Awake: Now What? show

Awake: Now What?

Summary: These talk shows bring different people in the industry (and the industry of life) together to discuss their growth through a greater awareness of themselves and the worlds around us.

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 Chat with Astrid Stromberg, PhD, Psychic, Medium, Channeler, Hypnotherapist and more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

She is an abstract impressionist and mother of two, and was the former President to the United Nations Association for Northern California. Astrid specializes in spirit communication and spiritual life empowerment. She is the founder of Brilliant Essence, producer of the Brilliant Essence Radio Show and contributor to the book, Living Our Soul Map: Unleashing the Warrior Goddess Within. Astrid's mission in life is to empower you to BE. Anyone can expand on their 5 senses to access information remotely. I just happen to do it all the time for people all over the world! Radio Producer on the Brilliant Essence Radio Show on Informal journaling of life experiences. For everyone interested in psychic, paranormal, metaphysical and spiritual topics. Joined by co-hosts Quinni and Thomas. Free readings offered. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist - Specialized in Spirit Connection, Past Life Regression and Spirit Releasement. EFT practitioner. Emotional freedom technique allows health and well being to be subconsciously triggered through electromagnetic impulses applied by finger tapping on energy points of the body. Ordained Minister since 2002 Former President of the United Nations Association, Nor. Cal. Div. 2005-2009. ( Incredible people serving the world. Former speaker on world issues. Former business developer for companies such as Abeille Vie - HATIER - IBM-IFF - New Frontiers. Certified Reiki Master - of the Usui Tradition. Reiki certification levels 1-4 (Master level) available upon request. For more information on Astrid's work please visit Brilliant Essence at

 Chat with Daniel Jacob, Bio-Energetic Bodyworker, Conscious Channel, Visionary Writer, Teacher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Daniel Jacob is a Bio-Energetic Bodyworker, a Conscious Channel, a Visionary Writer, and Teacher of New Paradigm Metaphysics. He's been on a Spirit Path since the 1960s, a journey that has led him through Catholicism, Protestant Fundamentalism, 12-Step Groups, various studies of Philosophy, Psychology, and many facets of Alternative Health Care. In 1986, Daniel began serious studies in Metaphysics and Channeling, which led to his intersection with The Reconnections in 1991. In 1984, Daniel became a Licensed Massage Practitioner, and has worked in Physical Rehab and Personal Transition Consultation for 24 years, finding the work to be grounding and nurturing for his writings and work as a Spiritual Channel. Daniel has personally published a gift-sized summation of New Paradigm Concepts, called "Reconnections: The Return to Oneness." Since 1994, Daniel has been doing online research around planetary changes, physical transmutation, energy activations coming onto the Earth. He has developed a Worldwide Network of fellow Researchers and Grid Workers---who swap info regularly via his web sites, a sizeable mailing list, and two Yahoo Discussion Groups, to which he regularly contributes. "It's been quite a ride...." says Daniel, about his Spiritual Journey thus far. "And it gives no sign of letting up. This journey we're all on just may prove to be the most powerful and expansive Revolution of Consciousness Planet Earth has ever known. I take great pleasure in playing 'Color Announcer' for All That Is. The people I meet, and the insights I acquire through the sharing are well worth the effort!" For more information go to and

 Chat with Dr Caron Goode, PhD Transpersonal Psych, Author, Parentling Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Dr. Caron Goode is gifted with compassion in assisting others to effect lasting transformation through spiritual coaching, books, classes and seminars. Caron’s continuous education, experience in psychology and professional writing makes her a great resource for parents wishing to create and maintain a nurturing relationship their children. The common thread of these disciplines is energy of the mind-body-spirit connection and how to access it, bring it into focus and then put it into successful action. Caron has shaped all of her professional endeavors into an educational program for training and certifying parents and professionals in supporting families through parent coaching or to receive a first-class, leading-edge parent education. She’s quoted often as a parenting expert and her articles have appeared in over 300 publications globally. Caron is a frequent radio show guest speaking on topics like “Parenting outside the Box.” In addition to directing the Academy of Coaching International (ACPI), Caron also manages, which provides strategies for parenting the whole child. This holistic approach supports children’s physical health, emotional fluency, mental development, and spiritual enrichment. She also founded Intuitive Parenting & Intuitive Children web site, which offers specialized training for parents and parent coaches. ( Dr. Goode graduated with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University in 1983 and is a licensed psychotherapist. She completed post-doctoral certifications in Wellness and Women’s Spirituality at the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology. In addition, she holds the titles of National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association. For more information go to,, and

 Meet Suzanne Carroll Lie, PhD Clinical Psychology, Multidimensional Meditation Creator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Suzanne Caroll Lie has been a spiritual seeker her entire fifty-four years and has been on The Path for about twenty-eight years. She also has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and has been counseling for sixteen years. Suzanne first learned of the impending shift of reality into the higher dimensions over twenty-five years ago. Since then, she has been watching and studying in preparation. Suzanne states, "To me, blending of the psychological and spiritual means to “walk your talk.” This blending demands a conscious commitment to creating a reality that is true to the person I want to be. This calls for me to first know who I am now (psychological), and second, to be in connection with the Multidimensional SELF (spiritual) with whom I am becoming ONE. In order to blend the psychological and the spiritual, I believe that we must take complete responsibility for the life that we are living and surrender to our Soul/SELF to understand the lessons that life offers us. Responsibility does not mean blame. When we blame ourselves for what went wrong, we only create guilt and shame. However, if we take responsibility for what is happening in our life, we can embrace the power to guide us to a resolution. I feel that sometimes our Soul places us in a difficult situation as an “initiation” to force us to connect with our multidimensional consciousness. To find out more go to

 Chat with Amy Bortner-Gialuco, Author, Channel, Healer, Founder of the Ascordia Center | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

I have studied and practiced in the field of philosophy, metaphysics, healing and spiritual development for over twenty five years. I was given a book to read, by a friend, that literally changed my life! The book was entitled "Seth Speaks". It had such a tremendous influence on me, that I temporarily dropped out of school to devote my time to reading the Seth material, to develop my psychic/spiritual abilities and to further pursue my metaphysical education. My spiritual path led me to meet a local channeler, who had also read the Seth books, and was holding classes. I decided to study with her and attend her spiritual awareness and psychic development classes in 1978. "Daniel" began to work with me in 1979. Since that time, I have given hundreds of public and private channeling sessions with "Daniel" on a variety of topics that are very important and appropriate to these changing times. My abilities as a trance channeler greatly expanded and I began to channel a wide variety of spiritual guides. I have worked predominantly with spirit guides from the upper astral planes, extra terrestrials from the local star systems, ascended masters and Angelic beings. I studied many different healing techniques after I started to channel "Daniel". I began my bodywork practice in 1982. I incorporated these in my healing practice. Ascordia is a Seraphic Angel who was assigned to work with the Earth plane at this time to help the transition of the planet. Apparently, I was to be her student for I have been channeling Ascordia's energy and information since 1987. She indicated to me that I would start a healing and educational center emphasizing the angelic perspective. Consequently, I put a sign up on my apartment office door in 1987 that simply said "Ascordia Center" and I have continued the Ascordia Center ever since! For more information go to

 Chat with Elaine Fidyk and Michael Popkin, Pharmacists, Healers, Channel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Elaine Fidyk is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. She has worked for 41 years in her chosen profession, first as an employee, then as a business owner and entrepreneur, and while still practicing Pharmacy, she remembered the healing techniques she learned while on the Earth in past life times. She has been trained by the Essenes, the Galactic Emissaries of Light, the Elementals, and by many of the angels and masters who have assisted her in remembering the techniques involved. She presently is an author, channel, poet, alchemist, publicist, and teaching and healing master at the and at http://www specializing in the Alpha Auric Cleansing and healing. She was taught by the Alpha Masters, ancient beings who assisted with creation. She has been perfecting her skills and is now making herself available to the general public. Her call is being answered, and those who have experienced her healing, say that it reminds them of home. She can do her cleansing by phone, or Skype, and in person. Her name on Skype is rainbowhealer1111, and she can be also reached at and her phone number is 403-726-0804. She lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Michael Popkin is a retired pharmacist who spent many years studying Edgar Cayce's works. He has join Elaine in "remembering" and they have created a new healing technique that is quite powerful.

 Welcome back Lisa Renee, Spiritual Mentor, Author, Quantum Therapist and Etheric Surgeon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Lisa Renee visits us again. Join us to talk about life, the universe and everything. Lisa Renee's mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impact of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Intuitive, Spiritual mentor, Writer, Quantum Therapist and Etheric surgeon. She writes a monthly column called Lifting Your Veil, which you can find here,, in the Resources section, and also at Her understanding of Spirit Technologies was experienced by her own personal conscious evolution and began her transition into a Spiritual Guide and Multidimensional Energetic Healer during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is a Galactic Emissary for the Guardians and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to "Ascension". She lives and has a practice in Santa Monica, California. For appointment or class information please contact her staff using the Contact form at

 Interview with James Tyberonn, Visionary and connection with Earth Energies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

James Tyberonn's awareness of Earth energies began at a very early age, in the crystal fields, mountains and lakes of his native Arkansas, and has remained his passion. He has in recent years studied earth energies through many modalities and has completed four five-day vision quests in the mountains of Arizona and Mexico, as well as Shamanic Plant Journeys in the Andes of Bolivia and Peru. He has lived and worked outside the United States for 32 years, visiting sacred sites in over 60 countries. Tyberonn has been a student of the living energies of Mother Earth, sacred sites, grids, crystalline energies and portals for over three decades. He has authored 3 books and is working on his fourth. He is a geologist and gemologist and channels Archangel Metatron. For more about James "Tyberonn" Tipton go to

 Chat with Dr Sue Johnson, PhD, ND, Psychic, Healer, Medium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

I am a gifted psychic/healer/medium with talents, creativity and ingenuity that has been of great value in my life and the life of others. I invite you to travel through my website and experience some of the wonderful and exciting things that are happening, even as we speak. I have re-aligned my work to be a front runner in my chosen lifestyle of “The Soul Doctor”. Being born a psychic/healer/medium and traveling the world working with other gifted individuals has added to my already especially unique gifts. These experiences have enabled me to successfully re-create my life and that of others. I am constantly evolving and re-aligning to the daily shifts of energies and our consciousness. This is a major time of change and recalibrating ourselves and the planet we live on. I have taken time to look into the future and see what is needed for the higher dimensional human. Yes…Higher Dimensional Human. Many have taken the step into the 4th and 5th dimensions, and beyond. In doing so our whole way of being has changed. We are now higher dimensional beings still anchored on a 3D earth for transformational experiences and transmuting the physical cellular body. I have created, and downloaded, information and techniques from the higher guides to assist peopled in their personal guided ascension process. This is very intense work, and powerful energy is used to upgrade and align your human body to the new energies. We who have ascended in human form have passed into what I call the “holding stage”. This is an unknown area of our process to realign and recalibrate the human form. My guides have already integrated the higher energies into my consciousness to enable me to better help you through these confusing and painful times. This holding area is a very short time to download and prepare for what is to come. The coming months are critical to our ascension into the higher consciousness of humanity. For information go to

 BROADCASTING THE NET OF LIGHT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

On July 25 the Great Council of the Grandmothers will teach us how to interact with and amplify the power of the Net of Light that is holding the earth steady. As the energies on our planet shift, the Grandmothers are calling us to be part of a great broadcast and broadcasting of light. If this request speaks to you, please join us. The Grandmothers say, "There is work for you now. Together you form a web, a Net of Light. This is a network, a loving net and all are family in this Net. The Net of Light will comfort, steady and hold everything. It will place a floor underneath the suffering in the Gulf, in Nigeria, in the Middle East, and around the globe. It will uphold the earth itself and cradle all creatures (including human beings) while the energies on earth shift. This is practical work that will enable you to give assistance at this critical time. Do not pass up this opportunity to be of service to Mother Earth and one another. We bless you. " BROADCASTING THE NET OF LIGHT will be moderated by Reverend Rhonda on BlogTalk radio at The gathering/seminar will be led by Sharon McErlane, founder, Grandmothers Speak Click on and tune in. No registration required. You will also be able to text or phone in questions to Sharon. This event is free and will be archived on and on For more information on texting and phoning questions in to BROADCASTING THE NET OF LIGHT, go to or to Interactive text chat and questions for Sharon will be held in the "friends" room at

 Chat with Julia Griffin, Author, Counselor, Alchemist, Astrologer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Julia Griffin is known nationally for her ability to enlighten others to find their True Self and become conscious co-creators through practical application of Universal Law. Her teachings embody advanced concepts for those who want to deepen their understanding of co-creation and personal "reality”. She is the originator of the “One True Self", a concept that encompasses the expression of our divinity in physical form and is the result of many years of devotion to spiritual practice. She has a deep understanding of energetics based on extensive studies. She is an alchemist, astrologer, herbalist and Reiki Master. Julia has the ability to communicate with plants and animals. She lived with wolves for nine years, while developing her intuitive abilities. Julia is a contributing writer for Spirit of Maat. Julia Griffin lives in the mountains of Northeast Georgia. She is graced by being the parent of two children, Vanessa and Griffin. For more information go to

 Welcome back Kerrie O'Connor, Master Visionary, Medium, Clairvoyant, Coach, Energy Reader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Kerrie O'Connor visits us again. She uses her amazing intuitive ability to help you transform and celebrate your life! Kerrie can energetically view your personal life history and blueprints, observe your true inner processes and help tune into and direct your soul's purpose. Kerrie's mission is to remind and re-awaken you to your Divine Heritage. She can help you step out of your "stories" and into your POWER. Begin to release from negative thought patterns and blockages that hold you back. Call in with your personal questions and Kerrie will read your energy field and tap into your soul's desires. Your current circumstances do not define you. Your past history does not define you. Let Kerrie help you release your past, re-write your script and finally live the life you deserve. Kerrie O'Connor has the amazing ability to energetically read your unique energy field and like a tuning fork, help raise your vibrational levels so that you can attract what you truly desire in life. Kerrie's powerful lifelong connection to Spirit has honed her extraordinary intuitive abilities which she is dedicated to using to help humanity remember and re-awaken to their Divine Heritage and Empowerment. Kerrie has a flourishing practice based in Salem, CT, an alternative-healing venture where she specializes in personal and call-in sessions. She holds workshops and classes regularly and will travel around the country to present them. Among her varied talents, she is a Medium of the Doreen Virtue School, a Reiki Master, an LPN, a practitioner of the EMF Balancing technique, founder of the 12:12 Trinity Love Activation as well as the creator of Intuitive LightStream ReadingTM and LightStream LiveTM. For more information go to

 Chat with Dr. Laurie Moore, CHT, LMFT & Animal Communicator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Known internationally for the Indi-Miracles DVD and The Cat’s Reincarnation and Unconditional Trust in Love Book, her Ani-Miracles seminars teach people to manifest miracles in all life areas as well as listen to animal’s messages. Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, & Animal Communicator made expert appearances on Ricki Lake, Fox News Live, O'Reilly Factor, The John Walsh Show, In the Company of Angels, Seeing Beyond and KRON News Weekend. She offers private sessions by phone and leads Unconditional Joy Dolphin Seminars in Hawaii. Moore was a graduate psychology teacher at San Francisco State University, Santa Clara University and Chico State University. Dr. Laurie was Keynote Speaker for The Santa Cruz Sentinel Women in Business Expo 2004. She’s been interviewed by Redbook, Readers Digest, The Connection, Species Link, Joe Franklin, The Frankie Boyer Show & Dr. Laurie was one of the writers for the book Animals in Spirit with Penelope Smith, main author (Simon and Shuster, 2008). She also ministers weddings. Behind the scenes she spends hours in meditative states of oneness, bliss and union with animals, Divine Mother, Enlightened masters and nature. Having spent numerous years in Ashrams and study of both eastern and western religion, she chose to go deep within her own heart for awakening guidance. This is the source of all her work, and her Satsang Seminars. For more information go to and

 Chat with Edna G Frankel, Channel, Author, Energy Healing Master and Teacher. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Edna G. Frankel was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1954 to a French-speaking family of Romanian, Greek and Turkish descent. Evicted in the Suez Crisis of 1956, they immigrated to the United States in 1960. She was raised in New York City, attended the United Nations International School in Manhattan, and then Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. In addition to a B.A. in Psychology and a B.A. in French, she is also a certified free-lance editor. Edna began studying Usui Reiki in 1985, became a teaching master in 1994, and has also studied Lightarian Reiki, Tummo Reiki, Sekhem-Seichem Reiki, Master Angelic Alignment and Reconnective Healing™. In both her seminars and private practice, she incorporates the use of multiple modalities and energetic tools. She offers seminars on the Circle of Grace clearing process for holistic groups and metaphysical conferences in the United States and abroad. Since May 2001, her channeled sessions with the Brotherhood of Light and the Ascended Masters have been published in the international monthly magazine Sedona Journal of Emergence! Her channeled articles have also appeared in the Predictions Book 2003, and 2004 by Light Technology Publishing. Her first English language book, The Circle Of Grace was published by The Brotherhood Press in 2003. For more information go to

 Chat with Colette Chase, Multi-dimensional Caught Teacher, Energetic Healer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Kerrie O'Connor's T her daughter's graduation so Colette Chase agreed to come back and pick up where we left off. Join us to chat about things like the Drama Triangle and how to identify it and then get out of it. Colette Chase has studied, performed and taught advanced energetic healing techniques from around the world. Colette is a fearless, multi-dimensional teacher and healer with the rare ability to create physical manifestation and miraculous healing for her clients and students. As a teacher, Colette exposes her students to certain dimensions in the long standing tradition of ‘caught’ teachings rather than ‘taught’ teachings which come from books or other forms of media. ‘Caught’ teachings are passed down through the aura and have the ability to altar DNA. Currently, Colette is one of a handful of teachers with the ability to pass on these complex and sacred teachings. Her style is real, direct and full of humor. As a healer, Colette has facilitated Divine Interventions and Spontaneous Remissions for over 200 dis-eases including Cancer, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HIV and AIDS. All other conditions are welcome . . . Colette is Spirit-Lead and knows that nothing is too small or too great for Spirit. In 1998, Colette founded Divine Wing Ministries whose sacrament is hands-on healing. Through her Ministry, Colette has brought thousands of clients and students of all consciousness levels to their own truth across the PEMS (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual). Colette is available for private consultations, speaking engagements and many courses on healing and evolution. For more information go to


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