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Summary: From his early years he had believed in the power and significance of the spoken Word of God, and that all developments of its exposition and application should be vitally related to the actual and growing needs of the spiritual life of representative bodies of God's people. Through His Word God would meet His own, but His way of giving to His servants was not merely through bookish, cloistered or studied matter. Rather it was made necessary, drawn out and given meaning by the call and answer of living conditions. Its value - if it was to be anything more than words - lay in its being able to touch the Lord's people at the point of experience and need which had been the occasion of its original calling forth. Such was the special calling of T. Austin-Sparks.

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 Steps To Personal Revival by Bill McLeod | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:59

Bill McLeod shares on the subject of a personal revival from the Word of God. He expresses clearly how the subject of revival and renewal is a very biblical topic and is needful for every Christian. He clearly shows how we can have revival, why we need revival and how to have a personal revival.

 A Grain of Wheat by Major Ian Thomas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:57

Where in the life of Christ was one hour of more significance than another? Throughout the New Testament we read of occasions when Jesus' enemies tried to kill him, but were prevented because "His hour had not yet come." What is this "hour" of which the Scriptures speak? Major Ian Thomas says, "It is the hour without which the Lord Jesus would have been born to live in vain." He uses John 12:24, in several translations, to describe the hour on which our salvation rests.

 The Way Of Cain by Zac Poonen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:44

Brother Zac Poonen shares with the leadership meetings with churches on the subject of the "way of cain." It is a strong biblical warning that is apostolic and not preached on in many churches. Some things shared here are absolutely essential for leadership of churches to know.

 Can We Have Revival by Oswald J. Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:46

In this sermon, Oswald Smith helps us answer the question, how can we have revival today? Smith profoundly states that revival is the result of a price paid—it costs to have a revival. He says that we must get right with God, we must travail in prayer, we must preach the word of God, not human opinion, and we must work in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. What are you willing to do to see revival in your life? In the United States? In the world?

 The Two Judaims by Art Katz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:11

Art Katz speaks with authority and prophetic insight on the 2 religions in the world. The one that originates from men and the one that is from God in heaven. There is such importance in these things towards Israel, the cross, separation and death to self.

 Love With Shoes On by Darrel Champlin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:39

Do we really love God? What about when the test comes on? Darrell gives examples from his own life and family and how God asked the question of him, "Do you love me with shoes on?" You will look at love for God in a new light after hearing this message.

 The Holy Art of Training Children by Denny Kenaston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:09

'Part 1 - The Holy Art of Training Children' commences on lifting the principles of childraising out of the commonplace and making them holy again. Denny Kenaston challenges fathers to repent of unscriptural focuses and embrace the 'beautiful realities of the Word of God.' Raising children is an art, 'a system of principles and methods employed in the creation of making something beautiful.' Are you ready to be a student of training children?

 Do Everything Out Of Love by Arno Stegen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:39

Arno Stegen shares his sermon on the topic of having the love of God in our lifes. He speaks of many practical ways to show if we do nor do not have the love of God in our heart. All ministry, work, and serving God can be vain without it being done out of love from the heart for God. This is a very challenging and strong sermon on a much needed topic to be shared.

 Humanizing God by Lou Sutera | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:38

Lou Sutera is honest with the hearers sharing how desperately wicked society has become around us. His main point is showing how little esteemed God is and how society and sadly Christians have "humanized God" to make Him as we are. Revival is utmost and necessary to see God as He truly is! This message is a clarion call for the need and urgency we should have.

 Steadying The Ark Of God by Vance Havner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:05

Vance Havner shares about how the people of our day have desired to steady the ark, but what we need is to get back to God's ways and His principles. Church needs to get back to God. We have been so anxious to be relevant we have lost our reverence towards God.

 The Adversary In The Church by Milton Green | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:40

Milton Green shares a very strong penetrating message about the state of the church in the modern day. The devil and the powers of darkness have been having much control and infiltration into the church in the modern day. A much needed message to hear of things to come.

 Real Revival by Denny Kenaston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:48

"We stand in great danger of being satisfied." Denny Kenaston's heart was burdened to have real revival and to motivate further prayer for it. He warned against dead orthodoxy (correct doctrine without life) and even enjoying God's blessings so as to not pursue God's best. The inspiration for the address came from Duncan Campbell's "When God Stepped Down", an accounting of the amazing Hebrides revival around 1952.

 Reprobates and Trembling Nations by Carter Conlon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:53

Carter Conlon delivers a powerful stirring rebuke and exhortation to this generation to seek God with a whole heart. There is misuse of the things of God in the churches and a lack of regard for the holiness of God in America. There are terrible times coming for America and this message proves a warning to many preachers who are preaching soft, small, slick messages in these last days.

 The Danger Of Pharisaisim by Zac Poonen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:42

Brother Zac looks at the very dangerous imbalance of holiness preaching taken to a extreme. This message serves as a gentle warning in love to many who have strong convictions that go past what God calls and leads. We need zealous strong individuals that display the compassion of God but a unyielding desire for truth.

 The Burden Of God by Gehard DuToit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:35

Brother Gerhard shares from a burden of the Holy Ghost about brokeness in the Christian life. This message will move and challenge you. He shares personal stories about how the Lord has dealt in his life and some principles from scripture of how we can begin to share the burden of God in our life.


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