Inside Scoop Live show

Inside Scoop Live

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 The Divine Theory of Everything with Robert Berger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:52

Topics of conversation: How Robert's original storyline emerged from his Navy days on board a military submarine, and his future plans for the series. Fascinating insights into creation vs. evolution and good vs. evil. How is the age old debate between science and religion relevant to today's society? Creating a thought-provoking work of fiction with complex subjects - Robert's uncomplicated, straight-talk writing style resonates very well with readers. Star Trek, Steven Hawking, string theory, destiny, divinity...and more!

 How to Make Potty Training Fun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:27

Topicis of Conversation: Potty training - stressful on parents and kids. Tips and advice for getting through it! Tucker's use of rhyme to entertain and captivate kids while telling an educational story.

 Young Girl Meets Her Guardian Angel with CaroL Guy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:40

Topics of conversation: Why Carol feels all children are gifted/psychic, how parents can encourage their child's psychic abilities. Carol talks about her personal experience being born with full psychic ability, and eases parent's fears about their children. The critical need to bring awareness back to our lives, how to tap into messages from our own guardian angels. Thoughts on the positive side of the current upheavals many people/places are facing including jobs, relationships, homes, money, environment, etc. inating insights on personal power, honesty, self love, trust, the importance of play, and more.....

 Murderous Intellectuals: German Elites and the Nazi SS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:20

Topics of conversation: The Nazi elite - highly educated and intelligent people committing unspeakable atrocity? How the German education system was a strong contributor to the compliance of a society. History and Genetics - is violence in our genes? Recent global areas of genocide, Cambodia, Rwanda, why we haven't learned the lessons of Nazi Germany, the potential for future events. Interesting little know facts about specific members of the Nazi Party, alcoholism/drug addiction, death camp preparedness training....and more.

 Surviving Physical and Sexual Abuse with Nadia Sahari | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:46

Topics of conversation: Nadia talks about the overwhelming positive response to her book, Breakaway, and it's cathartic potential for readers. Why abusers stay, current statistics on abuse, and what victims need to know about life if they choose to get out. Forgiveness - the key to freedom: How to forgive your abusers. Healing the pain and discovering oneself - Nadia's talks about being a "little girl in a candy store," and how to live a life with passion and focus. Minute to minute inspirations, insights, tools, and advice from an author that lived unspeakable traumas and abuse, and now serves as a role model for other victims.

 Gringos in Paradise with Malana Ashlie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:42

Topics of conversation: Not your typical ex-pat interview! - Malana's talks about her spiritual connection with Mayan, Hawaiian, Native American cultures. Using meditation, conscious intent, and the law of attraction when considering a move to another country, how Malana and her husband created a serendipitous flow for their move to Honduras. The Mayan connection with Honduras, Copan ruins, 2012, and more. Health care in Honduras, being a Naturopath, and Malana's thoughts on healing. Day to day life of living in one's own paradise, culture shock, breaking through the fears and living the adventure.

 In and Out of Madness with N. L. Snowden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:48

Topics of conversation: Symptoms of Bi-polar disorder, and how Snowden brings the reality of mental illness into a highly enjoyable, suspenseful read. Synopsis of book, and main character Lee, and the heart-racing climactic ending. Insights into sex addiction and Snowden's next book. Great advice for new writers, navigating the industry, New York editors.

 Benediction - Gay, globe-trotting man's cancer journey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:45

Interview with Jim Arnold. Topics of conversation: Arnold talks about creating a witty and sarcastic dark comedy around the sensitive issue of prostate cancer....still making for a highly enjoyable and funny read! Los Angeles - Arnold, a 30 year resident talks about his love for the city, its people and rich history. Self-publishing, marketing and promotions, social networking - the business side of being a published author. Upcoming projects, books, screenplays, Troll Palace, Facebook sites...and more!

 Coming Home to My Heart: For Inner Peace - Donna Solitario | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:12

Topics of conversation: Donna's gift of poetry and how it inspires students, and survivors of abuse. Following your heart's desire, and living a life from a heart centered experience. The power of forgiveness, importance of spirituality. Addictions recovery, 12-Step programs, codependency. Powerful insights on dysfunctional relationships, and how to break the pattern.

 Reads Like Murder - In Honolulu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:39

Topics of conversation: The enchanting island of Hawaii, and how it is a critical element in Reads Like Murder. How heavily Pop Culture has influenced Donovan's writing, Hawaii Five-O, etc. Ideas, imagination, writing, and perfecting your craft. Novel writing as a natural progression after years of writing other formats - scripts, magazines, short stories, etc. Advice for aspiring authors, tips Donovan has learned along the way.

 "Bill Gates meets Don Juan" - Interview with Sandy Nathan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:43

Topics of conversation: The spiritual experience that led to Sandy's writing career. Sandy's life as a successful business woman living in Silicon Valley, and how it influenced the core messages in Numenon. Characters, themes, American Southwest, Native American culture, and more. Thoughts on the genre of "visionary fiction," and writing as a spiritual mandate. How to overcome the struggles of being a professional career writer.

 Hey Diddle Diddle with Marie Davis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:52

Topics of conversation: Life of a comic strip writer, the transition to novel writing, Marie's own life experience that prompted Hey Diddle Diddle. How cartoonists are just writers disguised behind a drawing table. The healing power of humor, the need for comedy in life. Marie reads passages from her book, talks about a few of the whimsical characters, humorous excerpts and tender moments. The importance of supporting women, locally and internationally to Marie's life and work, advocacy for GBLT community.

 Prison Life is Emotional Journey - Interview with Rickey Bra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:02

Topics of conversation: Rickey tells the story of the tragic auto accident that completely changed his life. Prison life, and the emotional journey of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then acceptance. How Rickey and his "cellie" (cell mate) supported each other's artistic pursuits. Storyline of Rendezvous Rock, and it's interesting supernatural twist. Publishing, manuscripts, persistence, and the challenges of promoting a book.

 Live Each Day So You Would Want to Live it Again | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:10

Topics of conversation: The many individuals that contributed stories to this inspirational project - the wide variety of age, gender, careers, lifestyle, fame, etc. How these inspirational stories can help us find meaning and appreciation for our own life stories. Some powerful quotes and recollections from the book. The importance of following your own dreams, and doing what "you" really want to do. Thoughts on why none of the stories focused on status or money.

 Collecting Everyday Art with Michael Corbin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:17

Topics of conversation: Getting over being intimidated by art, where to start pursuing art in your community. How an art-filled home environment will inspire your own creativity. Be an art collector on any budget...don't let a slow economy stop you! The importance of supporting local, independent artists. Michael Corbin's future projects, and inspirational website.


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