ShoeMoney’s Book is Engaging, Inspiring & Scattered

Trademark Productions SEO Web Talk Radio Show show

Summary: When it comes to internet marketing, there are few bigger names that Jeremy Schoemaker, though most people know him as “ShoeMoney.” This week, we had the opportunity to speak with ShoeMoney about his book, “Nothing’s Changed But My Change: The ShoeMoney Story.” Dwight Zahringer and ShoeMoney If you’re unfamiliar with ShoeMoney or his story, a good place to start would be an infamous picture of himself with a $132,994.97 check from Google. As he discusses in his book, he has achieved everything in his life because of his ability to a)  see angles, b) work harder than his competition and c) do what others might not be willing to do. These three things make up the motif in “Nothing’s Changed But My Change,” and consistently prove to be what has set ShoeMoney apart from the rest of the internet marking crowd for nearly a decade. Our conversation with ShoeMoney–like his book–was energetic, engaging and sporadic. His book is littered with “ADD Side Notes,” which are just what they seem and add yet another human dimension to the tome. We discussed a multitude of topics including the fact that while working harder than his competition and doing what others might not be willing to do are matters of work ethic, the ability to see angles is a gift. He said that he got that from his father, a hard-working blue-collar man. By combining this gift along with his intense work ethic, ShoeMoney was able to make not only a name for himself, but quite a bit of money as well. Another aspect of the book worth noting is his ability to admit his faults and mistakes. An avid mixed martial arts (MMA) fan, ShoeMoney bought the URL for around the cost of $60,000 because he wanted to make one of his interests profitable. Things didn’t turn out the way he intended, so he ended up selling the company centered on, nearly breaking even on the deal. All-in-all, the biggest takeaway from “Nothing Changed But My Change” is the belief that “having money isn’t everything, but not having it is.” Anyone can tell you that being broke and out of money is one of the worst situations someone can be in, but as ShoeMoney points out, it’s not about how much money you have, it’s about being able to live comfortably. And if that check from Google illustrates anything, it’s that ShoeMoney is living pretty comfortably these days. If you’re at all interested in “The ShoeMoney Story,” we highly recommend picking up a copy of the book on Amazon. ShoeMoney tells a funny, engaging, inspiring and sporadic story about what it takes to make it in the world. Also, make sure to listen to our interview with ShoeMoney below! Tell us what you think in the comments!