Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com show

Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com

Summary: CantoneseClass101.com is an innovative and fun way of learning the Cantonese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, video lessons, Cantonese Word of the Day, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by CantoneseClass101.com today for a Premium 7-Day Free Trial and Lifetime Account! **Countdown to 200 Million Downloads: Stop by CantoneseClass101.com/200Million today and enter to win a 1-Year Premium Subscription! Plus, you'll get instant access to our huge library of Cantonese lessons! >>> Go to CantoneseClass101.com/200million today!**

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 Cantonese Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners #11 - Buying Shirts in a Sale in Hong Kong | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:43

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101.com! Do you find yourself only understanding the key parts of Cantonese conversations? Would you like to understand what's happening around you in daily life in Hong Kong? Then this Cantonese Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a Cantonese question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in Cantonese! In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Cantonese conversation about buying shirts in a sale. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find Cantonese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!  

 Culture Class: Holidays in Hong Kong #6 - Valentine’s Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:24

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #132 - New Feature! Level Up Your Cantonese and Earn Badges with 1-on-1 Learning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:32

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 6 Free Features You Never Knew Existed at CantoneseClass101 | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 2:06

Unlock these 6 learning features! Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account at CantoneseClass101.com.

 Upper Beginner #9 - A Full House in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:38

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 你屋企有幾多個人? 一共有三個人。 三個人住咁大間屋做咩? 我地仲養咗三隻狗,三隻貓。 吓?咁鬼多? 佢哋一人一間房,所以間屋都唔算大。 ----English---- A: How many people are in your family? B: In total, three are three people. A: Do you need such a big house for just three people? B: We have three dogs and three cats too. A: Wow, that many? B: And each of them have their own room so the house isn't that big. ----Pinyin---- nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gei2 do1 go3 jan4 ? jat1 gung6 jau5 saam1 go3 jan4. saam1 go3 jan4 zyu6 gam3 daai6 gaan1 uk1 zou6 me1 ? ngo5 dei6 zung6 joeng5 zo2 saam1 zek3 gau2, saam1 zek3 maau1. haa2 ? gam3 gwai2 do1 ? keoi5 dei6 jat1 jan4 jat1 gaan1 fong2, so2 ji5 gaan1 uk1 dou1 m4 syun3 daai6. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #119 - The Inner Circle Kicks Off! Exclusive Tips, Tools & Success Strategies For Mastering Cantonese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:24

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Video Culture Class: Hong Kong Holidays #23 - The 28th day of the 12th Month of the Lunar Calendar | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:06

Learn more about Chinese culture with CantoneseClass101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Chinese holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hong Kong. In this video, you'll learn all about The 28th day of the 12th month of the Lunar Calendar in Hong Kong and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Cantonese vocabulary. Join Olivia for a dose of Chinese culture! Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Cantonese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Cantonese Listening Comprehension for Advanced Learners #8 - Ordering Office Supplies in Cantonese | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:49

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101.com! Do you find yourself missing the nuances in Cantonese conversations? Would you like to understand more of what's happening around you in daily life in Hong Kong? Then this Cantonese Listening Comprehension for Advanced Learners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a Cantonese question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in Cantonese! In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Cantonese conversation about ordering office supplies. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find Cantonese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!  

 Upper Beginner #8 - Help Me! I Can’t Leave Hong Kong! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:16

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 請妳出示登機證。 我登機證唔見咗。 咁俾我睇下你嘅證件。 要身份証定護照? 兩樣都需要出示。 我兩樣都揾唔到。 咁你需要重新辦登機證。 我證件唔見晒仲辦唔辦到? 辦唔到。 ----English---- A: Please present your boarding pass. B: My boarding pass is gone. A: Then I need to see your documentation. B: ID card or passport? A: Both are needed. B: I can't find either of them. A: Then you would need to get a new boarding pass. B: Can I get it without my documentation? A: No you can't. ----Pinyin---- Cing2 nei5 ceot1 si6 dang1 gei1 zing3. Ngo5 dang1 gei1 zing3 m4 gin3 zo2. Gam2 bei2 ngo5 tai2 haa5 nei5 ge3 zing3 gin2. Jiu3 san1 fan2 zing3 ding6 wu6 ziu3 ? Loeng5 joeng6 dou1 seoi1 jiu3 ceot1 si6. Ngo5 loeng5 joeng6 dou1 wan2 m4 dou2. Gam2 nei5 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 baan6 dang1 gei1 zing3. Ngo5 zing3 gin2 m4 gin3 saai3 zung6 baan6 m4 baan6 dou2 ? Baan6 m4 dou2. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #118 - 2 Awesome Features for Learning Cantonese Words & Phrases Faster! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:04

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 All About #9 - Important Holidays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:04

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 春節 恭喜發財 新年快樂 中秋節 清明節 國慶節 端午節 ----English---- Chinese New Year Congratulations on your wealth Happy New Year Mid-autumn Festival Tomb Sweeping Day National Day Dragon Boat's Day ----Pinyin---- ceon1 zit3 gung1 hei2 faat3 coi4 san1 nin4 faai3 lok6 zung1 cau1 zit3 cing1 ming4 zit3 gwok3 hing3 zit3 dyun1 ng5 zit3 ----Traditional ---- 春節 恭喜發財 新年快樂 中秋節 清明節 國慶節 端午節 --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Cantonese Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners #5 - Shopping for an Outfit in Hong Kong | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:21

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101.com! Do you find yourself only understanding the key parts of Cantonese conversations? Would you like to understand what's happening around you in daily life in Hong Kong? Then this Cantonese Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a Cantonese question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in Cantonese!In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Cantonese conversation in a clothing store. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find Cantonese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 News #117 - Go From Failure To Achieving Your Cantonese New Year’s Resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:36

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate #4 - Are You Hogging the Limelight in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:39

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A: 方大同攞咗最佳男歌手呀! B: 唔係呀,咁陳奕迅點算? A: 佢攞過咁多次,係時候讓比啲新人啦。 B: 不過佢仲好紅。 A: 方大同夠紅囉。 B: 咁又係。 ----English---- A: Khalil Fong just won the best male singer award! B: Are you sure? how about Eason Chan? A: He had won the award so many times, it's time to let other singer win. B: But he's still very popular. A: Khalil Fong is very popular too. B: That's true. ----Pinyin---- A: fong1 daai6 tung4 lo2 zo2 zeoi3 gaai1 naam4 go1 sau2 aa3 ! B: m4 hai6 aa5, gam2 can4 jik6 seon3 dim2 syun3 ? A: keoi5 lo2 gwo3 gam3 do1 ci3, hai6 si4 hau6 joeng6 bei2 di1 san1 jan4 laa1. B: bat1 gwo3 keoi5 zung6 hou2 hung4. A: fong1 daai6 tung4 gau3 hung4 lo3. B: gam2 jau6 hai6. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #113 - The One Email This Year You Don’t Want to Miss From CantoneseClass101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:37

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!


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