St. Basil the Great – the “Doer” with Mike Aquilina

Discerning Hearts show

Summary: Known as the "Doer", St. Basil the Great is an extraordinary figure in our Christian heritage. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has said, Saint Basil the Great, one of the most eminent Fathers of the Eastern Church, showed to all those who wished to give themselves completely to God the way of monastic life, “where the precept of concretely lived charity becomes the ideal of human coexistence, where the human being seeks God without limitation or impediment” (cf. Orientale Lumen, 9). Saint Basil is for you a model of perfect service of God and the Church. His whole life consisted in the harmonious exercise of the virtue of faith and in acts of practical love in the spirit of the evangelical counsels. Down the centuries the teaching of Saint Basil has borne mature fruits of religious life, especially in the East. Take a listen to the interview above with Mike Aquilina and learn so much more about this "great" Father of the Church