Fitness Marketing, Drugs & Taking Responsbility for Your Body

Adonis Index Systems show

Summary: Changing the look and shape of your body is something that is completely within your control to do. But you first have to admit that it is your responsibility to get it done. And this admission of responsibility is the hard part. It is much easier to blame your shortcomings on someone or something else other than yourself. Fitness marketers know that you would rather not take responsibility for your body and will gladly sell you a story about how "it's not your fault" that you're gaining fat or haven't gained much muscle. Then once they've convinced you of this they promptly sell you the 'secret' solution to your fitness problem. The reality is that you are 100% responsible for the look and shape of your body. Eating and working out are completely within your control. Admitting this to yourself is the first step to actually getting the body and life you want. In this podcast we expose how fitness ad's and marketing campaigns are designed, how most of the 'models' you see are chemically enhanced, and how you're being sold a story of "impossibility". John