Talk for Food – Adam Abraham show

Talk for Food – Adam Abraham

Summary: Join Adam and his eclectic blend of guests as they explore the science, art, and spirit of well-being, and being well. Visit his blog, Thought For Food and explore the library of articles on the many facets of life, love, religion, race, spirituality, sex, God, books, and extra-terrestrials. You’ll feel the presence of an enlightened mind. Listen in to Talk for Food, you’ll feel the love of an open human heart.


 Talk for Food – Expanding the Possibility Matrix and 5D Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

The 2012 Elections are part of an even greater historic event, as the planet Earth and the solar system cross the equatorial plane of the Milky Way, completing a major cycle. An evolutionary leap for humankind is in the offing that promises to change our very definition of reality. But who is ready? The answer to that question may lie in the choices that Americans and the rest of the world make in the next few weeks. In the first half of the show, Adam provides personal commentary on the current state of affairs and its implications. For example, did you know that the entire election system, as it presently stands, does NOT select a leader to represent The People? Or that the president of the United States is actually head of a corporation by that name that is headquartered in Washington, DC? Did you know that Washington, DC is in fact, a “CityState” that functions more like a “branch office” of the Vatican, the lone remaining CityState (of three) whose patriarch (pope) were given “extraordinary powers” in 325 AD by Emperor Constantine? Even more startling, but encouraging, is that the legal jurisdiction of United States Corporation, HQ’d in the CityState that is Washington, DC, actually ends at its boundaries. This explains in part why the policies advanced by the Office of the President of United States Corporation, both democrat and republican, have increasingly encroached on individual freedom and liberties. The People of the United States Republic are sovereign beings, whose rights were granted as such in the Magna Carta of 1215 and the Maryland Constitution of 1776. These truths have not been self-evident, nor have they been taught in public education, but are readily available to the interested seeker. 5th Dimensional Healers In the second half the show Adam welcomes Sue and Aaron Singleton, co-founders of The Way To Balance Center for Advanced Healing and Training. Developers of the Energy of Life® Integrative Healing Process, they journey through body, mind, and across space/time dimension to identify the original departure from balance, so that it may be restored. The Way To Balance (

 Talk for Food – The Hijacking of Canada’s Wealth and Origins of Variolation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

This is the start of a long series of conversations, as it very well should be, since it entails both United States and Canadian “his story”. Our guest is “GM”, a Canadian by birth, but a citizen yet in good standing with his humanity. In other words, he cares about the well-being of everyone, enough to place telling of the truth above making a dollar. GM is a voracious researcher with a photographic memory, and his grasp of the information that he presents is high. To use the term coined by Ingo Swann, author of “Secrets of Power,” he groks his subject. What that means to you is that you’ll be taken on a journey that will meld Canadian and U.S. history, with the “X-files.” That is, if you dare to listen. What’s more, it’s true. Adam’s conversation with GM this week is but a small piece of a series of exchanges that will open your mind to a number of heretofore unquestioned activities that are doing great harm to humanity, yet are considered, not only benign, but beneficial, when the truth, born out by human experience, indicates otherwise. Subjects include the Power Corporation of Canada, the massive transfer of her vast natural and mineral resources and intellectual property to foreign interests and control, political collusion that transcends national borders, the connection of the Montreal-Mirabel International Airport to the vast underground complex at the new Denver airport, and many more. This is the initial deposit. Listen if you dare liberate yourself. The Truth has been “out there” for too long. Now it’s coming Home. WARNING: This conversation contains a “high salt content” in GM’s language, but know that it is the best kind; full spectrum. Thought For Food ( Photonic Water Systems, LLC (

 Talk for Food – New Insights on Structured Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

More people are discovering for themselves the amazing power and potential of naturally structured, coherent water. Tim Toula has traveled around the world answering the call of his Inner Rock Climber, and brought comfort to the infirmed as a licensed practitioner of the ancient science of acupuncture. He is part of a growing renaissance of public interest in the subtle dynamics of water. Working with Clayton Nolte, who first introduced structured water technology to Talk For Food audiences over four years ago, Tim has conducted extensive field tests to identify and document structured water’s behavior and effects. The implications of our move to water transformation methods based on a respect for, and understanding of its energetic nature, are virtually unlimited. The costs of not doing so, are unimaginable. Natural Action Technologies ( Photonic Water Systems, LLC (

 Talk for Food – Conquering Cancer without a “Battle” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Everyone knows that cancer is a tough fight, perhaps one of the most important battles that we’ll ever encounter, right? Well the answer is, “it depends” on how you handle it. Cancer is the growing medical phenomenon that it is for reasons that are not evident in most cancer literature. That’s why Adam’s conversation with this week’s guest, Fred Eichhorn, is so important. Mr. Eichhorn is not just the founder and director of the National Cancer Research Foundation; he is a rare individual, one who didn’t survive, but conquered pancreatic cancer… over 30 years ago! He did it by taking an entirely different tact in contrast to standard treatment options of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Instead of agreeing to one of the latter two approaches, which severely compromise the body’s internal chemistry, he authorized a thorough examination of the body’s mineral needs and deficiencies, then made it his mission in life to restore those minerals that were “low” or “out of stock”, back to normal. The results were a return to health, and no return of cancer. You would have thought that, when one of his four sisters contracted pancreatic cancer 21 years later, she would have found solace in her brother’s success and followed suit. Indeed, she began taking the product that Eichhorn developed and in a short time her condition noticeably improved. However, her doctor insisted on accelerating the process by convincing her to take chemotherapy. Sixty days later, she died. Needless loss like this is played out daily across America and around the world, but Fred Eichhorn has helped thousands of people write a new outcome to their cancer story. The first step is by learning that a healthy outcome is possible today, in spite of the billions spent each year for “cures” that are purported to not yet exist. For some reason, the pundits haven’t spoken to Fred Eichhorn. Fortunately, Adam has. National Cancer Research Foundation Web Site (

 Talk For Food – More Technologies from the Inner Soul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Join us for part II of Adam’s conversation with Rene Hamilton, founder and inventor of Inner Soul Technologies and developer of an entire line of products that are based on Sacred Geometry and information sciences. Of particular note is the Quantum Manifestation Plate, which is based on principles of radionics, and earned a U.S. Patent for Thomas Galen Hieronymous in 1949. First emerging in the early 1900’s, radionics devices have been used with particular success in medicine, agriculture, and pest abatement, among others. Yet, in spite of, or perhaps because of the clearly superior and documented results, at low cost, the approach garnered opposition rather than adoption. Today, ancient and suppressed truths are once again seeing the light of day. Enjoy these Rene Hamilton’s insights from the Inner Soul. Inner Soul Technologies ( Photonic Energy Center Site (

 Talk For Food – Resurrecting Resurrection and Inner Soul Technologies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

A rap concert in Coachella, CA captured the attention and imagination of a world far beyond its musical boundaries, when Tupac Shakur, who died by gunfire in 1996, “appeared” and performed on stage with Snoop Dogg. While most of the world focuses on the holographic technologies that were used to create the effect, and other issues related to “dead” artists, Adam uses this event to discuss resurrection, which has been recorded throughout history, and is being reported in various parts of the world today. The Centers of Grigori Grabovoi and Arcady Petrov in Moscow have documented numerous resurrections since the early 1990’s. Grabovoi wrote a 200-plus page book on the subject, Resurrection and Eternal Life (not yet published in English). Petrov’s 1,600 page trilogy, “Creation of the Universe,” firmly attests that Man is immortal, that death is an idea that we have grown accustomed to believing, but has no underlying truth. Yet, the thought of a person who was “murdered” but returns “from the grave” is unsettling to many. Adam considers why, and wonders whether this event stands as a mind opener for the general population. In the second half of the show, Adam welcomes Rene Hamilton, Founder and Inventor of Inner Soul Technologies, whose products are powered by information, Sacred Geometry, and innovative use of energy. This conversation will conclude in next week’s show. You won’t want to miss it! Inner Soul Technologies ( Photonic Energy Center Site (

 Talk For Food – Going Deeper into Genome Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Adam’s conversation with Carol Roberts, originator of Genome Healing and the Genome Healing Workshop continues. Genome Healing is accessible to every human being, and requires no medication or other traditional forms of treatment. Genome Healing is an example of an exciting wave of new approaches to self-repair, relying on intention, consciousness, and information, applied through very specific protocols. As Carol describes the amazing progress that one of her clients, a young woman who had a major stroke 3 years ago, has experienced, imagine how Genome Healing methods could work for you or loved one. There is even greater excitement because this conversation is a preview of, and prelude to the first Genome Healing Workshop to be held in the United States, June 11-18, in Phoenix, Arizona, sponsored by Adam’s Photonic Energy Center. Our worldview of possibility is changing rapidly. What new possibilities do you want to embrace? If it’s greater health, wealth, and restored well-being, then this show is for you. Carol Roberts Web Site ( U.S. Genome Healing Workshop Site ( Photonic Energy Center Site (

 Talk For Food – Growing Gold in a Microwave and Genome Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

In this time of change, our concepts of what is possible must change too. In fact, as our concepts of what is possible changes then our times and our experiences will change. Adam’s two guests on this week’s show is a prime example of this principle. The first half of the show is a continuation of Adam’s conversation with Dr. John V. Milewski, an internationally-recognized consultant in the field of Advanced Materials. He is a professional engineer, scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, writer, publisher, editor and lecturer. A retired staff member of Los Alamos National Labs and previously, a scientific staff member at Exxon Research Center and at Thiokol Chemical Rocket Engine Division, Dr. Milewski earned a patent on a revolutionary new electric light bulb based on using a single crystal fiber as a filament. Dr. Milewski explains the principles behind how to precipitate gold certain mineral deposits, such as hematite and magnetite, as well as from glass from common beer bottles (or any kind of glass). This was the subject of this talk at the 2011 Extraordinary Technology Conference. Adam’s second guest by well of telephone from the Gold Coast, Australia, is Carol Roberts, originator of Genome Healing and the Genome Healing Workshop. Genome Healing is an example of an exciting wave of new approaches to self-repair, relying on intention, consciousness, and information, applied through very specific protocols. There is even greater excitement because this conversation is a preview of, and prelude to the first Genome Healing Workshop to be held in the United States, June 11-18, in Phoenix, Arizona, sponsored by Adam’s Photonic Energy Center. Our worldview of possibility is changing rapidly. What new possibilities do you want to embrace? If it’s greater health, wealth, and restored well-being, then this show is for you. Information on Dr. Milewski ( Carol Roberts Web Site ( U.S. Genome Healing Workshop Site ( Photonic Energy Center Site (

 Talk For Food – Energy Field Dynamics: Unfamiliar Science | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

After some time away from the microphone, Adam opens up about his new venture; the Photonic Energy Center, a holistic fitness center located in Chandler, Arizona. Of particular note are some of the principles that make the center an example of new, meritorious methods and practices that could point society in a direction that would portend a decrease in the cost of health care, made possible by substantial success in maintaining or restoring health. The Photonic Energy Center is not a “health treatment” facility, but instead, focuses on the clients’ energy field, a generally acknowledged, but heretofore under-appreciated element that is an integral part of every human being. The status of the energy field not only reflects the status of the individual’s metabolic health, it actually influences it; either to the benefit or detriment of one’s health. However, active steps to restore the natural harmonics of the individual’s energy field will, without equivocation, result in an improvement… not only in one’s health, but in the whole of one’s experience. You’ll want to listen to this thought-provoking and informative program again and again. Photonic Energy Center (

 Talk For Food – The Hidden Side of Light | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Science has long told us that that light speed (186,200 miles per second), is as fast as anything can go. But the evidence is mounting that we have been given only part of the story, and that an entire universe of superluminal light exists beyond the visible spectrum. Adam’s guest is Dr. John V. Milewski, an internationally-recognized leader and consultant in the field of Advanced Materials. He is a professional engineer, scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, writer, publisher, editor and lecturer. A retired staff member of Los Alamos National Labs and previously, a scientific staff member at Exxon Research Center and at Thiokol Chemical Rocket Engine Division, Dr. Milewski earned a patent on a revolutionary new electric light bulb based on using a single crystal fiber as a filament. This clean, efficient, natural spectrum, crystal filament light technology now holds a place on permanent display in the Smithsonian Institute, recognized as one of the most innovative advancements in light technology in the last half of the 20th Century, but it was never made. Join Adam as he probes the mind of this remarkable materials scientist, delving into a world that travels billions of times faster than the light we know, and is also home to the human spirit. Recorded at the 2011 Extraordinary Technology Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Information on Dr. Milewski (

 Talk For Food – Energy Field Modalities for a New Era | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Adam extends a heart-felt welcome to 2012, representing not only a year of positive change, but the start of a new era. This week’s show features conversations with two guests. Meenal Mehta traveled to Arizona to experience, learn, and speak at Adam’s new Photonic Energy Center about what may be one of the most subtle of subtle energy products; called Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies. So simple to use as to only require being held in your hand for a few minutes each day, these objects have demonstrated properties that could only be described as reality changing. His second guest is Pilisa Connor, a life coach who also operates Creative Gateways, a healing practice in Sedona. The subject is Trinfinity8™, a technology that represents a very distinct departure from conventional health treatment methods. One element of the Trinfinity8 that makes it different is its concern for the entire being; meaning that its areas of “treatment” include the body, mind, and spirit. However, it is different in an entirely new way; both its “medicine” and delivery method are almost beyond belief. The Trinfinity8 relies solely on information – instruction streams, in the form of algorithms – which it delivers directly to the DNA via cellular resonance made possible by a crystal interface. All of this is easy to dismiss; that is, until you see the science that supports both methods and the testimonials. On the other hand, new modalities will always be dismissed initially by those familiar with other ways. That is, until the results become too stunning to dismiss. This is one presentation you’re going to want to hear. Recorded at the Photonic Energy Center ( ( Supercoherence Return to Love Frequencies ( ( Pilisa Connor ( (

 Talk For Food – The healing power of intention and numbers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Journeying into realms of quantum possibility takes us further into the energy field, and modalities that involve direct, conscious interaction. Such is the case in this week’s show, when Adam welcomes Lloyd Mear, an engineer and dowser who has developed a variation on this ancient form of divination and turned it into a method of healing, using sequences of numbers to restore vibrational integrity within his client. While this may sound unlikely, the implications are too huge to dismiss out-of-hand. They reveal more about the nature of each human being that, if true, provokes the greater question of, “why didn’t we already know this about ourselves?” Intrigued by responses that he observed in metallurgy and among animals, and prompted by the suggestion of a physicist friend, Mear decided to see if he could have similar success if these methods were applied to people. Using a long, L-shaped dowsing rod to ask – from a Higher Source – for the frequency, expressed as a sequence of 11 or 16-digit numbers, that would counteract various ailments that had cropped up among friends and acquaintances. With each success the word spread. And as each number was recorded, he observed it working when others contacted him with the same condition. He and his wife Phyllis began compiling a Book of Numbers, an actual reference of number sequences that they have compiled. There is great truth to the adage that “knowledge is power.” The question is what knowledge do we seek? And who shall seek it? Have we become so complacent, compliant, and ready to defer common sense to experts who refuse to look at or consider concepts that haven’t been endorsed by their professional authority? Or are we ready to know for ourselves just what the truth shall be? Better still, are we ready to discover, and know who we are? While these questions may not be answered by listening to this week’s show, even asking them takes us in a great direction. Tune in if you dare! For more information on Lloyd Mear, send an email to lloydmear @ (mailto:lloydmear @

 Talk For Food – A Worldview From the Energy Field | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Adam is on a rant again, from the heart. On the heels of a mind-breaking article published on his blog, Thought For Food ( (, he gives a discourse on energy fields, healing, divinity, and the human being. Influenced by the works of two Russian authors, Grigori Grabovoi and Arcady Petrov, who are also part of an amazing healing renaissance that relies on the power of the human consciousness and spirit instead of on the prescription drug, Adam outlines the nature of energy fields from a human health context. Along the way, he comments on the schism between science and religion, the divinity of atheists, and atheism of religious zealots, dark matter and energy in the universe, why planets and solar systems seem “suspended” in space, our connection to God. You’ve never heard Adam like this. Listen now only if you dare.

 Talk For Food – Natural and Energetic Approaches to Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

An Introduction to the Photonic Energy Center In the first conversation from and about his new model for health restoration, Adam welcomes Valerie Ozsu, owner of the Natural Health and Wellness Center in Vacaville, CA, who paid a visit to the Photonic Energy Center. Ms. Ozsu, who served over 30 years as a nurse practitioner before starting her center in Northern California, chronicles many of the trends and factors that have contributed to the public’s steady health decline which has been accompanied by a just as steady increase in chronic and degenerative diseases, and their associated health care costs. To conclude the show, Adam introduces you to the Photon Genius, one of the emerging energy-based technologies that are available at the Photonic Energy Center. (

 Talk For Food – The New Era of Energy-based Diagnostics and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

In response to the growing evidence that new approaches to standard methods of health measurement and remedy are needed, Adam welcomes Harold Sexson, who owns a vast array of diagnostic and remediation tools that are based on principles of energy. An expert on the nature and use of essential oils, Harold’s life was changed after being introduced energy-based technologies, so much so that he turned it into his life’s work. In the second half, he will demonstrate one of the many devices available that are able to quickly gather information and form a picture of an individual’s health by “reading” the energy that emanates from the hand. As we the future continues to encroach upon the present, enjoy this glimpse of what we can be in for. (


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