Personal Journals Podcasts

Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto show

Electronic Trader with Jeff QuintoJoin Now to Follow

The ElectronicTrader with Jeff Quinto podcast features world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto. Mr. Quinto shares his ideas on how professional electronic futures traders can maximize their returns. Mr. Quinto coaches professional futures traders from around the world in his Professional Trader Mentoring Program.

By Jeff Quinto

The Angry Mailman Podcast show

The Angry Mailman PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Real stories from an Alabama mailman.

By AnthonyAlex

I am Salt Lake show

I am Salt LakeJoin Now to Follow

Interviews and conversations with people that are making stuff happen in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. New episode comes out every Monday! Visit the website

By Chris & Krissie Holifield

Tokyo Podcast show

Tokyo PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Anthony Joh returns to Japan and to the airwaves with Season 2 of the Tokyo Podcast. If you’re one of the listeners who stuck around – thank you! Since the whole world is stuck at home under quarantine thanks to the coronavirus, now seemed like the perfect time to bring you some fresh, updated content on life in Japanland.

By Anthony Joh

Seeing Clearly with Matt Paxton show

Seeing Clearly with Matt PaxtonJoin Now to Follow

A couple discussing their struggle to keep their marriage intact AFTER sexual addiction. Matt Paxton moderates this very personal weekly podcast. Enjoy.

By Matt Paxton

Pod Is My Copilot show

Pod Is My CopilotJoin Now to Follow

"A Snarky Audio Cocktail," says David In Denver... Taylor the Latte Boy and Rodan (the gays) and Taffy Carlisle Huffington (the girl) talk about life in Florida and Louisiana, love, friendship and pop culture on a weekly podcast. MONRRRROOOOE!!!!

By Taylor and Taffy and Rodan

Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast show

Doctor Who: Tin Dog PodcastJoin Now to Follow The Tin Dog welcomes you to sit back and listen to his rants and ramblings about all that is best in modern SF and Television. Via the gift of the new fangled Podcast over the tinterweb. As you can probably guess Tin Dog mostly talks about Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith but that wont stop him talking about any other subject you suggest. Hailing from a non specific part of the northeast of England, Tin Dog is male and in his mid 30s. A life long fan of almost all TV SF. His semi-autistic tendencies combined with his total lack of social skills have helped him find a place in the heart of British SF Fandom. Even as a child the Tin Dogs mother told him that she can trace his love of SF TV back to his rhythmic kicking, while still in the womb, along to the beat of the Avengers theme music. From Gabriel Chase to Totters Lane, from the Bad Wolf Satellite to the back streets of the Cardiff, Tin Dog will give you his thoughts on the wonderful Whoniverse. Daleks and Cybermen and TARDIS ES Oh My If you enjoy these Tin Dog Podcasts please remember to tell your friends and leave an email


Just Talking Podcast show

Just Talking PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Casual conversations with purpose featuring interesting, inspiring, and innovative people from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and industries. Everyone has a story to share, and every story is worth sharing. There's no pressure, we're just talking.

By Christopher Snider

Nick Thomas Podcast show

Nick Thomas PodcastJoin Now to Follow

An honest and frank listen into all facets of my life. I talk about not only my day to day humdrum existence, but also about those things that separate gay and straight America. I talk about my sex life in detail. Nothing is off limits. I talk about how I differ with many of my gay friends in regard to sex, religion and political issues. This is more than just a snapshot into my life. It is a room with a view, a very open view of my life. You will meet my friends and my sex partners. I will talk to people I find interesting and share those conversations with you. This is a personal journal podcast unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Give me a listen. But be aware that I speak openly and honestly about my life. Its not always a pretty picture.

By Nick Thomas

Chicken Thistle Farm CoopCast show

Chicken Thistle Farm CoopCastJoin Now to Follow

Sharing our small farm stories and skills along our farming, gardening and homesteading journey. Visit the farm for an informative and sometimes irreverent tour through our garden, livestock pastures, chicken coop, beehive and greenhouse as we live - pasture to plate. Farming topics free range around pastured heritage pigs, broiler chickens and pastured eggs, heritage breed turkeys, an heirloom vegetable CSA and garden, high tunnel / hoop house / green houses, organic and traditional gardening, farm infrastructure, tractors, sustainable energy, being self sufficient, permaculture, food preservation, bees, beekeeping and even fence mending.

By Chicken Thistle Farm Homestead : Farming, Gardening and Homesteading - Pasture to Plate.