CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "I heard some sad news at the church board meeting last night," said Joel's father one morning. "You did?" Joel looked up. "What was it, Dad?" "It involves a family who moved into the yellow brick house on Elm Street," Dad told him. "Their name is Peterson. Last Sunday they attended our church, and on Monday night Pastor Holt visited them. They apparently liked what they heard of his message." Dad paused. "What's sad about that?" asked Joel in surprise. "Sounds fine to me!" "The sad part is that they couldn't hear the message very well," replied Dad. "Three boys were sitting behind them--talking and laughing during the entire service. The Petersons were offended by their disrespectful attitude and told Pastor Holt they were going to look for another church." "Really? Maybe if . . ." began Joel, and then he remembered that some new people had been sitting in front of him and his friends this past Sunday night. He suddenly realized why his dad was telling him about the Petersons. Joel knew that he was one of the kids who had been noisy and disrespectful. "Son, we've told you before that it's not only important to listen for what you can get out of a message, but it is just plain bad manners to disturb those around you!" said Dad. "For the next few months, you will sit with Mom and me at every service. After that, if you do sit with your friends again, you will sit in front of Mom and me--not behind us." Joel nodded numbly. "I didn't think about how I was acting at the time," he said quietly. "And there's something else you need to do," continued Dad. "You need to go and see the Petersons and apologize for making so much noise." "Me? By myself?" protested Joel. "The other guys were talking, too!" "They're not my sons," said Dad. "You are. You will have to go." Joel wanted to argue, but he knew he had done wrong, and he was sorry. He nodded reluctantly. "Maybe they'll change their minds and decide to come to church again," he said with a sigh. How About You? Do you listen quietly during the church service? Wouldn't it be sad if someone refused to return to your church because of the way you behaved? Wouldn't it be even worse if somebody failed to hear the Gospel because of your misbehavior? Be polite to those who are around you. Smile and greet new people. Sit still. Don't make it difficult for them to listen to the message. And listen for God to speak to you at each service. Today's Key Verse: Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear. (Ecclesiastes 5:1) Today's Key Thought: Be polite in church