Logical Weight Loss Podcast show

Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help. Additional episodes are available at the website.

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 Overcoming Overeating – We’re All Stoned on Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:40

Today I'm at the Rocky River Nature Center where they have what I call the "Stairway to Heaven" so I'm trying to walk around here and talk to you about the book Over coming Overeating by by Lisa Monroe. I'm through the first couple of chapters and I'm finding it very motivating. Here's why: 1. While I love to break weight loss into small goals (lets focus on losing that next pound instead of the 30 total we need), there are times when we need to look at the big picutre that being overweight casts. Its amazing all the things that are linked to being overweight. Cancer, strokes, high blood pressure, Diabetes, dimentia, and many more. 2. As Type 2 diabetes is increasing so quickly, I thought I'd look into it (and I'm also at a higher risk as my Mother was diabetic) I thought I'd look into this. It turns out that there are certain organs that help pull the sugar out of your blood. The problem is the food we are eating is so high in sugar that it gets tried of hearing the body say, "We need to you catch some sugar." It hears it so much it can eventually just ignore all the cries for "Here comes some more sugar" and the sugar stays in your bloodstream and makes it thick. In a nutshell it sounds like we are turning our blood into sludge. Becuase our blood is in such bad shape, our chance of heart attack increases by 10. 3. Studies are showing that the chemical reaction in the brain is similar to the reaction you have when you do drugs such as marijuanna. In a nutshell, why do we overeat? Because we want to get high. 4. Throw on top of this EVERYWHERE you go you are bomarded with fast food. I also find it interestng that on one end of the street we have McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, and Taco Bell. On the other end of the street we have CVS, Wallgreens, Rite Aid and all the other pharmacies. 5. When we come home we turn on the TV and see all the thin people, and becuase we don't look like them we want to feel better so we reach for the comfort foods. This leads to a temporary solution, but a long term problem. 6. In the 1980s microwave ovens came into every household. The question is does the "microwave generation" have a smaller ability to wait for gratification?     You can watch the documentary sing the link below

 Overcoming Overeating – We’re All Stoned on Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:40

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 The Weight of the Nation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:35

I just found out about a TV show that starts tomorrow night on HBO it's called the Weight of the Nation and you can find out more about it on the HBO site. There is also a companinion book, and you can get the speical on DVD (it spans four hours of material). From the trailer, it appears that the US obesity epidemic will ruin our country very soon (if we have national health coverage and we are all sick, we will tax ourselve to feath to pay for our bad eating habits). We need to fix this today. Here are some shoicking stats: % of every food dollar American Spent outside of home 1972 $34.2 2008 $47.9 Total calroies available per person in the US food supply every day 1978 2188 2009 2594 % of obese US adolescents (12-19) 1980 5% 2008 18% Calroies in average servings of Fries 1983 210 2003 610 Millions of American diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 1986: 6.4 million 20102: 1.1 million % of high school students attending PE class every day 1991: 41.6 2009: 33.3% Hours of media used byu childten every day age 8-18 2004:  6:21 2009:  7:38 Listen to this book for free when you go to www.audibletrial.com/dave What If You tracked Everything And Your Still Not Losing Weight? I treally tracked all of my food and activity last week. On those days that I ate more than my targeted 1700 calroies, I exercised more. At the end of the week I had gone up 1 lb. When I looked into it I saw where I was averageing 1880 calories a day. We know these are fairly acurate as we are going by the information on the labels and paying attention to serving sizes. So what gives? Well the only other piece of the puzzle is the calroies burned during exercise. With this in mind, I will focus on hitting my goal for calories in, and ignore (kind of) how many calories I burn off. In the end its calories in vs calories out. If I track all my calories in, and still gain weight, then I nkow I can cut back on the calroies and I should lose. The key to this is brutal honesty when entering food. A difference of 150 calories a day can add up over a month. Remember the only thing you have absolute control over is you. While I found all this effort frustrating, I know in the end if I watch my calories in, and keep exercises the weight will drop off eventually. Quitting will not get me where I need to go.    FitBolt - Nuges You To Get Out of your Chair I'm going to be interviewing a representative from Fitbolt.com this week, but couldn't wait to tell you about this cool website. It is a timer that alerts you to get up and stretch and do exercises. It's free, and is a great way to keep you focused (not to mention burn a few extra calories while you're at your desk). I'll talk more about this in the future, but for now check out www.fitbolt.com Mentioned on the Show - Treadmill Desks Robert Chazz Chute talks about making a "Treadmill Desk" out of stuff from around the house in his latest "Self Help For Stoners" podcast. His is much cheaper than the ($250) or the ($542). I'm not sure I'd trust the ($39) with my laptop (maybe my iPad, if I had an iPad....   Poll of the Week

 The Weight of the Nation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:35

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 So You’re Saying I Want to Quit… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:07

I think we all have been there. Life has kicked us in the teeth. We put in the time. We put in the work. The results are not what we expected. We feel, "What's the point?" We ponder the thought of quitting. I've said it over and over. It's hard to beat someone who refuses to quit. I did a quick search on quitting, and found some inspirational stories to help us over the quitting hump. My Lamp Has Burned Out - Rekindling the Fire 1. Accept the fact (admit) your flame has dimmed. 2. Change your routine. 3. Exercise and eat healthy. 4. Get enough sleep. 5. Routinely take complete days off. 6. Learn something new as it relates to your business. 7. Hang around someone who's on fire. Pick one thing this week to change for the better. Dont' try to change your whole life. Pick ONE thing that will push you toward your goals. While you're at it, pick ONE item that you won't do in the future. I know right now every time I waste 30 minutes on netflix I think, "that program wasn't that good, and I could've been exercising." For me, I think Netflix is on the chopping block. Abraham Lincoln Didn't Quit Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. If you want to learn about somebody who didn't quit, look no further. Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country. Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up. Here is a sketch of Lincoln's road to the White House: 1816 His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them. 1818 His mother died. 1831 Failed in business. 1832 Ran for state legislature - lost. l832 Also lost his job - wanted to go to law school but couldn't get in. 1833 Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt. 1834 Ran for state legislature again - won. 1835 Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken. 1836 Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months. 1838 Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated. 1840 Sought to become elector - defeated. 1843 Ran for Congress - lost. 1846 Ran for Congress again - this time he won - went to Washington and did a good job. 1848 Ran for re-election to Congress - lost. 1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected. 1854 Ran for Senate of the United States - lost. 1856 Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention - get less than 100 votes. 1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost. 1860 Elected president of the United States. Lincoln could've easily quit many times in his life. I'm so glad he didn't. When you don't quit on health, your children, and your friends, your family thank you. The Old Mule in the Well Once upon a time a farmer owned an old mule who tripped and fell into the farmer's well. The farmer heard the mule braying and was unable to figure out how to bring up the old animal. It grieved him that he could not pull the animal out. He'd been a good worker around the farm. Although the farmer sympathized with the mule, he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened. He had them help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and quietly put him out of his misery. At first, the old mule was puzzled, but as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, he had a thought: he ought to shake off the dirt and step up. And he did just that. "Shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up." Even though he took painful blows of dirt and fought panic, he just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up!

 So You Want to Quit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:08

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Hate Looking at the Scale? Quantum Scale Helps You Focus on the Positve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:21

I was never aware how some people DREAD stepping on scale. Even when they lose weight they get depressed they get filled with self-hatred because they see how far they need to go. There is a new produce on the market called the Quantum Scale. This has been on the Tara show, Dr. Oz, and others. Its a new twist on stepping on the scale. Here is how it works: 1. You press the program button and then step on the scale. 2. The Scale measures you and records your weight. 3. The next time you step on the scale it only shows your progress - NOT your weight. The thought being that this helps you focus on the positive and highlights where you've come - not so much how far you need to go. I love this idea, and I am intrigued on how motivational this would be. I have a similar app for my android phone that does make me feel better when it displays how far I've come. It's currently not available at Amazon.com but is available internationally, and you can order with paypal or a credit car from their website at quantumscale.com If you have one of these, please let me know what you think of it. If there is a drawback its that it only tracks weight for one person, but at $59 its affordable enough for everyone to buy one for each person. It comes in six different colors to help match you home. Getting Your Body Ready For Summer With Spring upon us, its only a matter of time until Summer arrives with swim suit season. Here are some tips from the people at fitday.com for shedding some pounds between now and then: Avoid drinking your calories (that 20 oz bottle of Mountain Dew is 290 calories). Opt for fruit instead of desert. Go for what and gum instead of the pastry. Leave a few bites on your plate. Your Mom said clean your plate, fitday is saying not to if you want to shed some pounds. Those bites add up. Snack smart. Search for healthier snacks as many times its these "small" treats that up to big weight issues. Cut your snack calories in half and see how the weight drops off. If you've never heard of Fitday, that have a website where you can track your calories, foods, and moods. There is a version you can install locally on your computer if you'd rather not have to use the Internet to put in your information. Fit or Fat Book From Covert Bailey Steve from Idaho loves the podcast and wanted to let me know he went to supporthisshow.com before making the purchase of Fit or Fat from Covert Bailey (one of my favorite books on weight loss).

 Want to Lose Weight? Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:51

In today's podcast we talk about a new sight where you can make a pact with yourself to go to the gym a certain amount of times per week, and if you don't make it to the gym you lose your money. If you meet your pact, you earn the money of those who didn't make it to the gym. Learn more information here. New Study Shows Eating Less and Exercising More leads to weight loss Seven Habits of Weight Loss I saw a video with Dr Oz on Yahoo where he mentioned the seven habits of people who are thin. If you give yourself 15 points for each one of these you do, you can grade yourself. For example I do two of these. This gives me a score fo 30% out of 100. Then I wonder why I'm over-weight. 1. Exercise in the morning 2. Eat Smaller meals through the day 3. Eat Slower and Walk away when full 4. Not skipping breakfast 5. Better Monitors of their health - Journals 6. Fitness hobby outside of the gym Bike, Swim, Baseball, etc 7. Water, Water, and Water  

 Hate Looking at the Scale? Quantum Scale Helps You Focus on the Positve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:21

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Want to Lose Weight? Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:51

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Bob Harper New Book Series Skinny Rules Coming in May | File Type: application/x-shockwave-flash | Duration: Unknown

A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help.

 New Study Says Eat Less Exercise More | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help.

 Surgery is Not the Answer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:26

In looking at Carnie Wilson and her choice to get a second weight loss surgery, I found this information about Weight Loss Surgery regarding Vertical Banded Gastroplasty. Patients generally lose about half of their excess body weight in the first year after restrictive procedures. However, in the first 3 to 5 years after VBG patients may regain some of the weight they lost. By 10 years, as few as 20 percent of patients have kept the weight off. (Although there is less information about long-term results with AGB, there is some evidence that weight loss results are better than with VBG.) Some patients regain weight by eating high-calorie soft foods that easily pass through the opening to the stomach. Others are unable to change their eating habits and do not lose much weight to begin with. Successful results depend on the patient's willingness to adopt a long-term plan of healthy eating and regular physical activity. Between 15 and 20 percent of VBG patients may have to undergo a second operation for a problem related to the procedure. Although restrictive operations are the safest of the bariatric procedures, they still carry risk in less than 1 percent of all cases, complications can result in death. Total operations performed according to the American Society for Bariatric Surgery are as follows: 2005    171,000 2004    140,000 2003    103,200 Jacqueline Odom, PhD, the psychological director of the Beaumont Weight Control Center in Royal Oak, Mich., evaluates patients that are on the path to weight loss surgery to help make sure they are ready for this step and to handle the life afterward. In this article she stated" "A lot of people want a magic bullet and really don't understand what is involved," she tells WebMD. The new stomach requires several tiny, nutrient-rich meals a day supplemented with additional vitamins and minerals. Eating too much or indulging in rich, sugary or fried foods can overload the pouch and cause dumping -- a term used to describe the sweats, chills and nausea that result from food filling the pouch and overflowing straight into the small intestine. The re-feeding process starts with getting in protein because that will repair the cells and help them heal after surgery. "We use liquid protein supplements to start, then pureed foods, then soft foods like scrambled eggs and then eventually graduate to other foods," Odom says. "It's not glamorous,' she says. "You have to chew your food more thoroughly then you ever did and really emulsify it. You must eat very slowly and in small portions." Emory's Smith adds: "The volume of food they can eat and the types of food they can eat changes dramatically. And there are indirect changes surrounding eating. Many people who eat for social reasons have significant changes in interpersonal relationships." Another Article on WebMD stated this: For starters, Odom tells WebMD, there are the chemical changes that are causing a loss in appetite. The hormone ghrelin decreases in patients after gastric bypass surgery. This contributes to the decrease in appetite, which helps people not crave foods they used to. However, she adds, most of the patients report that this stabilizes and that their urges for food start coming back within six to nine months. Three months after her surgery, Kathy, 43, a home health care specialist in Watervliet, Mich., eats by the clock. "You are on a really strict regimen of eating six times day," she says. But "I have no desire to eat."

 Surgery is Not the Answer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:26

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Is Carnie Wilson an Attention Whore? | File Type: application/x-shockwave-flash | Duration: Unknown

A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help.


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