watching the video, seeing both Hindi and Hindi translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Hindi translations being read aloud by our native Hindi speakers. Visit us at HindiPod101.com where you will find many more great Hindi lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Survival Phrases #14 - Restaurants - Ordering Food in Hindi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:59

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- मेन्यू दीजिये| आप क्या पियेंगे? आलू गोभी और रायता लेना चाहूँगा| आलू गोभी और रायता लेना चाहूँगी| ----Formal English---- A menu, please. What would you like to drink? I would like aaloo gobhee and some raaytaa (masculine) I would like aaloo gobhee and some raaytaa. (feminine) ----Formal Romanization---- menyoo diijiye aap kyaa piyenge? aaloo goBHee aur raayTaa lenaa CHaahoongaa aaloo goBHee aur raayTaa lenaa CHaahoongii --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 Top 25 Hindi Questions You Need to Know #15 - Do you have a cell phone? in Hindi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:01

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: क्या आपके पास एक सेलफोन है? A: हाँ, मेरे पास एक आई फोन है A: हाँ, मेरे पास एक सैमसंग है A: हाँ, मेरे पास एक ब्लैकबेरी है A: हाँ, मेरे पास एक नोकिया है ----Formal English---- Q: Do you have a cell phone? A: Yes, I have an iPhone. A: Yes, I have a Samsung. A: Yes, I have a Blackberry. A: Yes, I have a Nokia. ----Formal Romanization---- Q: kya aapke paas ek celfone hai? A: haan, mere paas ek aayiphone hai A: haan, mere paas ek samsung hai A: haan, mere paas ek blaekbery hai A: haan, mere paas ek nokia hai --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #14 - Have a Whale of a Time with HindiPod101.com!! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com! It is such a beautiful day today that you cannot resist taking your friends up on their offer to head out on their boat. But you had no idea what a learning experience today would turn out to be. Your friends are driving along and you are all chatting and having an incredible time. Suddenly, your friend points out the side of the boat and yells excitedly in Hindi, "I bet you have never seen one of these back home! Check out the whale gliding in the water!" Rushing over to the side of the boat, you see the most exciting sight you have ever seen! You ask your friend in Hindi, "How do you say 'whale' in Hindi again?" He repeats the word and then hands you a scuba suit. Looking terrified, he laughs and assures you he will not let anything happen to you but that you HAVE to see what is under the water! And he was right! When you climb back on the boat later, you have so many questions! And the worst part is that you have no idea how to say any of the amazing creatures you saw swimming under the water in Hindi. Luckily, you have plenty of time to sit on board and describe the animals to your patient friend while he tells you what each is called in Hindi...crab, jellyfish, urchin, and so on. What would you do without your friend? HindiPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Hindi! The answer is that you would come to HindiPod101.com! In this Hindi Video Vocabulary lesson, we will teach you how to talk about these amazing marine animals in Hindi in case you don't have one of those patient friends handy! In this Hindi vocabulary video, you will learn Hindi by watching the video, seeing both Hindi and Hindi translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Hindi translations being read aloud by our native Hindi speakers. Visit us at HindiPod101.com where you will find many more great Hindi lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #23 - Top 10 Indian Historical Figures: Ranjit Singh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:02

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- रणजीत सिंह सिख महाराजा (राजा) रणजीत सिंह द्वारा आधुनिक समय के भारत और पाकिस्तान के पंजाब क्षेत्र में 1801 में एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष राज्य का गठन किया गया था| एक दुर्जेय और दयालु शासक रणजीत सिंह ने पाकिस्तान के उत्तर पश्चिम सीमांत प्रांत से लेकर कश्मीर एवं जम्मू तक फैले क्षेत्र पर कब्जा कर लिया था| उन्हें अपने साम्राज्य में धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता के लिए जाना जाता था और उनकी सरकार के भीतर सत्ता के उच्च पदों तक आने के लिए धर्म कोई रुकावट नहीं था| उन्होंने सुप्रसिद्ध हरमंदिर साहिब यानी अमृतसर के स्वर्ण मंदिर पर सजी संगमरमर और स्वर्ण की कलाकृतियों का निर्माण करवाया| वर्तमान समय के पाकिस्तान में स्थित गुजरांवाला में जन्मे रणजीत सिंह को संभवतः बचपन में चेचक के कारण अपनी एक आँख गंवानी पड़ी थी लेकिन उन्होंने एक दुर्जेय सैन्य कमांडर बनने में सफलता प्राप्त की, 18 वर्ष की उम्र में उन्होंने अपने विजय अभियानों और सिख साम्राज्य की स्थापना की शुरुआत कर दी थी| उनकी राजधानी पहले गुजरांवाला में स्थापित की गयी थी लेकिन फिर महाराजा के रूप में अपनी ताजपोशी के बाद उन्होंने इसे लाहौर स्थानांतरित कर दिया| रणजीत सिंह ने यूरोपीय मिशनरियों सहित विभिन्न पृष्ठभूमि के अनेक प्रकार के कौशल से युक्त लोगों का लाभ उठाया| दुर्भाग्यवश उनकी मृत्यु के बाद उनके बेटों के बीच सत्ता संघर्ष उनके साम्राज्य के पतन और ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया ट्रेडिंग कंपनी द्वारा सत्तारूढ़ शक्ति के विलय का कारण बना| उनके वंशज साम्राज्य का वास्तविक नियंत्रण फिर कभी हासिल नहीं कर पाए और कई लोगों की मृत्यु पंजाब से दूर, इंग्लैंड में निर्वासित रहते हो गई| रणजीत सिंह सुविख्यात कोहिनूर हीरे के अंतिम भारतीय स्वामी थे जिसे अपनी मृत्युशय्या पर रहते उन्होंने उड़ीसा में एक मंदिर को देने का संकल्प लिया था| इसे ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी द्वारा जब्त कर महारानी विक्टोरिया को प्रस्तुत किया गया था| अब यह ब्रिटिश क्राउन के रत्न संग्रह के हिस्से के रूप में महारानी एलिजाबेथ द्वितीय के कब्जे में है| ----Formal English---- RANJIT SINGH A secular kingdom was established by the Sikh Maharajah ("king") Ranjit Singh in 1801 in the Punjab region of modern-day India and Pakistan. A formidable and compassionate ruler, Singh captured the territory spanning from the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan to Kashmir and Jammu. He was known for the religious freedom in his kingdom and faith was not a barrier to rising to positions of power within his government. He oversaw the marble and gold work that adorned the famous Harmandir Sahib, the Golden Temple, in Amritsar. Born in Gujranwala in present-day Pakistan, Ranjit Singh may have lost an eye to smallpox in his childhood, but he made for a formidable military commander, beginning his conquests and the establishment of the Sikh Empire at the age of 18. His capital was first established at Gujranwala but he then shifted it after his coronation as Maharajah to Lahore. Singh took advantage of men with various skills from different backgrounds, including European mercenaries. Unfortunately after his death, power struggles between his sons led to the downfall of his empire and the annexation of ruling power by the British East India Trading Company. His descendants never regained real control of the empire and many died far from Punjab, exiled in England. Singh was the last Indian owner of the legendary Koh-i-noor diamond, which he willed to a temple in Orissa on his deathbed. It was seized by the British East India Company and presented to Queen Victoria. It now lies in the possession of Queen Elizabeth II as part of the British Crown Jewels collection. --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! [...]

 Top 25 Hindi Questions You Need to Know #14 - How tall are you? in Hindi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:35

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: आप कितने लंबे हैं? A: मै एक सौ अस्सी सेंटिमीटर लंबा हूँ A: मै एक सौ साठ सेंटिमीटर लंबा हूँ A: मै एक सौ पचपन सेंटिमीटर लंबा हूँ A: मै एक सौ सत्तर सेंटिमीटर लंबा हूँ ----Formal English---- Q: How tall are you? A: I'm one hundred and eighty cm tall. A: I'm one hundred and sixty cm tall. A: I'm one hundred and fifty five cm tall. A: I'm one hundred and seventy cm tall. ----Formal Romanization---- Q: aap kiTne lambay hain? A: mai ek sau assi centimeter lamba hun A: mai ek sau saaTH centimeter lamba hun A: mai ek sau pachpan centimeter lamba hun A: mai ek sau sattar centimeter lamba hun --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 News #31 - New! Customize your Hindi learning with this Dashboard update! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:07

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #13 - Birds of a Feather Flock Together at HindiPod101.com! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com! Your well-meaning friend wants to take you back out on horseback today before you return home. But today's agenda is bird watching. He believes this is a great way to see the country while relaxing and unwinding for the day. But you have a trick up your sleeve this time. Last time, he embarrassed you by continuously rolling his eyes at you every time you didn't know the Hindi word for an animal. This time, knowing the agenda ahead of time, you prepared. As you saddle up and head out over the hills, you spot some vultures in the trees. Seizing an opportunity, you call out in Hindi, "Look, those vultures are eyeing that cheetah's lunch!" Surprised, he looks at YOU and not the vulture. Acting as if you don't notice, and not missing a beat, you call out in Hindi, "Ooh, hurry! That quail is about to fly away!" Still looking shocked, he decides to try to trick you. He looks around and calls out in Hindi, "Those ducks, they are bobbing in the water." Calmly, you reply in Hindi, "Yes, there are a few in the water and few over there on the grass too." Finally you smile, rolling your eyes, and tell him in Hindi, "I guess birds of a feather flock together. You didn't think I was going to come unprepared again, did you?" HindiPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Hindi! This Hindi Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you how to talk about birds and some common things they do in Hindi. In this Hindi vocabulary video, you will learn Hindi by watching the video, seeing both Hindi and Hindi translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Hindi translations being read aloud by our native Hindi speakers. Visit us at HindiPod101.com where you will find many more great Hindi lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog #10 - India’s Water World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:26

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- उदयपुर सारी दुनिया के ज़हन में झीलों की नगरी के नाम से जाने जाना वाला यह शहर और कोई नहीं उदयपुर ही है। यह राजस्थान प्रांत के सुदूर दक्षिण में स्थित अरावली पर्वत माला की गोद में बसा दुनिया का सबसे खूबसूरत शहर है। हिन्दुस्तान के इतिहास में इस शहर का बहुत महत्व है। आज भी जब रण बाँकुरो की बात आती है तो सबसे पहले महाराणा प्रताप जी का नाम ज़हन में आता है जिन्होंने अपनी मात्रभूमि की रक्षा के लिए अकबर से हल्दीघाटी में युद्ध किया। उन्होने महलों के एशो आराम को छोड़कर जंगल में रहकर घास की रोटी खाना स्वीकार किया परंतु मुगल सल्तनत की गुलामी स्वीकार नहीं की। इस युद्ध में उनका अपना स्वामी भक्त घोड़ा चेतक भी शहीद हो गया था। और उसकी मूर्ति चेतक सर्कल मार्ग पर स्थित है। यह भारत का ही नहीं बल्कि पूरे विश्व का सबसे खूबसूरत शहर है। यहाँ की वादियाँ, हरी भरी हरियाली, ऊंची ऊंची चोटी, चारो तरफ पहाड़ ही पहाड़ और दूर दूर तक झीलों का नज़ारा लाखों पर्यटकों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करता है। हर एक इसको देख कर मन मुग्ध हो जाता है। यहाँ के प्राकर्तिक सौंदर्य का तो जवाब ही नहीं । और इस प्राकर्तिक सौंदर्य को बनाए रखने का आधार स्वयं उसकी झीलों का स्वच्छ जल है इसलिए इसे झीलों की नगरी के नाम से पुकारा जाता है। यहाँ के दर्शनीय स्थलों को किसी के परिचय की आवश्यकता नहीं है। रात्रि में झिलमिल सितारों से जगमगाते जगमंदिर और लेक पैलेस पर निगाहे, स्वर्गिक सुख का अनुभव देती है। सौंदर्य का प्रतीक यहाँ की झीलों की जल प्रबंधन व्यवस्था प्राचीन भारत के उन्नत विज्ञान का अदभुत उदाहरण है। दूर दूर स्थित होने के उपरांत भी यह एक दूसरे से जुड़ी हुई है एवं एक दूसरे के जल की कमी की आपूर्ति आपसी समन्वय से कर लेती हैं। ----Formal English---- Udaipur In the world, the only name that comes to our mind that is by the City of Lakes is the one and only Udaipur City. It is located in the southern province of Rajasthan in the lap of the Aravalli mountain chain and is the most populous and beautiful city in the world. This city is very important to the history of India. Even today when it comes to the Battle of Courage, the first name that comes to mind is Maharana Pratap Ji who fought with Akbar in Haldigaati to protect his motherland. He left all the facilities of the palaces and went to the forest where he ate grass meal and did not accept the slavery of the Mughal Sultanate. In this war his own master loyal horse Chetak was killed. His statue is located on the Chetak Circle route. It is not only India's but the world's most beautiful city. Udaipur has beautiful scenery, is full of green vegetation, has peak heights, and all around the mountains are distant views of lakes attracting millions of tourists. After seeing it every one gets enraptured. So the stunning natural beauty cannot be debated. The basis of maintaining this natural beauty is the fresh water of these lakes, so it is called the City of Lakes. Here the introduction to any sightseeing is not required. When you see Lake Palace at night and Jagmandir glittering with the stars, it gives a heavenly experience. The water management system of the lakes is a wonderful example that symbolizes the beauty of ancient India's advanced science. After being located far away from each other, they are connected together and gets reduced water supply from each other with mutual contribution. --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! [...]

 Top 25 Hindi Questions You Need to Know #13 - Do you have any brothers or sisters? in Hindi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:11

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: क्या आपके कोई भाई और बहने हैं? A: मेरी एक बहन है A: मेरा एक बड़ा भाई है A: मेरे २ भाई है A: मेरे दो भाई और एक बहन है ----Formal English---- Q: Do you have any brothers and sisters? A: I have a sister. A: I have one older brother. A: I have two brothers. A: I have two brothers and one sister. ----Formal Romanization---- Q: kya aapke koi bhai aur bahanen hain? A: meri ek bahan hai A: mera ek bada bhai hai A: mere Do bhai hai A: mere Do bhai aur ek bahan hai --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 Top 25 Hindi Questions You Need to Know #12 - When is your birthday? in Hindi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:48

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: आपका जन्मदिन कब है? A: वह २२ अगस्त है A: वह २० अक्टूबर है A: वह २ फ़रवरी है A: वह १८ जनवरी है ----Formal English---- Q: When is your birthday? A: It's August 22nd. A: It's October 20th. A: It's February 2nd. A: It's January 18th. ----Formal Romanization---- Q: aapka janmDin kab hai? A: vah 22 agasT hai A: vah bees aktoober hai A: vah 2 farvary hai A: vah 18 janvary hai --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!

 News #30 - Does It Take One Day To Speak Better Hindi? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:40

Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Hindi with HindiPod101! Don't forget to stop by HindiPod101.com for more great Hindi Language Learning Resources!


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