The Pet Doctor - Keeping your pets healthy & pet wellness - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio ( show

The Pet Doctor - Keeping your pets healthy & pet wellness - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (

Summary: These pet podcasts on Pet Life Radio, are about pet health and pet care featuring preventative pet medicine, senior pet care, pet pediatrics, emergency pet first aid, pet meds, pet insurance, pet dental care, pet food and pet grooming.

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Podcasts: - Episode 17 Recognizing and Understanding Pain in Pets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:29

Science has shown that a pet’s nervous system is very similar to ours. So why is it that when we are in pain, everyone around us knows about it but our dogs and cats rarely declare their discomfort. Dr. Steven Fox, of Norvartis Animal Health will help us understand the signs of pets in pain and discuss new ways that veterinarians have to relieve it. - Episode 16 Grooming Your Pet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:24

It seems as though it should be easy enough- go to your local pet store and purchase a shampoo for what ails your pet, whether it be a stinky coat, dandruff or fleas. But the choices are staggering and the labels are of little assistance. We will banish the soap scum forming rings around ingredient lists and wash away the confusion of product selection. Bathing your pet doesn’t have to resemble either a three ring circus or involve a trip to the emergency clinic for the pet or the owner. We will learn some tricks and tips from a professional groomer that can make bath time almost play time. - Episode 15 Fit or Fluffy, Fluffy or Fat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:17

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there are over 54 million cats and dogs in the United States that are overweight. What is worse, many pet owners are in denial thinking, "Oh no, not my pet, it just has big bones or is just a little fluffy." February has been designated the first ever "National Canine Weight Check" month. This is the perfect time for pet owners to determine if their pet is really fit or flabby, fluffy or fat. My guest today is Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger of Iams Pet Care. Dr. Beth has a Ph.D. in nutritional sciences and is a registered dietician. She is currently a senior scientist at Proctor and Gamble, with a primary research focus on obesity and obesity related conditions in dogs and cats. - Episode 14 Tears of Joy for Cat Allergic People & Flexible Pet Ownership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:28

It is not unusual to covet what you can’t have. Cats are the number one pet in the United States but millions of people who would love to own one can’t. Often it is because they suffer with the singular most common cause of itchy eyes and runny noses in people…cat allergies. Now, thanks to Allerca Lifestyle Pets, any tears they shed around these unique cats will be tears of joy. These cats are guaranteed hypoallergenic. Caring for a pet properly is a major commitment of time, money and love. When you bring a dog into your life, typically it is for life, their life. But what if you work long hours, travel a great deal or don’t have the other resources that are needed? With the advent of a new concept and company, FlexPetz, you can experience the thrill of dog ownership on a more flexible basis. - Episode 13 Stem Cells Help to Regenerate Your Pet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

Stem cells promise to hold all the answers to curing disease and reversing the effects of time on our bodies and that of our pets, but seemingly with a very controversial price tag. Scientists have found a way to reap the benefits of stem cells by utilizing adult cells rather than embryonic. Learn exactly what these cells are, how they function and what promise they hold for our pets. - Episode 12 Medical Help for the Anxious Abbys and Wigged Out Westies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:39

There is no such thing as a bad dog or cat. There are only misunderstood pets with behaviors that don’t fit our definition of good. A trainer may be able to get your pet to come, sit and stay but for the dog with panic attacks and the cat with territory issues, a veterinary behaviorist may be just what the doctor ordered. - Episode 11 Vaccines - What are They, How do They Work, and Which Ones are Needed by Your Pet? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:44

Advances in the study of infectious diseases and immunology have radically changed vaccine protocols for pets. But what are vaccines? What are the up and downsides of exposing our pet’s immune systems to these agents of disease? Which vaccines will provide optimal health for your pet will best be decided by your pet’s lifestyle, where it lives in the United States and by your veterinarian. - Episode 10 Dogs Decoding the Mystery of Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:00

"Cancer to be cured by 2015." This was the challenge issued by the director of the National Cancer Institute several years ago. Though some fantastic advances have been made towards the realization of this goal, the gold ring is still eluding the medical profession. In the past, lab rats have been given cancer, but the behavior of these artificially induced malignancies was not always the same as that seen in real life. Comparative oncologists, scientists who study cancer in people and animals have found a champion in the quest to eradicate this type of disease, the pet dog. Dogs have taken the lead in demonstrating ways in which we can improve detection, optimize treatment and ultimately prevent cancer in the future in dogs, other animals and people. - Episode 09 The Cost of Miracle - Pet Insurance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:04

Between the United States and Canada, pet owners will spend more than $45 billion on their four-legged family members. But, a single traumatic event or serious disease can devastate personal finances or potentially lead to heart-wrenching decisions. Fortunately, the availability of pet insurance, pet health savings plans and even credit for pets may help some pet owners keep their pets around longer. - Episode 08 The Healing Touch -Pet Rehabilitation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:48

Studies have shown that the touch of an animal can lower a person’s blood pressure by having a calming effect, now the touch of a person can ease the pain that a pet feels and improve their quality of life. Physical therapy is not new in human medicine and now physical rehabilitation is available to pets with some amazing results. Learn how a veterinarian working with a physical therapist is easing pain, improving mobility and providing that healing touch. - Episode 07 Take a Bite Out of Pet Disease-Keep Their Teeth Clean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:17

Dental disease is more than just a cosmetic issue. An unhealthy mouth allows bacteria to access the body’s blood supply. This shower of bacteria can cause irreversible damage to the liver, kidneys, joints and heart muscle. The damage will not be immediate but insidious in nature. It is estimated that at least 75% of all pets over 4 years of age, have some form of dental disease. Which animals develop significant problems is a matter of genetics, routine veterinary dental care and consistent at home dental hygiene. Also, the VNN Report: Thanksgiving Safety for Pets - Episode 06 Microchips & Children's Pet Book Reviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:11

More pets die every year because of avoidable mistakes on the part of their owners than from a combination of all infectious diseases combined. The mistake-.not wearing identification at all times. The owners just never think that their pet will get lost. We will hear from Dr. Dan Knox of the AVID microchip company who will tell us how something as small as a grain of rice could save your pet’s life. We will also talk with Maryanne Dell of the California Orange County Register Newspaper. Maryanne loves pets and loves to read. This passion has made her the perfect person to review children’s books that deal with pets. She will be a regular guest on this show. - Episode 05 Veterinary Workforce Expansion Act, One World, One Health, One Medicine Initiative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:19

Visions of Dr. James Herriot or Dr. Doolittle are typically conjured up when you say the word veterinarian, but veterinarians do so much more. There is currently a critical shortage of these professionals. This deficiency may not only impact the health of our pets but may also put our nation and possibly even the Earth at risk of a health catastrophe. Dr. Gregory Hammer, of Dover, Delaware, the current president American Veterinary Medical Association, will address the shortage, what can be done to correct it and the ways that veterinarians are helping to feed the burgeoning population of the world and their role in homeland security. - Episode 04 Obesity in Pets/Slentrol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:01

Chubby, chunky, extra fluffy, or even full figured…these are all ways of saying a pet is fat. Obesity is affecting our pets in epidemic proportions. It is defined as being 20% over your body’s ideal weight. So why are our pets battling the bulge just like so many of their owners? There is a myriad of causes. This show will discuss how to recognize if your pet is overweight and ways you can help it to slim down. - Episode 03 Sticking It to Alternatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:51

If you have owned pets for any length of time, you are likely utilizing traditional commercially manufactured diets and your veterinarian has been treating your pet with traditional Western medicine. But are there alternatives that might better suit your pet? Dr. Sally Perea, a board certified veterinary nutritionist and Dr. Caroline Goulard, a certified acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist will explore why you may want to whip up your pets’ meal at home and if traditional Eastern medicine may be just what the doctor ordered.


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