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Ask The Health Expert

Ask The Health Expert

JJ Virgin’s Ask the Health Expert Podcast has become THE go-to podcast for all things nutrition and wellness. Every short, knowledge-packed episode combines cutting-edge science with simple action strategies you can use right now. As a triple-board certified nutrition expert and Fitness Hall of Famer, JJ helps you stay fired up and focused on being your healthiest rockstar self. That’s why Ask the Health Expert Podcast has over 10 million downloads and counting! Tackling everything from fasting to fitness to fast fat loss, every daily episode provides an informative Q&A session hosted by JJ or a guest expert. Ask the Health Expert Podcast also includes bonus episodes featuring special guest interviews. Best of all, you can have YOUR question answered. Be sure to submit yours by DMing JJ on social media or email us at! In addition to hosting the Ask the Health Expert Podcast, JJ is a prominent TV and media personality. She was co-host of TLC’s Freaky Eaters and for 2 years, she was the on-camera nutritionist for Weight Loss Challenges on Dr. Phil. Over the years, JJ has made numerous appearances on PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and the TODAY Show. She also speaks regularly and has shared the stage with notables including Seth Godin, Lisa Nichols, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mark Hyman, Dan Buettner, and Mary Morrissey. JJ is the author of 4 New York Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, The Sugar Impact Diet, and The Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook. Her latest book, Warrior Mom: 7 Secrets to Bold, Brave Resilience, shows caregivers everywhere how to be strong, positive leaders for their families, while exploring the inspirational lessons JJ learned as she fought for her own son’s life. JJ regularly writes for Rodale Wellness, Mind Body Green, and other major blogs and magazines. Visit for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus state-of-the-art programs, products, and plenty of support to help you build your dream life.

People My Dog Would Like

People My Dog Would Like

Welcome to People My Dog Would Like, a fresh new podcast where I get to sit around a digital campfire with you and explore what interesting people are doing with their game changing ideas, fresh initiatives and cool, out-of-the-box movements with an eye on the future. There are so many sticky, complex challenges we face in the world today that can fundamentally be solved through the exponential advances happening in technology. This podcast is about sharing some of this incredible information with you, to take note and use in your own life, to take advantage of all the endless opportunities that are out there for you to embrace.

My name is Lizzie Mettam and I created this podcast to help drive conversation and action around how we can all work together towards solving some of these big issues. Whether it's what kind of work is opening up for us in our future economy, new education models to consider and trial, brilliant initiatives that help tackle social issues like homelessness, inequity, obesity and the massive rise in mental health problems..... even help with how to parent our children and teenagers in the digital age, this podcast is for you.

I believe dogs are drawn to the kindness in people and they innately seem to know who of us out there is kind and compassionate. So I'm learning with Cha Cha, my gorgeous retriever who doesn't retrieve, to filter my guests and ideas, for a more compassionate future, a thoughtful future...... and together I'm hoping we can drive a positive conversation around the endless possibilities the future holds for all of us. So grab a chair, a stick and some marshmallows and enjoy the conversation.

Opening music credit is the track, Helpless Blues, don't worry, the irony in the title is not lost on me, by the fabulous The Bamboos, a hot Melbourne band.

The Metaverse Guy

The Metaverse Guy

It's hard to imagine a time when people didn't have access to information, communication, and entertainment whenever they wanted it. What's an even more complex concept to wrap your head around is the idea that someday everything we know about Reality itself... will be a thing of the past. We live in a world where Virtual Reality is the new Reality. This is a network of interconnected online spaces linked through a virtual reality where people can interact and communicate in ways that aren't possible in the physical world. Each day we hear fascinating narratives from people who are at the forefront of building this world. Today, we are honored to invite you to bring those voices into your Reality with our podcast, the metaverse. How will lives, work, and play change when we can live in a virtual world? Join us in exploring the promise of a next-generation universe with the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence, WebAR, and WebVR. We will be talking about technology and the future of the web and Virtual Reality. The metaverse is an interconnected virtual reality universe that is persistent, open, decentralized, and shared. Our podcast focuses on the technologies and ideas shaping the future of our world and bringing things that were once sci-fi-only concepts into Reality. Our topics cover everything from Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies to Gaming, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. Your one-stop destination for everything to do with technology and startups in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, NFTs, Artificial Intelligence, and the Blockchain. We talk about the way forward for technology, and the metaverse is the next evolution of virtual reality. So, presenting a podcast that explored Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality spaces. Tune in to The Metaverse Podcast to hear us talk about the latest and greatest happenings in the world of tech. Stay tuned, more coming soon!

Investing For Beginners Podcast: Learn How To Invest Money And Get Better Return On Investment

Investing For Beginners Podcast: Learn How To Invest Money And Get Better Return On Investment

It is an undeniable fact that investing is a dirty niche with a massive amount of expertise required. So how can you find practical techniques to get your investments to the next level? Here is my story: I went out to a hookah lounge, asked people why they hated investing and what was holding them back from reaching financial confidence(freedom). Their responses were shocking! I really wanted to know why the middle class will never be rich. At 3:27 PM, I discovered best excuses that hold us back from reaching our full potential in life! They stated that they hated investing because they thought it was game of luck (50/50 chance to make money), thought investing is unpredictable and requires a lot of effort & research, must be really smart & slick in order to invest, can lead to a lot of headaches and lastly investing could be considered as gambling your hard earned money. I thought these were amazing excuses, but I realized everyone had their own personal story of a friend or a family member that has lost money in investing and they were scared to risk for themselves. I learned that day losing money hurts, but living paycheck to paycheck sucks even more. By diversifying my investments it can drastically improve my odds of achieving financial confidence one day. I then decided to build “Investing For Beginners: Learn How To Invest Money And Get The Best Return On Investment” podcast to help those who want to get started but are not sure how & what to invest into. I, Veken Bakrad, twice a week I interview top investing experts to deconstruct their investing journey and get super easy actionable tips, tricks and tactics...Don't miss out on the proven and tested super actionable techniques given by the experts. Will do my best to bring you high quality interviews with a ton of valuable free information. Their advice are designed to help you learn how to invest money, grow your investments and build long term wealth..

The Mentor Sessions

The Mentor Sessions

Francesca Cervero is a full-time yoga teacher and yoga teacher's mentor. She has been teaching yoga in New York City and Washington, DC since 2005 and the foundation of her teaching practice comes from OM Yoga Center’s style of alignment-based vinyasa. Her teaching is also inspired by the years she spent in physical therapy, a constant curiosity about anatomy and biomechanics, and her love of Buddhist teachings. Francesca believes that introducing more people to the deeply healing benefits of yoga has the power to completely transform our world and the best way to get more people practicing (mindful, therapeutic) yoga is to raise the bar of professionalism for yoga teachers. She hopes that yoga teaching can be a career path that is respected and allows for sustainable income. She believes that the responsibility is on us as teachers to be worthy of, and demand such respect. It is for this reason she has maintained a thriving business teaching 15 private yoga clients a week and added a full practice teaching and mentoring yoga teachers in The Science of the Private Lesson™. Here is the plan for The Mentor Sessions: Support + Strategy for Yoga Teachers---> Making the deeply healing benefits of yoga and its sister practices more accessible has the power to transform the world we live in. An important part of making smart, mindful, therapeutic yoga more widely available is for all of us to continue to deepen and evolve as teachers. I believe the depth that arises in teaching comes from inquiry and relationship, not from collecting information from gurus. I want the yoga world to have higher standards for quality teaching AND better support networks for teachers, and I want this podcast to be at the forefront of those discussions. I’m here to offer nourishing support to help you feel more confident in your teaching and realistic strategy to help you find more clarity on your career path.

Investing In Real Estate With Lex Levinrad

Investing In Real Estate With Lex Levinrad

Do you want to learn how to buy rental properties, wholesale real estate and flip houses? Join Lex Levinrad on the Investing in Real Estate Podcast and learn how YOU can get started investing in real estate today. This podcast is full of ACTION PACKED information and CONCRETE ACTION STEPS that you can start taking TODAY to learn how to start investing in real estate, buying rental properties, fixing and flipping and wholesaling houses. Join Lex as he talks about EVERY TOPIC related to INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE including wholesaling, locating deals, finding properties, flipping properties, hard money lenders, online auction sites, marketing for motivated sellers, building your cash buyer lists, deal structuring, fixing and flipping, buying and holding real estate long term, buying rental properties, buy repair rent and refinance, and investing in Airbnb. Lex has trained thousands of students from all over the world how to invest in real estate. Lex has personally flipped over 1,000 houses and he can teach you the one thing that everyone is looking for - FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Listen to Lex interview some of his successful students who have quit their jobs and now flip houses for a living. If you want to get MOTIVATED and INSPIRED by people who are actually flipping houses RIGHT NOW, then LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. Lex will also introduce you to some of his real estate friends and he will interview some of the biggest wholesalers and flippers in the country. You will learn from the experience of real estate investors who are doing deals every single day, investors who are literally doing thousands of deals. Listen to this podcast so YOU can learn how to achieve massive results investing in real estate. If you want to learn how to invest in real estate and how to find, fix and flip houses for a living (and maybe even quit your job) then SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST.

Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening when you practice the same take over and over so slowly that it seems the world has stopped. That is not the case. Magnificent things are happening in your nervous system behind the scenes. Read the quote below by an eminent scholar. "During the early stages of learning, muscle combinations, tensions and releases are under conscious control and continue to change and re-configure themselves according to what the mind has ordered. In other words, a perceptual mandate creates a mental template. The muscles, through trial and error, attempt to achieve what the mind has conceived, or come as close to the template as possible. As the mind receives knowledge of results, subsequent movements are changed and refined until the desired degree of accuracy is achieved." J. Dickinson. "Some Perspectives on Motor Learning Theory." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When you use the podcast for practice, please leave your footprint by clicking the "comment" button and keying your name. I can roll number of visits into the homework grade. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHAT IS AN ANALYTICAL CRITIQUE? Analysis Ana in Greek means “up” or “through.” Lysis in Greek means “to break up” or “loosen.” In an analysis, you break things apart and look at the individual parts in their individuality. Critical Analysis in General Terms: A critical analysis in general terms often means negative carping. For example, your spouse says, “You are wrong, wrong, wrong.” This is not our sense of the word "criticism," the analytical sense. In an analytical critique, we endeavor to know something's limits. We try to find out what something can do inside of its limits. Then we ask in what places do those limits prevent something from doing something else. In Steno Terms Ask: Q. What can your writing now do inside of its limits? In other words, what parts of writing steno give you little or no problems? A. Q. What prevents your writing from doing something else that it should be doing? In other words, what parts of writing steno are consistently giving you problems? A. Consider stepping back from your writing and trying to recognize it for what it is within its own borders. The counterproductive alternative is to live directly inside of it and, consequently, invest excessive emotion in it. The result is that you take your current skill level for granted and accept it as being you; that is to say, you are in danger of letting your limitations define you. Then you might freeze up. Your weaknesses are not you. They are just regular human limitations that can often be remediated by training and maturation. Stepping back and creating a little space between your skill level and your emotions will allow you to set small goals that should foster overall improvement. In the end, your goal is not writing perfection. That is not possible. Similarly, your goal is not to be a better writer than anyone or everyone else. Don’t worry about anyone else. Sure, compete with them, but use them only as a gauge of your skill level. Your main competition can now be against the program itself, which exits primarily to rub against the grain of inactivity, and through channeled activity, prepare you to be an entry-level machine writer. Your only competition is you and the challenges of the program, and your goal is to mature and improve until you reach a professional skill level. At that point, you have employable machine shorthand skill. That is true graduation. It facilitates entry into the profession. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Practice Tips from the Pros 1) Write from hard copy but don’t just “write through” the hard copy. When you make a mistake, go back a few words and write through the trouble spot at half the speed. Do this several times, deliberately and slowly, placing the fingers carefully, until the trouble is worked out. Then slowly increase speed. 2) Do some silent practice. Rehearse fingerings in your head before writing. 3) Use a metronome. The metronome will keep your tempo steady when writing drills or preview words, and it will help you make progressive and disciplined use of practice time. Try the metronome link under "Favorite Links" a little below this paragraph. 4) Write on the machine every day. You will begin to lose the fine muscle control that you’ve been developing by skipping days. Once in a while, you need a break, but try to practice six out of every seven days. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “If I don’t practice one day, I know it; two days, the critics know it; three days, the public knows it.” -- Jascha Heifetz

Soren Kierkegaard, Various Readings by VARIOUS

Soren Kierkegaard, Various Readings by VARIOUS

The writings listed here represent books about Soren Kierkegaard. A fragment of his work, On the Dedication to "That Single Individual", has made it to the public domain. Who was Soren Kierkegaard? He was a Danish philosopher and religious author; b. Copenhagen May 6, 1813; d. there Nov. 11, 1855. His father, Michael, a clothing merchant, once cursed God when he was young. This one incident caused him so much distress that it affected him with a deep melancholy, which he transferred to poor Soren. Michael was an evil man. He tricked Soren into thinking that the whole world existed in his own living room by taking him for imaginary walks about the neighborhood, or anywhere Soren wanted to go, as long as it existed in his imagination only. Later in life, when Soren was on his own, he rarely left Copenhagen, but he did walk about the streets and greet passersby, discussing events of the day. After 6 years of “splendid inactivity” he obtained his degree in Theology from the University of Copenhagen with the submission of his thesis paper in 1841, On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates. Just before graduation he fell in love with Regine Olsen and proposed that they marry. She accepted, but Soren was unable to live up to the requirements of marriage and broke off the engagement after a short period. He lived a life of despair afterward. His father, Regine, and Socrates were the major influences in his life. So say all the authors in the following readings, but I disagree.

Soren considered a variety of callings, he could be philosopher, a scientist, or a preacher, but he ultimately decided that Christianity was his interest. He wondered if J. P. Mynster, bishop of Zealand and head of the National Church of Denmark, was preaching true Christianity or not. He decided at this point that his “task is a Socratic task, to revise the conception of what it means to be a Christian”. He was interested only in the “How” of Christianity, not the “What” of Christianity. He became an author, an author who was always “in the process of becoming” what he would be. He became many authors, Victor Eremita, Johannes de Silentio, Johannes Climacus, Vigilius Haufniensis, Nicolaus Notabene, Hilarius Bookbinder, Frater Taciturnus, and Soren Kierkegaard. All of them wrote books between the years 1843 and 1855. He used his imagination to create each author as an existing individual Human being, one who exists, “between the esthetic and the ethical” where “the esthetic is existing; the ethicist is struggling against the religious”, as one “aware of the religious-and the leap” of faith, one “who ordinarily despairs of nothing, despairs of repetition”, one who has “used a love affair in relation to what it means to exist”, one who believed “that in relation to God we are always in the wrong,” one who cries to God “I cannot understand you, but I will love you” one who as "the ethicist, in despair, has chosen himself out of terror of having himself" and finally as one who said “that truth is objectively a paradox shows precisely that subjectivity is truth” so “Only truth that builds up is truth for you”.

The authors are all in agreement that Soren's father, Regine, and Socrates were influential in his life. None of them were able to state that Jesus Christ had any influence upon him at all. Soren Kierkegaard said, "God is not like a king in a predicament, who says to the highly trusted Minister of the Interior, “You must do everything, you must create the atmosphere for our proposal and win public opinion to our side.” "But in relation to God, there are no secret instruction for a human being any more than there are any backstairs. Even the most eminent genius who comes to give a report had best come in fear and trembling, for God is not hard pressed for geniuses. He can create a few legion of them if needed." God wants each individual to examine to judge and to decide.

Here is a link to to some of his works one to a biography - and a link to Kierkegaard reorganized (systemetized?) - - (Summary by Soupy)

Inside The Dancehall

Inside The Dancehall

Inside the Dancehall is Americas # 1 urban Dancehall reggae entertainment music magazine and mix-show. Every week Inside the Dancehall own Notorious V.O.G (Voice of Genius) and DJ JKool takes listeners behind the scene of dancehall reggae and its culture like no other program in America. The program features exclusive interviews with many of today’s hottest dancehall and reggae stars, musicians, riddim makers, and dancers. Every Saturday Inside the Dancehall with hosts Notorious V.O.G. and DJ JKool count down the ten (10) hottest songs inside the dancehall. Callers participate by calling to win exclusive prizes including concert tickets, albums, cash, vacations, autographs fan packs, and other special prizes. Sundays Inside the Dancehall features a hot mix of classic reggae dancehall in an retro/throwback style, while on Saturday its strictly 100% yardcore! With superstar hosts Notorious V.O.G, Supa DJ JKool, Krazzy Dazzle, and Bricktop; Inside the Dancehall is undoubtedly the fastest and hypest dancehall mix show on planet earth. On any given weekend you can catch such artists as Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley, Akon, Beenie Man, Sean Paul, Method Man, Rihanna, Elephant Man, Wycliff Jean, Busy Signal, Capleton, Luciano, Spragga Benz, Sizzla, Mavado, Shaggy, and many more live Inside Dah dancehall for the type of informative and entertaining interviews you won’t find anywhere else. Inside Dah Dancehall is truly cutting edge entertainment for generation dancehall. So, tune into Inside Dah Dancehall live on Boston’s #1 Choice for Caribbean music, Choice 102.9FM. Choice streams live on the net at Inside the dancehall is also archived at and syndicated weekly via the dancehall podcast on Itunes. Inside the Dancehall they keep it yardcore and much more! See you all Inside the Dancehall where everything selloff! Checkout Inside Dah Dancehall this weekend with hosts Notorious V.O.G and JKool. It is the best dancehall show on radio. Check it out every weekend on Choice 102.9fm and on the net at It’s the only dancehall reggae fix you will ever need in your life. Now available as a podcast show with over 1,500,000 podcast downloads and counting. Take Inside The Dancehall with you and stay Inside The Dancehall.

Aging Gratefully: The Doctor and The Man from Hollywood on the Third Age of Life

Aging Gratefully: The Doctor and The Man from Hollywood on the Third Age of Life

In your 50's? 60's? What are you going to do with the rest of your life to make it TWICE as fun? Are you looking for a dream? Have a dream but not the motivation to pursue it? Crave more meaning and fulfillment in your life? Or are you having a great time moving into the third age of your life and want to connect with others like yourself? If the answer to some of these questions is yes, you need to tune in to the experts on "Aging Gratefully," co-hosts Dr. Peter Brill and David Debin, the heartfelt duo that wants to be with you every step of the way in creating and informing the life you want today and going forward. Hear famous and important people in all the fields related to human development and aging. Authors, educators, business leaders, visionaries, and spiritual leaders are among the guests who share their knowledge, wisdom and sense of humor with the Doctor and The Man From Hollywood. From these different perspectives, our hosts take on the problems and advantages of the Third Age; your first age is childhood, your second age is building your career and raising your family, and your Third Age is the rest of your life - the time dedicated to finding deeper meaning and fulfillment, to renewed passion, purpose and joy. Co-host Peter Brill is an MD, a psychiatrist and an entrepreneur who ran two companies and taught simultaneously at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School and the Wharton School of Business. He retired at the age of 54 and is here to share his advice on continuing to make new trysts with life after retirement. The doctor's partner is David Debin, a former Hollywood producer and writer as well as a multi-published novelist who achieved big-time success in Hollywood where he lived the glamorous life for three decades before retiring in favor of spiritual pursuits. David's soulful perspective and fabulous attitude will warm your heart on every show. Tune in weekly to get a great dose of potential for your third age.