Change Your Body and Change Your Life

Adonis Index Systems show

Summary: Many things happen to you when you make a dramatic change in your body including: 1. A new level of confidence 2. A shift in your perception of yourself and who you are 3. The presence you will command in any social situation 4. The respect you command from others 5. The things you believe are possible will change 6. Your overall health, vigor and energy 7. The ability to carry the momentum of success into other areas of your life In this podcast we talk about many of these items with our first place overall Adonis Effect transformation winner Ron Hansen. Ron shares with us his keys to success and how he won the contest. We'll also discuss the difference between working out and training and how every rep of every workout matters. John (p.s. from Brad, if you haven't seen this video or registered for Wednesday's teleseminar, go here now ==>Brad Pilon Gains Crazy Lean Mass From 1 Weird Workout... we need to know how many more lines to add to our account as we'll already went over 2000... thanks!)