Search for "energy"

Sustainable Business Podcast

Sustainable Business Podcast

It is our goal to provide you weekly insight and education in Renewable Energy, Energy Recycling and Sustainable Business Practices

Sector Close Up

Sector Close Up sector close up Podcast discusses market activity in large and small cap stocks in leading sectors including renewable energy, energy, mining and homeland defense

The Climate Minute

The Climate Minute

The Climate Minute examines current news on global warming, climate change, renewable energy and the prospects for progress on international negotiations, carbon taxes and clean energy policy.

The Land I Trust

The Land I Trust

The Land I Trust, an audio series by the Sierra Club, tells stories of special places under threat by dirty energy -- and how the transition to clean energy is benefiting people and the homes they hold dear. In our first series, we travel through the American South to talk with folks about the coal that is fouling their air and water, the dirty energy projects they're fighting in their backyards, and a shared vision for a clean energy economy that allows all of our communities to thrive. From climate refugees to farming families, these Southerners generously sat down, walked, and canoed with us while sharing their truths. Travel with us through North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama and Florida to hear firsthand how much moving beyond coal and fracked gas matters to communities everywhere.

Das ist eine gute Frage Podcast

Das ist eine gute Frage Podcast

Der Podcast von Cornelia und Volker Quaschning bespricht locker, kompetent und informativ aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich Klimakrise und Energierevolution. Dieser Podcast liefert Fakten und Hintergründe zum Klimaschutz und zur Energiewende. Er zeigt Lösungen auf, wie wir mit erneuerbaren Energien wie Solarenergie und Windkraft, einer echten Verkehrswende mit Fahrrad, Öffis und Elektroauto sowie einer Wärmewende die Klimakrise meistern und das Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen mit einer maximalen Erwärmung von 1,5 Grad einhalten können. Er beschreibt Visionen einer klimaverträglichen und nachhaltigen Zukunft. Der Podcast erläutert auch, welche Rahmenbedingungen die Politik setzen muss und welche Einflussmöglichkeiten wir selber haben.

Go Solar Walmart

Go Solar Walmart

Help convince Walmart to use clean renewable energy.``Send in photos from Walmart, or photos of receipts from Walmart.``Together the customers of Walmart can lead the way to clean energy for all.

Heating & Cooling Tips

Heating & Cooling Tips

As energy prices rise, most homeowners are concerned about keeping cooling and heating costs down. Here are some tips to help keep those energy bills under control. For more information and help visit

Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer)

Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer)

Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer) is a place where you can access a variety of energies for healing and growth. The energy in Kyla Love and Light is centered on light, love, and truth. This is a sacred space where you can find the truth of yourself. The way I work with people is by removing blocks from your spirit which allows you to become aligned with your true self. I use the power of my guides to assist you in this process. The energy in Kyla Love and Light is unconditional love, so your spirit will feel safe and protected in this space.



Soundcentury is the Indie Rock and Alternative Energy Source. Soundcentury features unsigned, indie rock bands from small towns across the world and serves them up through informing articles and professional quality podcasts. In addition, Soundcentury delivers the latest news on emerging alternative energy companies.

GLASTcast HD: The Extreme Universe

GLASTcast HD: The Extreme Universe

The Universe is home to numerous exotic and beautiful phenomena, some of which can generate inconceivable amounts of energy. Fermi/GLAST opens a new window on this high-energy world. With Fermi/GLAST, astronomers have a superior tool to study how black holes, notorious for pulling matter in, can accelerate jets of gas outward at fantastic speeds. Physicists are able to search for signals of new fundamental processes that are inaccessible in ground-based accelerators and observatories. Fermi/GLAST''s spectacular high-energy gamma-ray ''eyeglasses'' reveal hidden wonders, opening our minds to new possibilities and discoveries, expanding our understanding of the Universe and our place in it. For more information go to: