Learn Chinese with Audio Podcast show

Learn Chinese with Audio Podcast

Summary: A to Z Chinese lessons comprise of everyday practical conversations that fall under 3 Levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each lesson is comprised of a video featuring a 1-3minute conversation between Chinese people. Before each conversation, an introduction is provided to highlight the key points of the conversation to make lessons easier to understand. After each conversation, a conclusion is provided to summarize the important phrases and help you to remember. A to Z Chinese is for anyone who has always wanted to learn Chinese, but just couldn't find the time or motivation in the past. It's so convenient and just takes you 5 minutes a day to study.

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 Advanced Lesson 13 - 教师节 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:34

相信各个国家的朋友,都有你们的法定教师节,而中国的教师节是九月十日,许多学生都会在这一天对自己的老师送上饱含心意的小礼物,而且有的学校也会为教师节准备一场精彩的文艺演出,让大家享受一顿丰盛的文化大餐。桃李满天下,是每个老师的心愿,学生们只要学有所成,就是对老师最好的报答。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 12 - 回民街 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:25

If you visit Xian, Huimin Street is always a good place to go. Huimin Street, also known as Moslem Street, is aoubt 550 yards long from south to north. , and accommodates about 20 thousand hui minority. You can get fruit pies made with persimmon, special BBQ, and etc. To find more, please watch the lesson. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 23 - Where are you going? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:23

In China if two friends or family members or even colleagues meet each other on the street its very natural for them to ask where each other is going. Privacy has never been a big issue in China you may think that they are nosy but for them it is just their way of showing that they care. So if you meet someone you know ask them where they are going, but don't expect their answer to always be the truth. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 12 - 奥运会开幕式 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:21

体育界的2008年可以称得上是“北京年”,因为四年一度的体育盛事“奥林匹克运动会”将于8月8日晚上8时在北京正式开幕,如果你拿到了那张入场券,相信你是世界上最最幸运的人,奥运会,热爱和平的人,一起加入北京奥运会吧。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 11 - 大雁塔 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:27

Xian is famous for Dayan Tower and Terra Cotta Warriors. It seems that lots people are attracted to Xian because of Terra Cotta Warriors. However, Dayan Tower is also worth visiting. Dayan Tower was built over 1300 years ago in Tang Dynasty and was used for the safe keeping of the scriptures. Have you heard of Xi You JI (Journey to the west)? The story is related to the Dayan Tower. To find more, please watch the video... For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 22 - Do you have any brothers or sisters? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:02

Since 1977 china introduced a single child policy so people born during 1977 to 2005 are normally an only child. They have cousins but not brothers and sisters. The system has changed recently due to the increased number of old people meaning children would have to support up to 4 people (there own parents and there partners parents) and the lack of a welfare system. So if a person is around 15 to 30 don't be surprised if they don't have any brothers or sisters. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 11 - 剪纸 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:41

剪纸,是中国民间最为流行的装饰艺术之一,就是把纸张剪成人物动物或其他物品的形象贴在墙壁,门窗上做点缀之用,一般都是选用红色的纸张,因为中国人认为红色比较吉庆,中国的旧时候,新娘子出嫁都要产红色的衣服。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 21 - What time is it now? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:08

Chinese women don't like to wear watches especially now that they have mobile phones. Older generation Chinese people like grandparents will tend to ask what time it is . If you've forgotten your mobile you may need to know the time so that you can catch a bus or train. Many things depend on the time and in a busy country such as china you may well be asked or find yourself needing to ask the time. In Today's lesson you will learn how to ask for the time. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 10 - 国际禁毒日 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:51

众所周知,日趋严重的毒品问题已经成为全球性的灾难,更是整个人类的健康大敌。每年的6月26日已定为国际禁毒日。毒品是一个全球性的问题,希望每个人都能积极投身到抵制毒品,参与禁毒的活动中来。远离毒品,是人类健康生活的一个非常重要的保证。只有大家真正从思想上认识到吸毒对自身对社会的危害,才能视毒品于无物。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 10 - 流行服饰 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:23

About thirty years ago, Zhongshan suit, also known as Mao suit was popular in China. With the rapid economic growth and the influence of western culture, many Chinese people have developed an obsession with brand names, such as Nike, Adidas, etc. However, people in the dialogue seem to have different views, to find out, please watch the lesson. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 20 - Paying for the meal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:48

So you've eating your meal and now comes the time to pay up. In today's video lesson we'll show you how to request the bill in a Chinese restaurant. Well even throw in a few tips. Chinese people don't tip unfortunately this may not be the case for foreigners so be prepared to leave a little extra especially at your hotel. Most restaurants will not have the facility to accept credit cards so its always best to carry cash with you. Using your credit card carries a risk of fraud so use at your own risk. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 9 - 中秋节 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:17

中秋节是中国传统的民俗节日,这天是中国农历的八月十五,大概是公历的九月五号前后。中国有一句俗语,每逢佳节倍思亲。中秋节又叫团圆节,一家人都要团聚在一起。祭月亮,吃月饼,一家人享受天伦之乐,不亦乐乎。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Intermediate Lesson 9 - 鲤鱼炖豆腐 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:38

Every one likes Chinese food. Chinese Cuisine has been popular in many countries for years. Since China is such a large country, its different regions have developed distinctive cooking styles. Of the many different Chinese cooking styles the 4 most influential are considered the Four Great Traditions (Si Da Cai Xi): Cantonese, Sichuan, Shandong, and Huaiyang cuisine. In this lesson, we will learn how to cook a single Sichuan dish. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Beginner Lesson 19 - Where are the toilets? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:29

So you've had a couple of beers and its time for a call of nature. Where are the toilets? You know that they must be around somewhere but where do you start looking? There are no signs pointing out the direction, at least none you can read at the moment so what do you do? Today's lesson were going to show you how to ask where the toilets are. For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.

 Advanced Lesson 8 - 世界环境日 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:39

每年6月5日是世界环境日。每到这一天,世界各国的政府和人民都会展开各种各样的活动来提醒全世界保护和改善人类环境。新加坡有着“花园之国”的美称,环境整洁,市容优美。做为今年世界环境日的主办国家,新加坡提出了“发展低碳经济”的主题。那么什么是低碳经济呢?在经济发展中排放最少的温室气体,却能获得整个社会最大的产出,就是低碳经济。如何减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排外又不影响环境的质量,已经成为今年经济发展的必修课题。 For dialogue texts, translation, grammar explanation and learning tools, please visit AtoZChinese.com.


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