The Bad Boy Formula – Carlos Xuma Spills His Guts

Adonis Index Systems show

Summary: He walks into the bar... cool as a cucumber, luggage rolling behind him, smile on his face... ... which was strange considering he was over 6 hours late due to NUMEROUS flight delays and other "drive you crazy" set backs. But here he was, sitting in a bar, big ass luggage in tow... like he owned the place. I could see it in his eyes. He could care less what people thought. "So what's the closest thing to eat around here?" he asks. Obviously, he took the cab straight from the airport to the bar all of us were at. I can respect that. I mosey over to the nearest group of women and ask the simple question, "We need some food... what do you recommend within walking distance". I get an answer, and Carlos Xuma, Mr Bad Boy, Mr. Inner Game - makes a beeline for the door, luggage rolling behind him as he embarked on his little mini quest to get his grub on. This was the first time I'd met Carlos in the flesh, although we've talked off and on for the better part of 2 years. And, naturally, this was the type of behavior I expected - calm, cool, collected, and unfazed by the days events. Is it a surprise that I'd have him on this week's podcast? It shouldn't be... We're about to expose the "Bad Boy Formula"... that dastardly sweet spot that gets the ladies tingling and explodes your confidence to new levels. Listen in as I extract the knowledge from Mr. Inner Game himself... and take your life to the next level... just by getting out of your own damn way. Confused? Don't be, it's all here. Stay Cool, Brad p.s. Carlos just set up some really insightful free videos for you to check out. I've seen them, you might want to check 'em out too.