Gospel Light Minute X with Daniel Whyte III show

Gospel Light Minute X with Daniel Whyte III

Summary: Daniel Whyte III is a full-time evangelist by calling. Through the Gospel Light Minute, his main aim is to present a short, clear, understandable presentation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ which saved him over 30 years ago.

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  • Artist: Daniel Whyte III
  • Copyright: ℗ & © 2018 Gospel Light Minute X with Daniel Whyte III


 God Has Provided His Lamb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3528

God Has Provided His Lamb

 GLMX #131: A Simple Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 880

GLMX #131: A Simple Matter

 How to Get God to Reverse a Bad Situation (Praying Through the Bible #23) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2642

Praying Through the Bible #23 | with Daniel Whyte III TEXT: 1 Kings 17:17-24 We are in a series of messages titled "Praying Through the Bible: A Series on Every Passage and Verse Regarding Prayer in the Bible". The purpose of this series is to encourage and motivate you to pray to the God of the Bible. We highlighted each of these over 500 verses and passages in the new Prayer Motivator Devotional Bible. So far, we have done 22 messages in this series. This is message #23 titled "Elijah's Earnest Prayer." In this passage, we find the prophet Elijah during the time when he was staying with the widow of Zarephath. As you might recall, Elijah arrived at Zarephath one day, and he met the widow in the field gathering sticks. The widow told Elijah that she was gathering sticks to make a fire to cook her last little bit of flour and oil for her and her son and after that they were going to die. But Elijah told her to cook something for him first, and that if she did, the Lord would bless her and she would never run out of flour and oil. So, the widow believed God and fixed a meal for the prophet. God was true to His word, and he miraculously supplied food for the woman and her son from that day on. The widow and her son were well taken care of. She was blessed by God because she trusted Him and obeyed Him in taking care of the prophet Elijah first. In a time of famine in Israel, she, her son, and the prophet had enough to eat. But those good days were soon overshadowed by a great tragedy. Notice with me... 1. The widow's calamity. Verse 17 of our passage states: "And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him." 2. Notice with me, the prophet's prayer. Verse 19 reads, "And he said unto her, Give me thy son. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed. And he cried unto the Lord..." 3. Now, notice with me the Lord's answer. Verse 22 tells us, "And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived." There is a lot of power in that simple phrase -- "the Lord heard the voice of Elijah." It is very powerful because the awesome God of the universe who set the earth in motion, the God who flung the stars against the canopy of blackness, the God who keeps the planets orbiting the sun, the God who looks after billions of people each and every day, stopped to listen to Elijah's voice when Elijah prayed. And each and every one of us today can take comfort in the knowledge that God listens to our voices when we pray as well.

 How to be Genuinely Victorious Over the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1868

Onward Christian Soldiers #18 | with Daniel Whyte III The Bible says in 1 John 2:15: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." From the very moment you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have been on the narrow road that leads to Heaven. Along the way, you and I will meet other Christians who are also on the road to Heaven. It is wonderful to be a child of God, but we must realize that the road to Heaven will not be easy. Why? Because we have great enemies. The Bible tells us about three great enemies of the Christian: the world, the flesh, and the devil. What do these enemies do? These enemies try to get us to sin and they try to draw us away from God. But God has made a way for us to have victory over them. Today, we will look at how we can be victorious over our enemy, the world. The Bible uses the word "world" in several different ways. Sometimes it refers to this earth which God created. Sometimes it refers to the people in the world, as in John 3:16, where the Bible says, "For God so loved the world. . ." However, a third meaning is found in 1 John 2:15 where the Bible says, "Love not the world. . ." What is the meaning of "the world" here? The meaning of the Greek word for world used in this context means: "world affairs; the whole circle of earthly goods, riches, advantages, and pleasures which, although hollow, frail and fleeting, stir our desire, seduce us away from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ." The "world" means the attractive things of the world which Satan uses to draw us away from God. How can we be victorious over the world? 1. The first way we can be victorious over the world is to love God with all our heart. 2. The second way we can be victorious over the world is to avoid sinful attractions. 3. The third way we can be victorious over the world is to realize that only Christ can truly satisfy our hearts.

 Lessons from Living in a Strange Land: The Life of Joseph (Part 1) (How to Handle Persecution #19) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1571

How to Handle Persecution #19 | with Daniel Whyte III TEXT: Genesis 39:1-6 Today, we are continuing our series on How to Handle Persecution. For the next few messages, we are going to be looking at the life of Joseph and the lessons we can learn from his example as he lived among the Egyptians. Now, by way of providing some background for this series -- Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob, and the first son of Jacob's wife Rachel. Rachel was Jacob's favorite wife, so Joseph held a very special place in Jacob's heart. Joseph's brothers did not like Joseph because of their father's favoritism towards him. One day, when Joseph was sent to check on his brothers who were out taking care of the sheep, they devised a plan to kill him. However, Reuben, the oldest of the brothers, convinced his brothers to throw Jospeh into a well. But when Reuben was not around, the other brothers took Joseph and sold him to a band of Ishmaelite traders who were on their way to Egypt. Once they got to Egypt, the Ishmaelites sold Joseph into slavery to Potiphar. Potiphar was the captain of Pharaoh's palace guard. So, here we have Joseph, betrayed by his own brothers, and sold into slavery in a foreign land. The Encyclopedia of Judaism tells us that Joseph was seventeen years old when this happened. Joseph was in a strange country that had a different language, a different culture, and a pagan religion. But Joseph's story can be of encouragement and help to us today. None of us are likely under such extreme circumstances as he was -- being taken away from your family and your home, and sold into slavery in a strange land. However, some of us may find ourselves in hostile situations in our lives. For example, you may be the only Christian in your family. Or you may be in a job situation that is not friendly to your beliefs. Or, you may be attending a college where faith is routinely ridiculed and made fun of. Or, you may be a Christian living in a Muslim country where followers of Christ are harassed and thrown in jail. If you are in these or similar situations, then you can learn something from the story of Joseph. What can you learn from Joseph's story? 1. Understand that the Lord is with you. 2. Abide in peace with those around you. 3. No matter what happens, remain faithful and obedient to God.

 How to Get God to Reverse a Bad Situation (Praying Through the Bible #23) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2642

How to Get God to Reverse a Bad Situation (Praying Through the Bible #23)

 Lessons from Living in a Strange Land: The Life of Joseph (Part 1) (How to Handle Persecution #19) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1571

Lessons from Living in a Strange Land: The Life of Joseph (Part 1) (How to Handle Persecution #19)

 How to be Genuinely Victorious Over the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1868

How to be Genuinely Victorious Over the World

 Run, and Don't Look Back! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3661

Sunday Evening Evangelistic Message #93 TEXT: Genesis 19:1-26 Last week, from Genesis 18, we saw that the Lord had sent his angels to Sodom and Gomorrah to bring judgment down on those cities because of their sin. We also saw how Abraham interceded with God for the city of Sodom. God agreed that if he could find just ten righteous people in the city, He would not destroy it. But, unfortunately, as we see from Genesis 19, there were not even ten righteous people in the entire city. So, God had to bring judgment down on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, the angels made sure that they got Lot and his family out of the city before judgment came. In verse 17, they tell Lot, "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." In other words, they said, "Run, and don't look back!" Perhaps you have heard the story of the atheist criminal who was on his way to be executed for his crime. Following behind him was a minister who was reading from the Scriptures about the wrath of God and the terrible judgment that awaited those who did not receive Jesus Christ. And, this criminal, who did not believe in God, turned around and said with fear on his face and a tremble in his voice, "Sir, if I believed in hell like you Christians say you do, I would crawl all over London, England, warning every person of that place." Today, we will see from Genesis 19 that the wrath and judgment of God is a very serious thing. And we should take heed to the command to run from it. Let's begin by looking at why Lot had to run and not look back. 1. Lot had to run away from sinful people and sinful situations. 2. Lot had to run from certain judgment. 3. Lot had to run to a place of safety. + Plus, listen to CeCe Winans singing "I Surrender All" and the Sensational Nightingales singing "My Life is in God's Hand"

 Colin Kaepernick: Glorifying God on the Gridiron (Gospel Light Minute #84) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 642

He is the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. He played college football for the University of Nevada Wolf Pack where he was twice named the Western Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Year and the Most Valuable Player of the 2008 Humanitarian Bowl. In the 2011 NFL Draft the San Francisco 49ers selected him in the second round with the 36th overall pick. He began his pro career as the 49ers' backup quarterback to starter Alex Smith. In the middle of the 2012 season he filled in for an injured Smith and became the starter as the 49ers advanced to the NFL playoffs for the second straight season. He set an NFL record for most rushing yards by a quarterback in his first playoff game. After beating the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Championship, he led the 49ers to their first Super Bowl since the 1994 NFL season. Playing football is a way for him to glorify the Lord. In an interview at Summit Christian Church in Sparks, Nevada, he said, "I don't think most people look at football as a way to glorify the Lord. I think a lot of people think of it as 'oh it's a game, let's go win.' Ultimately, that's your goal, but you also want to glorify the Lord on your way to doing that...My faith is the basis from where my game comes from. I've been very blessed to have the talent to play the game and be successful at it. I think God guides me through every day and helps me take the right steps and has helped me to get to where I'm at. When I step on the field, I always say a prayer, say I'm thankful to be able to wake up that morning and go out there and try to glorify the Lord with what I do on the field. I think if you go out and try to do that, no matter what happens, you can be happy about what you did." He has also drawn attention for the tattoos on his body. "Against All Odds," is emblazoned across his chest. A version of Psalm 27:3 which reads, "Though an army besiege me, my heart will not be afraid", can be read on his left shoulder. Those words are surrounded by: "God Will Guide Me." On his right bicep is the word "Faith" and on his left bicep is "To God be the glory." Even though he has been criticized for his tattoos, he says, "I got them for me and to show people this is what I believe in. And God has brought me this far. He's laid out a phenomenal path for me and I can do nothing but thank him." His name is Colin Kaepernick.

 GLMX #130: Are You Ready for the Coming King and His Kingdom? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1014

This past week, the 57th inaugural ceremony was held for the president of the United States. As usual, it was a grand affair with much pomp and ceremony. There was a long parade with representatives from all 50 states. Festivities continued into the night with parties, balls, and concerts around Washington D.C. Many people looked forward to the event and it is said that nearly one million people attended the inauguration and 20 million watched it on TV. Some people got so excited that they became blasphemous in their speech. One man called the president "lord and saviour" and a magazine referred to his second term as "the second coming." Of course, he is not the Lord and Saviour and the second term of a presidency is nothing compared to the second coming of Jesus Christ. One day, there is coming a grand ceremony for Someone who is not just the leader of a country, but who is the king of the world. In fact, He rules the entire universe. He is called the King of kings and Lord of lords. At this ceremony, the Bible tells us that every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This grand day is described in Revelation 11 when an angel cries out, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." There will be no term limits on Jesus' rule. When he returns to earth, he will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem and He will rule the nations with a rod of iron for one thousand years. Unlike earthly rulers, who are unable to bring peace and prosperity, when Jesus Christ rules this earth, there will be complete peace and prosperity. Did you know that you can be a part of this future kingdom? Just as you can gain citizenship in the different countries of the world, you can right now become a citizen of the coming kingdom and a willing subject of the coming King. Jesus Christ said in John 3:3: "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Being born again is how you become a part of the kingdom of God. So, now, the question is: how can you be born again? + Plus, listen to Newsboys singing "The King is Coming"

 Run, and Don't Look Back! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3661

Run, and Don't Look Back!

 Colin Kaepernick: Glorifying God on the Gridiron (Gospel Light Minute #84) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 642

Colin Kaepernick: Glorifying God on the Gridiron (Gospel Light Minute #84)

 GLMX #130: Are You Ready for the Coming King and His Kingdom? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1014

GLMX #130: Are You Ready for the Coming King and His Kingdom?

 An Urgent Prayer Request or When God Has to Get Your Attention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2277

Praying Through the Bible #22 | with Daniel Whyte III TEXT: 1 Kings 13:1-6 Have you ever tried to ignore God? Have you ever tried to shut His voice out of your life? Have you ever been doing something that you wanted to do, that you knew was wrong, and you just didn't want to continue hearing God telling you to stop? If you have ever tried to do that, then you have probably found out already that that is a very futile endeavour. C.S. Lewis said, "We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade God." In our passage today, we have a man named King Jeroboam who tried to ignore God. After the death of King Solomon, ten tribes rebelled against the House of David and set up Jeroboam as their king. Jeroboam ruled the northern kingdom of Israel for 22 years. The Bible tells us that Jeroboam turned away from God very soon after he became king. He built two places of worship, one in the northern part of the kingdom and another in the southern part of the kingdom. He set up two golden calves and two altars in these places and ordered the Israelites to worship at these places and stop going to Jerusalem. If we turn a couple chapters back, we will find that before Jeroboam was crowned king, God sent the prophet Ahijah to him and gave him this message: "If thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do that is right in my sight, to keep my statutes and my commandments, then I will be with thee, and build thee a sure house..." However, just two chapters later we find that Jeroboam has decided that he is not going to listen to God. And we find him in one of his places of worship getting ready to burn incense to a golden calf. So, since Jeroboam is not listening to God, God has to take some steps to get his attention. 1. Notice the prophet. Verse one of our passage states: "And, behold, there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord..." The first thing God does to try to get Jeroboam's attention is he sends a man of God to him. 2. Notice the paralysis. Jeroboam stretched forth his hand and commanded that the prophet be arrested, but verse 4 tells us that "his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him. The altar also was rent, and the ashes poured out from the altar..." This condition of a hand (or other body part) "drying up" is that which we call "paralysis" today. o 3. Notice the plea. Look at verse 6 of our passage: "And the king answered and said unto the man of God, Intreat now the face of the Lord thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored me again. And the man of God besought the Lord, and the king's hand was restored him again, and became as it was before."


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