Career Opportunities with Douglas E. Welch show

Career Opportunities with Douglas E. Welch

Summary: The High-Tech Career Handbook - A weekly column (and more) on high-tech careers by Douglas E. Welch.

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 The Career Compass: Discover Your Most Basic Interests from Two Challenges in Building Your Career [Video Clip] (1:06) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch.  Watch the entire presentation.   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: So, I'm giving you a real quick overview of the Career Compass. I also have a little booklet I wrote on it. I've given talks on this that I can link up for Danielle, if you want any further thing on it. But the goal here is truly to bring out those issues that already exist in your life and career that, perhaps, you haven't been paying attention to. When you start talking about it in generalities like gardening or music or whatever people seem to be more able and more willing to actually consider them a possibility. When you start talking about "I'm going to be a pop singer. I'm going to be a celebrity pop singer." Well, you know that's a lottery. Only this many people ever get to the level of a Lady Gaga or, a Justin Bieber. That's not what it's about. It's about pursuing the interest in music. It's about pursuing the interest in podcasting. It's about pursing the interest in writing about whatever. Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch Help Support Career Opportunities! Buy Douglas’photography products available from Use our Amazon Affiliate Code by starting your shopping at Consider a donation via PayPal to support more career posts, podcasts and videos! Circle Career-Op on Google+

 Like a Bad Set of Shoes You Wear Forever from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Audio Clip] (0:46) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: You cannot seek out your biggest desires if you have no idea what they are. So, I really want you to take that time and think about that. Now, why is this so important. The fact is, your career is yours. Hence the title of the talk "It's Your Career, After All." No one else has to live with your career day in and day out. Only you. Your spouse doesn't live with it. Your children don't live with it. Your family...not one else lies with your career except you. Imagine -- and this probably doesn't take a lot of imagination for most of us but imagine having a bad pair of shoes and being forced to wear those shoes every day and hating it. Well, then imagine what having a bad career feels like.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Like a Bad Set of Shoes You Wear Forever from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Video Clip] (0:46) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: You cannot seek out your biggest desires if you have no idea what they are. So, I really want you to take that time and think about that. Now, why is this so important. The fact is, your career is yours. Hence the title of the talk "It's Your Career, After All." No one else has to live with your career day in and day out. Only you. Your spouse doesn't live with it. Your children don't live with it. Your family...not one else lies with your career except you. Imagine -- and this probably doesn't take a lot of imagination for most of us but imagine having a bad pair of shoes and being forced to wear those shoes every day and hating it. Well, then imagine what having a bad career feels like.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 The Career Compass – Do Something You Want to Do from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve [Audio Clip] (1:22) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch.  Watch the entire presentation. Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: Finally, up here, things that you're not doing now that you want to be doing. I know so many people who would love to be making music, especially here in Los Angeles. I play guitar a little bit. I sing. I have a theater degree, if you can actually believe that. My Bachelor's Degree is in theater. So many people would love to do music, but yet don't find a way to make it happen. Even something as simple as sitting around with friends. I get great enjoyment out of that. We often have parties where we sit around the backyard and play songs and play along with each other. Do all sorts of things. Go out and see music whatever. There's people who that like -- they may even like gardening but they don't do it. They have a balcony and that's it. Well. Get a pot. Get a pot. Put a plant in it and grow it. Grow some tomatoes. Grow some lettuce. Do whatever makes you happy and this quadrant, I think, is one of the most important ones, because it illuminates those things that, perhaps, you haven't really thought about. You haven't really thought them possible and so you've just sort of ignore them. And again, the Compass helps you bring those topics out and say "Oh, yeah, I hadn't really thought about that. I hadn't really thought about going hiking. We have trails all around us here in the Los Angeles area, maybe I should just go out and hike one of the trails for a while." What's it going to hurt, right?  Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch

 The Career Compass – Do Something You Want to Do from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve [Video Clip] (1:22) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch.  Watch the entire presentation.   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: Finally, up here, things that you're not doing now that you want to be doing. I know so many people who would love to be making music, especially here in Los Angeles. I play guitar a little bit. I sing. I have a theater degree, if you can actually believe that. My Bachelor's Degree is in theater. So many people would love to do music, but yet don't find a way to make it happen. Even something as simple as sitting around with friends. I get great enjoyment out of that. We often have parties where we sit around the backyard and play songs and play along with each other. Do all sorts of things. Go out and see music whatever. There's people who that like -- they may even like gardening but they don't do it. They have a balcony and that's it. Well. Get a pot. Get a pot. Put a plant in it and grow it. Grow some tomatoes. Grow some lettuce. Do whatever makes you happy and this quadrant, I think, is one of the most important ones, because it illuminates those things that, perhaps, you haven't really thought about. You haven't really thought them possible and so you've just sort of ignore them. And again, the Compass helps you bring those topics out and say "Oh, yeah, I hadn't really thought about that. I hadn't really thought about going hiking. We have trails all around us here in the Los Angeles area, maybe I should just go out and hike one of the trails for a while." What's it going to hurt, right?  Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch Help Support Career Opportunities! Buy Douglas’photography products available from 

 Feel Free to Explore New Opportunities from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Audio Clip] (0:46) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: I've had people come to me and say, "Someone offered me a job but it's in an entirely different area of work and I don't know if i should..." They get all totally confused about it until I say to them, "I'm n ot asking you to take the job. Just think about it. Just think about it. Just go talk to the people. Go have an interview.Go out to coffee with them." You're not committing to anything. You're just exploring your opportunities. And that's another phrase that's going to come up as we work through this today. People think that merely by letting themselves think about an idea, they have somehow committed to it. Don't do that. It's not about that. It's about you learning about yourself and what you really want out of your life and career.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Feel Free to Explore New Opportunities from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Video Clip] (0:46) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: I've had people come to me and say, "Someone offered me a job but it's in an entirely different area of work and I don't know if i should..." They get all totally confused about it until I say to them, "I'm n ot asking you to take the job. Just think about it. Just think about it. Just go talk to the people. Go have an interview.Go out to coffee with them." You're not committing to anything. You're just exploring your opportunities. And that's another phrase that's going to come up as we work through this today. People think that merely by letting themselves think about an idea, they have somehow committed to it. Don't do that. It's not about that. It's about you learning about yourself and what you really want out of your life and career.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Career Compass – Jobs You Never Want to Do from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve [Audio Clip] (1:17) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch.  Watch the entire presentation. Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: We can all get trapped in our own little worldview -- our own little bubble - sometimes, but if we don't purposefully make an attempt to reach out and change it or see it in a different way, we just continue in that fashion. It happens to all of us. It happens to me. It happens to everyone I know. the point is use some tool like this to help you broaden your thinking a little bit to hopefully allow you to see where things have perhaps gone a little bit wrong. Now for the other quadrants of the compass, down here are the things you are not doing that you never want to do. So, actually, the elementary school would probably be over here with my wife instead of that quadrant. These are things you never want to do. Never want to work in a bank. I never want to work for a real estate company. I never want to -- I never want to be a doctor or a nurse. Sorry, no, I can barely deal with doctoring myself when I cut my finger. I could never imagine taking care of someone else in that fashion, It's just not in my mental make up. Other people are like "Oh yeah! Please. Medical? Love it! Yes." My son's girlfriend is in the medical focus program in high school for goodness sakes. So, some people might put that there, but other people might put it down here and say "I never. No. That's just. No. Unless something dramatically changes in my makeup, I don't even want to go there." Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch Help Support Career Opportunities!

 Career Compass – Jobs You Never Want to Do from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve [Video Clip] (1:17) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch.  Watch the entire presentation.   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: We can all get trapped in our own little worldview -- our own little bubble - sometimes, but if we don't purposefully make an attempt to reach out and change it or see it in a different way, we just continue in that fashion. It happens to all of us. It happens to me. It happens to everyone I know. the point is use some tool like this to help you broaden your thinking a little bit to hopefully allow you to see where things have perhaps gone a little bit wrong. Now for the other quadrants of the compass, down here are the things you are not doing that you never want to do. So, actually, the elementary school would probably be over here with my wife instead of that quadrant. These are things you never want to do. Never want to work in a bank. I never want to work for a real estate company. I never want to -- I never want to be a doctor or a nurse. Sorry, no, I can barely deal with doctoring myself when I cut my finger. I could never imagine taking care of someone else in that fashion, It's just not in my mental make up. Other people are like "Oh yeah! Please. Medical? Love it! Yes." My son's girlfriend is in the medical focus program in high school for goodness sakes. So, some people might put that there, but other people might put it down here and say "I never. No. That's just. No. Unless something dramatically changes in my makeup, I don't even want to go there." Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch Help Support Career Opportunities! Buy Douglas’photography products available from

 Discover Your Wants, Needs and Desires from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” with Douglas E. Welch [Audio Clip] (45 secs) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: You can't possibly seek out your biggest, wants, needs and desires if you don't know what they are. Ok? You have to know these things and it can be difficult and frustrating and worrisome because you can wake up one morning and go, " You know what? I really don't like doing this type of work.-- For this reason and this reason. But you know maybe there is something different." That can be a little troubling, because it's like " Well, I've invested all this time and energy and whatever into this particular avenue." You don't have to change overnight, but what I do counsel you to do is try it. At least think about it.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Discover Your Wants, Needs and Desires from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” with Douglas E. Welch [Video Clip] (45 secs) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: You can't possibly seek out your biggest, wants, needs and desires if you don't know what they are. Ok? You have to know these things and it can be difficult and frustrating and worrisome because you can wake up one morning and go, " You know what? I really don't like doing this type of work.-- For this reason and this reason. But you know maybe there is something different." That can be a little troubling, because it's like " Well, I've invested all this time and energy and whatever into this particular avenue." You don't have to change overnight, but what I do counsel you to do is try it. At least think about it.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 The Career Compass: Heading Due South from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve [Audio Clip] (0:58) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch. Watch the entire presentation. Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: So again, things you like doing that you're doing now. Things that you don't like that you're doing now. As you might imagine, if north is the most positive, this is the area we want to go in. But where do I see so many people going in their careers. They take jobs, or they use that "next available job" thing and they start doing jobs that are not in their interest at all. They don't like doing the work. They don't like what the work accomplishes. They don't like the topic. They don't like the...whatever, but they end up being forced in this direction, but they don't see it. I have sat at meals with people and just listened to the direst descriptions of their work life and I have to explain that, "You know, you're kind of doing it to yourself here." Can you find something that's more, more in this area?" But they haven't really thought of it that way. Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch Help Support Career Opportunities! Buy Douglas’photography products available from Use our Amazon Affiliate Code by starting your shopping at Consider a donation via PayPal to support more career posts, podcasts and videos! Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 The Career Compass: Heading Due South from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve [Video Clip] (0:58) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch. Watch the entire presentation.   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide. I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people "What you do and how well you do it" Transcript: So again, things you like doing that you're doing now. Things that you don't like that you're doing now. As you might imagine, if north is the most positive, this is the area we want to go in. But where do I see so many people going in their careers. They take jobs, or they use that "next available job" thing and they start doing jobs that are not in their interest at all. They don't like doing the work. They don't like what the work accomplishes. They don't like the topic. They don't like the...whatever, but they end up being forced in this direction, but they don't see it. I have sat at meals with people and just listened to the direst descriptions of their work life and I have to explain that, "You know, you're kind of doing it to yourself here." Can you find something that's more, more in this area?" But they haven't really thought of it that way. Links for items mentioned in this talk: Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Career Compass Kindle Book Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners Video: CareerCamp: New Unconference Methods for Helping People Build the Career They Deserve with Douglas E. Welch Help Support Career Opportunities! Buy Douglas’photography products available from Use our Amazon Affiliate Code by starting your shopping at Consider a donation via PayPal to support more career posts, podcasts and videos! Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Learn About Yourself and Your Career from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” with Douglas E. Welch [Audio Clip] (56 secs) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: Most importantly, learning more about yourself -- learning more about the internals -- will guarantee-ably effect the externals. The more you know about yourself, the better you can present yourself. The more you know about yourself, the better job positions you can focus on that interest you most. The know you more (laugh) the more you know about yourself, the more  you can tell others about yourself. So, I can guarantee you, as is often said in creativity courses and everything, engaging in creativity in one aspect of your life will guarantee-ably effect your entire life. You'll find that you may be painting in the evenings here, but all of a sudden you'll start having better ideas at work. No matter what your work is, because you're learning about a frame of mind -- that creative frame of mind -- that questioning, that thinking part of your mind and it will just spread to other parts of your life. I guarantee it.     Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Multiple Careers in a Lifetime from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” with Douglas E. Welch [Audio Clip] (1:15) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Clip from "It's Your Career, After All" with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast Watch the entire presentation Listen to this clip   Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development - Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen Transcript: ...and you will have multiple steps in your life. You will have multiple careers. Multiple jobs are/is always been a given. Multiple careers, I believe, is now the norm and those careers may be related. They may be entirely unrelated. I'm actually doing some interesting things right now where I've decided that the one thing that really interests me right now is my photography. And I'm not a wedding photographer. I'm not a professional photographer out there, but I'm finding ways of using photography to drive my blogs, like my gardening blog and my other things and also used in products and books and other things and other ways of doing that. Totally divorced -- if you only saw me as a high-tech worker, you'd be like "what the heck is this?" Now, a lot of people don't know tat I have a theater degree. That's what I graduated college in and I have water color painted and all sorts of other artistic pursuits, but if you were to look at me, knowing only one aspect of my life, you might wonder "Well, how the heck did he get there?" But that's where I'm coming from. And every day is another step along that way and the path winds as you go and you need to follow that path sometimes. Even if it's only in a small way. Even if it's only in those half hour in the morning or half hour at night or on your lunch break or whatever, you have ways that you can explore these other alternatives and learn a little bit more about yourself.    Previous talks for Pepperdine: Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch See the Career Opportunities Playlist for more career content Circle Career-Op on Google+ Like Career-Op on Facebook


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