Interviews Podcasts

TecnoCasters show

TecnoCastersJoin Now to Follow

TecnoCasters is the best technology podcast in Spanish. Hosted by Juan D. Guevara, Pedro Riveroll, Lorena Galan, Marcos Algara Siller y Francisco Guevara Torres, TecnoCasters offers a funny and friendly point of view about the gadgets and technology you’ll come across in your ordinary day. Produced simultaneously in the US and Mexico, TecnoCasters is an international podcast, specially created for the Spanish speaking audience or for all of those who want to improve their Spanish speaking skills!

By NowMedia Digital, LLC

Today in iOS Podcast - The Unofficial iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch News and iPhone Apps Podcast show

Today in iOS Podcast - The Unofficial iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch News and iPhone Apps PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The podcast that keeps you up to date on the latest happenings in the iPhone OS world. We have news, tech tips, hacks, reviews and interviews all centered around the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

By Rob @ podCast411

PNAS Science Sessions show

PNAS Science SessionsJoin Now to Follow

Science Sessions is the podcast program of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Listen to brief conversations with cutting-edge researchers, National Academy of Sciences members, and policy makers as they discuss topics relevant to today's scientific community. Learn the behind-the-scenes story of research published in PNAS, plus a broad range of science news and discoveries that affect the world around us.


Ask Mr. Biggs show

Ask Mr. BiggsJoin Now to Follow

Who is Mr. Biggs? Quite simply, Mr. Biggs is a man with a lot on his mind. An accomplished businessman, community leader, motivational speaker, mentor, bowler, and recreational chef, Mr. Biggs has experienced a lot in his 50 plus years. When he's not co-owning and managing his successful restaurant/nightclub, Whizzbang's!, he's helping a neighbor replace an aging lawnmower's spark plug, or grilling steaks at the Caribou Lodge's annual fundraiser jubilee, or figuring out how to beat his niece and nephew at miniature golf, or simply spending time at home hosing off his driveway. No, Mr. Biggs is no ordinary man. Few people know that Mr. Biggs has developed and patented the world's very first 12-piece stainless steel cutlery set that's completely portable (patent pending). Mr. Biggs has also been credited with being the first American entrepreneur to delve into and revolutionize the once-flourishing world of mail-order sandwiches. A pioneer, an uncle, a risk-taker, an individual, and, above all, a STYLISH GENTLEMAN, Mr. Biggs is a lot of things to a lot of people. And now, through the miracle of mp3 compressed audio technology, he can be all of these things to YOU with The Mr. Biggs Bartered Program! Welcome to the fantastic world of Mr. Biggs!


Kamla Bhatt Show show

Kamla Bhatt ShowJoin Now to Follow

Connecting the Indian diaspora across the world. It is all about life, people and ideas. Every week we speak to an interesting mix of people about business, technology, films, food, books and a host of other subjects. This is the place to come to listen to a stimulating conversation on India.

By Kamla Bhatt

Earth and Sky radio series show

Earth and Sky radio seriesJoin Now to Follow

Earth & Sky is an award-winning, 90-second daily science radio program. The program covers all areas of science - space, environment, astronomy, earth science, oceans, weather and sustainability.

Shelly Palmer Digital Living - Daily Radio Report show

Shelly Palmer Digital Living - Daily Radio ReportJoin Now to Follow

Shelly Palmer hosts a series of discussions about technology, media and entertainment with industry leaders, personalities and celebrity guests. Enjoy Media 3.0 -- The Podcast

By Shelly Palmer

Haunted Voices Radio Network show

Haunted Voices Radio NetworkJoin Now to Follow

Paranormal Talk Radio with special guests, paranormal topics. This show will focus on Electronic Voice Phenomena, Ghost Photography, Training, and information on hauntings

By Todd Bates

Podobe znanja show

Podobe znanjaJoin Now to Follow

Podobe znanja so razpoznavna tedenska oddaja Programa ARS, v kateri v formi polurnega portretnega intervjuja predstavljamo ugledne slovenske intelektualce in znanstvenike vseh generacij in z vseh podrocij humanistike in eksaktnih ved – od ciste filozofije pa tja do fizike drobnih delcev. V to galerijo slovenskih mislecev, raziskovalcev in razumnikov - v najboljsem pomenu te besede - vkljucujemo tudi Slovence iz zamejstva in tiste, ki so se na intelektualnem in znanstvenem polju dokazali v tujini - v Evropi in drugje po svetu. Doslej je bilo v tej galeriji portretov, ki smo jo zaceli postavljati leta 2002 in je verjetno brez primere v slovenskem medijskem prostoru, predstavljenih prek 230 osebnosti, ki oblikujejo nas intelektualni, znanstveni in razvojni danes in jutri ter nase mesto v svetu. Med njimi je bilo prek 60 slovenskih akademikov, prav tako pa v oddaji dobijo prostor tudi obetavni mladi intelektualci in raziskovalci, katerih cas sele prihaja.


Viikkokatsaus show

ViikkokatsausJoin Now to Follow

Tietokone-lehden Viikkokatsaus on viikottainen podcast kuluneen viikon tärkeimmistä tietotekniikkauutisista ja -tapahtumista. Perjantaisin tallennettava ja lauantaisin lähetettävässä ohjelmassa keskustelevat Tietokone-lehden toimittajat ja kirjoittajat sekä ulkopuoliset asiantuntijat. Viikkokatsauksessa kuulet kaiken sen, mitä et uutisista lue!