Summary: Broadcast interviews with top economic and financial experts covering the gold, silver and stock markets. Timely articles, market updates and proprietary technical analysis.

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 Gerald Celente & Bob Hoye | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Aug. 7, 2015Featured Guests Gerald Celente & Bob Hoye Please listen here: Summary:Gerald Celente says the Greeks invented Western society and are now at the forefront of its decline. The duo discuss how the end of the Glass-Steagall Act, opened Pandora's box, leading to the crisis of 2008. The banking system was not intended to be a national casino, but was established first as a means to facilitate individuals and businesses. Despite the 2008 credit crisis that nearly collapsed the global economy, resulting with a total reset, little has changed.The necessary legislation was not reinstated and 7.3 billion global inhabitants will eventually face another financial crisis of even greater significance. Gerald Celente agrees that the economy is bifurcated between the haves and have-nots. He makes a début announcement on Radio: an equities crash is imminent. Although the host does not concur with their sentiments, a correction of 10-20% is overdue, given empirical data. Gerald notes the strong dollar may be tough for domestic gold investors, but global investors are benefiting from precious metals valuations relative to the lost purchasing power of their currencies. Bob Hoye, senior investment strategist at Institutional Advisors, and the host examine the markets for signs of financial crisis.Thanks to profligate money printing and complex derivatives, speculation is rife, increasing exposure and the risk of another financial crisis.Amid several recent equities market implosions, in peripheral-nations, the infection could soon spread to Wall Street. Bob Hoye presents his key technical market forecasting / prediction metrics, offering an invaluable educational opportunity for the technically inclined. Following a three year rout, Bob expects a new gold rally to ignite the next bull market. The general equities market is showing signs of fatigue, given the weak advance / decline figures and negative seasonal factors. The host defends the gold standard as the de facto monetary base.The common argument put forward by naysayers, that there's simply not enough gold / silver to back all the money in the world, is a non sequitur an inevitable price eruption of epic proportions, looms. Given the widening credit spreads and deflation threat, Bob suggests reducing debt exposures. The duo applaud the work of Tutte and Flowers, two unsung heroes who facilitated the decryption of the Lorenz machine, the indecipherable cousin of the Enigma machine, considered an impossible intellectual feat at the time. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370 Bob Hoye Institutional Investors With a degree in geophysics and a number of fascinating summers in mining exploration, one winter in "the bush" quickly led Bob into the financial markets. This included experience on the trading desk and in the research department of a large investment dealer, which led to institutional stock and bond sales. Bob's review of financial history provided the forecasting models designed to anticipate significant trend reversals in the sometimes alarming volatility typical of the transition from rampant speculation in tangible assets to fabulous speculation in financial assets. In anticipation of the latter opportunity, a monthly publication for financial institutions was started in January 1982. This competently covered the stock market, the yield curve, credit spreads as well as metal and energy prices. In 1998 the Institutional Advisors website was started as a forum for unique and reliable financial research. Website: click here. Gerald Celente Trends Research Institute The Martial Artist of Trend Forecasting —The purpose of trend forecasting is to provide insights and direction

 James Turk, John Williams, Martin Armstrong and Listener's Q&A (encore show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

July 31, 2015Featured Guests James Turk, John Williams, Martin Armstrong and Listener's Q&A (encore show)(alphabetical guest order) Please listen here: Summary:James Turk returns to the program with comments on Fed profligacy, which will eventually send the yellow metal into the stratosphere, already up 10% against the euro currency in 2015. Expect safe haven buying in the euro zone to intensify, making precious metals investments once again the asset class du jour. For the first time this century, the NY Fed's gold reserves recently dropped below 6,000 tons, hinting that officials are manipulating the market lower via covert gold sales. US officials are making a strategic blunder of epic proportions by making China an economic foe - policy could be reversed to avert disaster while igniting significant synergies between the world's two largest economic superpowers. China should be nurtured as a Panda ally, not a tiger rival. Expect the dollar rally to fade, making the precious metals sector an attractive investment opportunity.John Williams returns to Radio with dire thoughts on the veracity of the official economic figures.The domestic economy has not recovered - virtually every economic indicator remains stagnant since 2009. According to the Wall Street Journal, the typical American household spends 62% merely to pay housing / grocery bills, an unsustainable burden While corporations have recovered from the recession, the everyday consumer has not. Without real income growth the largest component of the domestic economy, consumption (over 70%) could falter. The US Dollar will likely reverse course, which will result with runaway inflation and hyperinflation.The best defense is a good offense - only gold and silver investments can protect investors from the sea change event. His 2015 economic forecast includes a sharp decrease in economic growth / output, causing Fed officials to further delay rate hikes.Amid increasing global-currency concerns, stockpiling several months of cash in a well-hidden, fire proof safe is advisable. The ruble increased in value from 44,000 per ounce to 90,000 in 2014, currently at over 70,000 due to the crude oil plunge. The ruble fell so abruptly that gold doubled in value virtually overnight - the cost of goods and services blasted higher crushing the purchasing power of those without gold and silver insurance.The central fund of Canada, a PMs ETF with equally weighted gold / silver holdings is located outside the US providing additional geographic diversification. Caller George asks if the Fed is colluding to make the US dollar more attractive, particularly US Bonds, by forcing competing currencies like the euro into a negative interest rate environment. Alpha stocks newsletter subscribers are offered a 10% dividend yielding gold ETF-alternative. Caller John notes the Fed's massive mortgage backed security stockpile. The host concurs, citing how MBS rate-risks is an Achilles heal and likely why the Fed is so hesitant to initiate rate hikes. Listener Vidya is concerned by the threat of a looming, global economic collapse. The host expects such a scenario to come to pass within 5-10 years, given that the BRICS nations are shunning the US dollar. The global economic end game could involve a sudden collapse that will catch virtually every investor off guard, in turn catapulting the value of PMs, circa Europe in 1922, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, etc.. Please record your questions and comments via our NEW hotline 24/7, you can leave your first name or remain anonymous if you prefer: Q&A Hotline: 1-206-666-5370.Economist Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics is the subject of a new controversial documentary The Forecaster. Our guest compares the economic carnage in the EU to the fallout in Detroit, a once vibrant showcase of capitalism. The dollar has considerable upside amid global deflation, as the US is viewed as the least sick patient in the economic ward.Gold is the ultimate he

 John Embry and Richard Daughty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

July 24, 2015Featured Guests John Embry and Richard Daughty Please listen here: Summary: John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management, returns to the program with his thoughts on the precious metals sector. The duo caution investors from parking too many investment portfolio eggs in paper assets, stocks / bonds given the abrupt rout in the Shanghai indexConversely, the pullback in the precious metals sector is presenting a golden opportunity to procure value via dollar cost averaging. Given the current mega-discounted prices, gold and silver producers are trading at a fraction of the price of their underlying metals. Our guest notes the Greek nation is bankrupt, but EU economic ministers are constrained from stringent practices, because an exit could damage credibility, sending the dominos falling among other debt laden peripheral members. The guest and host concur that the onus of responsibility for debt repayment falls squarely on the shoulders of the lender. Nevertheless, the easy money carrot is still dangling, as the potential profits are too enticing for some to resist. A mini-case study of Greece vs. Iceland involves the 2008 credit crisis. Iceland emerged in far better economic shape.By managing lenders and focusing on the rights of individuals, unemployment and GDP, economic order quickly revived, relative to Greece, where officials chose to ignore the Icelandic success story (Figures 1.1. - 1.3.). The Icelandic tale resembles a modern economic version of David vs. Goliath. Richard Daughty, AKA "The Mogambo Guru," returns to the show with comments on the impending Fed rate hikes. Officials have borrowed far beyond their means, putting their constituents on the line in similar fashion as every other defunct government in economic history. Not once in recorded history has any society escaped the clutches of a fiat paper system without facing severe financial consequences. With nearly half of investors wealth tied to the US stock market, officials have a vested interest in holding prices artificially high. The lack of transparency is becoming intense, financial opaqueness is the new standard practice. The Mogambo has not ruled out divine intervention, yet he's hesitant to stake the household nest egg on it. The duo compare the financial mess to the fateful last voyage of the RMS Titanic Overconfidence has resulted with too few life boats for over 300 million Americans. Savvy investors have learned the lesson of history, by adding precious metals investments to their portfolios, no financial iceberg is large enough to breach the portfolio hull. The portability of precious metals further enhances the life preserver-like qualities. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 Catherine Austin Fitts & Arch Crawford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

July 17, 2015Featured Guests Catherine Austin Fitts & Arch Crawford Please listen here: Summary: Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner and president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, returns to the show. She's concerned by the crumbling US infrastructure and lack of constructive efforts to rectify the situation. Whereas, China continues to pour funds into its infrastructure On a trip to China she discovered that 80% of the legislature is written by economists / engineers, while 90% of US legislation is dictated by attorneys.Investment in infrastructure will determine if the bifurcated economy unites as a viable competitive engine. The former Wall Street maven says US stocks are overdue for a correction.The US dollar rally, fomented by the Fed rate hike policies, could jeopardize the global equity market advance. Arch Crawford, head of Crawford Perspectives, is sticking with his dire prognostication for the rest of 2015.The stock market could face severe consequences, amid market manipulation. The M2 money supply velocity figure has collapsed to the lowest level on record, since first tabulated in 1959, suggesting that the trillions in Fed debt purchases has done little to stimulate economic output.Institutions are simply parking cash in less risky investments amid severe market manipulation (Figure 1.1.). Given the ominous "death cross" seen in the non-confirmation of the transports sector relative to new highs in the Dow Jones Industrials.Arch says the market top is in place and no new highs are likely. His prediction is dire, modern civilization hangs in the balance as a Kondratiev Winter-like scenario leads to the end of most financial markets. At the root of the systematic problem is the fractional banking system, which prints money into existence at will with limited to zero oversight. Nevertheless, cooler heads may prevail - the host shares his market ontology, coining the pun, "blog-o-fear," a play on blog-o-sphere, as fear sells and far too many pundits are making bearish calls. Most market peaks are accompanied by euphoria and or complacency. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 Uranium Resources CEO & President, Christopher Jones & Harry S. Dent Jr. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

July 10, 2015Featured Guests Uranium Resources CEO and President, Christopher Jones & Harry S. Dent Jr. Please listen here: Summary: CEO & President Christopher Jones of Uranium Resources (URRE) makes his debut appearance. His track record of success spans 30 years and several companies including silver / copper mines, an oil sands operation and a coal company, culminating with the latest project, Uranium Resources (URRE). One of CEO Christopher Jones' strengths includes a penchant for identifying companies with "great bones, potential and stories" then joining the management team, and transforming the diamond in the rough into a polished gem stone. Uranium Resources is on track to become, "... a low cost producer able to produce in any conceivable market." Our guest expects uranium prices to soar in the coming years, well above $40 a pound making operations highly profitable. The Butler Ranch Project initial drill results from earlier this year and the data acquisition will facilitate resource confirmation drilling on the leases.The discounted data acquisition cost ($150,000) resulted in a windfall 1.2 million pounds of resources, about one dime per pound. Once the data arrives and is modeled, operations could commence as soon as 2018. Two "ready to operate facilities" near Corpus Christi, Texas are each capable of 800,000 lbs. of production. The Anatolia project has a remarkable IRR of 65%.By moving the Rosita facility in Texas to Turkey, the $11 million in cost savings will boost the NPV / IRR, offering a competitive advantage to the benefit of the stockholders. The Church Rock project and related properties include 200,000 acres in New Mexico near Albuquerque as well as Gallup, New Mexico.The Anatolia equity listing in Australia will be maintained, enhancing investment related geographical-diversification. Economist and best-selling author Harry S. Dent Jr., returns with comments on the latest Grexit drama, noting a default is imminent.A bankruptcy will benefit the nation as forced fiscal responsibility curtails government profligacy. The only country to effectively ameliorate the debt problem is Iceland, which defaulted on foreign debt shielding constituents from predatory lending practices. The Icelandic economy has emerged from the malaise intact and better prepared to thrive in an increasingly complex / competitive global-economic landscape.Their remarkable saga is an ideal precedent / case study / blue print for officials in the BRICS nations as well as the US / EU / Japan. Given that the EU has never faced a financial crisis of such magnitude, the lack of precedent is disturbing to top money managers and economists. If Greece were to leave the union, other members with similar debt issues could soon capitulate triggering a cascade of similar debt crises resulting in a fractured EU, with regional sovereign currencies. As a seasoned traveler in high demand on the public speaking circuit around the world, our guest outlines his ideal destinations, including his home in Puerto Rico and his favorite country, Australia. Harry S. Dent Jr. is anticipating a US stock market correction of 15-20% in the summer / fall months. He's convinced that all market bubbles must return to their inception point. The US housing bubble has not yet returned to the year 2000 levels, increasing sector risk. The host proposes that the massive shadow inventory held on bank balance sheets will eventually enter the marketplace in tandem with the millions in hedge fund housing-inventory, opening a price sinkhole across the nation and a credit crisis part deux.The host notes the alarming void of understanding regarding fiat money schemes and their onerous track records. The only viable alternatives, gold and silver, will eventually reflect their true intrinsic value, potentially hundreds of fold higher than current prices.                                   &n

 Bill Murphy & Bob Hoye | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

July 3, 2015Featured Guests Bill Murphy & Bob Hoye Please listen here: Summary:Bill Murphy from and the host discuss the summer doldrums, noting how financial troubles in the EU have turned capital flows to the perceived safety of US equities / dollar. However, the tactic could backfire as the temporary safe haven has enormous debt burdens as well. For instance, the Governor of Puerto Rico announced this week that $70 billion in debt is unpayable, much smaller than the $400 billion owed by Greece. The US is the grand champion of debt with unfunded liabilities are $210 trillion, five times the EU's unfunded burden of $40 trillion (Dr. Kotlikoff, 2015). When unfunded liabilities are excluded and only debt on the books is examined, the US, UK and many competing nations share similar debt levels as Greece (Figure 1.1.). Media reports suggest that China has accumulated over 10,000 tons of gold in preparation to back the Yuan with the metal, making it the new de facto global reserve currency. Bill Murphy notes that the when the PMs bear market ends, prices will explode higher.The host forecasts that after 2 small hikes in the benchmark rate in September and again in December, the Fed will pause, presenting an excellent opportunity to increase dollar cost averaging efforts. The gold repatriation theme is gaining momentum as even US states demand billions of their gold reserves are returned.Are officials positioning their chess pieces in anticipation of a new global reserve currency? Bob Hoye, senior investment strategist at Institutional Advisors, and the host unravel the latest Greek drama.After months of warning of a Cypriot-like moment in Greece, on Monday morning depositors were locked out of Greek banks. Only ATMs were functional, most of which have low withdrawal limits imposed. ATMs were emptied quickly, as seen in the following video. The US may face a Grexit via a Puert-xit, as the Puerto Rico province battles creditors over billions of unpayable debts (Figure 1.2). Several states / municipalities are approaching Detroit-style bankruptcies. It's advisable for every household to prepare for something similar by increasing PMs exposure as well as stockpiling dried / canned goods / cash, etc. The trouble seems to stem in part from a misunderstanding regarding debt. Debt is a valuable leverage instrument when times are solid, yet when future prospects sour, the leverage enhancing tool can become an unbeatable burden. A gold market trend confirmation method involves the gold/CRB ratio ($Gold:$CRB) ratio. When the ratio is above the trend line, a bull market is present, as gold outperforms the commodities-sector proxy.Fed governors John Williams and Jerome Powell, expressed their hawkish rate epistemologies. Instead of "one and done", "two and done, maybe" seems likely, suggestive that the benchmark rate will be hiked for the first time since 2008 in September and the second increase in December. Analysts at leading investment bank Goldman Sachs reconfirmed earlier comments that the US dollar and euro would trade at parity before 2016, hinting at continued greenback strength. Bob Hoye and the host share Peter Spina's sentiments that under such a deflationary environment, gold tends to hold its value relative to virtually every other asset price.Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 Peter Schiff, Louis Navellier, and Listener's Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

June 26, 2015Featured Guests Peter Schiff, Louis Navellier, and Listener's Q and APlease listen here: Summary:Friends of the show call in with their questions and comments.The first caller wants to know if it is prudent to buy or rent a home.The Rule of 100 yields a home price estimate - multiply comparable monthly rent by 100: $1,000 per month in rent suggests a price of $100,000.Gold and silver remain the quintessential portfolio insurance - when every other asset fails, gold and silver lined life boats will save the day. Given Dr. Ron Paul’s latest video (Figure 1.1.) where he claims that millions of investors will be wiped out in the coming financial collapse the precious metals remain an essential asset class for every portfolio. A 25% allocation is sufficient to offset financial carnage. Younger investors are advised to increase the allocation percentage while seniors can use PMs dividends to boost investment income.Investors are encouraged to use the sluggish price levels as an opportunity to lower their dollar cost average gold / silver price. PMs facilitate higher asset risk without jeopardizing overall safety, and as every student of finance knows, higher risk can equate with improved reward when managed scientifically. Gold and silver are the bedrock / cornerstone of a portfolio. Would you try to build a house without a foundation? Investors are urged to ask how much they can lose without a solid PMs foundation before asking how much they can gain from a popular stock. The Alpha Stocks Portfolio is facilitated by a rigorous correlation matrix analysis to maximize overall return and minimize losses. Alpha stocks portfolios regularly offer expected returns of 30-50% annually and zero expect losses (optimized portfolio results). The portfolio facilitates peace of mind of knowing that funds are maximized and losses minimized. For a limited time, new subscriptions are offered with zero risk, if you are not satisfied after the first 30 days, a refund is issued and account canceled without further obligation. John from San Diego expresses doubts about the economic recovery.Vidya anticipates a stock market buying opportunity after a correction. Louis Navellier insists stock-picking in strong sectors is essential, such as technology, health-care, consumer durables / staples, and home improvement. He shares several investing opportunities, including: CVS pharmacy (CVS) and Blow's home improvement (LOW). Domestic small-cap / mid-caps are preferred over large-cap, which have higher dollar exposure. The political backlash against rate-hikes could be intense, putting a ceiling on the benchmark rate. Increasing the allocation of gold and precious metals is advisable, particularly for European investors due to dollar strength and relative euro weakness. As capital inflows intensify, the US economy could grow its way out of the debt issues. Given that Fed rate cuts are instrumental to protracted stock market rallies (Figure 1.1), cut the imminent rate hikes halt the seven-year, equities bull-market?Peter Schiff, Chairman of says the Fed is bluffing - if the officials pull the QE plug, the national economic engine will stall.While the world is focused on the Grexit, Peter Schiff says the US debt problem is much worse, making default an inevitability and the precious metals safe haven the investment du jour. The gold repatriation movement is gaining momentum, not only abroad, but now domestically - the Lone Star state has requested the return of its $1 billion gold reserves from the Fed. Peter Schiff and company have found the perfect panacea, a gold digital currency (gold-backed Bitcoin). The symbiotic partnership with the Perth Mint in Australia virtually guarantees minimal fees and geographic diversification - a most overlooked yet essential portfolio planning criteria. For listeners who host online businesses, Peter Schiff suggests his Schiff Bank Referral program as an income-stream generating opportunity. Pro

 Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, Charles Hughes Smith and Peter Grandich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, Charles Hughes Smith and Peter Grandich Please listen here: Summary: According to Peter Grandich of Peter Grandich and Company gold is currently trading several times lower than its intrinsic value.Aficionado will delight at his lofty price target. Although market timing can be a profitable and rewarding venture, nevertheless after 30 years of impressive forecasts he's had an epiphany: it only requires one poorly executed trade to ruin decades of work. He's converted to portfolio indexing and diversification with his family's nest egg. A solid core portfolio of index ETFs or mutual funds can facilitate any investor to outperform the top 80% of professional money managers and peace of mind. He's convinced that the worst is over for PMs investors - the 2 year consolidation is actually a spring board to much higher prices. The discussion shifts to the Grexit drama - unfortunately, debt negotiations broke down over the weekend and default appears imminent. Over $1 billion fled national bank accounts in merely a 24 hour period. Peter Grandich expects the Euro currency to be replaced as the current system is beyond repair.Charles Hughes Smith from Of Two Minds makes his debut.The US pays twice per capita for healthcare than in competitor nations. Institutions purchased foreclosed properties at bargain basement prices, thousands at a time, resulting excessive real estate prices in desirable areas. The global central bank QE plan involving low rates is backfiring as bond investors bid up yields due to default risk issues. The guest / host discuss the Fed monetary base, which has moved in a parabolic fashion since the stock market bottom in 2009. Charles notes that the actual economy has experienced little if any growth. Most markets are approaching bubble-like condition.Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff, author of the Inform Act (please click to sign, supported by 17 Nobel Laureates) recently gave a speech before the US Senate. He showed that the government is broke; the actual national debt is 12 times the annual GDP, $210 trillion when unfunded liabilities are included. His solution to the dilemma, the Inform Act has the support of over 17 Noble Prize winning economists. According to his findings, the US government is in far worse fiscal shape than Detroit when officials declared bankruptcy. Since 2007, the Fed balance sheet has increased by over 4 fold, comparable to other nations before declaring bankruptcy. Given the domestic debt situation, Dr. Kotlikoff expects the perfect economic melange for hyperinflation to send prices soaring. No government agency has agreed to follow his economic panacea, fiscal gap accounting, which is required to resolve the issue via transparency.Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 Robert Kiyosaki and Ralph Acampora | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

June 12, 2015Featured Guests Robert Kiyosaki and Ralph Acampora Please listen here: Summary: Ralph Acampora of Altaira Wealth Management makes his show début - the respected Wall Street veteran / visionary notes that the US equities have not registered even a 10% correction in the primary bull market since 2011. Not until the crowd returns to equities will the bull market register a peak. Our guest expects interest rates to climb over the next decade, lowering demand for bonds, adding upward momentum to the stock bull market. Still, his Dow Theory work is flashing a warning signal as the Dow transportation index failed to follow the Dow Jones Industrials to new highs. A similar non-confirmation occurred prior to the year 2000 stock market meltdown. Should a correction occur, our guest suggests high yielding utility stock, tax-free municipal bond and global equity alternatives. Once the bull market resumes, sector rotation is advisable into financials, consumer discretionary, healthcare and technology. Our guest advises his high net worth clients to maintain gold exposure. America's 'Rich Dad' penned the NEW Bestseller, Second Chance: for Your Money, Your Life and Our World (2015) a book for every investor regardless of acumen level with pictures and graphs to insure that readers gain much more than the price of the book. The Rich Dad book series author is ignoring the skeptics, adding 100 US Gold Eagles to his seizable stockpile. His preference for hard assets over equities stems from the epic battle between inflation and deflation. Given that financial derivatives exposure has increased from $700 trillion circa 2007 to $1.2 quadrillion in 2015, expect an astronomic climb in the gold price. He prefers rental properties over most real estate classes. Robert Kiyosaki suggests partnering with the government to earn oversized profits by providing affordable rental housing and or solar alternatives. He encourages everyone to watch his video The Man who Could See The Future on June 15th, free of charge.Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real Audio MP3 FAST Download: Highest Quality Download: Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A: 1-206-666-5370

 Professor Burton Malkiel and Michael Belkin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

June 5, 2015Featured Guests Professor Burton Malkiel & Michael Belkin Please listen here: Summary: Dr. Malkiel, the author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street says no gurus, analysts or forecasters, can help investors earn profits on a consistent basis. In fact, by attempting to outsmart the markets 99.99% of investors underperform index funds. By accepting that no one can time the market with a high degree of certainty, investors enrich their wealth via passive investing. Portfolio diversification and dollar cost averaging (buying at a steady pace, while ignoring the price) are the hallmarks of investing success. Dr. Malkiel thinks virtually every asset class is overvalued, not just stocks, as the Fed holds lending rates artificially low to bolster economic conditions. The professor suggests lifecycle funds or target funds that automatically adjust portfolio allocation based on individual age and expected life span. Michael Belkin of The Belkin Report, and the new Belkin Gold Stock Forecast for individual investors, makes his show début. He is advising institutional clients / hedge funds to rotate out of US equities and into his hand picked gold stocks. The gold market has bottomed and the major US equities indexes are forming a key top. Many of his gold / silver stock candidates have soared 100-300% in 2015, not just penny stocks, but bellwether companies as well. The gold stock guru generously shares several ticker symbols of his favorite gold / silver stocks. His models indicate a forceful gold stock rally is imminent, after which investors will pile into the market via technical buy signals. Takeaway point: the bear market in gold / silver equities is over. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 Bill Murphy & Rob Kirby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May 29, 2015Featured Guests Bill Murphy & Rob Kirby Please listen here: Summary: Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics says geopolitical tensions are the result of the unsound fiat money system and the resulting economic distress. By kicking the economic can down the interstate highway, our officials are positioning for global warfare, which could erupt as soon as 2015. Our guest is convinced that the People's Bank of China has accumulated at least 2 thousand tons of gold bullion per year. Expect a ban on cash, relegating paper bills / coins to the garbage bin. The shift could facilitate a total surveillance state, where all transactions, no matter how small, leave a digital finger print. When money is debased, creativity and the entrepreneurial / individualistic spirit is crushed. Given the less than sanguine economic prospects facing most investors, the guest insists that portfolio diversification is a necessity, in particular, gold and silver assets. Kirby paraphrases friend of the show, John Embry of Sprott Asset Management, "With precious metals, you can always afford to be two years early, but you can never afford to be ten minutes late." The urgency is underscored by his findings that hyperinflationary events tend to occur in lightening like fashion, appearing from no where amid seemingly trivial events. Bill Murphy from and the host discuss a report from Bloomberg News analysts who claim, if the People's Bank of China (PBoC) supports the Yuan with gold, approximately 1,000 tons, the move would send the price of gold soaring to $64,000 per ounce, 50 times the current price.In addition, reports from Venezuela indicate 64% inflation, approaching 5% per month as the Bolivar currency collapses. Venezuelan money growth is approaching exponential levels, eerily similar to the Fed's balance sheet.Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ.

 Andrew Maguire, Bob Hoye & Listener's Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May 15, 2015Featured Guests Andrew Maguire, Bob Hoye & Listener's Q&A Please listen here: Summary:Andrew Maguire, of Andrew Maguire Gold Trading makes his début appearance.The 40 year gold market veteran and whistleblower, strengthens Ted Butler's silver market manipulation case. Each ounce of exchange metal is leveraged 100 to 1. Yet leverage of only 10 to 1 was required to ignite the Great Crash of 1929. Our guest notes that the trading desks of the 6 key bullion banks and the BIS are in collusion, keenly aware of major turning points and culpable for sharing confidential information with associates. The huge paper based, naked short position held by the bullion banks exposes them to sizable default risk. Expect PMs market manipulation schemes to end in 2015, resulting in markedly improved transparency.Bob Hoye, senior Investment strategist at Institutional Advisors, watches the market all day, every day, tick by tick.Bob warns that correlation in the markets does not always imply causation. Similarly, false conclusions such as credit expansion equates with economic growth - are at the foundation of faulty central bank policies. From 1985-1995, a ten year period was required to double the Fed's balance sheet. Next, from 1995-2009, approximately 14 years were required. But by 2009, the Fed doubled their balance sheet over night and again in 2012-2013 and still again in 2014. What used to require 10-14 years is now happening every other year. Given the unprecedented bailout figure and subsequent credit injections.The host proposes the bold idea: did the financial system fail in 2009 only to be held together by substantial CB duct tape? In the 1920's the Fed began Open Market Operations for the first time in national history, holding rates artificially low in turn encouraging speculation, culminating with the 1929 stock market crash and Great Depression - a virtual playbook for the current economy. Bob says the only thing holding back hyperinflation is the bond / stock market rally, where inflation is destined to eventually find its way to a gold / silver market near you. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 Jim Rogers, Peter Eliades & David Morgan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May 8, 2015Featured Guests Jim Rogers, Peter Eliades & David Morgan Please listen here: Summary:Hailing from scenic Zurich Switzerland, Jim Rogers outlines his investing plan for 2015. WTIC appears to be oversold - expect an important bottom this year. The investing legend plans to increase his stockpile of gold at under $1,000 an ounce. He favors equities shares from China (largest holding).Fed officials may feel compelled to make an incremental rate hike or two, to save face given the level of rate hike rhetoric. Nonetheless, such efforts will be in vain, the inevitable day of economic reckoning is imminent. According to Peter Eliades of Stockmarket Cycles, a particular angle of ascent or slope has lead to a market zenith for nearly 14 consecutive years. He presents the precise slope angle and a simple means to calculate the trendline (slope = 68.3 / 238 days = 0.28584) for virtually any forecasting chart. Since 2002, the market has failed to close over 1.1% beyond the trendline and then subsequently declined sharply. On Monday, May 4th, the model registered a key stock market top, with the proviso that no construct is perfect. A market peak of great importance seems imminent. His work suggests that the potential return in US equities is significantly lower than the potential risk - echoing the sentiments of previous guests, such as Dr. Burton Malkiel. Our guest suggests Hussman Funds, a free website with market commentary. The Silver Investor David Morgan views dollar strength as a direct result of capital flight from the EU. Still, the US dollar is a flawed currency, losing over 95% of its value due to Fed machinations. The 30 year love affair with US bonds is coming to an end - the coming debt market implosion will direct trillions of dollars into a competing safe haven, gold and silver, tiny markets relative to bonds. David Morgan says every portfolio requires at least 10% PMs exposure.Few investors have even this recommended amount. The bottom may be in place.A final capitulation may not come to pass in the PMs before the onset of the nascent bull market, despite the monthly downtrend. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370

 G. Edward Griffin & Peter Schiff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May 1, 2015Featured Guests G. Edward Griffin & Peter Schiff Please listen here: Summary: Peter Schiff, Chairman of and the host discuss the latest economic numbers. Contrary to the official figures the Great Recession never ended - by deflating true inflation figures, economic output only seems strong. Peter Schiff agrees with John Williams from, the national GDP has been negative for almost 15 years when accurately tabulated. Given the unexpectedly low GDP figure reported on Wednesday, the recession is bordering on a depression. This is good news for investors as Fed officials are more likely to implement QE4 by the end of 2015, early 2016. Our guest says the gold market is building a base -the dollar will plunge in spectacular fashion - the next QE installment will send the PMs much higher. Dollar cost averaging into the metals is the most prudent method, given market uncertainty. With homeownership rates near 30 year lows and a lack of quality employment, real estate is overpriced, better opportunities will unfold as the recession further develops. G. Edward Griffin serves ups up cuisine for cogitation with a review his magnum opus, The Creature from Jekyll Island, a classic that continues to resonate with readers 22 years later. He spent 7 years on the project and fortunately decided against discarding the manuscript, now a financial classic approaching it's 40th publishing. G. Edward Griffin and Dr. Ron Paul have arguably contributed much to the movement for central banking (CB) transparency. Our guest notes that negative / zero interest rates, rehypothecation, debt crises, etc. should come as little surprise, the global economic system has been gamed by the same cartel that formed the CB system.Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3Sign Up for Free Email Newsletter, Shows and Alerts! E-mail Name   Subscribe   Unsubscribe NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370  

 Bill Murphy & Gerald Celente | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

April 24, 2015Featured Guests Bill Murphy & Gerald Celente                            Please listen here: Summary: Bill Murphy from and the host discuss the recent trend of higher gold imports into China and India. Gold exports from Switzerland doubled while exports from London increased six fold. Similar to Pompeii ahead of the Mt. Vesuvius eruption, many investors today are choosing to ignore the warning signs. Bill Murphy thinks a Pompeiian-like eruption will impact the global economic system when global central banks lose control of the precious metals markets. Our guest shares a market forecast beyond the dreams of avarice - he expects silver to soar to $100 in the coming years and gold to post the most lofty advance in financial history. The XAU is nearing multi-decade lows representing a long-term contrarian opportunity on an epic scale, similar to undervalued technology sector-shares during the 2009 stock market correction, nadir.Gerald Celente returns to the show for a discussion on the latest edition of the Trends Journal. Our guest notes that the foreclosure rate is up 20% (Dynamic foreclosure chart) in the past 12 months. Even against the backdrop of the lowest interest rates in global history, over 3,000 years of economic history, the financial life support is merely sustaining the economic patient. Why would anyone trust the official economic figures such as the current unemployment rate of 5.5%, when the more accurate U6 figure indicates 23% national unemployment (Unemployment). A central reason for the disparity between the official / actual figures is the inaccurate inflation figure (Inflation). Given that inflation is at least 4% higher, the actual GDP or economic output is considerably lower - the US has remained in a recession for nearly 15 consecutive years! (GDP).Thanks in part to NAFTA, millions of desirable jobs were / are shipped offshore, over 5,000,000 careers will never return. Unfortunately, the Great Recession never ended and is now systemic / global in breadth. Eventually the Ponzi scheme will end, which is why Gerald Celente says, "gold is for my golden years." He underscores the importance of building a portfolio based upon a firm foundation of gold. The importance of portfolio diversification cannot be understated - a well known billionaire lost approximately $100 million on a single stock bet - most of the loss was avoidable via proper asset allocation. Show HostChris Waltzek: About ChrisContact Host:gsradio@frontier.comPlease listen here: Dial-Up Real AudioMP3FAST Download:Highest Quality Download:Right Click Above and "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ. NEW - Hotline - Q&A:1-206-666-5370


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